Crimson Knights of the Black Blade
Game Master
Dungeon Level 1
Dungeon Level 2
Dungeon Level 3
Camp Setup
Red Goblin Base
Lockdown?!? What do you mean by that?
Thanks for chiming in and we shall see where we go next!
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
My home country has initiated another restriction due to covid so things are starting to get chaffed up............
Oh no! I am sorry to hear that, hopefully it clears up soon.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Lilianne wanting more fire.
No worries more fire is on the way!!!
Thorn you were the first one to move into the village as you charged into the village.
Is this wrong?
Then Andrei went to your side taking a double move.
At this point in the game Lilianne is the only one still at her post.
Aukan and Thorn could easily retreat to their spots... this turn.
I didn't think a map would be necessary but I will make one now.
Goblins could go over the rocks, go under your feet, etc. There is no sure fire way that standing in the exit will stop a goblins exit.
Did Thorn and Aukan leave two holes that goblins could escape without threat. In my mind: yes.
Male Human (varisian)|HP: 29/29|AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 13| F: +5, R: +1, W: +7 |Init: +0|Perc: +3, SM: +7, Diplo: +9, Heal +11, Kno (Rel) +11 Cleric/5th|Speed 40ft (40ft)|Active conditions: None|Channel Energy 3d6 7-7/day|
I know I left my post and I'm sorry. Andrei wasn't prepared to see his comrade overrun. I took Aukan away from his post. Andrei's more soft-hearted when it comes to his charges. If I can ask Aukan to retreat back to his position I would.
Though by what Thorn is saying maybe he didn't mean to 'charge' out at the goblin. Once we get that cleared up maybe Andrei would not have ran out.
If the first domino didn't get poked then the other domino's would still be standing.
Aramyros was behind Thorn, so his post would be covered then.
If we leave things as they are, Aukan in Round 3 will likely cleave and then back up to his hole.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
I think Thorn charged to his position between the rocks, not into the camp
Thorn Slivertip wrote: Round 1
Thorn hunkers down, ready to charge out at the first goblin he sees.
Ready action to charge, 1st goblin in range. Just not into the fire as well.
Did Thorn really mean 'charge'?
If so the action is up to one move action away to the intended target and then attack...
--- still waiting on Thorn to chime in here!!!---
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
The minimum movement for a charge is 10ft, so he could have been behind the rock and the second one came through, he could have charged forward just that distance, blocking the passage. It's not necessarily a double move (aka 60ft). It'll be interesting to hear what he has to say.
Yes that is true. I did some rolls and the first goblin to pass was 20 feet away. That is why I posted:
GM Wolf wrote: Round 1
Thorn readies himself and his weapon before the exit for a clear charge at the first goblin in line of his exit.
Thorn eventually one of the goblins pass through your line of sight, you charge 20 feet and strike the goblin.
And he didn't say: wait a moment or what?!?
He just went with it, right?
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
I'm going to put this here. Seems like this whole thing came about by not understanding what actions were meant to be taken.
Thorn Slivertip wrote: Round 1
Thorn hunkers down, ready to charge out at the first goblin he sees.
Ready action to charge, 1st goblin in range. Just not into the fire as well.
The Plan Which I thought would be to set fire so that the goblins will come out and we will bottle neck them at those points.
GM Wolf wrote:
Thorn readies himself and his weapon before the exit for a clear charge at the first goblin in line of his exit.
Thorn eventually one of the goblins pass through your line of sight, you charge 20 feet and strike the goblin.
Here you had me apparently just break the plan and charge right in.
Why the heck would I be charging into a mob of goblins by myself???
So apparently this whole thing is just me not making clear in my post.
My thoughts on reading that part of the post is on. I'm charging a goblin at the exit. I'm at a chokepoint now.
Going down it seems now that is not what happened.
So all the confusion now is on me.
My apologies.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Well, now we know he didn't charge in. In any case, Aukan moving over still makes sense as long as Aramyros holds his spot.
Male Human (advanced) Godling
Hi all. I was dumb and split Gatorade on my laptop. It's in for repairs until next week. So I won't be able to effectively post until then. Sorry.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Hah...Ok, that sucks. I hope whatever caused you to spit Gatorade on it was funny.
Hopefully it is a quick turnaround.
Ok we are going with a recon then.
Thorn is staying at his post, Aukan at his post, and Lilianne do you want to place the grease fields in front of you?
Go ahead and post your Round 1 and Round 2 actions again.
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
I hope your laptop is safe.
Gatorade on your laptop.....sticky and hard to clean off.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
No, I'll keep my posts the same. They were and are placed in front of Thorn at his gap between the two stones where (I thought) the majority of goblins had run (having seen him). It is to keep him protected, and as I stated in a post, make them consider using the other exits to circle around behind Thorn. However, it is then that they'll meet one of the other characters, Lilianne included.
So sorry folks I have been busy with work, getting my class ready, and trainings. I have been rather exhausted getting home and my naps have turned into sleeping a lot!
I was waiting for Andrei and Thorn. Apparently I will just move us forward. Shout out if you want to change anything.
First I want to start this off with a positive note: I appreciate all of the players that have stuck through my hard times. I know my absences can be trying at times.
To sum it up in as few words as possible I am sorry for the lack of communication. I have been dealing with depression, the new school year, and making sure none of it affects my priority #1: my son.
Yeah work has been crazy as a lot more work has been put into teaching these last two weeks.
What I would like from the players that are still around is what you would like to see in the near future in our game. Next if you wish to get to the end of a chapter and end it on a high note or continue with the campaign.
I have date night with my wife tonight. So I plan to make some major posts and then continue updating later in the evening.
The only main threat these goblin dogs and goblins have to the group is their numbers. There are 4 that could possibly make things bad for you...
How should we handle this fight, you guys up for finishing it or shall we make it a thematic fight?
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
I would prefer to get to the end of this goblin camp chapter and end it on a high note. I would also prefer/suggest that since there has been some confusion, let's just finish this fight thematically. Maybe a series of percentage rolls can be made and we can see what happens based on them? I mean, we have them at a fiery advantage, trapped, and bottle-necked. So they are kind of doomed, but just how bad might depend on the dice. What would you prefer to do?
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
I vote for ending this goblin camp chapter.
We got them boxed in and seeing how we have them in confusion as well, it's just waiting to see how much damage we deal to them and the surroundings as well.
Sounds good... let's go with a d20 + level roll off!
Oh and we only need to roll versus the goblins I describe. So the goblin in full plate, the goblin with a skull helmet, and the one with bone armor.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Roll Off: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Not bad. About average. We also have not heard from Andrei.
Male Human (varisian)|HP: 29/29|AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 13| F: +5, R: +1, W: +7 |Init: +0|Perc: +3, SM: +7, Diplo: +9, Heal +11, Kno (Rel) +11 Cleric/5th|Speed 40ft (40ft)|Active conditions: None|Channel Energy 3d6 7-7/day|
Roll Off: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
The varisian stands with his beloved. In all things.
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
roll off: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Yeah, oops, subtract 2 from mine. :P
LOL, no worries!
I will roll for the goblins once you face off with the special ones.
General goblin roll for fun!
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Smash them!!!
Ummm. Thorn and Andrei maybe be a bit more specific.
Lilianne, did you see the ooc? FINISH H8M!
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Thorn double moves towards the site where the rest are.
The challenge dice is in case there are any goblins in his way. He'll just bull rush them out of the way.
Popping in real quick before I pass out again. Dealing with pain, kidney stones, and meds. This is day 3... hopefully I have the energy to make some posts tonight.
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Do rest well.
It sounds like you're having a bad time with those stones now.
Yes. Thank you. I think the one passed and I have been taking myself off the meds yesterday. Still soooo sleepy!
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Does that conclude our D20 goblin roll-off?
Yes the shaman was your last threat. Now you just have non-combatants and the camp to clean up.
Once done will you be heading to the last goblin village or back to camp?
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
I think we'll head to the last goblin village.
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Last goblin village then.
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
I don't think we should go in. We were hired to kill goblins and then there is some funky stuff afoot. Lilianne would be much more comfortable just shooting the torches from a distance and see if it has any effect.
Go for it! Talk with your members in gameplay and discuss.
And with that wonderful post by Lilianne unless someone wants to continue down the endeavor, we shall end this campaign.
Thank you for making it a memorable game and best of luck to each of you!
INACTIVE Elf Female Ranger LVL 4| HP 46/46| AC 17 (T 12, FF 15) | Perc +12 Darkv., Low-light | Init +4 | F +6 (+4 vs endurance feat topics), R +6, W +3 (+2 vs mind-affecting)| CMB +6, CMD 19 |
Thank you so much for running the campaign, GM Wolf.
Male Half Elf Slayer (Cleaner) 1 / Inquistor (Sworn of the Eldest) 2 / Alchemist (Mindchemist) 2 HP: 32/32| AC: 21/12/19 | Fort: +10| Ref: +7| Will: +4| Init: +4+(+2)| Perc: +9| CMB: +6| CMD: 17|L.Mace: +6;1d6+3|Mit.Dag:+6;1d4+3| C.LB: +5;1d8| Bomb: +5;1d6|
Thank you all for this game.
may we meet again on these vast boards.
Male Human (varisian)|HP: 29/29|AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl)|CMB: +3, CMD: 13| F: +5, R: +1, W: +7 |Init: +0|Perc: +3, SM: +7, Diplo: +9, Heal +11, Kno (Rel) +11 Cleric/5th|Speed 40ft (40ft)|Active conditions: None|Channel Energy 3d6 7-7/day|
Yes. Thank you again GM Wolf. And thank you fellow players!
Your welcome! I hope to see you again in a future game if the dice roll sets our destinies together again!
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