[Outpost III] GM XaveTheNerd's 10-21: Slaver's End (Inactive)

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Hell's Vengeance - Slides

In the voice of Josh from Drake and Josh, sarcastically shouting "Megan":


Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used

Purrupup is a Grippli, a small frog-like creature that stands barely 2 feet tall. Despite his strange appearance however he is extremely friendly, open, and likeable.

"Hello! My name is Purrupup."

He nods his head as he speaks like a certain other frog who also finds being green difficult.

"I am a fiend-keeper of the grippli, yes. A most important task this is. My tribe is from Kaddodi, and we had a most powerful fiend to keep, oh yes. We siphon small parts of the fiend and take them far away, and tap their power. Over time the fiend gets weaker and weaker until it is all gone. I took my part to the society of pathfinders! I know they fight fiends too, so I could fight fiends while I was fighting fiends."

He smiles as he bobs his head.

"Would you like to help me? I have a ritual each morning to tap the fiends power. If you join in you can also take a small piece of the fiends power. It will make it so mad! It will also make you more powerful, just a little bit"

Each day Puurrupup performs a seance. If you participate you can select one of the following boons to have for the whole day:

Archmage - Your damaging spells deal an additional 2 points of damage of the same type that they would normally deal to each target.
Medium - You gain a +2 bonus on all non-spell damage rolls.
Guardian - You gain a +1 bonus to CMD.
Hierophant - Your healing spells and abilities heal an additional 2 points of damage to each target. This does not affect healing conferred by magic items, nor does it add to fast healing or similar effects.
Trickster - Choose one skill when you gain this seance boon. You gain a +1 bonus on skill checks using that skill, and that skill counts as a class skill for you.

You can also benefit from my spirit surge if you participate and are with 30 feet and fail an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, concentration check, or skill checks, in which case I can add an amount (1d6+x) and potentially turn a failure into a success. Only a certain number of times per day though

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

A tall, beautiful Varisian woman answers.
"Greetings, Purrupup. My name is Arie. Very nice to meet you!I would be happy to join in your seance!"

Arie appears to be a tall, slim female human. She has Varisian features with long black hair with a reddish brown streak in it. She wears black leather armor and few weapons.Her voice caries extremely well and is obviously the voice of a professional speaker.

Dark Archive

Male LN Human Herald Caller 8, Buffs: | hp 75/75 | AC 21 T11 FF21 | CMB +6, CMD 14 | F: +12, R +5, W +18 | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +11, Concentration +17/+19 | Speed 30 ft | Copycat 8/10, Master of Pentacles, Channel Negative 3/5 | Conditions: None

A man of middle years enters wearing a severe expression and expensive-looking priestly vestments in black and red.

"Siphoning power from a fiend? Majestic. My name is Antonaides de Guile, esquire. I understand that this expedition is in need of legal services and I have been retained to that end.

"I am also qualified to provide healing and certain other magical boons and dispensations as need arises. However, before I can offer any of them to you I will require you each to sign a waiver releasing the Church of Asmodeus, the nation of Cheliax and all its political subdivisions, and our Dark Lord, his agents, assigns, and intermediaries, etc., etc. from any and all liability incurred in the prosecution of this matter."

Antonaides rolls out a lengthy parchment and places a quill and inkwell beside it.

"And no, before you ask, you will not be bartering away any portion of your immortal soul by signing. It is simply a standard waiver form. However, if you'd like to discuss the possibility of an infernal bargain, arrangements can be made."

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

An imposing half-orc stands before you. Clad in fullplate and carrying a sword the size of a small horse he appears to mean business. He wears heraldry of the famous Molthuni Arsenal, as well as badging of the Liberty's Edge faction.

Lance Corpral Grim Krieger at your service! Well met Purrupup and Arie!

Seemingly ignoring the Asmodean he continues..

"While your task sound valiant Purrupup I'm not sure my Lord Ragathiel would appreciate me "tapping" a fiends power. I will pray on it and get back to you."

He moves to take a seat and wait for mission briefing.

Not trying to be a ass Antonaides, but from a RP standpoint he doesn't look to highly on Dark Archive folks.. Kinda the pinnacle of everything he hates.. Should be fun once interaction is mandatory lol!

Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used

Puurrupup looks hurt at Antonaides' contract.

"Oh no. You work for a fiend? That is very bad. So sad"

He greets the Lance Corporal much more effusively though.

"Oh hello! I am happy to meet you! It is OK if you don't want to tap the fiends power, but know that the sooner we tap the power of this fiend, the sooner it will be dead forever! It is like slaying a monster but very very slowly"

He is not offended though and happily cleans out his small pistol while waiting for the briefing

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

New laptop coming Tuesday-ish so I can set up his character sheet.

Sukit is an AC based tank. He has the Mobile Bulwark feats to take control of narrow passages.

Dark Archive

Male LN Human Herald Caller 8, Buffs: | hp 75/75 | AC 21 T11 FF21 | CMB +6, CMD 14 | F: +12, R +5, W +18 | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +11, Concentration +17/+19 | Speed 30 ft | Copycat 8/10, Master of Pentacles, Channel Negative 3/5 | Conditions: None
Grim Krieger wrote:

An imposing half-orc stands before you. Clad in fullplate and carrying a sword the size of a small horse he appears to mean business. He wears heraldry of the famous Molthuni Arsenal, as well as badging of the Liberty's Edge faction.

Lance Corpral Grim Krieger at your service! Well met Purrupup and Arie!

Seemingly ignoring the Asmodean he continues..

"While your task sound valiant Purrupup I'm not sure my Lord Ragathiel would appreciate me "tapping" a fiends power. I will pray on it and get back to you."

He moves to take a seat and wait for mission briefing.

Not trying to be a ass Antonaides, but from a RP standpoint he doesn't look to highly on Dark Archive folks.. Kinda the pinnacle of everything he hates.. Should be fun once interaction is mandatory lol!

No worries. I'm definitely playing an anti-hero here.

"Why Porrupup, my lord and master has only perfected the art that you yourself are practicing: exercising dominion over another creature and extracting value from it. He'd be delighted to see a fiend being used in such a way."

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Kitajo wanders in. He hears the conversation but does not join it quite yet. He makes a bow to each of you in turn then settles himself. Did I overhear a seance here?

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

Arie smiles at the new arrival, "Yes! It sounds exciting. Would you like to join in?"

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

I am always open to learning new things. Where shall I stand?

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

A second large man is full plate enters the room. While his sword is unusually shaped it is the normal size. It's balanced by an enormous tower shield.

Hello all. Sukit Von Maur of the South Absalom Von Maurs. Good to meet you. Puurrupup, I would be willing to join in your seance.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

A few days ago, before boarding the boat to Sedeq, you each received a letter. To save you from the terrible font, I'm pasting it here from the handout.

Oh Trustworthy Pathfinders,
I require your aid in tracking down the disgraced former Venture Captain Phlegos Dulm. Pathfinder agents discovered that he had been using his power and influence as a Venture-Captain to further his own ends. When I started to give him competition in Katapesh, he used bribery, sabotage, and poison to disrupt my efforts for the Society. Thankfully, trustworthy Pathfinders like yourselves were able to uncover his plot and dislodge him from Katapesh. Now he’s on the run. My divinations show him in a rundown manor house, the sound of the ocean nearby, but I couldn’t get any more information from that with my magic.

The Decemvirate would like you to track him down and bring him back alive. As much as I’d like to wring his neck personally, he has much to answer for and should be brought to justice. I’ve arranged for you to meet Karisa Starsight, a prominent leader of Liberty’s Edge, in Sedeq. She has a lead on Phlegos and needs skilled agents to find and capture him; bring him back alive. She will meet you in the Drunken Gnoll Tavern in Sedeq in two weeks.
Safe travels Pathfinders,
Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul

And so, you travel. By boat, the journey is only a few days south of Absalom to Qadira.

A mix of odors fills the tavern, chief among them stale arak with a faint hint of cleaning products and vomit. The bright-eyed steward of Liberty's Edge operations, karisa Starsight, sits in a dark corner of the room.

Her hood casts shadows on her face, but her bright eyes shine out as two points of light in the otherwise dimly lit tavern. She makes a gesture as if to call a server while subtly waving you over.

She pulls back a fold of her cloak to reveal a pin depicting a golden longsword on blue wings, the Liberty's Edge insignia. "Welcome to Sedeq. I hope you made it here wihout too much harassment from the residents. This city is as despicable and crime ridden as any I've seen. Everyone seems to be under the thumb of someone even more vile, so it's difficult to find anyone to trust. This establishment has just the right amount of ill repute." She stops speaking as a server approaches the table. "A pitcher, please." The server eyes Karisa with disdain, then walks towards the bar while scratching their rear.

Karisa starsight takes a moment to compose herself again. "Venture-Captain Yuul tells me that you are fine agents and will be able to help me track down the ex-Pathfinder, Phlegos Dulm. I've got a lead on some missing Pathfinder agents we believe he poisoned and sold into slavery to cover his substantial debts. I can't track both at once, so I'll be relying on you to find Phlegos and bring him in. Meanwhile I'll be locating our missing agents. The Decemvirate would like to question Phlegos, so bring him alive, if possible.

"I would start by talking to Corvius Vayn, a slave merchant and genie binder. His is about as untrostworthy and despicable as they come, but he was also Phlegos's primary contact here in Sedeq. If anyone knows where he is, it will be Vayn. I've managed to obtain a letter of introduction for you. He'll know you're Pathfinders and will likely suspect you want information on Phlegos; his spy network is extensive.

"You might also be able to obtain information on Phlegos from Khanuur, Vayn's efreeti slave who rarely leaves his side. Normally I'd recommend freeing Khanuur in exchange for information, but Khanuur is an evil genie, an efreeti. Freeing him would mean letting a powerful evil force free into the world but keeping him enslaved seems unfair to any creature. I trust your judgement to do what you feel is right.

"Before I depart, do you have any questions for me?"

Knowledge (Local) or Diplomacy (Gather Information):

DC 10+:
Vayn is an influential slave trader in Sedeq, making most of his moeny on obtaining and selling rare slaves. With his ample fortune, he has dabbled in a variety of other trades more out of curiosity than necessity.

DC 15+:
Vayn periodically uses his vast wealth to purchase a sun orchid elixer from Thuvia, which restores his body to a healthy, young adult state. He's done this at least twice and is at least a few centuries old.

DC 20+:
He keeps Khanuur, an efreeti, at his side most of the time. Vayn sends Khanuur to personally deliver messages or attend to guests as a symbol of both his power and his interest in particular business deals.

DC 25+:
Corvius's desire to own rare goods has given him a reputation as a ruthless collector, always getting what he wants.

Also Knowledge (Local) or Diplomacy (Gather Information)

DC 10+:
Nowhere in Quadira is the axiom "Anything can be bought and sold" more grimly true than Sedeq. More than half the population are slaves, and the markets provide any product you can think of, no matter how dangerous.

DC 15+:
Even in Sedeq, Qadirans are courteous, especially to their enemies. They see providing for guests as an almost religious obligation, and it is traditional for a guest to bring a gift when visiting.

DC 20+:
Though Qadiran law prevents nobles, citizens, and registered foreigners from being involuntarily enslaved, this protection is often overlooked in Sedeq.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

What sort of gift do you think Corvius would like? A polite greeting should help the meeting go a touch more smoothly.

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

"Good thinking, Sukit. It will at least improve his mood a little..."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (11) + 22 = 33
diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32

She will also pass along all the information from gathering info....

"Sounds like we should stay together around here. Safety in numbers... I'd make a poor slave."

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Kitajo listens to the conversation intently.

Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used

On the journey over, Purrupup conducts his seance every morning. It's not a particularly interesting ceremony, he his everyone who's participating sit in a circle holding hands, and gives you a few words in grippli to say at points. The grippli parts sound more like gargling than speaking, and Puurrupup makes some terrifying growling noises in places, but at the end of it you can't help but feel that something has happened.

For everyone choosing to participate remember to choose one of the benefits listed above for each day. Most people take +2 to non-spell damage. If you're not participating let me know as it means I can't use my spirit surge on your rolls to improve them

He spends the rest of his days on the boat making bullets with his alchemy kit, and generally being friendly with everyone, even Antonaides, for whom he spares some sad head shakes from time to time.

When they arrive he listens to the briefing gravely, tutting and saying "Oh no" at opportune moments.

At the end he has some questions for Karisa.

"Do you know much about Phlegos? Does he worship fiends? Sometimes fiends are behind things even when they don't seem to be. Some of them corrupt people you know. Oh and what about the missing Pathfinders? If we find him first maybe we can get a lead on them too, so it would be good to know who they are I think. Mmmhmmm"

He then helps out with the asking around and offers a suggestion for a gift.

"In my tribe I once received a gift of a net made of stinging nettles. I was very impressed, though I am not very good with nets. I could try making a net, I wonder if I could find nettles in the desert..."

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

Hmmm. Well, Arie doesn't use many direct damage spells and if she's trying to knock someone's HP down with a weapon, we're all in trouble so... she does have a few CLW's so I think she'll take the Hierophant for a little boost to that.

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

On the way.

"I have prayed to my Lord Ragathiel and he has given me way to join your séance Puurupup. While I would normally shy away from torturing a sentient being, fiends I suppose are ok.."

At the bar.

"Well met Karisa. I thank you for sticking it out in such a vile place and doing what you can for liberty. No one deserves to live in such conditions. I will do what I can to assist you."

After listening..

"This Corvius sounds like a real a*%!*~#.. It pains me that we must have dealings with someone like that. For the greater good however I see we must."

"I could think of a good gift or two.. Asswhooping seems like the ticket to me.."

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

I will take the +2 to non-spell damage please.

Hell's Vengeance - Slides
Sukit wrote:
What sort of gift do you think Corvius would like?

"Well, Corvius is extremely rich, powerful, vile, and a target I've been watching for awhile. He's already bound genies, so he can almost wish anything he'd like into his possession. He does have a love of rare possessions and will collect anything he finds unique: alcohol, jewelry, slaves. It might be efficient to give him a rare alcohol or other unique gift if you have access to such."

If any of you have a chronicle sheet on this character for 9-12 In the Grandmaster's Name:
You may check a box next to the Sommelier's Private Selection boon later. Let me know if you have this boon.

"As for Phlegos, he's a vile rat, and ex Venture-Captain who attempted to poison agents at Venture-Captain Roderus's retirement party. Roderus turned over all his influence and responsibilities to Wulessa, but not before tasking her with tracking down the corrupt venture captain.

10-06 Treason's Chains spoilers. Open if you dare:
The above are the events of that exact scenario. It's a good one if you never played it, but you've gotta have a GM willing to really rollplay up a specific character.

"He had a few missions go sour under his watch, too. Some say he even enslaved his own lodge members. If my hunch is correct, these missing Pathfinders are a part of this group, and Phlegos is somewhere nearby."

Karisa's eyes flash for a moment, almost literally, as she remembers something and reaches into her pack. She pulls out a small pouch and hands places it on the table. "These are for you. Hopefully you can find a good use for them, if not in freeing Khanuur, then maybe in finding Phlegos." The pouch contains a Greater Chime of Opening (A chime of opening that operates at caster level 20) and an Adamantine Metal File.

"Any other questions?"

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Oh, I almost forgot, can anyone cast Mage Armour? I have a wand just need someone to zap me periodically please?

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8


"I am not going to enjoy graveling to this man.. To rescue our comrades and to find this Phlegos I will bite my tongue however."

Spending 2pp for a potion of Fly, unless someone can cast the scroll and then ill get a scroll with 2 uses.

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

"I agree. He sounds vile..."

She takes the wand from Kitajo, taps him with it.
use magic device: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30
"There ya go..."

Arie can UMD it easily. Will have to look an see if it in on the bard spell list. Will also look in a little while to see if I have that chronicle sheet.

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

Fly isn't on Bard list and its a DC 25 to use the scroll. With hero only need a 4. I will get the scroll with two if you are ok casting them.

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

I don't mind one bit. In Arie's life she has sat back (especially at lower levels) and used someone else's CLW wand in battle. :)

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

It may be unpleasant, but Phlegos is our first priority.

Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used

Puurrupup offers Arie a strange key that he keeps on a chain round his neck.

"If you use this is might help to activate the scroll"

It's a Nine Eaves Key and will give you a +4 insight bonus to UMD a particular item for 24 hours. He used to use it to help him use his wand of CLW but his UMD is high enough for that now

"Does anyone have any rare alcohol? I tried some once but it tasted like bad pond-water. We could buy some from the market? That wouldn't be rare or unique though"

He looks thoughtful for a second and then shrugs.

"Oh well. Evil slavers shouldn't get nice things anyway. Let's just talk to him and see what he says."

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

"Ah, thank you! Yes, evil slavers should not get gifts. perhaps he will have an idea of what he wants from us, although I feel none of us will like it. Now, as for that Efreet...we should be ready for that jsut in case."

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

With no more questions, the Pathfinders move out. They walk the streets with a tight grip on their coin pouches and valuables, turning down ever increasingly sketchy streets until the area suddenly becomes opulent.

Corvius Vayn's estate is a palace with gardens full of exotic plants, an entry hall with rare works of art, and a sitting room the size of a large townhouse. Once the Pathfinders arrive and presend their letter of introduction, they're brought to a sitting room by a suli (genie-kin) in flowing silk robes, then offered any manner of refreshments they desire. Shortly after receiving whatever refreshments the Pathfinders request, Corvius Vayn himself joins the Pathfinders.

A sturdy blonde man with long-free-flowing hair strides confidently into the room, his fine black and white silk robes fluttering behind him. An efreeti in midnight black robes with gold trim and a black metal collar follows immediately behind. The human addresses the room at large. "Ah, Pathfinders. I was wondering how long it would take you lot of murderers and graverobbers to seek me out. My money was on about a month earlier, but no matter. It only cost me a few thousand platinum." He slowly starts to sit as several unseen servants assemble a throne of throw pillows below him. "I, as you're aware, am Corvius Vayn and need no further introduction. You however, do. Please," he says, carefully eyeing each Pathfinder individually, "introduce yourselves so I can start to think of you as more than a group of homicidal archaeologists."

Every character must introduce themself here before he proceeds. He demands you include your true lineage and particular set of skills. If you differentiate from introductions at all before everybody is done, he immediately interrupts. Any attempt to continue after the interruption is met with the stares of several buff looking efreeti guards emerging from a back room.

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

"I am Grim Krieger, Warpriest of Ragathiel. Lance Corporal of the esteemed Molthuni Arsenal."

He tries his best to keep an impartial, but stern look on his face.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

I am Sukit Von Maur of the South Absalom Von Maurs, and I'll ask that you not associate me with Vincent. I stand as the stout bulwark of the Society. I received a field commission after establishing a foothold for the Society in the Emerald Spire of the River Kingdoms.

Dark Archive

Male LN Human Herald Caller 8, Buffs: | hp 75/75 | AC 21 T11 FF21 | CMB +6, CMD 14 | F: +12, R +5, W +18 | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +11, Concentration +17/+19 | Speed 30 ft | Copycat 8/10, Master of Pentacles, Channel Negative 3/5 | Conditions: None

"I am Antonaides de Guile, Esq., loyal servant of Asmodeus and attorney at law. Might I say, while you have an impeccable reputation in hell, it does not prepare one to meet you in person. I like your style.

"I can summon minions from the darkest depths and cast spells to reward the worthy and the contract-bound. I can also make some introductions once you make your way downstairs.

"My business card," he adds, extending a glossy, black and red card toward Corvius.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

I am Kitajo Uchihide. I do not know my lineage. As a young boy I was taken from my family and sold. I was liberated and raised by a hermit in Quain. He taught me to defend myself using his family's fighting style. I fight with my body for preference, but can use weapons if I must.

Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used


Puurrupup waves emphatically.

"I am Puurrupup, fiend-keeper of the Khaddodi Grippli. I walk the world slaying evil fiends with my pistol, and weakening the great fiend beneath Khaddodi by siphoning it's energy away slowly. I once helped stop an outbreak of demon fiends in a town called Saringallow and the nice townsfolk game me some gifts, like these boots!"

He gets the sense he might have gone on a bit too long, so he finishes off with "Hello!" and another wave.

In case it's relevant

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (17) + 24 = 41

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

Arie gives a little curtsy.
"Greetings I am Arie D'Nostica. I spent a few years traveling with Varisian gypsy's and make my living by telling tales."

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

Corvius gives each Pathfinder an appraising look as they introduce themselves. Once the introductions are over he speaks again. "Let us cut deep. You're here because of former Venture-Captain Plegos Dulm. He betrayed you. You want him... dead? Captured? Somethign unpleasant, I'm sure. He owes me a great deal as well and I can't be letting him get away with it--no; bad business. Letting you handle him is cheaper than hiring the Red Mantis to do it for me. However, I can't be giving away something for free, even information--etiquette you know. In exchange for information on phlegos Dulm, including where to find him, I offer you this onetime deal:"

Corvius stands and stretches his arms towards Puurupup. "You will become my indentured servant for one month--oh, you don't have to do anything unseemly. I'm not a Calistrian. I just want to take you to a few lavish parties, dress you in fine clothes, show off your various talents; standard arrangement. You don't have to start now--I understand you're in the middle of something. Come back when you're done and get pampered for awhile. Deal?"

Puurupup is unfortunately the only tone that, as written, qualifies to be the servant due to his unique race.

To make it completely clear: Puurupup, you may say no. The scenario has ways forward if you say no to this one.

Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used

"Oh dear. It is a shame that you want me to be temporary slave. Slavery is very bad. I wish I could free all the slaves here in this smelly city, but I cannot. I will not add another though"

He looks up at Corvius with pity.

"Is there anything else we could pay you with?"

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

"A shame really, to let your talents go to waste because of your foolish arrogance. Nevertheless, instead, each of you will owe me a favor to be determined later. I could use a few 'adventurers' in my pocket--" a clear chime sounds through the room. "My apologies, I have an engagement I must get to. Let me leave you here to relax and deliberate. I'll return in one hour to hear your decision--though you really don't have a choice do you?" Corvius chuckles to himself as he leaves the room, leaving the efreeti to stand at attention beside the door.

"Is there anything I can get for you?" sings the genie in an almost cheerful fashion.

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

"I'm not happy owing this man a favor but I cannot think of anything else he would accept. I am glad you said no to him, Puurrup."

She then looks to the genie, "Well, if you mean that, what kind of wine do you have? If we are waiting an hour, may as well do it in style."

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

Speaking to the genie.

"I assume you are Khanuur then?"

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

The genie turns to Arie first. "Well, we've got a wide assortment of just about anything you could want, including some stuff from other planes of existence. Let me know your taste and I can accomidate."

"...Yes. I...I am Khanuur. How did you know my name?"

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

"Your master is not the only one with information. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been a slave to your master?"

The Exchange

Arie D'Nostica. CG Female Kitsune (Appears to be a Varisian human most of the time) Bard 9 CG bard 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 FF 15 Touch 17 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | F+7 R+12 W+8 |Init +4 | Perc +7 SM +20 Speed 30' Spells: 0: 6 1)5 2)4 3)4 | Conditions: none

Arie waits for a lull in the very important conversation before replying, "Well. If you have any of that wine supposedly made from grapes from Elysium, I hear it is amazing."

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Kitajo neither eats nor drinks. He simply waits for Corvius to return.

Dark Archive

Male LN Human Herald Caller 8, Buffs: | hp 75/75 | AC 21 T11 FF21 | CMB +6, CMD 14 | F: +12, R +5, W +18 | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +11, Concentration +17/+19 | Speed 30 ft | Copycat 8/10, Master of Pentacles, Channel Negative 3/5 | Conditions: None

"Please, a bottle of Chateau Belial. The '95 if you have it. You can actually taste the screams of the damned," he says in explanation to the other Pathfinders. "The terroir makes all the difference."

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 42 T 23 FF 36 | CMB +20, CMD 37 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +12 | Init: +13 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Out of curiosity, what's it like to be bound so?

Silver Crusade

| HP 64+7/64 | AC 24 / 17 T / 20FF | CMD +4 CMD 20 | F +9, R +10, W +8 | Init +3 | Perc +13 SM +5 |Speed 30ft | Spells 1st:2/3, 2nd: 2/2; Influence 1/5; Taboo 2/2 Dark Communion 6/7 grit 5/5| Active Conditions: Marshal spirit, reroll used

Puurrupup pipes up after Sukit. He keeps his voice low.

"It must be very bad to be a slave. Could we help you to escape? Perhaps you could tell us the information we want and we could free you from that monster's service?"

Purrupup is in favour of freeing slaves where possible, whether they be innately evil genies or not. Except for fiends. He's a simple frog-man. If most folks would prefer not to though he will follow the majority

Hell's Vengeance - Slides

"I don't really remember not being a slave," The genie utters. [b]"I've heard there are worse masters through."

The genie fetches the exact bottles of wine requested by Atnonaides and Arie, pouring a generous glass of each before returning the bottles to the cellar.

At Puurrupup's request, the genie perks up. "I will aid you, if I can. However, you must remove this collar;" he looks around nervously before talking in a much more hushed tone. "it binds me to Corvius's will. As long as it is intact, I cannot assist you and must perform everything corvius asks. Set me free and I offer you the information you seek in exchange. Nothing more and nothing less."

Liberty's Edge

Active Effects:
Ext Bull Str(15m), Ext Ironskin(15m), Ext SoF(15m), Resist Fire(13m), DF(9R)
HP 83/83 | AC 30 | T 14 | FF 29 | CMD 24 | Fort +14 | Ref +7 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +14
Blessings 7/7, Fervor 5/7, Sacred Weapon(+2) 7/8

"Well I personally do think very highly of your master and do not wish to owe him a favor. If you provide us with the information we seek we will release you. Do we have your word?"

If the genie agrees he sets about removing the collar with the adamantine file..

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