
Madame Papillon's page

236 posts. Alias of Tealk.


| HP 42/42 | AC 18| F: +8, R: +8, W: +11 | Perc: +10 |Spell DC 20 - 2nd (3/3) - 1st (3/3) - Fon (3/3)


| Speed 25ft | Conditions: None


”Papillon” | Female CG Halfling Cleric 4

About Madame Papillon

Madame Papillon is a beauty who is shrouded in mystery. Where did she come from, who was she before becoming a circus performer? Her eyes are her main asset, anyone who dares to look into her eyes shall become mesmorised by her captivating gaze. It is said, her eyes are a portal to the moon, which shows the reflection of a person's past, present or future. "Curious, aren't you … to see what your future holds? Come - look into my eyes and see your reflection! La lune est grande - what are you waiting for, come witness fate clandestine!"

Madame Papillon
Female, Halfling 4 - Cloistered Cleric
CG Small Humanoid
Perception +10; Senses Low-light Vision
AC 18
HP 42
Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +11
Speed 25 ft.
Starknife +10 (1d6; Deadly D6; Agile, Finesse, S/P)
Starknife +10 (1d6+1; Deadly D6; Agile, Finesse, S/P)
Cleric Spells
Cleric Spells Prepared (Spell Attack Roll +11; Spell DC 20)
..Fon (3/day) Heal (SVM)
..2st (3/day) Calm Emotions (SV), Sound Burst (SV), Dispel Magic (SV)
..1st (3/day) Sanctuary (SV), Command (SV), Magic Weapon (SV)
..0th (5/day) Shield (V), Guiadance (V), Light (SV), Sigil (SV), Stabilise (SV), + Detect Magic (SV)
Focus Spells
... (1/day) Moonbeam (S, V)
STR 8, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 14
Ancestry Feats and Abilities Keen Eyes, Twilight Halfling
Skill Feats Arcane Sense, Battle Medicine, Robust Recovery
General Feats Continual Recovery
Class Feats and Abilities
Divine Font - Worship of Desna, Heal, 3/day
First Doctrine - Domain Initiate - Moon Domain
Second Doctine - Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert.
Cleric Feats - Deadly Simplicity, Emblazon Armoment, Divine Weapon

Trained Skills Acrobatics (+9), Arcana (+6), Scam Lore (+6), Medicine (+13), Religion (+10), Survival (+10)
Languages Common, Halfling
Items - Dancing Scarf; Angel Pendant; Ring of the Howling Wind; Healer's Tools, Healer’s Gloves
Signature Trick - Hypnosis!
Check: Saving Throw - Will; Trick Trait: Injury