Crimson and Clover

Game Master The Roxtar

Loot Sheet

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Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

I hold no love for worm queen or stone walls, but come here seeking purpose, this be such. Such shine tempt harshly. Queen words forced but dangers already present, if we not, we at risk for naught. I in, suspicious, but in.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Sounds good. Faust opens the door looking for Sabina. When Faust sees her he will say We have talked and would love to help out the guard. When do we start?

Male N Orc Barbarian 8 w/ Sorcerer Dedication|HP: 132/132|AC: 26|Perception: +15m|Fort: +17m|Reflex: +12t|Will: +14e|Speed: 25ft/Raging 35ft|Darkvision 60'|Icons: ◆◇↺

Tensei gives faust a look if apprehension but will agree to follow and trust his new companions

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

Sabina snaps her fingers and three guards approach from a nearby room.

"These fine heroes have offered to support the city guard. I want you to escort them there safely."

With that, you are lead out of the castle and towards Citadel Volshyenek.

Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

what is Volshyenek? Behest will look to her new companions that may know the city better.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Before we leave Sabina would we be allowed to have our weapons back?

Being in the city his entire life, would Faust know anything about the citadel?

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

Yes, she would take you to collect your possessions. And almost certainly. At least Faust and Hue, since they might have been trying to avoid the law during their tenure with Lamm. The Citadel itself is the base of operations for the Korvosan Guard.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Thank you for everything Sabina. We will follow the guards to the citadel.

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

The journey to the Citadel is not quite so straight-forward as it would normally be. Several times your escort diverts you around crowded streets. Once you do arrive however, two guards meet you at the gates. The castle guards turn to head back to their regular duties, while the Korvosan guards, wave your group through the gates.

Once inside, you are met by an older fellow in leather armor.

"So, you the ones the Queen sent?"

He holds up a tiny bit of parchment.

"Well, then come along. Commander will be eager to meet yas."

Moving towards the keep inside, the old man brings you to a modest office and hands her a note. A tired looking woman stands as you approach.

Cressida Kroft

"Ah, yes—Queen Ileosa said she would try to direct folks here that could help out. Greetings! My name is Cressida, and heroes of your caliber are exactly what Korvosa needs now. You’ve been on the streets. You know better than me how bad things are out there. It’s breaking my heart to see Korvosa tear itself apart like this. Every little bit of aid we can get from upstanding citizens like you helps. If you’re willing, I’d very much like to retain your services as agents of the Guard. You will, of course, be well compensated for these services.”

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

"Agents of the guard"? What sort of duties would that entail?

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Faust nods at Hue's question and says, What kind of compensation?

Male N Orc Barbarian 8 w/ Sorcerer Dedication|HP: 132/132|AC: 26|Perception: +15m|Fort: +17m|Reflex: +12t|Will: +14e|Speed: 25ft/Raging 35ft|Darkvision 60'|Icons: ◆◇↺

Tensei will listen intently and is interested at the perspective of being a agent of the guard

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

She looks between the four of you.

"Korvosa’s got enough troubles as it is without my own guards losing their way. Many have deserted their posts, more concerned about friends and family than the city. I can understand this, yet not all of the deserters have family—some of them are simply using the riots as an excuse for personal gain. One such man is Verik Vancaskerkin. Worse than a lone deserter, he’s convinced a small group of fellow guards that Queen Ileosa is going to ruin the city. Whether she does or doesn’t isn’t the point—right now, we’ve got a city-wide crisis on our hands, and I need all of my guards working with me to see us through. A deserter is worse than a lost resource—it’s an infection. I can’t afford to pull any of my other patrols off duty to deal with Vancaskerkin, and I’d rather not expose any of them to him anyway, since I don’t want Vancaskerkin to infect more guards with his talk of secession, nor do I want some overly patriotic guard killing Vancaskerkin outright. I need impartial, skilled talent. Talent like you. "

"Vancaskerkin and his followers have holed up in an abandoned butcher’s shop up in Northgate—a place once called ‘All the World’s Meat.’ I need you there. Try to avoid killing any of the deserters if you can, but if you must, they brought it upon themselves when they threw in their lot with Vancaskerkin. I’d really prefer it if you could capture Vancaskerkin alive and return him to me for interrogation, but if he makes that impossible, I’ll accept his body as well. Finally, see if you can find out why Verik deserted—if there’s more to it than simple personal politics, I need to know immediately. Bring me Verik alive, and there’s a five hundred gold in it for you. Dead, he’s worth only half that."

She pauses for a moment.

"There are other perks as well if you work for me. Such as, I can offer you a spot in the barracks if you need a place to stay in safety."

Male N Orc Barbarian 8 w/ Sorcerer Dedication|HP: 132/132|AC: 26|Perception: +15m|Fort: +17m|Reflex: +12t|Will: +14e|Speed: 25ft/Raging 35ft|Darkvision 60'|Icons: ◆◇↺

I believe this is something that we can take care of. We will do our best to return the men unharmed but if they intend to kill us then we will defend ourselves if needed.

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

Hue nods as Tensei finishes.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

This sounds like something that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. We will do our best to bring him back alive. Now is there something we can have to signify we are part of the guard if we are stopped with a bound individual?

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

"The sooner the better, for everyone. As for your other question.."

She reaches into her desk drawer and pulls out four tokens on cords.

"These signify that you are in the employ of the Korvosan Guard and on official business. Ideally, try not to use them too much. Keeping you as an unknown resource will be helpful."

Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

Behset is nodding along and with a concerned look beings fervently whispering to Khasia about spells that do not maim or kill. The conversation if it could be called such does not seem to be going well.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Ok we will try not to use it too much, we just have a something quick to do then we should be able to start looking for this guy. Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

lest sleep call, we part to traitorous hole to burn the worms out?

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

After we leave the guards Faust is going to try to sell the items we have left and look for a wand of cure light wounds.

Diplomacy to gather Info for wand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

After selling the dagger, the ring, the chest and transferring the gold bars to coin. It would be 430g per person.

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

You are able to return to the vendor you had sold the goods to previously sold to. He seems pleased to have you back, and gives fair sale values. 50% for weapons, 100% on gems/jewels/chests full of very important looking gold bars.

As for purchasing a wand, he does not have any available currently, but suggests checking at one of the temples.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Faust will head to the temple and look for someone in charge and ask if they have wands available.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

At the Temple of Abadar.

One of the priests ushers you in and listens to your request for a wand.

GM Screen:
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 40

Charges: 1d50 ⇒ 38

He offers you a wand with 38 charges for 570 gold.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Faust will buy the wand using the money party loot money. After that is purchased Faust is ready to head towards the meat shop called All the World's Meats.

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

Hue followd Faust as he takes care of business, only leaving his companion alone to wait outside of the temple instead of entering.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Well guys now that we got some more healing I think we should be ready to head to All the World's Meats.

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

With cheap and easy healing magicks now at hand, the heroes head to the northern part of the city seeking out All The World's Meat.

Faust Gather Info: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Being the chatty cat that he is, Faust is able to dig up a little bit of information about the place. Turns out, that since the day of the King's demise, many of the local shops have been closed or even worse, damaged in the small riots that have been breaking out. As such, food has been something that is becoming more and more difficult to come by. The folks that took over at All The World's Meat have been calling themselves the Cow Hammer Boys, and have been providing meat for some of the poorer families in the district.

One person even pulls Faust in close and says, "They are also available to hire as mercenaries. Just as for 'the night's special cuts.' and they'll know what you mean."

The building itself is right where the Commander had said it would be, and from the outside looks fairly run down. It is a two-story structure with a pen to the side for holding livestock.

Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

so fighters inside, not surrender. We dragging out corpses or these lives matter? If make distracting, I make roof ruckus? Behset will stomp on the ground to illustrate. or talking bluff? Burn them out no good with "public servant status"

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

We need to take in at least the leader alive if we can. We could try to lure them out by wanting to hire them. What you guys think?

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

Hiring them will require money. Probably half up front. And a target. But theres no guarantee we get the leader out. Better, we hire them out and wait to see who leaves. If it's the leader we tail him and jump him. If it's not, we wait for them to leave and we've already lowered their numbers. We'll have to bluff our way in to have the meeting and identify the boss... think you can do the talking Faust?

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

As long as we have a decent story up front I don't think it would be a problem. I do like that plan, anyone else have any ideas or we good with Hue's plan.

Male N Orc Barbarian 8 w/ Sorcerer Dedication|HP: 132/132|AC: 26|Perception: +15m|Fort: +17m|Reflex: +12t|Will: +14e|Speed: 25ft/Raging 35ft|Darkvision 60'|Icons: ◆◇↺

Tensei will nod in agreement with Hue's plan. To not put innocents in the way offer to have me killed. Describe me and my house to them so the underlings go there. During the meeting I will keep my face covered as normal with my mask and not speak to avoid drawing attention to myself. Otherwise Hue has a very workable plan.

Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

Behset will shrug, but offer no resistance to the plan

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

OK so the plan is to describe a person and try to lure them to Tensei's house. Then either strike when they leave or go in after they leave?

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

And we need to set a time limit... our target is leaving the city tonight to avoid the unrest. My only concernis if we send some thugs after Tensei and they don't find him, is there any chance an innocent gets caught up in this?

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

That's true. Should we just raid the place then?

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

Let's send them to Zalara's. Its empty and they can't do much damage there. Then we wait to see who goes out on the mission.

Male N Orc Barbarian 8 w/ Sorcerer Dedication|HP: 132/132|AC: 26|Perception: +15m|Fort: +17m|Reflex: +12t|Will: +14e|Speed: 25ft/Raging 35ft|Darkvision 60'|Icons: ◆◇↺

Tensei nods in agreement with the plan

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

We have the Disguise Kit. Would anyone be able to disguise Tensei to make him look different so we can give his discription and Zelaras house for the location to the guys

Silver Crusade

Female Strix CN Medium Strix Oracle 8|Max HP 88| A.C. 25| Perception +11| Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +16| Speed 25/15 fly| Darkvision 60ft

not I

Male N Orc Barbarian 8 w/ Sorcerer Dedication|HP: 132/132|AC: 26|Perception: +15m|Fort: +17m|Reflex: +12t|Will: +14e|Speed: 25ft/Raging 35ft|Darkvision 60'|Icons: ◆◇↺

I have my regular face coverings that I use to hid my features but I could also buy a battle mask. That would hide my features and I planned on getting one anyway

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

Or we just send them after Zalara. What do they know? She could have some thugs that work for her... she's a con artist who scammed us and we want revenge. The more elaborate the ruse, the easier to get caught.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Ok let's do this then.

Faust will lead the group up to All the World's Meats.

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

A sign bearing the image of a fat, smiling cow hangs above the entrance to this shop. Inside, a long counter runs over half the room’s width, beyond which a door stands ajar. A low bench sits against the east wall, while to the north a marble-topped table displays cuts of meat before a wide, grimy window. A few flies circle in the air above the meat.

Inside you spot two men. The first is taller with a bushy eyebrows that merge into one just above his large, flat nose. The other is a wheezy man wearing chainmail that doesn't quite fit on his ample frame.

They perk up as you enter, then their expressions turn a bit sour.

"Kick off. We're all out of handouts for today."

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

We are actually here to possibly hire someone for a discreet job, we heard this is the place to come.

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

The two men laugh.

The shorter man turns to you and says, "Well, you're in the wrong place kid. Didn't understand the sign outside? This is a butcher shop. You know, like animals."

He then makes a series of animal noises and the other man chuckles.

LN Medium Catfolk Rogue (Blessed One/Swashbuckler) 9|HP: 89/89|AC: 27|Perception: +17m (+2 w/Initiative)|Fort: +14e|Reflex: +19m|Will: +15e|Speed: 30ft (35ft w/Panache), 10ft Climb|Focus Points: 1/1|Icons: ◆◇↺

Whatever, Do you have any of the night's special cuts left?

CN Medium Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 26 (28 w/ Shield)| Perception +16E | Fort +14E Reflex +13T Will +17E | Move 25’ | Low-light vision, Imprecise Scent 30 ft.

With the hood of his cloak and scarf up, Hue does his best impression of a mute, watching the exchange.

|Spell Templates |Icons: ◆◇↺ |Identifying Magic

GM screen:
Hmmm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

The two men, still laughing, turn to look at Faust.

”Oh? Is that right? Well, maybe you do know a thing or two here. So, what cut are you looking for exactly?”

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