Gameday IX PFS Prince of Augustana (Core) (Inactive)

Game Master Qstor

Liberty's Edge

first come first serve

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to take just 5 since this is a season 0.

Grand Lodge

might have my core toon available by GD....

Grand Lodge

Good evening. I would like to join this table with my CORE character, Xusius Xometh, a L3 Wizard. I have ran this scenario once before in regular Society, but never played it.
Player Name: Xathos of Varisia
Character Name: Xusius Xoment
PFS #: 205984-11
Faction: Grand Lodge
Level 3 Wizard

Sovereign Court

I'd like to bring my level 1 to this adventure.
Player Name:Muzouka
Character Name:Johann Aurikson
Society Number:259896-4
Fast/Slow Track:Fast
Day Job roll:Profession(Hunter): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Silver Crusade

Hi, i would love to join with my drunken ranger.

Player Name: Tealk
Character Name: Bernard
Society Number: 159547-25
Fast/Slow Track: Fast
Day Job roll: None
Faction: Silver Crusade

Silver Crusade

Here's my 3rd-level melee ranger!

Player Name: SodiumTelluride
Character Name: Iladora Unfallen
PFS #: 89635-12
Faction: Silver Crusade
Track: Fast
Day Job: Profession (soldier): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Liberty's Edge

Room for one more!

Dark Archive

Player Name: Sylvester Solstar (Bard 1 / Sorcerer 2)
Character Name: Mage of The Wyrmkin
Society Number: 115226-11
Fast/Slow Track: Fast
Day Job roll: Perform Wind: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Faction: Dark Archives

Silver Crusade

Quick question, is this game still going ahead?

Grand Lodge

I hope so.

Liberty's Edge


Dark Archive

Muzouka and Grimdog: please look at the discussion thread. Your adventure is in another castle.

Grand Lodge core character won't be free for dragged on...can you find a replacement? sorry for not realizing the game wasn't near bad

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