Paradise GM's Iron Gods

Game Master Nicolas Paradise

Part 1:The Dying Torch
Current Location:Black Hill Caves
Roll20 for maps link

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"We ain't seen parda since she went in the caves with some of the other boys. Also no dogs inside the hall time 'im up someplace if your going in."

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Meila sulks in as cute a way as she can manage, and then takes a step back so Keth can do what he needs to do.

"Next time. Yeah next time I'll try to tell the group what I'm gonna do... before I do it. Promise."

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth looks at the Ropefist and for a brief second he considers running him through and then going in with Woolf anyway...but he errs to the side of caution for now.

If you dont want my business then Im fine with that. Woolf Goes where I go. Wonder if your boss is so wealthy he can turn away customers....

Intimidation: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Male Wolf Male Animal | HP:16/15 | AC:14 (12 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:14 (18 vs Trip) F: +5, R: +5, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: none.

Woolf tenses up next to Keth, lips snarl briefly as he senses The Masters mood....

"Hey, calm down do what you want but I am just doin' what I was told. I won't start a fight wit ya but there are more than just me workin' the inside if ya get me." The ropefist crosses his arms and looks away from Keth and than makes a 'pfft' noise while rolling his eyes.

Male Gnome Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 1|HP11/11|AC15 T13 F13|F+4* R+4* W+0*|Init+2 Per +6|CMD10|Alchemical Ordnance 4/4

Hoping this buffoon is none too bright, Irizzle says ”Sok Keth, you should definitely *tie* him up out here. Dogs too classy for this joint anyway.”

Irizzle then walks up to the bouncer and starts walking around him sniffing.

”You ain’t got no gunpowder. Disappointing?”

Irizzle is using bluff to try and get a secret message across to Keth to do a dodgy tie up of Woolf, then attempting to provide a harmless distraction by being weird. Going to make a bluff check for the message and Diplomacy for the distraction, since being weird is definitely truthful for Irizzle - pretty sure they’re both just a straight D20 anyways.

Bluff to pass message: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Getting weird: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth scowls as Irizzle indicates what he wants the Druid to do...He shakes his head.

Ill stay out here with Keth. Go on inside. If you need me...Ill be there.

He moves to lean against the wall near the guard smiling wickedly at him.

Male Wolf Male Animal | HP:16/15 | AC:14 (12 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:14 (18 vs Trip) F: +5, R: +5, W: +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: none.

Woolf glances at the ropfist guard and sensing The Masters mood moves and hikes a leg right near the ropefist but not near enough to splash on him, then scrapes the ground with a fervor to cover up his urine so some dust gets ckicked up on the guards boots before he moves to go near The Master turning to look with a low growl.

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

Sron gathers everyone else and ushers them into the gaming hall.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

"Okay, okay I got it." Meila complains as she's pushed into the hall.

Agender N blood angel | HP: 872/872 | AC: 74 (62 Tch, 55 Fl) | CMB: +35, CMD: 95 | F: +47, R: +56, W: +32 | Init: +35 | Perc: +38, SM +38 | Speed 100ft, fly 120ft | Active conditions: angelic form

Sgrack follows the others in silence, not really knowing what they are doing here. He stays alert though, knowing instinctively this is a dangerous place.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 or not

The gambling hall is full of people playing many kinds of table games. Scattered around are Ropefist thugs seemingly overseeing tables.

Perception DC 15:
One particular thug seeing your large group enter the establishment whispers something in another thugs ear before that one disappears in to a back room through some doors guarded by 2 more thugs.

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

It seemed that their arrival had had and impact.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Meila forgets her previous pouty mood the moment they enter. Her eyes are wide with awe as she looks over all the games being played. "Can we play for a little bit? I've never been in here before and I wanna try my luck!"

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

"Yes. I think that is a very good idea," said Sron.

Games in the Silverdisk Hall are played exclusively with Silverdisks(a local Numerian currency equivalent to 1 PP{10gp})

Gold can be exchanged for either full silverdisks or for tokens that represent 1/10(1gp) or 1/100(1sp)

Knowledge Local (DC10):
Silverdisks are a fairly common small flat disk roughly the same size of a common GP but much heavier weighing a full pound(16oz or .45kg). They are found in technological ruins are are common enough across Numeria that they are used as currency worth the same as 10gp or 1pp

Knowledge Engineering (DC25):
Silverdisks are in fact technological artifacts. They are batteries used to charge or power technological items. Most of the ones in circulation in Numeria are destroyed and no longer having any power in them and can not be replenished even with the secret technologies of Starfall. A depleted or destroyed battery can be told from a 'full' one by a faint blue glow in the circuitry emitting light equal to a candle.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

It's pretty rare that someone says that one of Meila's ideas is a good one, so she's both surprised and excited. She eagerly goes over to exchange currency for some silverdisks and gets ready to play.
Trading 20gp for 2 silverdisks

'low-risk games like blackjack and poker require a minimum bet of 1 silverdisk. High risk chance games like roulette, craps and slots can have bets of anysize from 1/100 token up to a full Silverdisk. As to not take up lots of forum space I will resolve any games you wish to play with simple off screen d% rolls. Slots are single bets of one token type. Refreshments and entertainment is also available on request.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

One game of CRAPS, please! Betting 50 token.

Male Gnome Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 1|HP11/11|AC15 T13 F13|F+4* R+4* W+0*|Init+2 Per +6|CMD10|Alchemical Ordnance 4/4

Irizzle regrets his lack of coin, hermit life is occasionally not all it is cracked up to be.

Nevertheless, he views these games with fascination.

Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

Knowledge(engineering): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Sron whispers to Melia "I.. we, need you to win as many of those disks as you possibly can" His eyes glowed red for a moment as he emphasized. "If any of those disks glow blue, do not bet them. Put them aside,"

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

"Oh, um okay? Is this like a... saving people thing, or like... something else?" Meila asks, somewhat intimidated by Sron's "enthusiasm"

Any of my disks glow blue?

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

Sron's eyes abruptly stop glowing and he attempts a 'reassuring' smile.
"Something else...,"

Craps being a popular game the table is surrounded. The dealer sees Meila approaching and cracks a smile.

"Newcomer and a pretty one too. Here to blow on someones dice? Or are you here to play?"

When they see you put down your chips they push you over the dice and pull away your chips. You bet on 2 and 9(Castrovel and the total number of planets) everyone cheers excited for beginners luck. . .the dice come up 5 and 6 a loss.

"Oh, too bad sweetheart but you won't walk away on one roll will ya? you have what it takes put down some more tokens lets make you as rich as you are pretty!"

None of your disks glow. You would guess that anyone who made money off the things may know the difference but maybe they slip through the cracks sometimes so you could keep trading gold for them hoping to get lucky XD

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

"No no! It's still beginner's luck until I leave the hall, right?" Meila says enthusiastically as she puts another 50 token down.
If 100tokens = 1 silverdisk, I now have 1 silverdisk left.

Yes when you said 50 I assumed you were going with SP value tokens.

"Of course you have the right of it I can see the luck dripping off you! Here are your dice my dear lets see those numbers come up!

You realize that 2 isn't a likely result and put your bet on 9.Unless you want a different number
You rattle the die in your hands and prepare to throw and the crowd at the table gets noisy.

Meila if you want to do these perceptions you get a -5 because you are focused on your game.

Perception (DC 5):
Someone bumps hard into one of the people at Meila's craps table. They start to argue.

Perception (DC 20):
A man of small stature gets up from a near by table and creeps up to the two arguing men and slowly reaches into his pocket while he is busy fighting.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Perception: 1d20 - 1 - 5 ⇒ (4) - 1 - 5 = -2

Meila puts all her focus and spirit into these dice before she rolls them.
Nine is good. It's odd just like me!

The die seem to tumble in slow motion after you throw them. The first die comes up 5 the second one spins on its point for a moment and than falls flat revealing a 3. The dealer calls out. "8, too bad doll come on they say three times is a charm your just gettin' the bad rolls out." He eagerly starts to slide the die back toward you expecting you to place more bets.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Meila smacks the whole silverdisk on the table
"It's gonna be nine. All or nothin."

"We got a woman who knows what she is doing shes got the energy! Here ya go sweety make it happen.
You grab the die and hold them to the stars before letting them tumble across the table. You count the pips in slow motion as the die rock to a stop. "Ohhh you hate to see it I am sorry to say that is another 8. By your declaration I do believe you are out of tokens. I can have a man change you out I am sure you are just a few rolls from a big win I can feel it. What do ya say beautiful?"

I rolled twice I was rooting for you :(

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Meila's ears go floppy when she sulks. She was sure she was gonna win the big one. When the leader suggests going for more tokens, her eyes brighten up a little, but then she pads her coin purse. "Craps. I'm outta money."

Agender N blood angel | HP: 872/872 | AC: 74 (62 Tch, 55 Fl) | CMB: +35, CMD: 95 | F: +47, R: +56, W: +32 | Init: +35 | Perc: +38, SM +38 | Speed 100ft, fly 120ft | Active conditions: angelic form

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Sgrack notices the men arguing, but does feel it is something weird. Instead, he looks from table to table, unable to understand what is going on in any of them aside from seeing disks changing hands.

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Sron notices two men arguing and a third man approaching. Is he reaching for a weapon? He is wary but interested to see tings unfold...

Those who beat the DC 20 Perception:
The new many draws his hand out of the pocket of the other grasping a handful of coins before slinking back to his table. The first man who started the fight apologizes and offers to get the other a drink to stop the fight.

After Meila's losing streak the table quiets down and people go back to their standard betting. Other than the quick argument that took place the hall seem mostly on the up and up with occasional shouts from people winning or losing bets. If you didn't know any better about the state that Torch's economy is i. With the current troubles you wouldn't be able to tell it from in here as people spend their money on drinks, dances and games without a second thought.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Meila walks over to Sron with her ears droopy.
"I'm sorry Sron, I lost it all..."

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

"Take heart," said Sron. "A life without risk is boring and predictable,"

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Meila gives Sron a hug. "Thank you"

Male Gnome Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 1|HP11/11|AC15 T13 F13|F+4* R+4* W+0*|Init+2 Per +6|CMD10|Alchemical Ordnance 4/4

”Ha! We agree on something friend Sron?”

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

Of course," said Sron before adding:"...within limits,"

So at this point all that is left is the caves. Which I am not sure the party wants to rest before or not since Kert and Meaila both used a spell.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

Oh my, a spell, whatever will I do with the other 5?

"There was a reason we were here, right? Not just to watch me lose a buncha money?"

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

"The Ropefists,".
Sron had hoped that Meila would attract the attention of the thugs who ran this place. Alas, something else would have to do.

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

"Oh riiight. The Ropefists. The Ropefists that we wanna talk to. The Ropefists that might know something sneaky about the caves. The caves that the Ropefists explored. The Ropefist caves."

"Those Ropefists?"

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

"Those Ropefists," said Sron, his eyes glowing red. He pased and asked, "My eyes are glowing again aren't they?"

While the existence of the ropefists and that they may work for the Gambling hall isn't really a secret it still isn't information they like blabbed about outloud in front of customers. After Meila's speech and Sron's response a few bouncers corral the two of you into a private room likely normally used for high stakes customers or entertainment.

"Listen here I don't know what you have heard or who you been talking to but the Silverdisk hall is a legitimate business and the Ropefists are paid to guard the place. Plain and simple, whoever went down in those caves did so on their own to collect on the councils reward and gots nothing to do with us. Now if you don't want us to rough you up and send you packing I hopes you understood what I just told ya. Now either go play some games or get out.

Agender N blood angel | HP: 872/872 | AC: 74 (62 Tch, 55 Fl) | CMB: +35, CMD: 95 | F: +47, R: +56, W: +32 | Init: +35 | Perc: +38, SM +38 | Speed 100ft, fly 120ft | Active conditions: angelic form

As soon as Sgrack sees Meyla and Sron being taken to another room, he follows them and then tries to open the door. "Meila? Sron?"

At least until they state the above the door is locked but as long as you are close to the door you can hear what they say to Meila and Sron

Female Elf Sorcerer VMC Bard 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Ft +0 Rf +3 Wi +3* | Init +4 | Perc +1* l CMD 10 l Meteors 4/6 l 1st: 4/6 l Current Effects:

"I did pay two silverdisks." Meila says, hopefully. "What were they after? Cuz maybe we could get it for ya."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Agender N blood angel | HP: 872/872 | AC: 74 (62 Tch, 55 Fl) | CMB: +35, CMD: 95 | F: +47, R: +56, W: +32 | Init: +35 | Perc: +38, SM +38 | Speed 100ft, fly 120ft | Active conditions: angelic form

Afraid, Sgrack slams his shoulder against the locked door. "MEILAA? SRONN?"

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

LN Android Kineticist 1 l HP 10/12 l F +5, R +4, W +0 Ini +5 l Spd30 l Perc +4

As you can hear, our dear friend Sgrack the orc is very concerned about us," pointed out Sron calmly. It is beyond unfortunate what can occur when he lacks context for his friends being dragged into a room with a locked door,"

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