GM Corwyn's Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master corwyn42

Jade Regent Adventure Path - Current Date: Toilday, 28 Erastus
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1d100 ⇒ 28

You decide to accompany the Weatherlys back to Riddleport and arrive without incident. Peter and Wilma are seen discussing something with Simon who nods and comes over to the party as you prepare to continue your journey to Brinewall.

"Peter and Wilma have asked me if you would consider staying in Riddleport a few days so that you could be our guests at their wedding. If your schedule does not allow this, we will completely understand and wish you safe travels."

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine runs into town to rent a tux!
I got to get a haircut! My I need new shoes! How does one waltz? Should I bring something new, blue, old and whatever the other one is!

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

Caine's mind already seems to have been made. With that said, he turned towards Ameiko. "Would you mind if we stayed for a wedding?"

"Not at all, it sounds like fun. We aren't in that big of a hurry. My only problem is what to wear, it's not like I packed for a wedding" she says with a grin.


Simon pipes up "Please, allow me the opportunity to have a dress made for each of you" as he points to Ameiko, Aiko, Shalelu and Koya.

"My tailor informs me that even though he is very busy with Wilma's dress, he has others in his shop who are available. I've never known him to turn down money either.

While you are in town, would you do me the honor of being my guests at the mansion? This isn't something I would normally do (as my chief of security is wary of strangers), but I have a good feeling about you. I feel my family is safer with you present.

James, open the north wing of the manor and find rooms for our new guests..." he says as he turns back to the group "that is, if you are interested in staying at the manor. I assure you it is just as nice as the inn you stayed at in Roderic's Cove."

Female Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 2/Samurai (Warrior Poet) 2 | 20/31 HP | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10 (trap spotter) | Challenge 1/1 | Ki pool 2/3 | Resolve 0/1

"A wedding!" says Aiko, clapping her hands together once. "Not what I expected on this trip, but a welcome event. And a happy one, which is an excellent change of pace. I would be delighted."

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

It wasn't something that he was used to, but who was he to deny someone the chance of something celebratory for once. With that, he nodded in agreement. "Looks like it will be a change of pace then. Wedding it is. At least I won't be showing myself in this." He gestured to his worn clothes he's taken with him on the journey.

When it came to measurements, he turned to Caine to figure out what size of clothes he needed.

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Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine gives Simon a sheet of paper. On it are the Magus' sizes, preferred colors and which fabrics would be appropriate.


Both the meals and rooms at the manor are the finest you have ever experienced. You sleep well and are fully rested the following morning. Your attire for the wedding is waiting in your rooms after you have breakfast and your suites/dresses are the most elaborate clothing you have ever worn.

You gaze out the windows over the southern landscape of the manor that extends until it reaches the Varisian Gulf. You can see the Riddleport docks to the west and a crescent shaped island several miles to the southwest.

Knowledge (local) DC 15:
The island is called Devil's Elbow. A village called Witchlight used to exist upon the island but is not uninhabited.

Knowledge (local) DC 25:
You know everything contained in the following Wiki Page: Devil's Elbow

The backyard is filled with tents, chairs and flowers. It is a beautiful sight. Guests begin arriving and filling the seats in preparation of the ceremony. You make your way down to the take your seats.

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine takes a seat on the Bride's side. The Magus looking nervous.
I do hope that I can catch the garter.

Knowledge Local(Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

"I just hope I don't get this thing soiled." Adrian replied. He walked that way too, mentally taking everything in his path so he could move through without incident. He more a light blue suit and pants with a white inner shirt that popped out into his hands. Notable, there was nothing but a handkerchief tucked into his right pocket. Basic, but still looked good.

"And are you sure you wanna marry that early?"

Female Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 2/Samurai (Warrior Poet) 2 | 20/31 HP | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10 (trap spotter) | Challenge 1/1 | Ki pool 2/3 | Resolve 0/1

Aiko says, "This is the first time I've been to a wedding and I haven't been one of the entertainers." She shifts one of her feet back and forth a few times and says, "Are the shoes supposed to be this impractical? ... but I guess this isn't an Ulfen wedding, it probably won't turn into a fight."


The sky is clear and the air is both cool and crisp. The smell tells you that winter is approaching, but the temperature is perfect for a wedding. As the sun rises, its warmth offsets the chill in the air enough to make it both comfortable and pleasant. The birds in the surrounding trees blend in with the sounds of the musicians playing melodies that are both familiar and magical. The numerous conversations of the guests add to the overall ambience and a feeling of excitement builds as the final preparations are made.

You are slightly overwhelmed at the magnitude and elegance of the affair. James walks by and asks "How is everyone doing? Enjoying the event so far?"

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine makes the most of his time at the wedding. He is seen dancing, eating, drinking, and even smooching with a few different girls from both sides.

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

"I don't think this crowd would be into that kind of entertainment,"[B] Adrian shrugs. When Aiko voices her opinion, he straightened up on his seat. [B]"I hope so," Adrian replies. "But I still thing we don't have the whole answer with the goblins."

Eventually, even Adrian manages to relax enough to try some drinks and dance. He's a bit loose with the dancing, but he proves to be surprisingly apt at it.

Once James returns, he nods in agreement. "It's the biggest one I've been in by far... but it's been nice so far."


Three men adorned in elaborate white and gold vestments approach the wedding gazebo in what appears to be some sort of ritual, burning incense and saying prayers.

Knowledge Religion DC 20:
You recognize the prayers as those from a very ancient ceremony involving the dead deity of Aroden.

Four other men wearing brightly colored robes position themselves around the exterior of the courtyard. They begin to chant and a silvery shimmer extends from their hands forming a kind of bubble over the entire area.

Knowledge Arcane DC 20:
This appear to be similar to a Magic Circle spell but you think it is some sort of ritual instead. It appears to be much more powerful in nature.

Peter and some groomsmen walk to the right side of the gazebo. The silver and gold clothes they are wearing are very different from anything you have seen before. The light that reflects from the clothing is very bright and you avert your eyes as you look at them.

The music intensity increases as the wedding march begins. The bridesmaids slowly process towards the gazebo followed by Wilma who is being escorted by a man dressed in military attire. Her dress is more brilliant that Peter's attire adorned in tiny gemstones which sparkle in the sunlight. It is the most stunning display of beauty you have ever witnessed.

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Knowledge (arcana) (Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Caine seems to be imbibing a bit tonight....

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

It was unlikely Adrian would have known the meaning of those people even if he wasn't distracted by the spectacle.


Peter and Wilma exchange vows after the priest's sermon explaining the virtues and challenges of marriage. During the exchange you notice a fog rolling in from the sea. The color of the fog appears to be changing from the normal white to an array of dull greys swirling within the haze. The affect transitions from a little disturbing to concern to fear as the size of the fog increases looking to envelop the entirety of the courtyard.

The robed figures begin to chant in earnest and the priests join in.

Knowledge Arcane/Religion DC 20:
The spells being cast seem to be protection in nature.


As the fog rolls over the silvery bubble, it appears to start to rain. As the water falls you hear it sizzle and pop as it strikes the barrier. Holes appear in the bubble and the drops begins to rain down upon the guests. James and other servants quickly distribute some kind of stick with something attached that you can only describe as cloth or felt. The stick contains a button that when pressed extends the cloth to a tiny dome at its top. The item provides some protection from the precipitation, but it is short lived. You soon notice that the liquid is not water, but some kind of acid.

Some of the guests begin to scream as tiny burn marks appear on their skin. Shouts to return to the manor cry out and chaos begins in the courtyard. The casters do their best to slow the acrid assault as some of the silvery bubble begins to reform.

Simon escorts Peter and Wilma as they scurry back into the manor. He shouts "Come inside quickly!"

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

The rain made the whole thing seem ominous, but no more than what a regular day would bring. The acid on the other hand wasn't.

Adrian quickly directed others to the manor, making sure as many people were safely inside before closing the door.

"What in gods name is going on? Who... who creates acid rain on a wedding?!"

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine comes running in from the burning rain.
What and the shit faced asshat who done planned this shitshow!? You forgot to order acid retarded umbrellas!


Once Simon completes his ushering into the manor of the wedding party, he continues motioning in the few stragglers who seem to be gawking at the strange precipitation.

"I'm not sure who, but I intend to find out. For now, everyone follow me."

He moves through some of the rooms and opens a pair of double doors that lead down.

Female Cleric/4 | HP 31/31| AC 20/12/18 |Saves 4/3/6 | Init +2 | Perc +4

Zaraleva marvels at her stunning new dress. It's the most fabulous thing she has ever worn. The event helps temper her depression that she will never find a husband. (Who would marry a hag after all?) She plans to drink a fair amount after the ceremony and try not to think about being alone.

She tries to whisper to Caine when the casting begins. "It's a powerful protection spell... more than I could do, although I have my disintegrate finger."

She rushes into the building, hoping the dress doesn't get damaged. Her curious nature pushes her to follow Simon into the unknown area of the manor.

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

Adrian couldn't help but keep his mouth open in bewilderment, even at the secret door he didn't know even exist. Still, he went inside into the unknown.

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine just chuckles at Zaraleva's comments. He follows the others through the secret door.
Secret doors are meant to be secret; hence the name.

He winks at the monk.


You descend down about 2 dozen stairs to arrive in a large lavishly furnished room. The walls are lined with wooden shelves which are filled with bottles of wine. There are several doors which lead into similar rooms where many of the wedding guests have assembled.

You see the three priests enter last and whisper something to Simon.

Simon raises his voice and says

"Call down everyone! We are all safe here. There are friends of mine who will handle the weather issue. They will let us know when it is safe to return."

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

As hard as it was him to admit it, Caine had a point. And at this moment, it was better to appreciate good news when it does happen. With a sigh, he went down with the others.

Once Simon had finished with his speech, he walked over towards the man. "Do you have any thoughts on what's going on here?"


"I have many thoughts, but I will not burden you with the details. I understand if you do not wish to stay. As much as I would like to say that I can ensure your safety if you decide to stay, I haven't yet received a report on the depth of this threat. There is an escape route you can take that will lead you back into the city should you wish to go. I will make your apologies to the bride and groom if you so choose.

I apologize for this, but I have other matters to attend to. James can show you the way to the tunnel that will lead you out. Please check with him if that is your choice."

Simon rushes out of the room and you overhear similar speeches to his other guests.

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

As Adrian listened to the report, he remained silent. Once he left, he turned towards the others. "As bad as it is, we can't leave them behind like this. I just feel we were missing something back in the tunnel, he sighed.

"This can't be natural. If we can track whoever is causing this, maybe we can put a stop to them."

Female Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 2/Samurai (Warrior Poet) 2 | 20/31 HP | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10 (trap spotter) | Challenge 1/1 | Ki pool 2/3 | Resolve 0/1

Aiko moves silently under cover with the rest of the group.

"Why would someone interrupt a simple wedding with acid rain like this?" she asks. "The possible motivations seem... limited."


A servant you don't recognize steps towards Aiko and whispers

"You didn't hear this from me, but I think it is the work of Kyle, Wilma's former boyfriend. His family was not happy when she broke off her engagement to him. Rumor has it he was not entirely faithful towards her. Beware the Rankoffs, Kyle's family is very powerful and has great influence over those in power. It would be wise to not get involved."

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine begins doing some stretches.
Ok; let's investigate this Acid Rain mystery. Where do we start!

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

"My best guess is that we start looking for information on anyone who might want to ruin this wedding."


A tall lanky man dressed in silver and black robes approaches Adrian and whispers to him

"If you want to know more about who might want to hurt the Weatherly family, I suggest you start by asking some of the servants here. They are your best chance of getting anyone to talk about that."

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

His body jolted for a bit before looking at him suspiciously. "Umm... thanks for the tip... but who are you exactly?"


As the robed figure continues his way through the crowd of guests you hear him reply "My name is not important, your next choice is what really matters."

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

It was suspicious to be sure. Yet at this point it wasn't as if they had much of a choice. "Alright. Let's spread out and see what other people are saying."

With that, he set off in search of any leads.

Diplomacy, Gather Information: 1d20 ⇒ 6


Most of the guests appear to be slightly nervous, but the servants seem to be calming everyone down, acting as if nothing is wrong. They continue to bring drinks and help setup the chairs for the ceremony to be held indoors.

From what you can make out, the fog/rain is slowing and talk indicates it may clear up soon. Several guests are wondering if the wedding might resume outside, but others have said that there is too much damage from the rain and Peter and Wilma prefer to finish the wedding inside.

Your information gathering has determined that you have about 30 minutes before the wedding will continue in a large room that was prepared to be the backup location in case of inclement weather. No one seems to offer any additional information about who or what is behind the disturbance.

Female Cleric/4 | HP 31/31| AC 20/12/18 |Saves 4/3/6 | Init +2 | Perc +4

Zaraleva looks for a servant that may have gotten a little damage and tries to comfort them and ask questions.

Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Diplo: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10


Zaraleva finds a woman with a small burn mark on their left arm. Despite her best efforts, she is unable to restore the skin to its original state. After about a minute, the servant rushes off with a nervous look on her face. She scurries off and is soon gone in the midst of the mirad of people crowded in the large hall.

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

Adrian tries to keep track of the servant that disappeared.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Caine looks at all the chaos.
Where did that servant go?

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16


Despite both Adrian's and Caine's efforts, neither is able to maintain eye contact after the woman disappears through a door leaving the hall. Some of the guests sit down while others bunch together to get a good view as it appears the ceremony may resume shortly. It is obvious that there are not enough space to fit all the chairs in this room, but the guests seem to be happy the event was not postponed.

Music begins to play but you do not see any of the musicians in the hall. Peter and his groomsmen appear out of nowhere, along with the three priests.

Perception DC 15:
You hear a soft chanting over the music.

Male Human (Tian-Shu) HP 21/22|AC 15/14/12|F +6 R+6 W+4| Int +2|Perc +9

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

It felt like some sort of boss music is playing, yet Adrian wwen't sure why that was happening.

Female Cleric/4 | HP 31/31| AC 20/12/18 |Saves 4/3/6 | Init +2 | Perc +4

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Zaraleva is startled by the sudden reappearance and stops to wait and watch. "Maybe I can read something with detect magic..." So she casts that and looks around.

Male Catfolk Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 08/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Caine seems to have gotten too drunk on the spiked punch.
Anybody seen Aiko?

Female Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 2/Samurai (Warrior Poet) 2 | 20/31 HP | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10 (trap spotter) | Challenge 1/1 | Ki pool 2/3 | Resolve 0/1

"I'm right here, Caine," she says.


As you cast the spell to detect magic, your head begins to pound. The sensation of magic seems to permeate everything around you. You find it difficult to concentrate with the meriad of information bombarding your mind. Every school of magic you have ever read/learned about is being detected and at levels you have never experienced before.


Soon the bride and her bridesmaids appear and the ceremony resumes. Shortly after the completion of the vows, you feel a slight shiver which builds into a violent shaking. Cracks appears in the ground and everyone falls to the ground. Unless you can make a DC 28 Reflex save. The shaking is so intense you think the entire manor may collapse.

Knowledge Engineering DC 10:
The outer structure seems to be built of stone or reinforced masonry.

Some of the interior walls collapse and cries for help seem to be coming from everywhere. A robed figure appears next to the wedding party and you see Peter, Wilma and four other members of the wedding party disappear along with the robed figure.

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