GM Infinity |

Most welcome all. Seems like quite the star-studded cast we have here.
So, one thing to nail down before gameplay is magic items. It may sound complicated but the end result is something hopefully fair and natural.
Some magic items may be purchased like in AL. They are:
Healing 50
Climbing 75
Animal Friendship 100
Greater Healing 100
Water Breathing 100
Superior Healing 500
Supreme Healing 5000
Invisibility 5000
Cantrip: 25
1: 75
2: 150
3: 300
4: 500
5: 1000
XGtE Minor Commons:
50 gp
Next you are allowed to cherry pick some magic items. We'll be using the major/minor (M/m) distinctions of XGtE. One each of:
Uncommon M
Uncommon m
Rare M
Rare m
Very Rare M
Very Rare m
Then, I will roll for the 6 above categories 6 times each, for a total of 36 'party' items. Each player can take up to 4 of these rolled items and the rest are discarded. If more than one player wants a certain item, hash it out or just roll randomly.
Finally, I will roll randomly 2 legendaries (m and M) that 2 players we decide as a group will get access to.

GM Infinity |

I'll also allow you guys to purchase languages and/or tools for 250 gp each since 5e allows such training over long campaigns (which presumably you have already been through). Each training represents 10 (minus int mod) work weeks of your life. You can do this twice. So you could get max 2 languages, or 2 tools, or 1 tool and 1 langauge.

Finlogan |

Woot! Super excited! The details of my profile show how much I've been tinkering with this character.
Please feel free to donate any of your extra mundane cash to me, in the form of 100 gp packets of diamond dust for a Greater Restoration spell.
Probably buying Draconic and Ignan for kobolds, lizardfolk and fire elemental diplomacy. They can be temperamental.

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Very glad to be here!
Now...given that Lindaer is a cleric of a nature deity with tempest domain, I’d like to buy: Auran and Undercommon. I doubt that any will come up, but they seem flavorful. With mundane purchases including 1000 gold of diamond dust (raise dead and greater restoration) and 1000 gold of spending money
Uncommon M
Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Uncommon m
Headband of Intellect
Rare M
Mantle of Spell Resistance
You have advantage on saving throws against spells while you wear this cloak.
Rare m
Bracers of Defense
While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield.
Very Rare m
Manual of Quickness of Action
“ This book contains coordination and balance exercises, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's contents and practicing its guidelines, your Dexterity score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.”
Very Rare M
Scimitar of Speed “ You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, you can make one attack with it as a bonus action on each of your turns”
I’m not quite sure how Major minor works. So I guesstimated. For example. I assumed that the manual is minor as it is 1 use only while sword is Major as it always works. And for the gauntlets/headband, Str is much more useful than intelligence, so I placed it there. And Bracers of Defense are just a shield, which he is proficient in anyways, but it is much more flavorful.
Anyways, please feel free to veto any of these choices.

GM Infinity |

Lin, major/minor are just tables in XGtE. Basically they resorted the magic items from the random tables in DMG.
You can't take both the manual of quick and scimitar of speed, since they are both majors.
Same with mantle and bracers, they are both major. So one or the other.
...and ditto with gauntlets and headband. Both major.
I can PM you the tables if you dont have a copy of XGtE.

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Please do. That would be very helpful

Finlogan |

Uncommon M
* Headband of Intellect Kneepads of Allure, Cha 19, Yes attunement
Uncommon m
* Helm of Comprehending Languages, No attunement
Rare M
* Staff of the Woodlands, Yes attunement
Rare m
* Heward’s Handy Haversack, No attunement
Very Rare M
* +2 Studded Leather, No attunement
Very Rare m
* Horseshoes of the Zephyr, No attunement

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Moon touched short sword (for when magic attacks are needed)
Uncommon M
Gauntlets of strength 19 (better saves and protection against shove/grapple)
Uncommon m
Periapt of Health. You are immune to contracting any disease while you wear this pendant. If you are already infected with a disease, the effects of the disease are suppressed while you wear the pendant.
Rare m
Heward’s Handy Haversack
Rare M
Mantle of Spell Resistance
You have advantage on saving throws against spells while you wear this cloak (amazing protection)
Very Rare M
Manual of Quickness of Action
“ This book contains coordination and balance exercises, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's contents and practicing its guidelines, your Dexterity score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.”
(Slotless so other items can be used if found. +1 Hit, Damage, AC and Initiative helps make up for lack of a better weapon)
Very Rare m
Scroll Antimagic Field
Dropping Con down to 14, bumping Int up to 10. Replacing Resilient for Warcaster and holding a shield. Figure that having a magic sword is useful, and might be upgraded as the campaign goes on. But a better weapon isn’t needed thanks to familiar and elven dexterity giving 3 chances to hit.
And the scroll could be very useful should we come up against something like a liche or an Archmage.
Thanks for the PM!

Falko Escheus |
Aaargh! Too many good things! Ok, here's my list. Feel free to comment or restrain:
Uncommon, Major: Weapon, +1
Uncommon, Minor: Decanter of endless water
Rare, Major: Cube of force (A)
Rare, Minor: Bead of force
Very Rare, Major: Belt of Fire Giant Strength (A)
Very Rare, Minor: Sovereign glue
For skills and languages, I was thinking leatherworking and Orc.

Finlogan |

Fin, at least for this first run lets just all stick to the normal magic items. I just don't yet want to open the bag of mystery that customizing magic items brings. Surely there's something else there thats kewl.
Uncommon M

Tarn Neekapper |

Okay, here's what I'm looking at for initial magic items:
Slippers of Spider Climbing (U/M): While you wear these light shoes, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. However, the slippers don't allow you to move this way on a slippery surface, such as one covered by ice or oil.
Helm of Comprehend Languages (U/m): While wearing this helm, you can use an action to caststhe comprehend languages spell from it at will.
Rapier +2 (R/M)
Heward's Handy Haversack (R/m): This backpack has a central pouch and two side pouches, each of which is an extra-dimensional space. Each side pouch can hold up to 20 pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 2 cubic feet. The large central pouch can hold up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. The backpack always weighs 5 pounds, regardless of its contents.
Carpet of Flying (VR/M): You can speak the carpet's command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are within 30 feet of it.
Scroll of Etherealness (VR/m)

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Have to say I’m really enjoying seeing everyone’s selection of magical items. Have to say that the Belt of Fire Giant Strength is pretty awesome, and a great choice for Falko. I’m glad he took it too, as I didn’t want Lindaer to have a higher strength than the part’s Barbarian even with magic items.

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A...Vorpal Scimitar? Wow. That’s pretty boss.

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You know, seeing the items you rolled would help us in making our choices. For example, if there is a +2 greataxe, then someone might take that instead of choosing a +2 greatsword, as an example.

GM Infinity |

I understand, but that's also why I want to keep them hidden.
I gave you more than half cherry picked, the rest are random...you never know what you might find in a dungeon (is what I am trying to simulate in part). Like I said, just trying to keep it somewhat natural. I don't want a bunch of twinks built around 10 magic items in other words...I don't think that would be a good test run of the tier. Thought about doing it 100% random, but 6 to 4 was the balance I decided ultimately and think its in your favor. Perhaps it was a stupid decision, I have no clue. First time doing tier 4. :)

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Fair enough. Well, my decisions are done. And I look forward to rolling/haggling/coming to amicable agreements on the random loot. :)

Finlogan |

Lindaer, I built in the same Wood elf town as you. I suggested in my first post that we haven't seen each other in a couple of years.
What kind of relationship do you want our characters to have? Best friends, close friends, people with a shared childhood, rivals? I'm good with any of them, because Finlogan is fairly independent. Meaning, he doesn't have roots (pun intended). He's a rolling stone.

Falko Escheus |
I understand, but that's also why I want to keep them hidden.
I gave you more than half cherry picked, the rest are random...you never know what you might find in a dungeon (is what I am trying to simulate in part). Like I said, just trying to keep it somewhat natural. I don't want a bunch of twinks built around 10 magic items in other words...I don't think that would be a good test run of the tier. Thought about doing it 100% random, but 6 to 4 was the balance I decided ultimately and think its in your favor. Perhaps it was a stupid decision, I have no clue. First time doing tier 4. :)
I like it. Now, how big is that scimitar..?

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Ah! I didn’t catch that, my apologies. Let’s go with close childhood friends who haven’t met in years. How about a shared adventure as well? It could have been decades and many levels ago when they were both younger. I’m easy on the details

Finlogan |

Ah! I didn’t catch that, my apologies. Let’s go with close childhood friends who haven’t met in years. How about a shared adventure as well? It could have been decades and many levels ago when they were both younger. I’m easy on the details

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A suggestion. When the random gear comes in, we indicate what gear we want. Then we roll a dx with the x being the number of people who want it. The number being the order they asked for it.
For example: Legendary Scimitar
Elf, then goblin, then Aasimar all want it. A d3 is rolled to see who gets it.
And we agree that if this replaces your current weapon and someone else could use it, then it passes on. That way more people can ‘win’
That sound fair?

Falko Escheus |
A suggestion. When the random gear comes in, we indicate what gear we want. Then we roll a dx with the x being the number of people who want it. The number being the order they asked for it.
For example: Legendary Scimitar
Elf, then goblin, then Aasimar all want it. A d3 is rolled to see who gets it.And we agree that if this replaces your current weapon and someone else could use it, then it passes on. That way more people can ‘win’
That sound fair?

Lady Szasa |

I'm fine with having done that Falko. Szasa is rather...mercenary, after all (she likely would have charged you for it, unless they had grouped together at the time).
So quick aside, Infinity, are you alright with us replacing spells we have known/learned if we get items that replace them?
Here is my item list, btw:
Uncommon Minor: Goggles of Night (Attunement: No)
Rare Minor: Portable Hole (Attunement: No)
Very Rare Minor: Potion of Supreme Healing (Attunement: No)
Uncommon Major: Cloak of Protection (Attunement: Yes)
Rare Major: Ring of Protection (Attunement: Yes)
Very Rare Major: Tome of Leadership and Influence (Attunement: No)
Potion of Healing x10 -500 gp
Scroll of Fireball (3rd) x5 -1500 gp
Scroll of Fireball (4th) x3 -1500 gp
Scroll of Cure Wounds (5th) x1 -1000 gp 4500
Charlatan's Die x2 -100 gp
Clothes of Mending x10 -500 gp
Enduring Spellbook x5 -250 gp
Orb of Direction -50 gp
Orb of Time -50 gp
Staff of Adornment -50 gp
Staff of Birdcalls -50 gp
Staff of Flowers -50 gp
Talking Doll (Attunement: Yes) -50 gp
Tankard of Sobriety -50 gp
Wand of Pyrotechnics -50 gp
Wand of Conducting -50 gp 1300
Learning Thieve's Tools and Vehicles (Water) -500 gp
3700 gp left over

Finlogan |

At 17th level, are any of the characters famous by sight or name?
I would imagine Finlogan is a famous Wood Elven Heirophant of the First Circle who has saved the existence of many nations and Faerun itself several times during the decades, in order to restore the balance. Over the most recent decade or so (since 14th level), Finlogan’s true form has been lost to most memories, except for his closest friends (Lindaer) and oldest acquaintances.

Lady Szasa |

Szasa's name is pretty well known, but she doesn't quite look like a hurricane in Human (She takes after her Human side more than her Elven side) form, and the stories of her randomly destroying towns because they annoyed her probably aren't true.
While it's likely that she didn't have a hand in the death of Bael as the rumors about her say she did, it's much more believable that she's something of a boogeyman among the Thayans.

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At 17th level, are any of the characters famous by sight or name?
I would imagine Finlogan is a famous Wood Elven Heirophant of the First Circle who has saved the existence of many nations and Faerun itself several times during the decades, in order to restore the balance. Over the most recent decade or so (since 14th level), Finlogan’s true form has been lost to most memories, except for his closest friends (Lindaer) and oldest acquaintances.
Lindaer, for his part, would only be famous in Wood Elf communities. He has performed deeds of heroism for the communities of Suldanessellar, Mhiilamniir, Elventree, Reitheillaethor, and Semberhome. When not responding to a vision from his God, he explores elven ruins and brings back lost artifacts. Between outings, he has spent extended periods of time at his various residences providing clerical support for the local community.
Therefore, I’d say that he is fairly unknown outside of the elven community, and even then not as much as Finlogan, who is both more mysterious and can turn into dinosaurs. That’s a double tap of fame if there ever was one.

Daryl the Pious |

Whoops! Missed the discussion thread somehow. I'll shop for a little bit right now...
Here's a quick list. Most of Daryl's money has been spent building the cathedral, and on his pilgrimage from Silverymoon to Mulmaster. He left the temple in Silverymoon with 12-others, 6-Paladins, and 6-Clerics, and has opened shrines along the way (locations TBD), leaving one team in each location. This started several years ago, and he's just opened the last, and has travelled alone to Mulmaster at the request of The Order of the Gauntlet.
Uncommon - m (Goggles of Night)
Uncommon - M (Winged Boots)
Rare - m (Heward's Handy Haversack)
Rare - M (+2 Warpick) Mantle of spell resistance was first choice but don't wan to be repetitive.
Very Rare - m (Potion of healing, Supreme)
Very Rare - M Plate armor +2 Again, Fire Giant STR belt was first choice, but this works fine.
I'll try to get the updated sheet up later today or tonight. Tommorow at the latest.

Falko Escheus |
Whoops! Missed the discussion thread somehow. I'll shop for a little bit right now...
Here's a quick list. Most of Daryl's money has been spent building the cathedral, and on his pilgrimage from Silverymoon to Mulmaster. He left the temple in Silverymoon with 12-others, 6-Paladins, and 6-Clerics, and has opened shrines along the way (locations TBD), leaving one team in each location. This started several years ago, and he's just opened the last, and has travelled alone to Mulmaster at the request of The Order of the Gauntlet.
Uncommon - m (Goggles of Night)
Uncommon - M (Winged Boots)
Rare - m (Heward's Handy Haversack)
Rare - M (+2 Warpick) Mantle of spell resistance was first choice but don't wan to be repetitive.
Very Rare - m (Potion of healing, Supreme)
Very Rare - M Plate armor +2 Again, Fire Giant STR belt was first choice, but this works fine.I'll try to get the updated sheet up later today or tonight. Tommorow at the latest.
Daryl is part of the Order of the Gauntlet. Is that why he knows Falko?

GM Infinity |

Haversack seems a popular christmas item.
With those 6 now chosen and set in stone, heres the others. You can each choose 4 (multiple PCs can not select the same, so must roll or work it out civilization style):
Uncommon Minor:
cap of water breathing, oil of slipperiness, potion of poison, ring of swimming, saddle of the cavalier, sending stones
Uncommon Major:
adamantine armor, amulet of proof against detection and location, bag of tricks, cloak of protection, instrument of the bards (Fochlucan bandore), ring of warmth
Rare Minor:
ammo +2, chime of opening, elixir of health, oil of etherealness, potion of fire giant strength, potion of superior healing
Rare Major:
figurine of wondrous power (marble elephant), ioun stone (awareness), ring of free action, shield of missile attraction, staff of the woodlands, vicious weapon
Very Rare Minor:
arrow of slaying, bag of devouring, oil of sharpness, potion of longevity, potion of speed, potion of vitality
Very Rare Major:
amulet of the planes, carpet of flying, instrument of the bards (Anstruth harp), ioun stone (agility), mirror of life trapping, robe of scintillating colors

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Items that I would roll for:
(1) Ring of Warmth
(2) Ioun Stone Awareness
(3) Vicious Weapon (for a magical weapon that lets me sneak around)
(4) Carpet of flying