DM Squirrel Ninja's 2-PC Kingmaker

Game Master The.Squirrel.Ninja

Map Exploration
Loot Sheet

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Welcome and congratulations!!

woo hoo! Thanks, DM Squirrel Ninja kingmaker?

Very cool to be playing with you again ginganinja. Looking at the separate groups, I thought your character's classes contrasted with Kunala and Iradyiel the best.

Speaking of characters, DM SNK, Do you mind if we alter characters a little? For instance Caitir and Iradyiel both have disable device, which is redundant. I gave him more of 'Dex' build to do that, but would rather he be a 'str' build and have spells.

Also thinking bard is fairly feat starved, so with your permission, may I change Kunala to more of a str build as well. I would change str to 16 and dex to 16, Drop the feats exotic weapons training and weapons finesse, replacing them with improved init. and power attack.

Just ideas, again thanks for the selection!

Feel free to make minor tweaks, I would consider that a minor tweak.

Hopefully everyone is ok with Kingmaker, I know you(Robert) said you were building for it. Viviana will also be a good shoe in flavor wise for sure.

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

Yay, thanks for picking me DM SNK :)

Great to be playing alongside you as well Robert. There was definitely a lot of synergy between Kunala, Iradyiel, Caitir and Mirana which is really neat and helps bring us together.

I wouldn't mind altering Caitir's feat selections as well, if approved. In light of Kunala and Iradyiel covering certain skill areas, I'd probably drop my Cunning and Toughness feats for Iron Will + Familiar Bond to reflect Caitir's earlier attempts at arcane training.


I'm fine with Kingmaker :) I haven't really played it before though so most of its going to be pretty new!

Cool, thanks DM SNK,

Mirana, take a look at the boys, tell me if you see anything we need to add or change.

Dang, you've got knowledge well covered.

Kunala has access to all the knowledge but started him with local, since it seemed more in line with his story.

Iradyiel started with nature, that's well covered by your characters, I will change it to dungeoneering.

Will have changes made in a few minutes.

edit: Never played 'Kingmaker' put together a couple of characters for it, but never got in.

Edit # 2 I have not selected spells yet, I will make sure I don't pick anything (maybe other than CLW) that is on the druids list.

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

Everything looks pretty good Kunala, I think we have most of the basic adventuring skills covered.

Don't worry too much about knowledge skill overlap, I just picked the ones that I felt that Mirana and Caitir would have. If Iradyiel would have nature then he doesn't *need* to change to dungeoneering if it fits in with his story.

I have updated Mirana and Caitir, feel free to take a look and see if I need to add, subtract, or change anything :)

Did you happen to purchase mounts?

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

Nope, mostly because Mirana would walk everywhere. She never had an urgent destination to get to really.

Will you two be making separate alias for your cohorts also or just have them combined within your main characters info?

I see benefits and drawbacks either way, just wanted to check in on your thoughts.

Also, I am currently gathering everything that I will need to start our adventure. I will have our first post up and going today. Please be sure to purchase any items you characters will need while embarking on this grand adventure of exploration.

hmmm. do we want mounts and or pack animals? I know the game is mostly a sandbox, not that it means we have to be in a hurry. Are either Mirana or Caitir wearing medium armor? I have Iradyiel in med armor, so 20 ft. movement, but can change him back to light. Again not that we have to be in a hurry.

Can druids wear lamellar horn armor?

DM Squirrel Ninja Kingmaker wrote:

Will you two be making separate alias for your cohorts also or just have them combined within your main characters info?

I see benefits and drawbacks either way, just wanted to check in on your thoughts.

I was ninja'd by SNK, so will respond.

I assumed we would be doing separate alias' for the cohorts. Doing so helps me force them to be separate personalities... Change alias change character sort of thing.

But I can keep them together if you'd prefer.

Female Human Unchained Rogue (Sylvan Trickster) | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15, 12, 13 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 |

I'm using separate alias like so

Caitir is light armor (as rogues are not proficient in medium).
Mirana also wears light armor.

That sounds great! I actually do like having the different alias for them!

I am working on our first post, have to made some tweaks on a few things. It will be up shortly.


I will put Iradyiel back in light armor, and ditch the horses.

DM SNK, I left 'the letter' that Kunala and Iradyiel were passing around unread aloud so you could use it anyway you saw fit to get them where you wanted them.

edit: DM SNK do you mind if we invest in a couple wands of CLW?

Since you are coming together separately I would prefer you guys to spend your money accordingly. But, once you are together, then you two(four) can have a group fund as needed.

I will allow the purchase of partial wands. Level 1 Cure Light Wounds wand is 750GP with 50 Charges. You can buy a wand that has X charges on it at 15GP a piece

lol I forgot how expensive the wand is...

So without horses or heavier armor, both the guys have around 150 gp. left. It seems weird to suit up a couple fellows just starting out like they are members of the pathfinder society or something. You know, one weapon cold iron, one weapon silver, alchemical stuff...

Their just a couple guys from the sticks with a dream. So keeping it simple with a little extra money to spend on necessities later. May buy pack animals or riding animals, may hire someone or something, I don't know.

very cool, dotted and deleted in game, do you want us to wait for anything else or are we good to go?

edit: How large are the hexes on the 'stolen lands' map?

So should we meet at Oleg's trading post, having been told that there was another group with a letter we would be working with. Or should we meet before hand?

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

Just wondering the same thing as Kunala here. How do you want us to jump in GM? Have we already met before hand / decide to meet beforehand, do we catch up at Olegs etc

Just wanting to be on the same page so I can structure my post correctly

if nothing else, the envelopes could have a second letter saying that we would meet the other holder of charter at olegs on Sunday 14th of Pharast, 4710 AR.

Or if we wanted more RP with a high level NPC we could be called to a meeting with The Lord Mayor of Restov, Ioseph Sellemius, and he could "charge" us in person.

The Hex are 12 miles across from corner to corner.

The set up via the AP is that you all have met up previously and received this charter from the Lord Mayor and are now closing in on Oleg's trading post. You would know that it is only the four of you that are sent out to explore this region, you are not meeting anyone at Oleg's Trading Post other than this Oleg person.

The four of you would have met each other at the meeting with the Lord Mayor on the 24th of Calistril. From that point you had a week to prep, and since you are traveling by foot it has been almost a weeks journey. That puts us here today on the 14th of Pharast.

They hand wave the entire meeting and receiving the charter. Which I am ok with that personally.


Nice to meet you Mirana, I'm Kunala, this is my brother Iradyiel, yeah, he's a half elf...

Other than the obvious stuff in the backgrounds, the only thing that may be apparent after traveling a week together is both brothers follow 'the green faith' Iradyiel a little more seriously than Kunala.

They both would be very pleasant, but respectful of the ladies privacy.

In a bit I will put up a post outside of Oleg's trading post.

ok, at least I've got a post up, not a super beginning, but it's a beginning. I figure a little discussion and then we get to the trading post.

Any planning we need to figure out in game? If so now would be the time.

As for out of game, what kind of marching order or night watch do you want?

Also, as far as back story, since they've been traveling together a week Kunala would already told you all the details of their backstory that was in the recruitment.

Mirana, how much of your backstory do you want the boys to know? Or would you prefer talking it out in game thread as they spend more time together?

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

Yep, popped up a beginning post as well to build off.

About backstories, Mirana is a pretty open sort and doesn't hide much, so I'm fairly certain that the boys know everything about her (or it would have come up in casual conversation) that was mentioned in her recruitment backstory.

Caitir is a little more reserved / paranoid but she's probably told the boys much of the basics as to her life so far.

Point taken about the Green Faith. Mirana follows The Green Mother out of respect to her time in the First World while Caitir is kinda ambivalent to religion and pays lip service to a bunch of deities - mostly the various trickster gods such as Calistria, Norgorber, Besmara, and Sivanah.

Both Mirana and Caitir would be respectful of the boys privacy and any secrets they wish to keep.

As for a marching order, Mirana has the best perception and probably wants to be near the front, as Caitir doesn't have Trapfinding.

In regards to combat, Mirana probably wants to stand towards the back while Caitir wants to stand in front so she can flank with someone in melee.

As for night watches, Mirana probably wants to take an early watch so that she can get her 8 hours rest for spellcasting purposes. No other real preferences though.

Ok, so we've gotten to know each other a little, good.

Since were all going 'light' hopefully Oleg will have a mule we can purchase. They can carry 200 lbs at a med. load which will be the same speed as us.

marching order. outside why not go two x two, Iradyiel and Caitir up front Kunala and Mirana behind. Kunala will lead the mule.

Inside, Iradyiel, Caitir, Kunala Mirana, leave the mule outside?

Iradiel doesn't have trafinding either, but his perception is + 10, so hopefully we will be ok.

Night watch Mirana, Iradyiel, Kunala, Caitir? four three hour watches, since we can only travel eight hours a day.

Female Human Unchained Rogue (Sylvan Trickster) | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15, 12, 13 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | F: +1, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4 |

Yeah, i think a pack mule is going to be really useful for us with that 20/20 hindisght. I'm happy with the marching orders and night watch orders, I think it covers most things that we need it to.


Planning on purchasing mostly trail rations and food for the mule. I started with just 'class kits' (basic gear). But I really didn't think a lot about "long term camping" stuff.

Probably should buy some basic gear for camping, Things like a shovel, wood cutting axe, a lantern possibly a compass that sort of thing. didn't know about tents, I envision the boys sleeping under the stars, but tents would be good if it rained.

Anyway, Purchasing the 'camping items' could be quickly done in game at the trading post.

DM SNK may I assume we would be able to find 'basic' camping gear at the trading post?

edit: DM SNK assuming we can purchase a mule, donkey or pony, will we be able to supplement it's feeding by letting it graze the 12 hours we are camping, I'm wanting to calculate if we need to carry the full 10 lbs of feed per day for it. Working on the list of items the animal would be carrying and still be under med weight.

I would say that during the week between receiving the charter and setting out that you would have totally thought of purchasing those things before setting out.

As far as what is available at the trading post, that would be unknown to you. Not saying that to be a jerk, but your character would not know what is there and should purchase what is needed before arrival. It is kind of why I started you not at Oleg's yet, give you guys a chance to RP and to think about things that you purchased in the city. Where everything is available.

I did some looking, and it seems like mules/donkeys need 16 hours of grazing if they are to get enough while eating in that manor. I don't know if that is 100% realistic for a campaign setting situation. What I will say is that if able to graze while the party rest or even when you are exploring specific areas, then you would be able to get 2 days out of 1 day of feed. I think that is fair and a middle ground.

Go ahead and purchase what adventuring gear your characters would think that they need for this exploration. What you do know is that you are setting out to explore 3720 square miles of wilderness. The only known settlement is Oleg's Trading Post, trading post does imply goods but you are unsure of what is really there. You also know that there are bandits in the area, and that punishment for unrepentant banditry is execution by sword or rope. That is all you really know about what is to come.

Feel free to ask questions and make any comments or request.

I have a couple questions I would love to ask and find out from the two of you.
1) What are your expectations of the game and the game play?
2) What are things you love having in your PBP experience?
3) What are things you do not like having in your PBP experience?

My Answers:

1) I want us to have fun, and to create an environment where the two of you (4 PCs) can do whatever you would like to do. This is really a sandbox game and I don't even want to put limits on what is within the books themselves.
2) I love working together with the players to create a story. I am 100% okay with you guys grazing the reigns of a scene and going with it, within reason...
3) I am not a person who uses a lot of cursing, but Paizo blocks most of that. I am okay with romance in the game, but the scene will always pan out the window to the stars and fade to black...

All of that being said, I refer back to the first point. I want us to have fun.

I will be getting a post up and going shortly.

Ok, so Mirana, do you want me to retcon purchasing a mule and camping gear or shall they stay blissfully unaware and reap the results of their youthful ignorance? I'm not sure I care either way. But it will decide how far we can explore from the trade post with our present abilities/gear.

Also, DM SNK, just in case there is a mule in our future, I would assume that the 16 hour grazing guarantees that travelers with pack animals spend only eight hours a day traveling. But the 2/1 day/feed ratio is fine.

under spoiler just to save space

Answers to questions:

1) What are your expectations of the game and the game play?
I'm not sure, you didn't list expectations, such as: posting rate, roleplay over rollplay, 'pathfinder society like', "old school" or "Beer and Pretzels." I do hope for: honesty, consistency, openness and a willingness to answer questions, and sometimes a great amount of patience. I find the typed medium is the hardest to be clearly understood.

I play to be 'entertained.' ie. Engaged, amused, intellectually stimulated, creatively challenged. I find building backstories 'entertaining' I find creating well built characters 'entertaining.' I find posting with involved players and NPC's 'entertaining.' I find interesting locations and challenges entertaining. strangely, now that I"m rereading for editing, I find typing answers to your questions entertaining :)

I'm not sure I would always call it 'fun' though it is most of the time. It's very rarely 'not entertaining.' When a game gets 'not fun' and 'not entertaining' then my character gets suicidal... which is in of itself entertaining, for a short time...

2) What are things you love having in your PBP experience?
Engaged players, (folks who have developed well thought out characters who post regularly) and Engaged GM's. (folks who have a developed game with thought out NPC’s who post regularly)

A Character I want to play, who has the opportunity to develop on his hero's journey. Sometimes when answering recruitments, I make a quality build but find the character that goes with it ultimately boring. Of course that is my fault and rarely do I stay in those recruitments.

A satisfying story, I find if the GM provides a suitable platform that together, we the players and GM, should be able to create a story worth being in. Normally when a GM uses an AP this happens.

3) What are things you do not like having in your PBP experience?
Confusion Perchance defined as the opposite of honesty, consistency, openness and a willingness to answer questions, and a great amount of patience.

Characters or NPC's that truly go beyond the suspension of disbelief. Whether their Mary Sue or Min/Max (ie characters where none of the traits/feats could be plausible in the same background or game, but are there for the numbers.) So please, if your a person not in this game, and you've found yourself lucky enough to be reading this page; please I'm begging, please, when you make a character please at least make the backstory viable, it's a fantasy world, not Disneyland.

Personally, I don't swear much, and I don't like being sworn at. However in game I don’t find it bothersome. As long as the character’s personality/background fits the need to use the language it does. if I develop a character that uses rough language Read his quote at the bottom for an example. It tends to be PG13 and words subsidized, so to speak.

I'm not super comfortable with romance in game. I like developing characters, I like developing relationships, I try to stay away from tropes that reduce characters/NPC's to objects, who are there solely to be desired or rescued. Rarely in a game where the main goal is working together as a team does 'romance' come up. If it does it's developed slowly and respectfully in game. If I develop a character who is 'loose' (for instance a typical viking trope) It happens off screen with unknown characters. I've occasionally played flirtatious characters, but strickly of the G or PG variety.

As a side note, last week I was reading a book on 'Writing Characters' by Orson Scot Card, he pointed out that when plot or characters rely on pursuit, chemistry, tension, word-banter or flirtation that the audience interest is great. But once the relationship is consummated the audience interest drops. He pointed out several TV shows that fell into that situation.

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |


Hey sorry to bring this up, but I just need to check something. Do Cohorts still get a favored class option (1HP / 1 Skill Point / Class option) like most NPCs do, or no options entirely. I'm just not sure if "no favored class' refers to the cohorts not getting the better version that our PC's do, or nothing entirely.


Its up to you about purchasing a mule or not to be honest. I'm pretty sure that as a trading hub, Oleg [i]probably[i] has at least one beast of burden (whether he lets us purchase / borrow is a different matter entirely) already like a horse, donkey or ox.

I'm mostly ambivalent though because I think that until we get access to a wand of Cure Light Wounds, we are probably using Oleg's as a 'base' and searching outwards like a 'starburst' pattern, ie searching in a given direction, and then retracing our steps and returning to Oleg's to rinse and repeat. I don't anticipate much long term camping until we have access to that healing. Its not mission critical to have, but it does make things a bit easier.


1) What are your expectations of the game and the game play?

I don't know much about Kingmaker aside from that I heard it was a bit of a sandbox so creativity, flexibility, options toward conflict resolution would be important to me.

I think honesty is also important. If we are going on a tangent, or something isn't working, I'd like us to feel comfortable to speak up at least. Like Kunala, the NPCs and the player characters you work alongside really build the story and help things flow. It leads to some rich world building and tends to make things a lot more exciting and enjoyable for all involved.

Also I hate mentioning it, but I do hope that some of the encounters get adjusted for this particular game since we do lack some tools that most adventuring parties almost always have. There are four of us, but since our cohorts have a slower leveling progression we will be a little weaker than a normal adventuring party.

I also expect to develop my cohort alongside my PC. I don't want them to just be a cheerleader, I want them to have their own character flaws, goals, motivations, vulnerabilities. I think this comes down to more so me as a player but I just thought I'd mention this.

2) What are things you love having in your PBP experience?

I like engaged players, engaged GMs. I like twists, turns, to be challenged. I like the opportunity to develop my character(s), to world build, with a good story / plotline.

3) What are things you do not like having in your PBP experience?

I don't like a fully hands off approach. I think sometimes there is a small weakness with sandbox games in that sometimes things get too spread out and lack direction or the plot / story starts to blur. I'm pretty sure Robert and I will manage fine but we might need a poke every now and again if we get 'lost'.

I don't mind a little romance but I'm more involved around building relationships between characters and NPCs. There is Kingdom building (I think?) in this AP so romance might play a small part but I do find it hard to roleplay romance particularly well. Flirtatious or cheeky comments / remarks are fine, banter is fine, but I don't think anything needs to go beyond fade to black.

Lastly, I do like NPCs etc that are realistic. As an example "Because he's evil" always seems like weak justification for X NPC acting in X way. Most NPCs should have a reason or logic for acting a certain way.

Your right Mirana, Oleg's will be a hub, you bring up a good topic, there are not going to be a lot of 'magic' shops around, I'm wondering if we need to plan on crafting things

The Cohorts do not get the favorite class option, it is part of the reason I gave them Max HP at each level along side the main PCs.

You both bring up great points in your answers. Kunala you said that this medium is the hardest to understand, missing all of the non-verbal cues. If there is every anything that is unclear or you just want to double check my meaning, please please please ask. I would hate to go down a rabbit hole because of a misunderstanding.

I am always open to comments, questions, and the ever helpful constructive criticism. I'm not a perfect DM and I am totally willing to hear from you two if there is every anything you want to say or ask. Mirana, communication is key, please feel comfortable to speak up if the need arrises.

Also, if it is something that any of us might not want posted on the public board you can always feel free to PM me.

Mirana has not played Kingmaker, Robert have you? I will let you know that there is opportunity for downtime when it comes to crafting, magical and non-magical alike. That being said, when it comes to magical crafting I would like to reserve the right to roll the crafting check "behind the screen" because I do use the cursed item rules when it comes failing in those roles. I don't do this to be a bad guy, but I think it helps keep balance in that game mechanic.

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |


I might pick up some Crafting feats on Mirana / Caitir but I doubt it would be anytime soon and I dont plan on doing much crafting during downtime (probably around mid levels). There's a few consumable wondrous items that are amazing for Druids, and Mirana will appreciate metamagic rods down the line but that's probably about it.

I don't want to make crafting too much of a downtime focus though because I'm worried that kinda breaks the game in half and I'd prefer to use downtime to build interactions / relationships with NPCs / other kingdom things.

Feel free to go crazy on crafting if you like though - its more of a personal preference thing for me. I suspect that there will be access to magic item shops though but we might need to develop the settlement a little more before our 'purchase limits' are high enough to get access to certain items. Thats just a suspicion I have though, maybe Olegs gets magical merchants that stop by?

Ninja'd by Mirana
Cool Mirana, I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with the whole 'crafting thing' yet, it's not something I'm very familiar with.

original post in response to DM SNK
very cool, if I have questions I will ask, I hope you will do the same :)

I'm good with that method of crafting. as I've never built a character that had a magical crafting skill, it shouldn't be hard to adjust to.

No I've not played 'Kingmaker' actually it's one of the AP's I've struggled making characters for that I liked. I've read the players guide and I know there are 'roles' that need to be filled for the 'kingdom builder' part. That has always intimidated me. I tend to build melee and skill players. So Building a charismatic character, who could fight, who could travel well and who could fill a roll in 'kingdom building' never quite got off the ground. I usually would try and build a Cavalier. But I would get bogged down trying to put together a background that could fill how I saw the responsibilities.

So here we are, I'm playing my second bard ever....

I'm not familiar with the 'leadership' feat at all. Most DM's Don't allow it because they don't want one character throwing multiple 'companions' at the big bad. However, in this game it may be needed.

Outside of the cohort and 'followers' will we be able to hire NPC's? I'm wondering about being able to hire folks to craft magical items, or open shops that sell magical items or something like that. If needed Kunala may take 'crafting' and a related feat or two, but it's not something I'm super familiar with (again normally playing melee and skill) and the bard feat progression is thin, especially trying to include combat feats.

Would you consider using the Automaitic Bonus Progression so we didn't have to worry about buying or building "the big six"?

Last question, what kind of posting rate and quality of posts are you looking for? As a minimum I will check the boards at least twice a day, usually more. I normally follow the pattern of posts set by the other players and GMs. This game if very different from those so just wondering what quantity and quality of posts you are looking for.

Posting Rate. Great question. I hold myself to make at least one post per day. Due to our states quarantine, I am currently working from home with my wife and two kids. So my posting rate has moved from at least one gameplay post per day, to only one gameplay post per day. I find that I have more free time and could possibly post more except my 4 year old doesn't see it the same. He wants me to continually come and wrestle with him. He gains my extra attention.

When things get back to normal, my job does allow me the freedom to be more active and typically post 2 or more gameplay postings in a day. BUT, that is only if the PCs need the postings.

This is a longwinded way of saying one post per day is perfectly fine with me.

And what in the world! How have I never seen this automatic bones progression before?!?!?! Thank you for sharing this, let me think on it for a bit. We do have time before we get there.

Leadership/hiring NPCs. Part of the reason I gave you leadership is because it does allow you to have devoted followers that can have PC classes. It does take a little to get there, but it is nice when you are able to get them. That being said, there are always NPCs in the world that need coin for the skills they provide. There are ways within the Kingmaker game to acquire NPCs for those purposes.

Nice, Neither Crafting nor The automatic bonus progression is anything we need to worry about in the immediate future.

I tend to be near my computer all day. When I started playing on PBP I was working on third shift, posting in games to help stay awake. I changed jobs for short period of time and wasn't gaming during the transition. My mother's dimension became bad enough that we moved her in with us, so Now I stay home taking care of stuff and keeping an eye on her. So plenty of time to post.

I'm a little jealous of your four year old. Our grandchildren (three and one) are in Columbus a scant 45 minutes away, but we haven't seen them for five weeks due to the 'virus' situation. So I'm going through toddler withdrawal... Oddly, when we video chat all she wants me to do is sing "Baby Shark."

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

I can still meet the standard one post per day timeframe. I have plenty of time to post but I think my timezone overlaps a little bit with everyone.

Works a bit busy for me (our Ministry is heavily involved in our current lockdown) but I can still find the time to get a post up.

Mirana, Which time zone are you? Curious, do you mind If I ask what you do?

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

I'm GMT+12

As for what I do, I'm basically an analyst that works for the ministry in charge of unemployment. So right now its supporting businesses and employees who both right now have limited to no income and in many cases need emergency support during the lockdown.

Sorry about my lack of post yesterday. We had a quarantine kid meltdown that turned the rest of the day into family time that followed by the wife and I needing a glass of wine and watching some Office to wind down.

It's cool, RL comes first :)

Female Human Druid (Progenitor, World Walker) 1 | HP:13/13 | AC: 13, 10, 13 | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +0, W: +6 (all saves -2 vs Fey-Taken penalties) | Init: +0 | Perc: +8 | Sense Motive +9 |

No worries. I kinda have a sore neck atm so I might be spending less time in front of a PC until it heals.

yuck, hopefully you can relax for the weekend

DM Squirrel Ninja Kingmaker wrote:

Moonday 15th Pharast 4710AR

Sense Motive and Knowledge Checks are things I believe just kind of happen, like a free action...

Hey DM SNK is this refering to any 'checks' you wanted or expected us to make? Or are you referring to checks that the bandits could have made and you hand waved it for brevity's sake?

I'm good either way, just trying to get a sense for your playing style, first combat and all.

If you have a rank in a knowledge, I believe that a character would make a gut reaction check on what it is they are seeing and experiencing, especially when it comes to battle. I never want to bog down battle with taking a turn by fully studying a creature/person, and that double goes down for PBP games. When it comes to sense motives and knowledge checks, I will allow you both to do it as a free action when it comes to combat, just make the roll.

Now if there is something specific you are looking for like a skeletons weakness, then I would say you are fishing around in your brain for something specific that you have read in the past. Those kind of checks would be a standard action.

Long and short, if you do it as part of a free action in a round I will give you bits of info. If you do it as a standard action, you can ask for specific details.

Thank you for the explanation.

Unless I'm playing a character that relies on 'sense motive' (ie trained) I tend to make few sense motive checks, especially in combat. I usually take the information provided at face value and attempt to have the character react in character.

I've played with DM's who provide sense motive for every little detail and I've played with some that only give info for "Hunch, Sense Enchantment and Discern Secret Message." I tend to hope for something somewhere in between.

I will remember that a bit of info is a free action and that specifics are a standard action. I assumed that was the difference in a high roll and a lower roll. So to get the 'free action' version can we just automatically take 10 instead of rolling? Using a standard action in combat for knowlege could be the difference between hitting first, or being hit first.

Iradyiel Madras wrote:
DM SNK, obviously there will have to be time to organize the compound, do we want to RP all of it? Or fast forward a little after everyone posts?

I am okay with handwaving somethings, even having Oleg and Svetlana doing them in the background while you all are doing other more important task. But, if it relates to something that you are immediately needing to do then you might need to take the time to do it.

Example: the horses knocked the tables, benches, and cook pot over. Iradyiel is trying to work on this bandit but needs the table, it is currently knocked over so he might need to pick it up. It isn't anything that is going to need a check. So adding a sentence saying he uprighted the table would be great.

Example: the horses are running around. While you work on the bandit, Oleg will be doing the herding up of the horses in the back ground.

Hope that makes sense... it did in my mind... haha

I think it does make sense, would you prefer we ask Oleg and Svetlana to do something in the background, or take the liberty to narrate it.

You can take liberty with them, within reason. You would know that they feel indebted to you four for all you were willing to do, have done, and probably will need to do in the future....

No major decisions though.

No I just meant stuff like, putting the horses in stalls or helping load the bodies into the wagon to take out to bury, that sort of thing. Just looking for a way to narrate things to speed the process up.

a topic we will need to discuss in game is what to do with the bodies, whether to dispose of them in an unmarked grave, or display them as what happens to bandits. If we are to display them, we could hang them from the wall, but that would stink, make the fort ugly and possibly bring retribution down on Oleg and Svetlana. If we take them a few miles from the fort and hang them on stakes it would send a message but be a lot of work :(

Just putting out some ideas of what has been done in the past

Robert Henry wrote:
No I just meant stuff like, putting the horses in stalls or helping load the bodies into the wagon to take out to bury, that sort of thing. Just looking for a way to narrate things to speed the process up.

I am totally cool with you guys doing that kind of stuff with them. It is stuff they would be doing in the back ground anyway

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