Full Name |
Derrikk the Dwarven Wolf Lord - 6 |
Race |
| HP 81/81 | AC 23 | Class DC 22 | F: +12, R: +14, W: +14, | Perc: +14 | |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None |
Gender |
”Derrik” | Male NG Dwarf Ranger 6 |
About Derrikk
Male Dwarf ranger 6
NG medium humanoid (dwarf, human)
Perc +14; Senses Darkvision
AC 23
hp 81
Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Battle Axe +13, 1d8+3
Ranged +1 composite Short bow +15, 1d6+1 (60 ft) deadly D10, skewer
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 8
Atk Prof expert; Class DC 22
Feats Dwarven Lore, Train Animal, Animal Companion, Hunted Shot, Battle Medicine, Die Hard, natural medicine, hunter's aim, Boulder Roll (Ancestry, lvl 5), Steady Balance (Skill, lvl 6), Mature Animal (Class, lvl 6)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +12 (tr.lvl 5 int increase,lvl 5 skill increase), Crafting +9, Forest Lore +9, Dwarven Lore +9, Medicine +12, Nature +14(exp.lvl 3), Religion +12, Stealth +11, Survival +12, Thievery +11
Languages Common, Dwarf
Special Abilities
Hunter's Prey Single action to target. No pen for second range increment. +2 to seek, +2 to track
Strong Blooded Poison res 1/2 level (min 1), on successful saves reduce by 2 (virulent by 1) and on crits by 3 (virulent by 2).
Hunter's Edge Hurry - -3 attack pen vs. Hunter's Prey.
Iron Will
Trackless Step auto Cover Step in natural terrain without moving at half speed.
Celery, Young Wolf
Perception +8 (low light, scent imprecise 30ft)
AC 20
Hp 46
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +8
Speed 40
Jaws +10/1d8+2 piercing
Support slow those hit by Derrikk by 5ft. for 1 min (10ft. on crit)
Acro +10, Athletics, +9, Survival, +8
Adora, Mature Fiery Leopard
str:+3, dex:+4, con:+2, wis:+3, int:-4, cha:0
Perception +13 (low light, scent imprecise 30ft)
AC 21
Hp 42
Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +13
Speed 35
Jawsfinesse +12/2d6+3 piercing +1 fire
clawsfinesse,agile +12/2d4+3 slashing +1 fire
Acro +12, Athletics +11, Survival +11, stealth(exp) +14(-2), intimidation +8