[SFS]VAMP BY DAY'S PBP 1-32 Acts of Association (Inactive)

Game Master VampByDay

A shirrin senior starfinder has tasked you with entertaining a foreign diplomat for a day. While far from the solar exploring you are used to, this task is important to the society.

Google Slides found here

Current Characters

Scarab Sages VampByDay

(2,998 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Grand Lodge Ecthelien the Grey

Male Elf - Arcanist 4 - AC(17)/T13/F10/CMD14 |HP 26/26| Fort:+3;Ref:+5;Will+5 |Percept.+4 | Init.+5 | { mage armor} Arcane Pool (0 of 9 used)

played by GM Aarvid (377 posts)
Telakin (Doppleganger)
Second Seekers (Jadnura) Kaath Novaflame

Male Kasatha Spacefarer Solarian 4 | Init +1 | Peception +6 | Sp 27/27, HP 25/25, RP 0/1 | EAC 15, KAC 16 | Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5 | Reroll 1/1 |

played by GM Aarvid (324 posts)
Exo-Guardians Korl "Voidfist" Larst

Male Vesk Solarian/2|SP 16/16|HP 20/20|RP 3/3|Init 1|KAC 17|EAC 15|Fort 4|Ref 1|Will 3

played by Peff (170 posts)
Dataphiles Morvruul the Merchant

Male LN tempered pilgrim witchwyrd operative 3 | SP 10/15 HP 22/22 RP 3/3 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +5; Will +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +9 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.
Bluff +13, Computers +10, Culture +11, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +11, Engineering +10, Intimidate +10, Mysticism +7, Perception +8, Piloting +10, Profession (merchant) +9, Sense Motive +9, Sleight Of Hand + 10

played by Lysle (347 posts)
Malin the Prophet
Dataphiles Seven of Eleven

Android: Dataphiles Mechanic / 3 Sta 19/ 19 HP 25 / 25 RP 5/5 EAC 16, KAC 18, AC vs. CM 26, Init +2, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2; PERCEPTION +7

played by Buckshot Bob (267 posts)
Threxen, Shirren Information Broker
Second Seekers (Roheas) Talltree

H |SP 18/18|HP 21/21|RP 5/5|EAC 12; KAC 13|Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +4/ooc]|Init +1|[ooc]Perc +7, SM: +1 |Speed 30ft|Active conditions: None.

played by John Woodford (255 posts)
Thesing the Vampire
Vampire GM By Day

played by VampByDay (1,474 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Dataphiles Von Junzt

Male N Half-orc Gladiator Witchwarper 2 | SP 10/10 HP 16/16 | RP 5/6 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +0 | Init: +3 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Speed 30ft | orc ferocity | Spells: grease, charm person, fear | Spell Slots 4/4 first level

played by The Ragi (132 posts)