[PFS2] 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail (GM Watery Soup, New Player Game) (Inactive)

Game Master Watery Soup

Documents and Maps
Resource: numbat's Slides for New PbP Players
Resource: Differences between PF1 and PF2

Recruiting for 1-10, Tarnbreaker's Trail. This game is aimed at new players, and priority will be granted in the following order:

- players new to RPGs

- players familiar with RPGs (including PF1) but new to PFS2
- players familiar with PF2 (including PFS2) but new to PbP play
- players playing their -2001 character at levels 1-2

- players playing this scenario for the first time

- players who have played this scenario before

The time frame for this recruiting is rather open. High+ priority players will be admitted on a rolling basis - I'll open a Discussion thread and we can begin answering questions, with the expectation that that could take several days. As recruiting progresses, I'll broaden the criteria so that we're ready to begin gameplay when all the new players have their questions answered.

To apply, just respond to this thread. I'll give as much or as little help as you need.

If you're an experienced player who's looking to replay this, never fear - once this gets sorted out, I will be starting a second game with exactly the opposite priority scheme - you will be required to be familiar with PFS2 PbP, because I'm going to experiment with >1 post/day for a "fast" game.

Radiant Oath

Low priority here.

Brand new Character.

Willing to "co-teach" Up!

Normal/high prio.
Lots of experience with PFS1 but still utterly lost at PF2.

Dark Archive

I have neither played nor GMed this, so I am "normal" priority. I'd prefer to play with level 3 dwarven monk (2001), but will soon have my 2002 ready, an ulfen rogue.
I understand that this one is a followup to the quest... if so, I'd like to play it on my 2001, but he is level 3. My 2002 is just finishing up the quest, so will be available in a few days as well.

Add me too I’ve played 2nd edition pathfinder but am new to pbp and willing to try

Will be playing gibble my 2nd level bard if I’m let in

Verdant Wheel

Low priority. Have played plenty of 2E including this adventure. Marra is level 2 now. Need to update her.

Dark Archive

Normal priority here.

I have a level 2 druid.

Paizo Employee Designer

Low Priority here - I've gmed and played it, but it was fun so I would love to get to again. More than willing to help with mechanics as needed.

I've got a level 2 Druid, or I am willing to bring any of the pregens to help balance the party.

Wolfykip and Helikon, you two are in. I haven't created a Gameplay or Discussion thread yet, but please read through numbat's slides for new PbP players and I'll create the threads on Monday night or Tuesday (allowing one weekday for the people that don't check the forums much on weekends).

Helikon, I'll try to find a link to a primer on PFS2 vs PFS1. I've seen quite a few floating around and I'll just pick the best one (or link them all and let you sort them out). Or if I can't find one, I'll try to make a rundown.

Hi! I've been lurking in the online recruitment threads for a while.

I'm experienced with RPGs, completely new to PF2, new to PbP, new to PFS.

I'd love to give it at try.

GM Watery Soup wrote:

Wolfykip and Helikon, you two are in. I haven't created a Gameplay or Discussion thread yet, but please read through numbat's slides for new PbP players and I'll create the threads on Monday night or Tuesday (allowing one weekday for the people that don't check the forums much on weekends).

Helikon, I'll try to find a link to a primer on PFS2 vs PFS1. I've seen quite a few floating around and I'll just pick the best one (or link them all and let you sort them out). Or if I can't find one, I'll try to make a rundown.

I’ve read through it but I’ll do it again just to be safe

ottotoon wrote:

Hi! I've been lurking in the online recruitment threads for a while.

I'm experienced with RPGs, completely new to PF2, new to PbP, new to PFS.

I'd love to give it at try.

Cool, you're in. Can you tell me what systems you've played before, so I can get an idea of where to start?

Specifically, have you played Pathfinder 1st Edition or Dungeons & Dragons?

Sure, I've played Pathfinder 1e and D&D editions 1, 2, and 5, and a smattering of other systems.

GM Watery Soup wrote:

Wolfykip and Helikon, you two are in. I haven't created a Gameplay or Discussion thread yet, but please read through numbat's slides for new PbP players and I'll create the threads on Monday night or Tuesday (allowing one weekday for the people that don't check the forums much on weekends).

Helikon, I'll try to find a link to a primer on PFS2 vs PFS1. I've seen quite a few floating around and I'll just pick the best one (or link them all and let you sort them out). Or if I can't find one, I'll try to make a rundown.

Awesome. Many thanks!

I already got huge support from one of the others here.

Wolfykip, Helikon, and ottotoon - can you please start posting in the Discussion thread? It's one of the tabs at the top, or the link is here.

Liberty's Edge

Hey there! Room for one more? I'm new to 2e entirely, though I'm very familiar with 1e. I've participated in a couple PbP PFS threads but that was about 5 years ago, so I'm very rusty.

I don't have a 2e character registered just yet, but I'm confident that I could get one up and running quickly enough.

There is room for up to 6 High+ priority players. Fredison, you're in - mosey on over to the Discussion thread. That makes 4.

I anticipate a little bit of setup since the four of you are new; if we don't get any other applicants by the time you're ready to start Gameplay, I'll pull two Normal/Low priority players to round out the crew.

@GM Watery Soup - I’m very interested in playing a PF2 game - I have played exactly none.

I am well versed in PF1 and PbP here.

Does it matter if I’m less interested in the Society side of PFS2? Mostly I want to learn the PF2 system - I have the Core Rulebook.

I'm interested. I have not played any PF2 yet but am decently versed in PF1 and Starfinder. Currently in a couple of Starfinder PBP games on here. I have a character made but need to register him for Society play if selected.

Does it matter if I’m less interested in the Society side of PFS2? Mostly I want to learn the PF2 system - I have the Core Rulebook.

You posted in silvermoondew's non-PFS thread, but here's a recap of my opinion.

1. I'm not super interested in Society either. There are a lot of rules that take up a disproportionate amount of time relative to their work. 99% of the fun of Pathfinder Society is Pathfinder, 1% is Society. 90% of the work is Pathfinder, 10% is Society.

2. You get boons, you get downtime bonuses, you have to choose a faction, and you have to organize your Chronicles. I'll take as much of that off your plate as I can, but it won't be everything. You can ignore boons (I mostly do), I can calculate your downtime for you, I'll choose Grand Lodge for you, but you do need to save your Chronicles if you want to play PFS again.

You'll also need a PFS number (but I can assign you one) and you'll need to register a character (or an alias, but it's just as much work as registering a character). Your options for character creation will be limited - but I believe everything in the Core rulebook is legal. I can show you how to tell.

3. The big advantage of Society is this: you can take your character to any Society game and know everyone has abided by the same rules. You're not tied to a single GM or a single group of people.

4. If you consider the benefits in (3) worth the sacrifices in (2), I'm willing to help make it as easy as possible. If you don't, no problem - but you can't join a Society game. From silvermoondew's thread, you may have noticed this can be a real problem (Pathfinder Society gives incentives to GMs to maintain a balance of GMs and players, the non-Society games get swamped with player applicants because the ratio is unbalanced).

I'm interested if there is room.

I am familiar with RPG's & PbP. (Shadowrun 5E, D&D 1-5E).
Do not know anything about & have not played any PF1. Currently playing in my 1st PFS2 PbP. Have played some SFS.

WalkerOhmsford - you're in. If you create a druid, I hope you name it Allannon (sp?). I loved the Shannara series, but it's been 30 years since I read it.

Dooser - If Oceanshield declines (or doesn't respond in ~24 hours), you're in. If Oceanshield accepts, I'll look up the rules on having a seventh player at the table (I'm personally not opposed, but Society does have rules about this stuff, and while I like to be chaotic good about many rules, this is one that I'm going to have to be NG/LG about).


Registration is pseudo-closed. If you're High Priority, you can still apply, but you're probably going to be on the waiting list unless someone quickly drops out.

If you're Normal or Low priority, please check out my upcoming run of this exact same game but for experienced players.

Heh, I’ll withdraw. Thanks for outlining the options/reqs GM!

Heh, I’ll withdraw. Thanks for outlining the options/reqs GM!

Best of luck! I'm a PM away if you have questions in the future.

Envoy's Alliance

Hello, I have a Freshly creates Alchemist Riff for PF2.

I am new to PbP but a veteran Rolleplayer for lots of systems including a bit of PF1.

I am new to PF2.

Envoy's Alliance

Ups I just ot the offer to run the same scenario with a friend so looks like have to withdraw my application. If you are later desperate for one more player feel free to call me up but otherwise I'd raterh wait a few more weeks.

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