GM Snowheart |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Belial's Bastards, please check-in here.
Delightful -- Ameliya Arvanxi
Delmoth -- Lily Tuvol
Patrick McDade -- Slink
rdknight -- Veda Northanger
Simeon -- Alixus Vade
TheWaskally -- Jerax Hellfire
As discussed in the recruitment thread, my overarching assumptions are as follows:
* We will post at least once-per-day on weekdays, and once per weekend
* We are all committing to run through at least the first book of this AP. If I'm up for continuing to run Book 2 and there is a critical mass of interest, or we're able to recruit enough people to fill any gaps left my players departing, we will continue through the Book 2, and so on.
* Everyone's character (and player) is going to be able to work with a group of generally unlikeable souls.
A few notes on my GMing style for PbP:
* When combat starts, I will roll initiative for everyone and then, based on the averages, either the opponents go first or the party goes first. I run them as groups, and for the party it is first post, first action. Having a high initiative helps in terms of getting the average roll up, but I find combat can stall if we're all waiting on initiative turns before posting.
* In most circumstances such as a dungeon, trap, or surprise, I will also roll perception everyone, rather than wait for everyone else to roll.
* In addition to not believing anyone is perfect, I will acknowledge I'm not even close to the nearest thing. I will make some mistakes. My emphasis is going to be on being fair to your reasonable expectations while also keeping the game moving and fun for everyone (myself included). I am always open to taking a closer look at the rules, but I don't want to get bogged for several days for a discussion on them. Generally speaking, once I make a ruling, it's decided for that particular instance. Further conversation about it on the discussion thread is fine to the extent it may impact future scenes.
For now, please do the following:
* Take time to look over the character histories of the rest of the party, then discuss here ways you may know at least one of the other party members and incorporate that into your backstory.
* Put any necessary final touches on your characters.
* Let me know if you have any questions.
I will follow-up tomorrow (Monday) with additional items to get us ready.
Finally... I'm hugely looking forward to playing this AP with all of you! Welcome!
GM Snowheart |
As an additional note regarding updates to character backgrounds, I'm tweaking things just a bit as we start things off.
Whatever your individual reason for being in Longacre, you have collectively been contacted by Cimri for a job. Cimri is a local tough who has alternatively made noises about being loyal to House Thrune and making trouble locally for the veterans and castoffs who chafe under Thrune's yoke. More details on this are to come, but here's what this means for your character:
* You can be a petty criminal and street tough, a mercenary, or you can be someone just starting to find their footing in Chelaxian bureaucracy. You are not known to House Thrune (or, if you are, it's only passingly and to some minor functionaries).
* Whether you personally know Cimri and she contacted you about this, or you're getting the invitation through another member of the party who you know through your mutual backstories... either is fine.
More to come tomorrow. Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. :)
Veda Northanger |
Thank you for the invite Snowheart!
Hi everyone, I'm looking forward to playing with you all!
So, who might Veda know....
Veda'a a lifelong local and from the other backstories I'd say the other member of the party she is most likely to know would be Slenk. They might not know each other by name, but Longacre isn't a big place so they could easily recognize each other from around town.
The same is true of Ameliya. Veda would have a hard time missing someone like Ameliya in Longacre. But Ameliya's only been around for about a year and looks like a Lady of Quality. I doubt Veda would dare approach her or strike up a conversation.
Jerax is possible but it sounds like his and Veda's paths diverge fairly early on. Again, they might know each other by sight. But if Jerax has been in training and so forth for some time previously, Veda is likely too young to have know him from before that started.
Lily and Alixus are new. Lily probably looks enough like random trouble for Veda to steer clear. Alixus is a priest and Veda isn't going to give what he's selling the time of day.
Veda's fairly tight with Cimri though. If she's vouching for these people, they're alright by Veda.
Jerax Hellfire |
Hi, everyone! And thank you, Snowheart, for the invitation.
Here are some possible threads inbetween characters.
Veda, like Jerax, was local, and probably would have run in similar circles, getting to know the children outside of The Helping Hand. The changeling was not as short as the other girls in Longacre and Jerax appreciated that about her, which may have led to some kinship or young love, I'll leave that to Veda. But that all changed when Jerax was shipped down to Egorian. Gone was the red-skinned rascal from Veda's youth. What returned was a cog in the very system she railed against, Jerax was now The Law. The changeling and tiefling's association may be strained since his returned. Possibly even busting Veda and Cimri a few times.
As one of Longacre's city guard, it's his job to suss out troublemakers, and Lily and her orc blood normally fits that bill. But the bloodrager was amicable during inquiries and for a half-orc, Lily was quite comely. So once and a while, Jerax would occasionally have lunches or dinners together Another possible romantic connection, which I will leave for Lily's approval. During these visits, Lily would talk about her investigation of finding her father, and the tiefling would offer what help he could. The antipaladin would also try to fill in the gaps in the half-orc's asmodean lore, ultimately introducing the bloodrager to one of Longacre's resident cleric, Alixus Vade.
Once Jerax returned from Egorian, the antipaladin sought out local members of the asmodean faith, and introduced himself to Alixus Vade. Whenever both antipaladin and cleric are together, Jerax defers to the higher-ranking Alixus, and genuinely respects the cleric. I'll leave it to Alixus if he found more than just a tool for Asmodeus in the towering tiefling.
Jerax doesn't know much about the slip called Slenk. On the streets of Longacre, while the slave is doing errands for his master, Slenk is the epitome of a good slip. The halfling even ingratiate himself upon Jerax to help the overburdened slave to carry some bags during a spring sunshower one afternoon.
And then there's Ameliya Arvanxi. Godsdamn, Ameliya Arvanxi! Like much of Longacre's menfolk, Jerax's head turned hard when the red-headed noblewoman came to town. Whenever the psychic is around, Jerax combs his eyebrows back and checks his breath. The towering tiefling frequents Ameliya's brothel. If the psychic makes herself available for clients, Jerax would spend his weekly wage on her services. Regardless, the antipaladin treats the noble lady with as much courtly manners as his egorian training provides. If sometimes Jerax gets the feeling the psychic is using him, he don't care; the antipaladin figures it's just the price to pay to be near just a drop-dead gorgeous woman.
Ameliya Arvanxi |
Ameliya Arvanxi reporting for duty! Many thanks for including me in this Snowheart. I've been itching to play in an Eeeevillll campaign so this is quite the windfall.
Now as for Ameliya's relationships with the other player characters I do believe that after reading everyone else's backstories that Ameliya would at least know of and have something of a passing relationship with Jerax, Alixus and Veda before Cimri put out the call for adventure.
Ameliya isn't a native of Longacre but she has been in town for about a year now. In that time she's made moves to clandestinely ingratiate herself with any Thrune/Asmodean officials so she'll have someone to nark to. Being friends with two members of the Church of Asmodeous is the exact kind of connection she'd want as it would give her the means to secretly feed information about her business rivals disloyalty (real or fabricated) to House Thrune and the Church, which will hopeful lead to their arrest and provide Ameliya the chance to steal their assets! As for Veda, I can see Ameliya employing Cimri's group of local toughs every once in while to do some sabotage and vandalism on her competitor's shops. So she'd know Veda's face and about her talent for medicine.
For the rest, I suppose that she'd know of Slenk and his master she would have likely taken note of Lily being a mysterious new arrival in town whose been asking questions.
That's what I got for now. Tell if that works with everyone. We can build on it and add more depth.
Oh, and I'll have that "Ten Minute Background" done as quickly as I can, Snowheart. Maybe it will help with making those PC connections.
Edit: Ha! Got distracted while making this post and two people other players beat me too the punch of being the first player to comment in Discussion. That'll teach me!
Anyways, with Veda's and Jerax's input I got a few ideas. I think the whole "I employed you once" can still make sense as the reason why Ameliya and Veda know each other. They ain't close by any means but they at least have something of a respectful work relationship if nothing else. Ameliya's doesn't stiff her employees.
And if Jerax is a sucker for Ameliya's pretty face she won't be shy to exploit that! She'll angle to use him as a right hand and fixer that she can get rid of "problems" that crop with her business every once in a while that she can't just deal with via intrigue. Johns that get violent with her employees or don't pay, and lawmen that start getting suspicious about her role in the sudden spree of vandalism on stores. That sort of thing. Perhaps he even moonlights as a bouncer at the Sweet Caress when he's off-duty? Their relationship would NOT be romantic, with Ameliya using her, um, talents to get his loyalty, but she may find Jerax attempts at courtship amusing and she'll at least respect him for being a good fixer and a skilled warrior.
Lily Tuvol |
Has anyone else noticed that everyone except Slenk is actually tall or self-described as tall?
Digging into backgrounds:
Ameliya - I can see Lily being a customer of Sweet Caress.
Slenk - Lily could have questioned Slenk when she rolled into town. She would think, well the halfling on Scurvy Strumpet kept all the secrets so I’ll ask this random halfling on the street.
Veda - Lily would have noticed Veda and questioned her about Lily's father.
Alixus - Lily could have known Alixus or his family when she was a child before the ritual. Perhaps from parochial school, he was top of the class and Lily had some jealousy. But not enough to hold a grudge, he may be top of the class, but Lily has a destiny.
As one of Longacre's city guard, it's his job to suss out troublemakers, and Lily and her orc blood normally fits that bill. But the bloodrager was amicable during inquiries and for a half-orc, Lily was quite comely. So once and a while, Jerax would occasionally have lunches or dinners together Another possible romantic connection, which I will leave for Lily's approval. During these visits, Lily would talk about her investigation of finding her father, and the tiefling would offer what help he could. The antipaladin would also try to fill in the gaps in the half-orc's asmodean lore, ultimately introducing the bloodrager to one of Longacre's resident cleric, Alixus Vade.
The initial meeting sounds good. I imagine Lily would agree to meet Jerax for dinner to talk over what information he might have and completely misinterpret his actual intentions. She would politely decline his eventual romantic overtures with, ”Yer not my type.”
Alixus Vade |
Howdy folks! I’ll get my alias sorted later today, but I’ll put up some initial thoughts on character connections.
I think Alixus would be closest with Jerax, as both are a part of the official church hierarchy. I wouldn’t think he sees Jerax as a lot more than just a cog in the grand and complex machine of the faith, but he doesn’t know the tiefling very well and has yet to see the extent of his skills.
Alixus is a bit confused by Lily. Though they share the correct faith, Alixus can’t help but see Lily’s bloodline as an uncommon and unpredictable variable. Despite that, he knows that a servant of Asmodeus ultimately has their loyalties in the right place.
Though largely unphased by her charms and beauty, Alixus sees value in knowing an influential member of society in Longacre.
I don’t know if Alixus would be tremendously familiar with Slink or Veda. In Veda’s case, they run in very different circles. With Slink, the halfling is very good at not being noticed, though Alixus would see some common ground in their infernal pact.
Slenk |
Very excited to be a part of this adventure. I've been itching to play a witch for a long time and this seemed like an interesting take.
Slenk has likely been in Longacre as long if not longer than anyone else, however he only knows a certain side of the town because of his significant seclusion within his Master's domain. Some things he has realized since gaining his freedom:
His Master is not as senior as he believed, but still any devil binder - even a weak one - has a place in Cheliax. Because of that he still uses his Master's name (and papers) freely and with what he believes is permission.
When he gained his freedom, Slenk wanted it to be fully legitimate and legal but not overly publicized. To that end, he and his Master used the services of Cimri to make sure that all the paper was filed appropriately, but without significant public exposure. The normal notices were posted but momentarily before the papers were damaged. The formal copies were all filed and transmitted, but the files were archived almost immediately after filing in a minor clerical mishap. Slenk and his former Master each have a certified copy of the documents, and the foreign correspondence to central records is entirely complete. However, it is unlikely that anyone but Cimri, Slenk and his former Master are aware of his freedom. He carries several old letters from his Master assigning him to tasks about the town with different people giving him a reason to be wherever he wishes to be to maintain pretenses - but if push came to shove, his freedom is unquestionable. This places him not in Cimri's debt, but still beholden and Cimri knows Slenk would be looking for work to make coin.
Veda and Slenk would likely know each other as I imagine that Slenk and his kind would often seek simple healing and cures from one such as her. Slenk would also potentially go to her for some more exotic spell components to help foster his new abilities. Further, he would be intellectually interested in her lineage as he himself is now bound to something otherworldly.
For the rest, Slenk would likely be more comfortable with the obvious non-humans and may have made passing acquaintance, but he would never approach Ameliya unless specifically bidden to. To him, while he will not allow a poor decision to be made that might effect him negatively, deferring to Ameliya will be as natural as holding the elevator door open for someone or driving on the correct side of the street.
GM Snowheart |
Hey all. I'm putting together some high-level notes for myself on the characters and customizing the AP a bit for you.
Jerax: One item I'd like to tweak is, instead of being part of the "city guard", I'm thinking Vangal dispatched you back to your hometown to begin keeping a watch on things. With the Glorious Reclamation making noises to the east and Longacre being a haven for castouts and malcontents, the baron thinks you might be able to keep an eye on things as a local while reporting back to him and the order on what's going on. Reason being, the sheriff and her deputies are pretty much the local city guard, and I'd like to keep a degree of separation there. That okay?
All: Let me know if you have any questions, and then just chime in when you're ready to go. There is an intro-post in the gameplay thread, but once we get started we'll do a quick "flashback scene" to set the stage with Cimri and explaining how you have all found yourselves at the edge of this field looking at the tannery.
Veda Northanger |
I'm trying to get a handle on the chronologies of the various characters.
Jerax is 66?(!) That makes him older than Veda's father. (I thought aasimar/tiefling lifespans were ruled to align with human, but no biggie.) That does make it hard to reconcile Veda and Jerax knowing each other when they were younger though. Was Jerax at the orphanage for decades?
Veda is just barely 18, so depending on how long Jerax was away she would have been quite young (for example if it's been 5 years she would have been 13 max when he left)
She could have patched up Slenk, and maybe kind of worked for Ameliya indirectly via Cimri.
The idea is Veda is very new to the doin' crimes thing. Before the present she's helped a bit stitching people up and so forth. More recently she's dipped her toes in further, maybe acting as a lookout or other minor things. But this tannery robbery will be the first thing of substance she's ever done.
Jerax Hellfire |
@Snowheart - Okay. I'll change Jerax from 'city guard' to 'on assignment'.
@Veda - Sorry. That was a mistake. In a previous HV game, I had Jerax much older. I'll fix it, and thanks for pointing it out.
Lily Tuvol |
For what its worth there is conflicting information about how old a tiefling adult is. PFSRD has 60 while the legacy PRD has 20, couldn't find it on Archive of Nethys main site. Aasimar is 20 everywhere and I think tieflings should match them.
Think I’m good to go.
Thoughts on knowing each other from childhood? I couldn't find Alixus's age.
Lily Tuvol |
I’d say that Alixus is probably 19 or 20. It’s possible they could’ve met each other at some sort of church occasion.
How about this: Lily remembers Alixus but not the other way around, at least at first. They briefly met when they were around the age of 10. Alixus made a scathing comment about Lily's heritage. Maybe she gave him a bloody nose but their parents managed to work out an agreement. Lily got 20 lashes and Alixus forgot about it until they both found themselves in Longacre. They put their past behind them seeing value in association with each other.
Alixus Vade |
Alixus wasn’t always the ruthless, scheming man he is now. He was shy and bookish growing up, only becoming as vicious as he is during his priestly education. He likely would’ve had his nose buried in a theological text or something similar.
I could see Alixus not initially remembering Lily, but their interactions might’ve been something more like Lily trying to start a conversation and Alixus being completely disinterested.
GM Snowheart |
Two Quick Things
First, I run combats on Google Slides. The hyperlink at the top of the page should take you to that slide presentation. To get things up and running, I need to make tokens for all of you, but (as you know) Paizo's avatar system is borked. So, please post a link to an image you'd like me to use as an avatar. Pinterest is a great resource as is DeviantArt.
Second, in the gameplay thread, we're going to do a quick "flashback scene" to give you all a chance to do some initial RP with your characters, get "in character" as it were, and ask Cimri any questions you have.
Ameliya Arvanxi |
@Snowheart: Same here. Ameliya's portrait is in her profile and linked on her alias statline. Just click Female.
Jerax Hellfire |
@Snowheart: I could find a picture that looks actually like Jerax, but here is his inspiration.
Lily Tuvol |
My existing avatar pic is fine for my token. I can drop it into the slides later when I'm on my laptop if need be.
Ameliya Arvanxi |
And here's Ameliya's Ten Minute Background.
1. Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!
1) Ameliya is an ambitious young woman who yearns and strives to make her fortune in her own right.
2) She is a Machiavellian figure that has little in the way of scruples but does at least believe in a code of reciprocity and shared respect for those she finds worthy. She also loves and takes care of her sex workers.
3) Ameliya puts on a veneer of noblesse oblige and professional politeness, but in reality, she finds most people to be contemptible and below her.
4) Beyond her beautiful surface vestige is an incredibly intelligent woman knowledgeable in law, finance, economics, psychology, and theology. She is also quite learned in more esoteric sciences like the psychic arts.
5) Her greatest fear is that she will fail in her ambitions and be forced to rely on her beauty instead of her mind. She despises the idea of her own weakness and vulnerability.
2. List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) Ameliya’s ultimate desire is to create a far-reaching business empire, one that’s power and wealth eclipses that of House Arvanxi.
2) Ameliya desires an opportunity to prove her devotion to Ardad Lili and gain her goddess’s’ attention and favor.
3. List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
1) Ameliya is one behind the infamous “Blue Wedding,” a mass poisoning in Westcrown that killed several members of House Arvanxi, including her own parents. Her new sisters in the Cult of Ardad Lili assisted Ameliya in orchestrating this tragedy.
2) Ameliya’s cousin Markus has kept tabs on her and plans on having her killed if he can’t find evidence that proves her role in the death of his parents. He is in contact with the Hellknights of the Scourge, though, they are skeptical of claims and doubt his sanity.
4. Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1) Mentor: Phillipa Helebron is the headmistress of an infamous girl’s academy in the Menador Mountains. She is also secretly a high priestess of Ardad Lili. Given her role in not only teaching Ameliya how to use her psychic powers, but also in facilitating her “emancipation” from her family, Ameliya feels indebted to Phillipa and will assist her and her cult whenever they are in need.
2) Ally: Joana Ventra is Ameliya’s lover, confidant and partner in the running of the Sweet Caress. The two met at St. Lilitha’s and relied on each to fend off the school’s bullies. Their relationship grew and Joana eventually became Ameliya’s first and only love. Theirs’s is pretty much the closest thing Ameliya has to a healthy, and non-exploitative romantic relationship.
3) Enemy: Markus Arvanxi is Ameliya’s cousin and former childhood friend. While everyone else in House believes Ameliya’s deception, Markus is convinced that she was behind the mass poisoning that killed his parents. He is determined to see her face justice and does not care if that justice comes from the courts or by an assassin’s blade.
5. Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) Memories: Being severely beaten by her parents for embarrassing them at a party. The night she was inducted into the Cult of Ardad Lili. Seeing the blue faces of her dying parents as they choked to death.
2) Mannerisms: Constantly refers to people as darling and is unfailingly polite. Will play with her jewelry whenever she’s having a boring conversation. Will sometimes coyly pepper in sexual innuendo into her conversations for her own amusement and/or to seduce someone.
3) Quirks: Hates getting dirty and tries to always be immaculately dressed. Is a huge economics nerd that loves discussing complicated economic theories and current trade relations with people that understand them. Is a bisexual woman who leans more towards women on the Kinsey Scale.
Lily Tuvol |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Lily Tuvol wrote:"Yer on tha level Cimri but I'm used to getting articles. Can ye do tha?"”Articles”? I’m not understanding.
A pirate code, pirate articles or articles of agreement were a code of conduct for governing pirates. A group of sailors, on turning pirate, would draw up their own code or articles, which provided rules for discipline, division of stolen goods, and compensation for injured pirates.
She's asking for a contract on her own way. I didn't expect Cimri to understand in any case.
GM Snowheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@Lily - Got it, thanks. I'll respond accordingly after others have had a chance to post.
@Alixus - No problem at all.
GM Snowheart |
FYI, I expect I’m going to be in meetings most of the day tomorrow (Thursday). I should still have updates up in the evening but wanted to let you know.
GM Snowheart |
Kewl, I can swap that out. I went with a dark-haired Asmodean priest I found with a google search, but I can switch it.
Jerax Hellfire |
Jerax is used to following orders, especially in uncomfortable circumstances. He'll wait for the optimal time.
Lily Tuvol |
Lily's a little slow sometimes so it might be beneficial to go over some common tactics the party will employ beforehand. ;)
Lily Tuvol |
I get that but your intent in my mind was to notify the party without alerting anyone else. This implies that there would be an associated perception DC to notice what you said. Lily was far enough away from Slenk to get perception penalties.
And I of course thought it would be fun.
GM Snowheart |
How are we going to track treasure?
In other games, the party started a Google Sheet to track everything, and I was happy to put a link to it on the campaign info tab.
In terms of how you want to divvy it up (equally, most need, etc.), that's up to you.
Lily Tuvol |
With the infernal healing still working, Jabral Louslik gradually comes to...
I don't mean to derail anything but I'm catching up here and I'm not seeing where anyone cast infernal healing on Lousik. And I'm not seeing that anyone even has it prepared.
GM Snowheart |
LOL! No, you’re absolutely right. I got the two “tables” mixed up. Sigh. Sorry! Give me a minute to fix it.
Lily Tuvol |
Treasure Sheet: aOHFQIrI/edit?usp=sharing
Link does not work. :(
GM Snowheart |
Yeah, tells me it does not exist. :(
I'll add it to the campaign tab once it's accessible.
Slenk |
How is this: Treasure Sheet
Lily Tuvol |
How is this: Treasure Sheet
Its view only unless you were going to keep track of everything. There are some tapestries that are valuable that are not listed. So far I'm holding everything but the potion which I gave to Ameliya to replace the one that was used. I'm not attached to anything in particular.
On a related note, once I get the chance I'll pick up a wand of infernal healing. Are you ok with us picking up partial wands GM?
GM Snowheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I mean, if you're comfortable entrusting your safety to second-hand products, sure. >;)
Ameliya Arvanxi |
Slenk wrote:How is this: Treasure SheetIts view only unless you were going to keep track of everything. There are some tapestries that are valuable that are not listed. So far I'm holding everything but the potion which I gave to Ameliya to replace the one that was used. I'm not attached to anything in particular.
Didn't Veda pocket the healing potion that Louslik had?
GM Snowheart |
There is an option near the top where you can request edit access. It's a green box that, by default, says "View Only". Click on that and you can request edit access.
Also, updated the campaign info to include a link to it.
Thanks, Slenk!
GM Snowheart |
Hi all. If you haven't already, please put the fluffy bits from recruitment into your character's profile? Thanks!
GM Snowheart |
She holds the stone in hand and asks, "Hey one of you magical girls, is this something special?" She places the stone in her belt pouch in any case.
Just want to note I'm not ignoring this; I just didn't see anyone try to identify it (but maybe I missed that). Hold on to it for later for now. :)