GM Losonti's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Losonti

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Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

Tristan puts away his shield. His weapon already sheathed. The Inquisitor raises both hands; as they approach the barricade.
Hello, The Heart! Praise be to Iomedae! We are Her servants having fallen; but She has brought us to this haven.

He also announces all their names and titles.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Junior adds, "Well he's her servant and him and him but that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't good people too."

Aid diplo: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

"I don't suppose there's an Irabeth in there?"

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

Benedic frowns at being described as a “fallen servant of Iomedae” but bites his tongue.

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

At the sight of the party's open approach, an alarm is raised from the inn's third floor, quickly followed by the appearance of a number of crossbowmen upon the barricade. "Stop right there!" comes the shouted instruction.

As Tristan and Junior introduce themselves, Anevia limps forward on her crutch. "I can tell it's you, Bryn. If you keep me from seeing my wife, you're the one she's going to come after!" Some discussion takes place on the barricade, though the details are inaudible.

After several seconds, a portion of the barricade is shifted aside by a team of soldiers, who usher your party inside. Waiting for you is a powerfully built half-orc woman in full plate, who immediately rushes forward to sweep Anevia up into her arms. The rogue, for her part, lets out a joyful cry and returns the embrace. They speak quietly to one another for a short while, before Anevia turns to face you. "Irabeth, these are my friends, who helped pull me from the depths. Friends, this is my wife."

Irabeth, one arm supporting Anevia's weight, nods and smiles at each of you. "Thank you for keeping Anevia safe. I know it couldn't have been easy these last few days." She straightens her shoulders and stands a bit taller before continuing. "As of right now, I am the acting commander of the Eagle Watch, until the Mendevian army retakes Kenabres. I have a great need for intelligence from elsewhere in the city; please come inside and tell me everything you've seen since the attack."

Art of Irabeth can be seen on Slide 5!

F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

Greta breathes a sigh of relief as they step into the first safe, familiar environment they’ve seen in days. She looks up at the half-orc woman and smiles at the revelation that she’s the one in charge. ”We’d be glad to tell you as much as we can,” she answers Irabeth warmly, ”I’ve always wanted to join the Crusade but nobody ever takes me seriously because I’m... well, because I don’t look like you, but if there’s any way we can help you we will, and maybe if we do a good enough job you could let me join you- that’s a thing that happens, right? It would be like an audition and if my performance is good enough I could join, even though I’m not.. even though I don’t look the part; do you think we could try that?”

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Junior begins to recount the tale of the earth swallowing them up, personally seeing Terendelev's sacrifice in her battle against the Storm King, their journey back to the surface, treating with Lann's people, climbing their way through a cultist stronghold, delivering Aravashnial to the Blackwing Library and Horgus to his Manor. He's sure to share Hosilla's letter and asks that Amelia share anything she might know, but he doesn't force her to talk if he gets the sense it makes her uncomfortable.

Throughout his retelling he only embellishes the details a little bit.

Perform Oratory: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

"So really we have to check out the Tower of Estrod and Topaz Solutions for clues."

F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

Lol- don't forget the part where Greta one-shotted a demon before it got to act!

Male Elf Magus (Hexcrafter/Bladebound) 6/Archmage/Champion 1 AC 27* FF 23* Touch 16*, Hp 14/50 Fort: +17 Reflex +12 Will +11; initiative +3, Perception +6 |ACTIVE EFFECT: Protection from Evil +2, Haste, Shield, Alter Self, Fly, Mythic Heroism

Thank you Commander Irabeth, we are happy to have delivered your wife to you, and these prisoners to the care of the Eagle Knights. Caliban greets the paladin. Then he listens, spellbound, at the words Junior spins of their adventures below the city.

When he's done Caliban will ask, May we sleep here and head out in the morning to investigate these places?

Grand Lodge

M NG Human Life Oracle 6 | Mythic Tier: 1 | Hero Points: 3/3 | Mythic power: 5/5 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 16 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +0 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Channel energy: 5/5 | Will save reroll: 1/1 | Life link: Benedic, Caliban, Greta, Tristan, Junior, Selann | Spells: 1 (5); 2 (6); 3 (4)| | Active conditions: none | Sinesia HP 23/23

As they are greeted by menacing crossbow, Massielo doesn't twitch for a second. He is sure these are not enemies. A few moments later they are placed before and introduced to Irabeth. Massielo can't help but smile at her caring of Anevia. She asks for details about their story, but Massielo is too distracted to contribute. He looks to the sides, checking out people.

As Caliban changes the subject about sleeping there, Massielo finally asks "And also, I want to know if the Cirus are here. My father, Titus is a crusader veteran and my mother is a priestess of Iomedae. Are they here?"

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M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5
Greta Gyllenhår wrote:
Lol- don't forget the part where Greta one-shotted a demon before it got to act!

Junior adds after seeing Greta frown at him, how a dretch was exploded in a fountain of blood and gore at what appeared to be the slightest touch of her hammer. Her quick and brutal ability at martial combat turned the tide that day.

F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

Greta's face lights up when Junior gets to the part of the story where she destroyed the demon in the shop and she excitedly adds, "well, it was actually an abrikandilu, I think, and it wasn't exactly a slight touch, but the rest of the story is true!"

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Irabeth takes you to a room inside Defender's Heart with a large table and comfortable chairs, and invites you to sit, though she remains standing. She listens attentively to Junior's tale, interrupting at times to ask clarifying questions or for more details on this and that. The news of your alliance with the people of Neathholm delights her, and she steps out for a moment to speak with an aide. She returns with Lann in tow. "In the morning, I am sending a detachment of Eagle Watch knights to Neathholm with Lann to work out the details of our alliance with the First Descendants. This is a remarkable achievement on your part."

The story of your encounter with Hosilla, her cultists, and the letter with its list of safehouses also draws particular interest. "I know of whom you speak," she says. "The Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth. In my opinion, one of the most dangerous elements of the enemy. They have spies everywhere, and have apparently been among us for decades. Only recently has proof of their presence been manifesting. I personally managed to root out one of their more powerful members—the leader of a group called the Hammers of Heaven. We all thought of Staunton Vhane as a model crusader, but as far as I was able to discern, he’s been working for the demons for decades. There’s even evidence he may have been the one to betray Drezen 75 years ago. They knighted me for that discovery, but I’m still not sure why, since he slipped through my fingers and is out there still, causing who knows how much more damage..." Irabeth trails off here for a moment before she shakes her head to clear her thoughts. "It's not much, but I can offer a reward if you'll investigate the safe houses: 1,500 gold for the safehouse you've already crossed off, and another 3,000 for the two remaining."

After Junior's tale is complete, she answers each of your questions. She smiles at Greta's request, and nods. "If half of what your friend has said about you is true, you've outdone many veterans twice your age. The Eagle Watch doesn't stand on ceremony; we prefer to spend our time rooting out evil. If you'd like to join us, there's certainly no one to stop me from knighting you here and now."

To Caliban, she nods. "You've all certainly earned a night's rest in a soft bed. I'll have rooms prepared for you. Any healing magics you require are also available to you, free of charge. As for your parents, Massielo, I know them. I brought them here yesterday as we returned from a ranging mission. Your father's been doing his best to help, and of course your mother has already gotten to work healing our troops. I'll take you to them immediately."

The party's had a very long day! As a reward for returning Aravashnial to the Riftwardens, Horgus to his home, and Anevia to her wife (along with all of the refugees and reforming miscreants you've picked up along the way), you have ascended to level 4!

Grand Lodge

M NG Human Life Oracle 6 | Mythic Tier: 1 | Hero Points: 3/3 | Mythic power: 5/5 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 16 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +0 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Channel energy: 5/5 | Will save reroll: 1/1 | Life link: Benedic, Caliban, Greta, Tristan, Junior, Selann | Spells: 1 (5); 2 (6); 3 (4)| | Active conditions: none | Sinesia HP 23/23

Yay! Now this is a friday!

Massielo plainly says "Thank you." It is not new to him to speak to ranking officers, but Irabeth has displayed wisdom. Massielo is humbled by her. He stoically walks after her to see his parents, but melts in tears as he sees them fine. He runs over to embrace them, nearly hurting them with his armor.

Until the next morning, he stays with his parents, telling his tale and helping his mother heal the troops.

Halfling Diviner 3/Rogue 2/AT 2/Trickster 1 | HP: 55 (of 55) | Init: +9/+14 with Anticipate Peril, MAB: +8, RAB: +8, | Fort: +5, Reflex: +11, Will: +5 | AC: 15, FF: 11, Touch: 15 | Acrobatics +13, Climb +6, Disable Device +14, Escape +11, Know(Most)+6/Arcana+9, Perception +17, Stealth +17, UMD +9 | Hero Points: 2 | Forewarned | Prescience: 5 of 5/day | Mythic Power: 5 of 5 | Active Magic: Mage Armor

Though not terribly concerned about the crossbows aimed at the party, when they are taken inside Selann is overwhelmed. Even though he was with the group he hadn't seriously considered what they'd been through. When the additional word of the work of the Eagle Watch was added and the reward stated all he could think to say was "Wow. OK. I guess there's still a lot to do."

Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

Tristan will also put forth his report to the Commander. The Inquiistor introduces himself; along with all the others my name (and ranks if applicable).
Any Inquisitors left that may have found their way here, Ma'am?

Male Elf Magus (Hexcrafter/Bladebound) 6/Archmage/Champion 1 AC 27* FF 23* Touch 16*, Hp 14/50 Fort: +17 Reflex +12 Will +11; initiative +3, Perception +6 |ACTIVE EFFECT: Protection from Evil +2, Haste, Shield, Alter Self, Fly, Mythic Heroism

Hearing Irabeth's kind words toward Greta, Caliban smiles, Congratulations, my friend, truly a more fitting knight they could not ask for.

Caliban will gladly accept the healing needed, and then finding himself with some spare time in the night, will copy a scroll into his spellbook! Take 10 on copying Bear's Endurance for a total of 20; -40GP

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

Benedic smiles, happy for his... friends? to have the limelight. He pauses, considering the word to collectively describe Caliban, Selann, Tristan, Greta, Junior, and Massielo. Perhaps 'friends' is the right word after all. I can no longer think of them as merely 'cohorts' or 'traveling companions'. Truly, I would be dead and lost without them all! He looks at them in turn, his expression thoughtful and almost gentle.

He has heard of Irabeth, of course, though they move in very different circles and they have never been introduced. He is initially startled when he realizes that she is Anevia's wife-- she is that Irabeth? is his thought-- and seeing how they treat each other causes both of their reputations to improve even more in his estimation.

When Junior describes the plot involving Hosilla, he reverentially draws Radiance from its sheath and turns the hilt toward Irabeth for her to take it and inspect it. "We have undertaken the task of returning this legendary sword to the Gray Garrison, from which it was stolen. Have you seen it before? It is a very fine blade, and enchanted with magic that we found extremely valuable under the city." Part of him feels like he should offer it to the paladin to take, as she is certainly worthy, but another part of him is very reluctant to let it go. Wielding Yaniel's famous weapon has given him a strange confidence and inner peace that is as beautiful as it is troubling to him.

"Are there any others here from the temple of Iomedae?" he asks, idly worried about his acolyte Beatrics and oddly embarrassed to find himself asking about her. "Some of them might be pleased to know we survived, and it would allay my fears to see that they are safe," he says, frowning. Now why did that idea annoy him? There was something about Beatrics that nagged at him, something that he had lost track of in all the business of the past few days. Perhaps if she were here, if he could see her, it would remind him.

F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

Greta's eyes go wide with shock and delight when Irabeth says she could knight her here and now. Her shock is so great, in fact, that she can't manage to get a word out until the commander is escorting Massielo to his family. She follows them both in a stupor, and gives the healer a friendly pat on the back just before he runs off to his family. After that she takes a deep breath and is finally ready to speak when Benedic displays the recovered sword for Irabeth.

She tries hard to mask her impatience as they speak and as soon as they finish she declares, "okay, ma'am, I'm ready... what do I do? Should I kneel? Are there words I need to memorize, or repeat after you, or..." Her cheeks redden with embarrassment as her voice trails off.

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Junior looks positively giddy at Greta's knighting ceremony. He begins to pick at his garments worried that they're too dirty but then remembers he cleans them magically.

Afterwards he mingles with the other survivors trading some of the magical trinkets to people in exchange for what valuables they have. Finally he settles in for a couple hours of smithing, reforging his mother's blade was turning out to be very tricky. He wonder's how she managed such a feat, but he was making slow progress. Taking 10 on the craft check to work on the greatsword portion.

The next day he says to Caliban, "Hey man I think we should do a colab. Fred was thinking I could do like the reverse of vanishing and make a whole bunch of illusions of myself. Anyway I was thinking I can make a scroll and you could probably learn how do to it from that. Having a bunch of mes surrounding you is bound make it hard for the demons to hit you. We'd only need some ink and silver dust, maybe some vellum."

Take 10 on the spellcraft check to scribe the scroll if you want to spend the money on the scroll Caliban. From Cal's spellbook Selann can learn it too.

When they were ready to head out Junior suggested, "Tower of Estrod first?"

Male Elf Magus (Hexcrafter/Bladebound) 6/Archmage/Champion 1 AC 27* FF 23* Touch 16*, Hp 14/50 Fort: +17 Reflex +12 Will +11; initiative +3, Perception +6 |ACTIVE EFFECT: Protection from Evil +2, Haste, Shield, Alter Self, Fly, Mythic Heroism

That sounds like a confounding and genius idea Junior, a series of yous surrounding me would make it difficult to locate me in the melee.Caliban nods, and sets about to find the silver dust and ink...

Junior, how much for the materials?

The scribing completed, Caliban tucks the scroll into his spellbook and further into his pack, Tower of Estrod it is then.

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

100gp for one scroll of mirror image

Male Elf Magus (Hexcrafter/Bladebound) 6/Archmage/Champion 1 AC 27* FF 23* Touch 16*, Hp 14/50 Fort: +17 Reflex +12 Will +11; initiative +3, Perception +6 |ACTIVE EFFECT: Protection from Evil +2, Haste, Shield, Alter Self, Fly, Mythic Heroism

deducted off the loot sheet 100 GP

Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

Tristan wonders about Defender's Heart. He assists any wounded. He offers his back for work. He provides tactical advise, concerning troop placement, barricades, trenches, look-out towers and anything else that would defend the fort.

He attends Greta's knighting ceremony with pride.

Once the group has exhausted their stay 24 hours? More?, the Inquisitor joins the group.
Tower of Estrod sounds splendid.

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

Before they depart, Benedic seeks out a merchant to upgrade his armor. He can't afford full plate yet, but he can make it halfway! Selling his splint mail and buying a suit of half-plate.

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

How much more do you need?

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

202 gp. But I'm sure we'll find lots of sets of plate mail just lying around as we start finding dead Crusaders, right? :)

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

I can spot you but that's up to you.

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

Sure! I'll note how much extra it was on my sheet and we can redistribute next time we get paid. Thanks!

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Not expecting you to pay me back.

Junior shakes his head when Benedic picks out a half-plate suit of armor, he points to a full plate set and hands Benedic a handful of platinum pieces. "This will look much better on you anyway."

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Irabeth's eyes widen when Benedic unsheathes Radiance and the room is filled with its glowing light. Wordlessly, she takes the sword from him and holds it gently, as though it might shatter. Her gaze still fixed upon it, she replies to Benedic. "If your quest is to return Radiance to the Gray Garrison, then I believe you will need it. I am still waiting on my scouts to report back, but it may have fallen into the hands of the enemy. I am certain, at least, that your finding such a legendary sword is no coincidence."

She turns the blade in her hands to return it to Benedic hilt first. She then includes Tristan in her answer to the next question. "I believe there are several from the temple, yes. Last I saw them, several were in the infirmary. I can have someone take you there."


Irabeth smiles at Greta, then turns to the rest of the party. "Noble crusaders, is it your judgment that Greta Gyllenhår is worthy to be numbered among the Eagle Watch in prowess, loyalty, and virtue?"

Immediately following the presumed chorus of agreement, she turns back to Greta and nods. "Kneel."

"Right mindful of your prowess on the field, and responsive to the wishes of your peers, I am minded to make you a knight."

"Know that to wear the belt and chain of a knight is to hold a sacred trust; that the obligations of knighthood will demand your efforts every moment of your life."

"A knight of the Eagle Watch must respect all those who are weak or defenseless, whether because of age, infirmity, poverty, or vow, and be steadfast in defending them."

"Her word must be dependable beyond doubt or question. She must never flee from the face of her foes. She must be generous to all. And, always and everywhere, she must be the champion of the right and the good, even and especially when she is in danger."

"The laws and customs of the Eagle Watch require that a knight be valiant, as you have demonstrated you are upon the field; that a knight be virtuous, as you have shown yourself to be and as these gentlemen and ladies attest; and that a knight be loyal to her comrades."

"Do you then desire to accept the burden of knighthood?"


As an old soldier, Massielo's father tries to appear stoic upon seeing his son alive and well, but not even he can hold that up for long, and soon he also sheds tears of joy. His mother's reaction is somewhat more subdued, though more out of exhaustion rather than anything else. The constant flood of injured and sick has taken its toll, but the return of her son lifts her flagging spirit considerably.

Grand Lodge

M NG Human Life Oracle 6 | Mythic Tier: 1 | Hero Points: 3/3 | Mythic power: 5/5 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 16 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +0 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Channel energy: 5/5 | Will save reroll: 1/1 | Life link: Benedic, Caliban, Greta, Tristan, Junior, Selann | Spells: 1 (5); 2 (6); 3 (4)| | Active conditions: none | Sinesia HP 23/23

After the ceremony, Massielo rests his hand on Greta's shoulder, letting her know he acknowledges her triumph.

After being with his parents for as long as he can, Massielo sleeps and rests peacefully for the first time in many days.

F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

Greta kneels, doing her very best to remain somber and stoic despite the waves of emotion crashing over her. She listens carefully to each and every word, weighing them against what she has promised to the General of Vengeance. As soon as she's certain that the two don't contradict each other, she answers in a clear, loud voice, "I do."

Any chance Benedic wants to lend Radiance to Irabeth for this ceremony (if there's a part that involves a sword at all)? I think the only way this could be any cooler for Greta is if she got knighted with the sword of a famous female crusader that she helped to recover.

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

If he is asked, Benedic agrees that ceremonially ascending a worthy petitioner to knighthood is an appropriate use of the legendary sword, even though she follows a very different deity. He certainly won't object, and out of respect and friendship with Greta, he would like to see her experience the most meaningful event she can.

But out of character, the ceremony is about Greta and Irabeth, right? It's a bond between them, and there's no reason for Benedic to go interfering in it. I imagine it's like Arwen asking Elrond if she could borrow his cool magic ring for her wedding ceremony. It's cool, but certainly not necessary. ;P

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods


"Benedic, would you mind lending Radiance to me for just a moment? I doubt we will get another chance quite like this one."

Taking the sword in her hands, she looks down at Greta. "Very well, Greta. Now, repeat after me."

"I here swear to ever be a good knight and true,

reverent and generous,

shield of the weak,

obedient to my conscience,

foremost in battle,

courteous at all times,

champion of the right and the good.

This I swear, Greta Gyllenhår."

The oath sworn, Irabeth takes the legendary sword and taps Greta's shoulders once each with the flat of the blade. "Stand, Sir Gyllenhår. Welcome to the Eagle Watch."

You may also substitute Ser or Lady, depending on your preference. I forgot to ask in advance.

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F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

Greta’s smile grows as Benedic hands Irabeth the sword. She knows that the ceremony is about her initiation into the order and her commitment to uphold its ideals, but she can’t help but feel like there’s something extra special about her being knighted by a female commander using the sword of a famous female crusader. Suddenly she’s struck but by an incredible burden of responsibility- it was on her shoulders now to follow in these women’s footsteps, to rise to their level, and advance the work they’ve done to push back the demon horde. Her smile doesn’t waver, but a look of resolve settles in around it.

She repeats each line of the words back to Irabeth in the same clear, loud voice. She only hesitates once—at ‘courteous at all times’—but after a quick smirk she declares that as well and continues. When bidden to stand she does so and it’s painfully obvious that she’s fighting to contain both a giant grin and a flood of tears as she tries to present herself in a very dignified manner.

She quietly thanks the commander for entrusting her with ‘the burden of knighthood’ and Benedic for letting her use Yuriel’s sword. Massielo’s simple gesture is almost enough to undo her efforts at dignity, but she takes a deep breath and thanks him for being so supportive.

I think I’ll use Dame, if that’s ok? I believe that’s the female form of Sir (at least in the UK and some of its former subjects).

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none


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M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

In the aftermath of the knighting ceremony, Benedic is approached by a young woman dressed in common clothing, a sling on her injured arm. "Benedic, milord, is that really you?" she asks, her face flushed as though out of breath. "Thank the Inheritor, I thought Kenabres had lost you! We heard you had fallen and were swallowed up by the earth." Her voice quavers as she speaks, and it is clear she has gone through quite an ordeal herself.

Benedic's cheeks also redden, and he looks about him at his companions almost as if he is embarrassed. "Beatrics? What an extraordinary thing, that I should find you here and not at the temple. And not in your robes!" He pauses as he realizes he is sounding very harsh, and perhaps self-consciously he tries to soften his words a little. "But that's-- ah, that's no matter. Look at you! You, ah, must have been under a great deal of strain over the past few days, from what I hear about what has happened. Are you all right? I can see you have been injured. Is it serious?"

Beatrics blushes, looking down first in what might be abashed disappointment, and then looking up curiously as he questions her more kindly. "Oh, this?" she says. "Well, I-- I got into a fight with some ruffians who had broken into the inn. It will heal. My parents, you see, no one knows where they are, and with the extra trade for Armasse I had to look after it for them. The city has been-- well, of course you must know." Her brief look of anguish softens as she looks at Benedic. "But now that you are here, I feel we might have a chance. Give me a few minutes, let me change my clothes and I will be ready to return to my duties."

Benedic blinks, puzzled, and waves his hands. "What? No, no, of course not. You must rest and recover your strength, heal your injuries-- and I am going back into danger. You should stay here where it is safe!" Surprisingly for him, there is a quality to his voice that seems to be asking her to stay behind rather than commanding her. "I will return here as soon as I can," he promises.

She stops short after taking a breath to argue, and stares at him, as if she is thinking about what he is saying. Then she says quietly, "As you wish."

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M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Junior casually walks up to Benedic after he couldn't help but over hear the entire conversation between him and Beatrics. He comments with some amount of joy in his voice, "Benny, man, that woman likes you if you know what I mean. Now I can't blame her you are rather handsome." Then he says disappointed, "She's hurting and wanted someone familiar to talk to and you basically said 'I'm going out to die tomorrow.' You should sit with her and talk a bit man. And don't just talk, listen to what she's saying and not saying. People often forget what you don't say is just as important as what you do."

He adds finally, "Where I come from 'As you wish' means 'I love you.'"

M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

Benedic stares at Junior in surprise, but listens with respect as he has come to appreciate the half-orc's frank (if somewhat flippant) manner. He shakes his head with a laugh. "Beatrics? Oh, no, it is not like that-- she is my acolyte. The temple assigned her to see to my needs, and she's very dutiful in her devotion to Iomedae, that's all." He claps Junior on the shoulder in appreciation of his concern. Suspecting that Junior is missing someone, he asks "Is there someone back where you come from? You are not originally from Kenabres then?"

Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

Tristan smiles warmly at Greta's Knighting ceremony. The youth is happy that something right can happen at a time like this.

The Inquisitor also over hears the conversation between Benedic and Beatrics. He starts to open his mouth; but closes it as Junior speaks.
You beat me by that much!

He claps the confused Paladin on the back.
Better not wait too long.

Halfling Diviner 3/Rogue 2/AT 2/Trickster 1 | HP: 55 (of 55) | Init: +9/+14 with Anticipate Peril, MAB: +8, RAB: +8, | Fort: +5, Reflex: +11, Will: +5 | AC: 15, FF: 11, Touch: 15 | Acrobatics +13, Climb +6, Disable Device +14, Escape +11, Know(Most)+6/Arcana+9, Perception +17, Stealth +17, UMD +9 | Hero Points: 2 | Forewarned | Prescience: 5 of 5/day | Mythic Power: 5 of 5 | Active Magic: Mage Armor

Selann enjoys the ceremony, or at least what he can see as he tends to stay to the back of the group and is shorter than most....

Once it is over he waits until he has a chance to congratulate Greta. "You deserve it more than many that I've known. Now what title will I have to use in the future to speak with you?" He winks to let Greta know that he isn't actually expecting a reply.

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Junior smiles a bit but there is a hint of sadness in his words, "Well not where I'm from but back when I was a part of the Pickle Partisans, there was an elf that I was sweet on. It didn't really work out more of a crush type of thing."

He turns to Tristan and says hopefully, "Hey! Tristan did you want to go on a double date with me, Benedic, and Beatrics? These kinds of things can be easier with company. And that way with more people you don't have to struggle as much to keep the conversation going."

Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

Tristan thinks for a moment.
I have a prior engagement with Cabal of cultist. Perhaps, if Benedic survives the coming trials.

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Junior sputters a little bit at the 'not a no' answer, "Well of course! And its not like any of the cafes around here are in working order anyway. A rain check then, Benedic we'll let you inform Beatrics of the good news!"

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M LG Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16* T10* FF16* | CMB +2 CMD 12* | F+4* R+0* W+5** | Init +4 Per +3 (darkvision 60') SM +3 | channel 7/7, ToG 6/6 | spells 1st: 2+1/2+1 | effects/conditions none

Benedic frowns in confusion, mouthing the words "Pickle Partisans."

F NG Aasimar Bloodrager 7, Guardian 1 | HP 95/95 | DR 1/-- | AC 23 (t12, ff21) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 | initiative +2 | perception (darkvision 60') +10, sense motive +0 | rage 18/18 | hero points: 3 | mythic power: 5/5 | active effects: ironskin, prot v evil

I knew it! Greta thinks as she quietly listens to Junior and Tristan.

When the hand-shaking and congratulations are over, she approaches Irabeth and somewhat sheepishly asks, “so, what happens now, ma’am? Me and my friends were talking about going and checking out the other safehouses as soon as we get some rest, and maybe some food, but do I need to get permission for that now? I mean, I don’t remember there being anything in the vow about following orders, but I would... I mean, I will follow orders if there’s someone who’s supposed to assign me missions from now on?”

Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

Tristan laughs at all three of his confused companions. The Inquisitor will eat, pray, sleep; preparing for further forays against the cultists safehouse in the morning....

M NG Male Half-Ork | Skald 7 | HP 82/82 | AC 19, FF 19, Touch 13, CMD 23, 24 vs grapple | Fort +11 Ref +6 Will +10, +2 vs fear, +4 vs sonic, language, bardic | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +13 | Speed 20ft | Conditions: Alterself (kitsune), Shared training (amp rage) entire party, haste 5rds, tactical acumen, prot vs evil, rage song
1st 5/5, 2nd 2/4, 3rd 2/2 Raging Song 19/20, Lore Master 1/1, Ferocity 1/1, Child of the Crusade 1/1, Hero points 1/3, Alter Self 2/3, Ransuer 5/5, Mythic Powar 4/5

Ready to go to the Tower of Estrod

Grand Lodge

M NG Human Life Oracle 6 | Mythic Tier: 1 | Hero Points: 3/3 | Mythic power: 5/5 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 16 | CMB: +6, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +0 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Channel energy: 5/5 | Will save reroll: 1/1 | Life link: Benedic, Caliban, Greta, Tristan, Junior, Selann | Spells: 1 (5); 2 (6); 3 (4)| | Active conditions: none | Sinesia HP 23/23

Same here

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Irabeth shakes her head, chuckling. "What you've been doing now seems to be working, and I've no wish to ruin it. Still, if you need some orders, here you are: get some rest, then go and find out what you can about these safehouses, but above all make sure you return safely."

The next day

As the party is assembling at the barricade prior to their next foray into the city, Lann approaches at a jog and bows. "I'm glad I was able to catch you before you headed out, I wanted to thank you and wish you luck. Irabeth has asked me to stay on, to serve as a guide and liaison to her troops. I'm also acting as a 'sponsor' for Amelia. I'm not completely sure what that means, it's her term, but I believe it's a good thing."

Your trip to the Tower of Estrod

The barricade closes behind you, and you set out into Kenabres once again. Your journey takes you around two of the enormous furrows dug into the earth as you press toward the city center. You make your way through a massive gap in the inner wall, climbing over the pile of rubble that had once been a gate in the inner wall. Ahead and behind you, another trail of destruction winds its way out of the city.

For some reason, it takes a bit longer to actually find the Tower of Estrod than expected. That reason becomes very clear once you arrive, though. The sixty-foot-diameter gray stone structure is missing the bulk of its upper floors—some terrific force smashed its upper sections away, creating a huge mound of rubble north of the building and leaving the tower now a mere stump with a jagged top.

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