Iron Fellowship’s Passing the Torch (Inactive)

Game Master TriOmegaZero

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Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch


"There are ways to prevent even one as guileful as Torch from returning. But none can be accomplished if you do not find him first."


Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

"Thank you, but I actually see in the dark quite fine, thank you. It is seeing in the bright light that is a problem." replies the Lawman in a matter-of-fact tone. "if you don't have anything, then perhaps you'll find another use for it."

Quick question, does anyone have Teamwork feats that it would help if Munny had as well?

"I usually hold off casting my self-improvement spells until I know we're about to be in danger, since they typically only last 4 1/3 hours. Interesting, that's getting to be a respectable duration. Well, that does assume I am using one of my extend rods."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

I do not.

Liberty's Edge

In effect: Male Half-orc Inquisitor 16 | hp -39/130 | Init +10 | AC 28, T 19, FF 23 | CMB +22, CMD 36 | F +16, R +17, W +18 | Prcptn +28 (drkvsn), SM +31 |

As a fellow Inquisitor (though he is a Proctor of Desna, not Abadar), KULIK does: Coordinated Shot, Enfilading Fire, Friendly Fire Maneuvers, Lookout. But of course his work the same way yours do, via Solo Tactics.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Ready to go

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Boarding the Eel Prince, you find the crew are pointedly uninterested in you, not to the point of rudeness but clearly out of long practice in ferrying passengers discreetly. The sailing is smooth and uneventful, with little to distract from the boredom. By the time the Scum Tide City comes into view it's almost a welcome end.

Sliding past Mayor's Island, the ship steers well around the Three Sisters, a trio of tiny islands in the center of the lagoon that Ilizmagorti crouches upon. Mooring at the docks is a simple affair, but the captain takes a moment to quietly suggest you be ready to face customs, gesturing to the red garbed official waiting with ledger as the gangplank is run out.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard(Enchanter)/16 (HP: 146/146) | Init: +13 | AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14 | Perception +16 | F: +16, R: +14, W: +16 | CMD: 20 (17Fl) | 3* reroll 0/1 | Buffs: Darkvision, Mage Armor, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Overland Flight

Nym activates his ring, disappearing from sight. As a disembodied voice he says, "I will fly above the group, but will remain close. If you believe combat is required, simply say the word 'Antioch', and I will employ magic. Most likely mind magic."

Nym will be flying 10ft up unless obstacles force him to move differently. I'm assuming some time has passed?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

A days sail.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

Bishop stays taciturn, but follows a leader willing to speak. He keeps himself ready to go.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Prior to leaving

"Nym, I am a little surprised that you are not wanting to help out by fast talking the custom agents. I reckon that you are our best talker, what with your skills as an enchanter.

"I once knew a little rat-man, called himself an 'entrepreneur' and all, but he was known around the Grand Lodge as a Lust Specialist. Though he was a vile creature, he certainly could talk his way out of everything. Almost had me fooled, once!

"Now, if you ain't the talker that Lucius is, I can understand it. Abadar has graced me with some social graces, and I've always been a team player, and will be the talker if need be. However, if'n you ain't in the mood for this old country lawman to do the talkin', or my new Desnan friend here, I think y'all should come to shore all visible, like, and help a pardner out."

Munny makes sure that most of his gear is in extra-dimensional spaces, including most of his weapons. His dayfinder is definitely in his Pathfinder Pouch.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard(Enchanter)/16 (HP: 146/146) | Init: +13 | AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14 | Perception +16 | F: +16, R: +14, W: +16 | CMD: 20 (17Fl) | 3* reroll 0/1 | Buffs: Darkvision, Mage Armor, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Overland Flight

Nym dismisses is invisibility. "I suppose I can, Jayne. Though I expect you have talked your way out of a situation or two. Very well. A candid approach it is."

Before they disembark, Nym casts a spell on the gunslinger. "There. That should make your load much lighter."
Cast Ant Haul on Jayne

When you group is ready, he will lead them forward to parlay with the customs agent.

Absolutely spot on to call on the Enchanter to do face stuff. I saw you had a solid +20, so I figured I'd let you lead, especially since I have played this scenario already. But yes, I should lead it, so thanks for posting that IC

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

As the party makes way down the gangplank, they join into the line of passengers disembarking from the ship. Each speaks with the official standing on the dock, the feathered quill scratching out an entry in the ledger before the individual is allowed to walk down the pier to the city.

"Next please. Name and reason for visiting?" The man stares at Nymathor with professional detachment that nearly borders on boredom.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Munny will keep a sharp eye out at the official, just to make as ascertain his intentions. Meanwhile, he lets Nym do the talking. ’If he is like any petty bureaucratic around the world, he is going to expect a bribe to look the other way.’

Sense motive : 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (13) + 30 = 43

Liberty's Edge

In effect: Male Half-orc Inquisitor 16 | hp -39/130 | Init +10 | AC 28, T 19, FF 23 | CMB +22, CMD 36 | F +16, R +17, W +18 | Prcptn +28 (drkvsn), SM +31 |

KULIK, in turn, will stare intently at the official, using his discern lie ability.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Quick check, Kulik’s discern lies ability is spell like and will be noticeable.

Liberty's Edge

In effect: Male Half-orc Inquisitor 16 | hp -39/130 | Init +10 | AC 28, T 19, FF 23 | CMB +22, CMD 36 | F +16, R +17, W +18 | Prcptn +28 (drkvsn), SM +31 |
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Quick check, Kulik’s discern lies ability is spell like and will be noticeable.

Yeah, probably not wise. He'll just keep his eyes peeled then.

Perception: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (10) + 27 = 37

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Kulik and Jayne:
Something about the officials demeanor seems a little too disinterested, like he has practiced long and hard at the appearance.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard(Enchanter)/16 (HP: 146/146) | Init: +13 | AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14 | Perception +16 | F: +16, R: +14, W: +16 | CMD: 20 (17Fl) | 3* reroll 0/1 | Buffs: Darkvision, Mage Armor, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Overland Flight

"Greetings! I am Robbin de Sorcier, often called Robbin the Brave, and I lead the Black Knight Adventuring Company (TM). These are my men. We are here to meet with a prospective client about a monster problem they have. Knowing my men I doubt we'll be here more than a couple days." Nym says, clearly talkative. He beams a pleasant, friendly smile.
Bluff: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

”Black Knight Adventuring, party of five and...trained wolf?” The official looks at Timber with a slight raise of his brow. ”If I may, the names of your men as well?” The enchanters winning smile seems to have no effect on the man’s stony demeanor, no sign of any wrinkles to suggest he had ever shared a similar expression.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Munny is giving back the same, blank stare... as if he is a lawman and is waiting for the criminal to incriminate himself.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Wizard(Enchanter)/16 (HP: 146/146) | Init: +13 | AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14 | Perception +16 | F: +16, R: +14, W: +16 | CMD: 20 (17Fl) | 3* reroll 0/1 | Buffs: Darkvision, Mage Armor, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Overland Flight

He continues to speak for the others, as any overbearing leader might. "That there is Karelot, and the wolf... Oh, that's only Modell," Nym says, gesturing to Bishop and Timber. "Then we have Neverhad, Bediweir, and the Steel Knight. That's his actual name. What were his parents thinking, right?" he He gestures to KULIK, Jayne, and Hayato in turn.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

”I’m sure I can’t imagine.” The response is flat and dull, as he marks down each name as it is given. ”Your cooperation is appreciated. You may go now.” With that dismissal, he looks to the next group of the rapidly dwindling number of passengers disembarking.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Munny follows Nym without saying a word.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

"Alright, then. Where's our first stop?"

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

It becomes quickly apparent as you reach the end of the docks that the city is on high alert. Teams of red armored guards walk the dockside, stopping random individuals for questioning as they patrol. It appears whoever you need to go, getting there unnoticed will require some guile, or further fast talking if unsuccessful.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

Can we get a sense of what's going on?

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard(Enchanter)/16 (HP: 146/146) | Init: +13 | AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14 | Perception +16 | F: +16, R: +14, W: +16 | CMD: 20 (17Fl) | 3* reroll 0/1 | Buffs: Darkvision, Mage Armor, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Overland Flight

"Someone is bound to know what's going on. Let's ask around."
Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (17) + 27 = 44

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

”The Blood Watch must be looking for trouble. Something must have got their interest up.” the dock worker opines. ”What is it to you? Got something to hide? You don’t look like pirates.”

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

Maybe we should stick to less-travelled roads for now.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Munny thinks back about what he might have heard about the Blood Watch.
roll: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

He keeps his mouth shut, knowing he ain’t no good at lying.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Jayne recalls the Blood Watch is the city guard of Ilizmagorti, a paramilitary force that acts more in defense of the city than in upholding lawful order. The city has no laws, instead following the Pirate Code, so citizens are expected to handle themselves. If they do involve themselves, offenders are summarily hung without trial from Yardarm Bridge.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

Do we know where our contact's villa is? If not, we should probably find out.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Once out of hearing of the dockworker, Munny says, "Yes, we should get started finding them. Hopefully we can do so without too much trouble.

"The key here is mostly just mind your own business. Purty sure the trail dust that won't quite ever quite come out of my duster is a give away, but mebbe if we get a moment to duck out of sight, Nym, you might do sumthin' about that."

Munny checks his straps and pockets, and turns to Kulik. "You and I are the eyes and ears of this group. Keep your eyes open. When we get a moment away from prying eyes, I'm going to cast some perception buffs. We can alternate on that, so as to not run out of spells. Reckon that's the smart thing to do.

"Nym, was wonderin', and this shoulda come up earlier. You got dat mind-speakin' spell some fellas have... Telekinetic Bond I believe its called. Would help us if things get a mite bit tricky, though even with your abilities I reckon it'd only last 'bout 5 and a half hours, but if'n we play our cards right, that'll be enough.

"Oh, I got one of dem extend rods, and you could use a charge if need be."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

"I like the bend of Jayne's bow. Let's do this."

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

The party is able to find a place to duck out of sight for a brief time, either an alley off the docks or behind a stack of unloaded crates. Feel free to make whatever preparations you would like and let me know how you are proceeding.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

I'm changing my armour's appearance to match whatever the average citizen's clothes look like.

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Munny hopes that Nym casts prestidigitation on him, while he sets up perceived cues (extended with a lesser metamagic rod, and heroism, also extended. One of his rods is now depleted. He considers freedom of movement, but decides that can wait. Finally, he casts comprehend languages "just in case".

Grand Lodge

M Male LN Garundi Human Musketmaster 5, Inquisitor of Abadar 11 | HP: 102/102 | AC: 40 (27 tch, 28 Fl) | CMB: +17 CMD: 44 | F: +17, R: +17, W: +14 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects, +4 dodge bonus vs. allies spells\) | Init: +18 | Perc: +33, SM +34 | Speed 40 | Spells: 4th: 2/3, 3rd: 3/5, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 7/7 | Runestones: 1: 0/2 , Gr Bane: 8/9, Judgements 3/4, Grit 4/5 Rerolls: 0/1 + coin Adjustments: see sheet + Judgements (AC/Saves)

Munny tries to recall what he's learned about this city, and where Strake might be.

kn:local: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18 sheesh

Hopefully someone else also has kn:local

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

"Not my training. Once we get a bead I could track him if he bloody well teleported."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

How about we just ask somebody?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Jayne recalls that Stanton Strake is legendary for hosting a never ending party after retiring from a lucrative career as a pirate captain. Food and drink are served all day and night for the guests who come and go at all hours. His villa is located in the Dandy district on the northeastern side of the city.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

"Sounds like a plan. I'm not one for parties though. Damn near ruined a wedding years ago. I'd rather break into the place."

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

"I'm not sure it's considered breaking in if the doors are permanently open, but if it makes you happy to climb in through a window while the rest of us walk through the front door, have fun".

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard(Enchanter)/16 (HP: 146/146) | Init: +13 | AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14 | Perception +16 | F: +16, R: +14, W: +16 | CMD: 20 (17Fl) | 3* reroll 0/1 | Buffs: Darkvision, Mage Armor, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Overland Flight

To Jayne's question about Telepathic Bond: "I believe you mean Telepathic Bond. I have heard of this spell, but it is not one I have in my spellbook."

And while Munny hopes for a magical prestidigitation, none is forthcoming. Especially since Nym doesn't see what that cantrip could do for the gunslinger.

"I can transport us magically, but I'm not sure that's what you mean. As it stands, I propose we take the mundane approach of walking to the Dandy district. If a situation arises that we need to escape I will call upon the appropriate magics."
Knowledge Local, take 10 for 38

He then activates his ring and disappears from view.

Liberty's Edge

In effect: Male Half-orc Inquisitor 16 | hp -39/130 | Init +10 | AC 28, T 19, FF 23 | CMB +22, CMD 36 | F +16, R +17, W +18 | Prcptn +28 (drkvsn), SM +31 |

Nym talky person keep disappearing, KULIK says, clearly annoyed by it. Nym talky person voice not disappear, though.

Should we try walking in like we're invited, then?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Samurai 4/Paladin 4/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Bloodrager1/ Swashbuckler 1/Brawler 1/Slayer1 (Hp:148/148 | Init: +9 | AC: 40 FF: 37 Touch: 16 | Perception: +18 | F:+31 R: +25 W: +18)

I don't see why not.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

"Even disguised, I don't play 'make pretend' well."

Liberty's Edge

In effect: Male Half-orc Inquisitor 16 | hp -39/130 | Init +10 | AC 28, T 19, FF 23 | CMB +22, CMD 36 | F +16, R +17, W +18 | Prcptn +28 (drkvsn), SM +31 |

We're Nym's "posse". Normally we wouldn't say anything anyway, just look badass and be ready to bounce would-be groupies. LOL

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Preparing to head across town, it is clear that the streets are overrun with Blood Watch patrols. Navigating to Strakes villa without being interrogated will require some guile or skill at evading predators.

Everyone will need to make Stealth or Survival checks to navigate the streets without running afoul of patrols.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human, Reroll: USED Ranger Lord 16 (HP: 106/208), Init: +8* (+10 mountains/Hills/Jungle, +14 Urban), AC: 25 T: 18, FF: 20, Perception +25, +31 v Humans, +27 v. Undead/constructs), F: +21, R: +23, W: +14, CMB: +18, CMD: 36

Bishop finally relaxes a bit, eager to blend into the urban jungle. He keeps his eyes peeled, moving with a natural grace through the currents and flow of the streets.

Survival: 1d20 + 22 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 22 + 6 = 39 45 if essentially a human settlement.

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