Bahor (Glorio Arkona)

Kwai Chang Caine.'s page

386 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.

Full Name

Kwai Chang Caine




Swashbuckler (Battle Dancer) 2 Hp 31/31 AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5 Perception(E)+5 Conditions: Exploration mode Search














Taldane, Amurrun

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Kwai Chang Caine.

Brief tail....:
notes Triodea

You do realize that Magnimar's Demographics consists of
13,307 humans, 821 halflings, 659 dwarves, 655 elves, 493 gnomes, 166 half-elves, 164 half-orcs, 163 others.

The orange and black Amurrun grins mischievously at his mentor. Standing 6' and nicely muscled, the Catfolk strikes an appearance.
Amurrun are in that last "163 others" category.

Looking quite perplexing at the tiger-appearing performer, his mentor (Kwai Chang Obi, Dance Instructor at the Triodea) can only shrug.
Not certain what this has to do with this act, Caine? Kassiel Iylmrain is the boss. And the boss says you start this particular number in the box.

Caine's blue eyes glance forlorn at the fore mentioned box with a sigh.
Who the f@#! is Schrödinger and why an Amurrun?

The old instructor sighs at the boisterous Catfolk.
When your mother and I received the blessings of Desna by finding you on our way back from Sandpoints Swallowtail Festival, we didn't quite envision our baby kitten with such a mouth.

Caine blushes.
Blame the fancy artsy School for Daring Advancement for that.

Obi laughs at his son.
Your manners, footwork and weapons work were supposed to be honed at that School; not your mouth.

Caine smiles back at his father.
No worries there! I shall do you proud at this year's Swallowtail Festival. Perhaps, even bring back some recruits for the Theatre.


Kwai Chang Caine
Ancestry Catfolk Heritage Nine Lives Background Musical Prodigy
Class Swashbuckler 2
Deity Desna
Alignment NG Size M Traits Uncommon Humanoid Catfolk
Perception(E)+5, Low-light
Languages Taldane, Amurrun
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC (T) 19 Fort(T)+5, Ref(E)+10, Will(E)+5

Resistances & Immunities

HP 31/31

Class DC (T) 18
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Speed 25'
Melee(T) Star knife +8 1d4+2 Traits Agile Deadly d6 Finesse Thrown 20 ft. Versatile S x2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 14 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 16
Acrobatics(E)+10, Athletics (T)+6, Diplomacy(T)+7, Deception(T)+7, Intimidation(T)+7, Music Lore(T)+4, Performance (E)+9 (+1 Dance), Thievery (T)+8
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats & Abilities
Land on Your Feet
When you fall, you take only half the normal damage and don't land prone

Cat's Luck (1st; Catfolk) 1/1

Skill Feats

Virtuosic Performer (1st; Background)
Fascinating Performance (1st; Swashbuckler)
Bon Mot (2nd; Skill)

General Feats

Class Feats & Abilities
Style Battle Dancer
panache (Acrobatics and Performance)
precise strike (+2/2d6)
confident finisher

Flying Blade (1st ; Swashbuckler)
Charmed Life (2nd; Swashbuckler)

Free Archetype

Acrobatic Dedication (2nd; FA)
--- -----------------------------------------------------
Gp 15/ 4 Sp 2

explorer's clothes
Adventure's Pack (1gp 5sp)
Leather armor (2gp)
Thieves Tools (3gp)
Replacement Picks (3sp)
