GM Aldizog |
I have been a PFS player for several years, and a PbP GM for several years, but this is my first game as a PFS GM.
1) Please post within 24 hours of your turn coming up, and sooner if possible. A module is longer than an ordinary scenario, but I think we can get through this during Outpost. I will try to keep things moving.
2) If you have to be away, please let me know and include some botting instructions in your profile. Or designate another player to bot you if you wish.
3) I roll most things openly. Feel free to check attack rolls if I miscalculated, or saves (I might roll saves for you all to move things along more quickly if needed - to this point, let me know if you have reactive abilities that apply to saves). If something is in a "GM Eyes" spoiler then please don't check it.
4) I know the rules fairly well (and low-level Core has a lot less to keep track of), and can post reliably to keep a game moving, but please do let me know if I make significant errors either in the rules or in game management. However, if you have raised a question and I have made a decision on it, that decision is final. As per PFS rules, I will not make rulings that are clearly and explicitly contradicted by the books, but there is a good deal of grey area where I will use my best judgment.
5) Related to the above, one area with a lot of table variation is Take 10. I am a fan of it. Feel free to use it when not threatened or distracted (pretty much when not in combat) unless a skill says otherwise. MW tools are another area subject to some amount of GM discretion in my understanding, where I am not quite so permissive. I'm sure other things will come up - when I make a ruling you disagree with, please understand that I am not being adversarial, but doing what I think is in the best interest of providing a fun game for everybody.
So please sign in here with the following:
Player/Forum Name:
Character Name:
Class and Level:
PFS# (and dash):
Day job Roll (if any):
Grakkahn |
Player/Forum Name: Gummy Bear
Character Name: Grakkahn
Class and Level: Fighter 1
PFS# (and dash): 74244-21
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Day job Roll (if any): Take Ten for a 16 in Craft Carpentry!
Just as a note, Grakkahn has combat reflexes (3 AoOs) and wields a reach weapon. Other than that, he's just a fighter on his first outing. No profile picture because Paizo's site isn't allowing any new ones at the moment :(
Korum of the Silver Eyed Wolf |
Player/Forum Name: TriShadow
Character Name:Korum of the Silver Eyed Wolf
Class and Level: Ranger 1 / Rogue 1
PFS# (and dash): 151777-18
Faction: Dark Archive
Day job Roll (if any): Nope
Reading your #5, I wanted to point out that I do have Masterwork Thieve's Tools (included in the skill value).
Mechien Segla |
Player/Forum Name: PaleDim
Character Name: Mechien Segla
Class and Level: Wizard (evoker) 2
PFS#: 272301-21
Faction: The Concordance
Day job Roll (if any): N/A
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
Player/Forum Name: PDK
Character Name: Sarzuket Thicketbotter
Class and Level: Cleric 2
PFS# (and dash): 4456-14
Faction: Concordance
Day job Roll (if any): Profession Sailor: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Mechien Segla |
GM, I think I'd like to buy some 1st level spells to fill out Mechien's book a little. Are you the type of GM who likes to record that on the chronicle sheet, or no just make it clear before we depart on the adventure?
Mechien Segla |
You bet. I'll make a small list in the next couple of days. 25gp per scroll, 10gp each to transcribe into book (35gp/spell at 1st level).
GM Aldizog |
In PFS you can pay for access to an NPC's spellbook to scribe the spell, rather than buying a scroll.
The cost is 50% of the scribing cost, so for a 1st-level spell the total is 15 gp (10 scribing, 5 access).
Mechien Segla |
Oh geez, I've been overpaying for spells then. I went quite a while without noticing this blurb in the CRB after my first read-through however long ago:
In most cases, wizards charge a fee for the privilege of copying spells from their spellbooks. This fee is usually equal to half the cost to write the spell into a spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook). Rare and unique spells might cost significantly more.
But can one generally assume access to this for any spell, or doesn't it still require a specific encounter? The FAQ entry doesn't make this clear to me.
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
All access. All the time. Just pay the piper. Core spells only, for this core campaign here...
Mechien Segla |
Okay, well then Mechien would like to buy all remaining 1st-level core spells outside of his opposition schools (enchantment and necromancy). His chronicles contain no extra 1st-level spells
27 total (accounting for all forms of protection), 405gp. Somebody is going to have serious ink stains on their hands...
Endure Elements
Hold Portal
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Unseen Servant
Comprehend Languages
Detect Secret Doors
Detect Undead
True Strike
Shocking Grasp
Disguise Self
Magic Aura
Silent Image
Animate Rope
Enlarge Person
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall
Magic Weapon
Reduce Person
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
Well done.
Sylvester Solstar |
Player/Forum Name: Mage of the Wyrmkin
Character Name: Sylvester Solstar
Class and Level:Bard/Sorcerer 1/1
PFS# (and dash):115226-11
Faction: Dark Archives
Day job Roll (if any): Take 10 Perform Wind (Battle Horn) 21 for 20 Gold
I am looking forward to playing with all of you. Game day approaches. :)
Cayden Barleybrew |
She is for me
I mean, there are *several* chronicle sheets out there that unlock gods...
Cayden Barleybrew |
Actually, if it is on a scenario chronicle sheet (as opposed to a boon sheet), race unlocks are also legal in CORE - so it is possible to play an Oread in CORE if you have played a certain scenario, for example.
Grakkahn |
FYI GM, the map is asking me to request permission. Should I request it, or will you make it publicly available?
Cayden Barleybrew |
I will generally 'Take 10', rather than rolling, although if there is some special feature that attracts my attention as potentially trap-worthy, I will reserve the right to 'Take 20' (for example, if there is a door that I strongly suspect might be trapped, I will happily take the two minutes to thoroughly search it).
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
@GM Aldizog: would you please consider adding an avatar to your name? for some reason, perhaps due to my advancing age, my eyes sometimes skip right over your posts... thank you!
Mechien Segla |
Same question. Mechien had a light spell up.
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
Perfect pace. It's a dungeon crawl: unless the GM moves the action forward like you do, PbP usually turns such delves into endless waiting games... so thank you for keeping the action going!
Mechien Segla |
This seems pretty good to me. And I'm a person who tends to not be able to post until the evening after work, such that some of my games have gone by 20 posts (!?!)
Grakkahn |
Is there anyway to effectively take a picture of something? One of the reasons Grakkahn joined the Pathfinder Society was for the artistic inspiration. These statues, among other things we've found so far, are exactly what he's looking for and would like to reference such things later on when he's planning his carpentry tasks.
One way, I suppose, is to just say he takes a sketch of everything. That works since this is just for his RP, but is there anything else he could do to capture an image for later reference?
Grakkahn |
Silent Image could help! I'll take not of that nifty little item for Standard characters, it's a printer!
I hadn't thought of it from that angle, GM, thanks y'all!
Grakkahn |
Curious: What happens if part of a Brown Mold is near a steady source of fire? Does it just double until it fills the space it is in? It is kind of a wonder to me that there isn't more of this stuff in Golarion in general, considering it thrives on heat.
Amusing Thought: Brown mold air conditioning! Live in a stiflingly hot place? Get some Brown Mold installed! Assuming you could control it, bet a wizard's figured that out somewhere. Also a fridge/freezer might be made surrounding one. Aaaand know I want to make a "practical" wizard that's off to solve the world's quality of life problems.
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
Mechien Segla |
Curious: What happens if part of a Brown Mold is near a steady source of fire? Does it just double until it fills the space it is in? It is kind of a wonder to me that there isn't more of this stuff in Golarion in general, considering it thrives on heat.
The description is vague on it, but it seems a reasonable interpretation that it does, one step at a time. There's not a good distinction between fire being deliberately brought to the mold, or the mold incidentally being near more fire after doubling. In that way it sounds like an effective fire retardant.
Grakkahn |
Grakkahn wrote:Curious: What happens if part of a Brown Mold is near a steady source of fire? Does it just double until it fills the space it is in? It is kind of a wonder to me that there isn't more of this stuff in Golarion in general, considering it thrives on heat.The description is vague on it, but it seems a reasonable interpretation that it does, one step at a time. There's not a good distinction between fire being deliberately brought to the mold, or the mold incidentally being near more fire after doubling. In that way it sounds like an effective fire retardant.
What I'm hearing is that a fire department equipped with bottles of brown mold might be quite effective ;)
Grakkahn |
But the fire's out... What's the problem again? :P
Also, holy hell, twenty seven posts in gameplay! *rolls up sleeves* time to get to work!
EDIT: Yay civil inter-character conflict! :D Sidenote, I, for one, welcome whatever challenge justifies the doubling of all our HP by touching a statue!
Sarzuket Thicketbotter |
I don't know. I copy pasted it from another game. I poached it. :)
Grakkahn |
Time to poach the poacher!
Sorry GM, that was sloppy play. I anticipated the possibility of AoO's and should have just included them to begin with! Since I post much earlier than most of the group, I'll check again this evening to post for the round if needed.