[ACO] PFS2e 05-12 - Mischief in the Maze (P1) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Please dot (add a post) in here and then delete your post to add yourself to this campaign.

1) I am based in Southeast Asia (UTC +8) so my posting hours may be unusual (especially for those in North America). I usually update at least one or twice per day. Just to keep the game moving, please post at least once every day and at least once during the weekend.

2) Please keep all posts and communication in all channels limited to a PG-13 level and be both positive and inclusive.

3) Please label all three of your actions. Even if you think what you are doing is obvious.

4) If I am unavailable for longer than 24 hours, I will let you know in the Discussion Tab. Out of respect for your fellow players and myself, I ask that you do the same. Real life happens, and real life will always take priority over the game, but out of fairness for your fellow players, please let us know if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.

5) Please note that on the following days, my posting can get unpredictable:
Tuesday/Thursdays - all day, as they are the 2 busiest days of my work week

6) Please complete the Macros and the Slides linked at the top of the page.

7) Questions, concerns? Feel free to share them in the Discussion tab.

8) Let's have some fun and tell a great story together! After all, that's what we are here for.

Horizon Hunters

Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search

Is there still room?

Radiant Oath

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Your adventure begins at the Open Road Lodge located in northern Mwangi Expanse. As you enter a meeting room, Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist peers at you through her eyeglasses and greets with a stoic nod, introducing herself. There’s a large table in the center of the room, and along the walls are several bookshelves and a few display cases with maps and other items of archaeological significance. As you get settled in, you get to know your travel companions.

Please introduce your characters here.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

GM Dice:

Jortix's Arcana (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Aunt Cinty's Arcana (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Elduin Nerifiel's Arcana (T): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20


Despite the fact that the Maze has been mostly stable in recent years, it can still grow new connections to not only locations across Golarion, but also to dangerous planes and planets. Furthermore, the Pathfinder Society has also intentionally extended the network to better enable rapid travel to new regions and lodges around Golarion.

Vigilant Seal

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1

The half-elf was sure not to be late. He's never late. He can't be late. He would wrap space to go ahead if he would be late. But he didn't expect to be the first one arrived.

Wearing simple explorer's clothing he puts down his elven branched spear before to sit down around the table and introduces himself to the venture-captain.

Hello, my name's Elduin Nerifiel. I hope not to be late.

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Oh, there's no hurry, dear," a wizened gnome wearing a patchwork coat settles spryly into one of the chairs. "We won't get started until everyone arrives. Relax while we have the chance." She settles into a chair and pulls out a tangled skein of knitting.

"The name is Incendia Pyreclast, but you can call me Aunt Cindy, of course."

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

The vacation was nice. Jiggo suffered many sunburns traveling around the Mwangi Expanse, meeting new people, new cultures and helping write treaties between cities, villages, tribes and nations.

His daughter wrote plenty of letters to the nearby lodge, informing him of her adventures. She's able to pay for the house cleaning and visits occasionally to make sure it hasn't been ransacked. Luckily no thieves in sight, and she continues to recommend guards. Jiggo sighs. The urban life spoils her.

After reading today's missives, one Pathfinder member gets his attention: he's been requested by Venture-Captain Tornkvist. "Oh! I guess it's time. Hey honey, come on." He waves his wife over and enters the meeting room.

A man with simple white robes and a wooden staff enters the room. His sunburnt skin is almost as red as the bush of hair atop his head. "Hi, I'm Jiggo Maeleranti. A pleasure to meet all of you. This is the love of my wife, Salera." He points to the feminine figure behind him. "Come on, say hi."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Exploration Activity: | AC 21 | Saves 9/10/9 | Perception +9 (Darkvision) | ◆◇◈ ↺ Jiggo's Eidolon | Female Angel Emissary |

"Hi." Arms crossed, Salera simply grunts and finds a good section of the wall to lean against.

Her gray skin, razor sharp nails and silver horns atop her head hint towards some kind of Abyssal heritage. But you notice her bat-like wings are covered in feathers. There's a story behind all of that, but you also notice a glowing sigil on her ankles. An glowing golden arc that matches Jiggo's glowing necklace.

She sighs. "I'm called Sal'era. Salera is fine. You can call me Sal. Just don't me Sally." She finds a spot near Jiggo and calms herself.

Envoy's Alliance

| Female Gnome Witch 3 | HP 29/29 | AC 18 (+1 AC Shield) | F +6 R +7 W +8 | Perc +6 (low-light vision) | Default Exploration: Scout | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Right after Jiggo and Sal another gnome sneaks into the room, she wears traveling clothes and a coat of vibrant dark colors. Patches of grey, brown and dark red mixes in her clothing and on her shoulder suits a dark raven

"Jortix, at your service, it is my first time in Mwangi, is it always that humid here?"

Radiant Oath

Half-elf LG Champion 4 (Paladin/fighter dedication) AC 23; HP 52; Fort 9••, Ref 9•, Will 9••; Spd 30 ft., Perception +7•, low-light vision; Char. sheet

Another half-elf arrives shortly after. He is equipped with a chain shirt, scimitar and shield.

"Hi, I'm Topias. I thoguht I was late, but nah." he sounds cheerful and optimistic

Radiant Oath

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Venture Captain Tornkvist begins the briefing:

"You’re all here. Very good, let us begin. What I’m about to tell you concerns the Maze of the Open Road. Some of you may have already traveled through it, but for those who don’t know, it’s a network of magical portals, which Pathfinder agents use to quickly reach lodges and other sites across Golarion.

"[b]Recently, our field agents assigned to missions through the Maze have started reporting strange happenings. On many occasions, Pathfinders using well-known routes and portals have exited the Maze in completely different locations than they expected. What’s more, several Pathfinders have encountered traps and other dangers that certainly were not there before."

She sighs, removes her glasses and places them on the table, pinching her brow in an attempt to avoid a headache, then continues, "Thankfully, there have been no serious injuries yet, but many missions have been delayed or gone wrong. I’ve collated the reports, and it seems obvious all these incidents are connected. I don’t know what is causing it, but I’ve come to the conclusion that something or someone is altering the landmarks our agents use for navigation."

Sigvard opens a scroll, which seems to contain a list. "I need you to enter the Maze and study at least three of the landmarks in this report. Find out what the source of these issues is and, if possible, put an end to it. Any questions?"



Challenge Style: Combat
Sigvard’s Report: Something sinister is lurking in this area, scaring off travelers.


Challenge Style: Combat, Outdoors Skills
Sigvard’s Report: Something is interfering with the magic of these standing stones in a dangerous way.


Challenge Style: Combat, Obstacles
Sigvard’s Report: Someone has been digging holes and building barricades in this area.


Challenge Style: Puzzle, Knowledge Skills
Sigvard’s Report: Someone has moved the four druid statues, which were used for navigation.


Challenge Style: Physical Skills, Social Skills
Sigvard’s Report: Elemental energies have taken over this area, causing a feud between two factions.

As a group, please choose which three (and in what order) landmarks you're looking to explore

Horizon Hunters

open | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 20 (21) | HP 52/52 | P +8, F +8, R +8, W +10 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (3/3) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

"Oh! Oh, dear! Oh, dear me!" shouts Thevenin, running in late. They're a pint-sized leshy hopping in on both feet. "I apologize, the sun is so magnificent here and I was outside getting some sun and ... and ... I guess the site didn't give me a notification about this briefing."

"Elduin ... Cindy ... Jiggo ... Salera ... Jortix ... Topias ... I'm Thevenin!"

Thevenin feels confident that they can handle any of the challenges.

Thevenin has good social skills, but I would like to do at least one combat and one non-combat, just for the experience (it's my first time playing this).

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

"Hello Thevenin. Welcome! We're just getting started." Jiggo bends down to offer a hand to shake.

Once the Venture-Captain continues, Salera pipes up. "Sounds like sabotage. Or a trap." She glares at Jiggo and sighs. "We're doing this, aren't we?"

"Oh, of course we are!" Jiggo stands up. "We can't just wait for... whoever to stop sabotaging our landmarks. Besides, maybe they actually want our help and this is how they communicate."

Jiggo ponders for a bit. "Elemental Discord, Stone Temple Pilgrims and... FeyHenge. I think these are the most important tasks we should tackle."

Vigilant Seal

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1

The half elf strokes his chin.

I agree with the stone temple pilgrim. For the other ones I would say perilous pathways and Topiary troubles.

Elduin has no social skill and no outdoor skill.

Then noticing the newcomer: Oh hello, so we're six for this mission. Let's hope we handle it so.

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"I do enjoy dealing with the fey--those scamps!--but if there are saboteurs elsewhere in the maze we should take care of them." Cindy opines.

Radiant Oath

Half-elf LG Champion 4 (Paladin/fighter dedication) AC 23; HP 52; Fort 9••, Ref 9•, Will 9••; Spd 30 ft., Perception +7•, low-light vision; Char. sheet

"I would enjoy anything that has survival, combat and athletic challenges. So maybe feyhenge and pathways. Oh welcome to our sixth mate!"

Envoy's Alliance

| Female Gnome Witch 3 | HP 29/29 | AC 18 (+1 AC Shield) | F +6 R +7 W +8 | Perc +6 (low-light vision) | Default Exploration: Scout | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Jortix looks at the list

"I don't mind any of the places, altho opposite to Thevenin I prefer darkness than light..."

Radiant Oath

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Looks like it's:
Stone Temple - 2
Pathways - 2
Feyhenge - 2

Assuming you're all ready - any last minute prep, go ahead and make them now.

Sigvard gestures you to follow her. She shows you to the portal at the lodge. She suggests that you first head toward the maze’s central courtyard and gives directions on how to find it. "Good luck!" she bids you farewell.

Beyond the portal’s threshold, the sounds and sights of the Open Road Lodge quickly fade into a muted darkness, but just as suddenly, the darkness unravels as the twisted branches of a hedge wall rustle and uncurl to create a round entrance into a hedge maze. The air carries the scent of freshly cut grass, mixed with the sweet aroma of bright red roses that sporadically dot the lush, green maze walls.

The hedge maze’s manicured plant walls stand 20 feet tall, though near any places on Sigvard’s report, the walls look overgrown.

DC 13 Nature:
You realize that the roses are Narven’s Tears, a species thought to have gone extinct more than 200 years ago.

DC 20 Athletics to climb the walls.

If you climb the walls:
You discover that an invisible plane of force covers the entire maze like a lid, preventing climbers and flyers within the maze from rising above the top of the walls.

If you try to dig into the foliage of the maze:

You soon discover that the the walls are impenetrable. This includes overgrown areas and clusters of trees

After a few minutes’ walk and a series of turns and short dead ends, you eventually arrive in a wide central courtyard. The twisting path of the hedge maze widens to a long stone causeway roofed by marble arches. The causeway leads to a courtyard surrounded by ancient stone structures, the largest of which must have been a palace. An enormous marble statue of a robed figure stands on a pedestal at the center of the courtyard, and a garland of red flowers adorns the statue’s brow.

DC 13 PFS Lore:
You remember that a medusa named Condria once lived in this area.

If you critically succeed the check

You also also know that since the medusa’s departure, the Pathfinder Society has used magic to rescue as many of her victims as they could, which explains why the courtyard is no longer littered by dozens of statues.

The large statue depicts a bearded, balding man in a rustic, voluminous robe. He carries a staff made from a gnarled oak branch in his right hand and has a sparrow sitting on the left hand’s palm.

DC 13 PFS Lore / Society:
You realize that the old man is Forest King Narven, who created the maze. The garland sitting on the statue’s brow is made of roses from the maze.

If you wish to examine the garland:
The statue’s head is 15 feet up. You can either climb the statue (DC 13 Athletics to climb) or use a Telekinetic Hand or similar spell to grab it off the statue's head.

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

"Wow..." Jiggo admires the shrubs. "I had spent a few years in a manor, helping a minor nobleman with his garden. I was always impressed by the hedges, although it felt like a lot of work to make it look like that."

Salera shrugs. "You should maintain a rose garden, Jiggs. It's... calming."

Jiggo quietly nods along until the team reaches the courtyard. "A robed figure... No idea who this is. Must be pretty important."
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

"And who is this? Nice staff."
Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
"Ah! It's Forest King Narven. He created the maze, right? The roses are used to make the garland he's wearing."

Salera stops him. "I'll grab it. You wait here. Don't want to risk you falling." She stretches her small wings and starts climbing up.

Salera's Athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

She climbs back down. "It's... pretty." She holds out the rose garland for anyone to look at or take.

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Cindy gathers her knitting (which looks a lot like balling it up and shoving it in her bag) and heads through the portal.

"Oh, how nice!" she exclaims as they enter the maze. The flowers and vines of the maze seem to bend toward her a bit as she walks in. She slaps away a vine that touches her wrist, "Fresh! Keep your leaves to yourself"

Just kineticist vibes.

"My, my. I can never get my roses so nice. And no wonder! This species has been extinct for 200 years. Narven's Tears, I think they are called."

As they walk through the sculpture garden, she stops and lays an ear against one of the stone structure, then listens as she knocks her knuckles against it, "Hmm. Medusas, that's for sure. I believe there was one named Condria that used to live in the maze." She looks around, "Looks like they've moved most of her handiwork out of here. Hardly any statues."

Envoy's Alliance

| Female Gnome Witch 3 | HP 29/29 | AC 18 (+1 AC Shield) | F +6 R +7 W +8 | Perc +6 (low-light vision) | Default Exploration: Scout | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Jortix walks down the maze while her raven tries to fly up just to prove that it can't. "Hmm, how rude" she simply comments and walk behind the others carefuly examining the nature and statues. She says very little but listens to what others are saying

Vigilant Seal

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1

Pathfinder lore:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Pathfinder lore:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

The half elf moves carefully knowing that things might change quickly and even more quickly in the maze.

But then he wants to examine the garland using a Mage hand to get it.

Exploration Activity: | AC 21 | Saves 9/10/9 | Perception +9 (Darkvision) | ◆◇◈ ↺ Jiggo's Eidolon | Female Angel Emissary |

Jiggo freezes when Aunty Cindy mentions medusae and statues.

Salera takes a moment to ruffle her hands through his hair. "Don't worry, Jiggs. I'm here now. I'm never leaving your side again."

Radiant Oath

Half-elf LG Champion 4 (Paladin/fighter dedication) AC 23; HP 52; Fort 9••, Ref 9•, Will 9••; Spd 30 ft., Perception +7•, low-light vision; Char. sheet

Topias easily climbs the walls.

Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

"Just found there is somekind force field covering this maze like a lid. Can't climb or fly over these walls."

Horizon Hunters

open | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 20 (21) | HP 52/52 | P +8, F +8, R +8, W +10 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (3/3) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 vs DC 13

"Ooh, yes!" they echo Incendia's description. "Poor Narven."

Thevenin begins digging into the foliage, but maintaining his manners. "Excuse me," they say to the plants. "Pardon me!" But the plants are obstinate.

"Hmph," Thevenin frowns. "Quite a rude lot."

Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 vs DC 13

Thevenin remembers the bit about the medusa, but doesn't want to speak her name.

Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 vs DC 13

Thevenin recognizes King Narven as well, but has nothing to add. Dang it, I finally crit and there's not crit success spoiler!

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Salera climbs up the statue. However, when she touches the garland, it suddenly turns into a flock of red sparrows, which fly off in different directions.

You head to one of the clearings to begin your first task.

In this clearing, vines cover an ancient shrine built from stone. Four stone pedestals surrounding the temple stand empty, while four stone statues depicting humanoid creatures are lying in the grass and leaning against the temple’s pillars. Inside the temple is a large bell, and a text on the wall above it reads: "Sound the bell to greet the pilgrims standing tall and proud and be greeted by four echoes." A faint scent of incense emanates from the shrine.

Each of the four pedestals has a plaque that describes the pilgrim.

Descriptions of the Pilgrims:

Top-left "Sunsear, the Healer"
Top-right "Green Ghost, the Traveler"
Bottom-right "Midwinter, the Hunter"
Bottom-left "Stoneroot, the Gardener"

In order to get clues about the statues’ original positions, the PCs can study the statues. DC for all checks is 18. You can each make 6 checks, the first three with a +2 bonus and the last three w/out the bonus due to mental fatigue. If you fail a check, you can't make the same check with the same statue. A crit success eliminates one wrong pedestal for that particular statue (chosen randomly).

Once you have all a statue in each pedestal you may ring the bell. Get 4 echoes and you succeed. Each echo indicates a correctly placed statue. You have three attempts to get all 4 statues into their proper places.


The statue depicts a bearded, muscular human man holding a sickle in his left hand and a pouch in the right. He wears a simple robe and an amulet carved in the shape of a stag’s head, and has tools on his belt.

This statue depicts a female dwarf wearing a robe, an amulet, and other decorations. She carries a scimitar in a scabbard at her hip and a small, curved baton on her belt.

Donkey Head:
This statue depicts a humanoid creature, whose body looks strong and is covered in scales, but has a donkey’s head. The creature carries a trident in his clawed hands and wears bone armor. He is wearing an amulet crafted from twigs and leaves.

This statue depicts a tall, imposing elf woman wearing hide armor, a fur hat, and a round pendant around her neck, but carrying no weapons

Skills: Crafting/Nature/Perception/Religion/Society
DC: 18

EDIT - DC for checks is 18. I forgot this is a High Tier table.

Envoy's Alliance

| Female Gnome Witch 3 | HP 29/29 | AC 18 (+1 AC Shield) | F +6 R +7 W +8 | Perc +6 (low-light vision) | Default Exploration: Scout | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Jortix looks at the statue of the elf

Society, bonus: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 = 24

She tries to see what she could read.

"If someone asked me, I would say the person with sickle was a gardener, or an odd druid making magical potions"

Radiant Oath

Half-elf LG Champion 4 (Paladin/fighter dedication) AC 23; HP 52; Fort 9••, Ref 9•, Will 9••; Spd 30 ft., Perception +7•, low-light vision; Char. sheet

Topias concentrates on human statue. "I'm trying to identify the sickle-wielding man."

Religion: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 2 = 17

Vigilant Seal

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1

Let me have a look to the human as well.

Crafting: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 2 = 16

Crafting hero point: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 2 = 24

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

"Huh, red sparrows. Odd." Jiggo watches the birds fly. "Wait, I thought you said we couldn't really fly over the maze?" He shrugs.

As they see the statues, Jiggo investigates the statues with a mix of fear and intrigue. Are these real people or sculptures? He moves in towards the Donkey Headed statue.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 2 = 28

"Uh... I think I'm onto something!"

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Well, look at you, handsome!" Cindy examines the donkey-headed statue. "What an unusual creature you are."

Society: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 2 = 19

Horizon Hunters

open | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 20 (21) | HP 52/52 | P +8, F +8, R +8, W +10 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (3/3) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

Thevenin will look at the one that nobody else has looked at - the dwarf!

Nature, Bonus: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 2 = 15 vs DC 18

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Her clothes are crafted in the style of Ilverani elves, a
group hailing from the frozen north of Golarion.

The statue’s equipment includes a set of lovingly detailed stone working tools, indicating he may have been a sculptor or stonemason. His sickle is clearly not suited for combat, but herb gathering.

Cracks at the base of the statue clearly don’t match one of the pedestals, allowing you to rule out one of the three pedestals that don’t match this statue.

The Donkey Headed statue does not belong in the Bottom Right or the Bottom Left (extra hint from the Crit Success)

Except for the donkey’s head, everything else about the statue—the scales, its proportions, and the bone armor worn—seems to indicate this creature was an iruxi, a reptilian humanoid.

Thevenin and Topias study their respective statues but don't find anything remarkable.

Are you going to be sharing info (if you are, I won't bother using spoilers going forward! :) )

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

Cindy will share anything she finds.

"Well now. An iruxi with the head of a donkey! You don't see that every day, though I've seen some gnomes that might look better with ass's ears."

Radiant Oath

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I added a visual aid on Slide 3. Merisiel is the elf, Kyra the human, Harsk the dwarf. The donkey is well, Donkey! :)

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

"Oh! I see. Definitely do not put this Donkey statue in the bottom right or bottom left section - the statue's foundation doesn't match the base." Jiggo points at the base while observing.

"Uh, let me think about this Dwarf."

Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Salera stays close, but remains silent.

Radiant Oath

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Jiggo notices that her amulet is a holy symbol of Sarenrae, a deity of fire, healing, honesty, and the sun.

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

"Ah, the sun... I think this is Sunsear, the Healer. I'll move her to the Top Left corner."

"And I know the Donkey has to be on top, so this must be on the Top Right corner."

Salera holds Jiggo back and moves the statues in his stead.

"Well... that leaves the human and the elf. Did anyone figure out those spots? Or did I get something wrong?"

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

Cindy takes a look at the elf statue, hoping to be able to place it.

Society: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 = 23

Envoy's Alliance

| Female Gnome Witch 3 | HP 29/29 | AC 18 (+1 AC Shield) | F +6 R +7 W +8 | Perc +6 (low-light vision) | Default Exploration: Scout | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Jortix would share what she knows

"With regards to the elf, her clothes are crafted in the style of Ilverani elves, a group hailing from the frozen north of Golarion."

Horizon Hunters

open | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 20 (21) | HP 52/52 | P +8, F +8, R +8, W +10 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (3/3) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

Thevenin will share anything they know. Heck, Thevenin will share things they know that are unrelated to the task at hand!

"I met a dwarf once! They had a beard. Do all dwarves have beards? I don't know. Most of the dwarves at the Grand Lodge have beards. I think beards are funny. All you humanoids just make a bunch of hair and push it out of your bodies slowly. Ha, ha, ha! Anyway, so this dwarf had a beard so long that it ..."

Religion, Bonus Round 2: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 2 = 13

"... so I asked him, 'Droskar? I didn't recognize them without the beard!' Wait, what were we looking for, again?"

Vigilant Seal

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1

The half elf shares what he discovered about his statue.

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

"So Elduin, the Human statue gather herbs, right? Sounds like a gardener to me. Let's put this Human statue in the Bottom Left corner."

"That means the Elf statue should be in the Bottom Right corner. She depicts a group from the Frozen North? Sounds like Midwinter to me."

Once Salera finishes moving the statues, Jiggo moves to the bell. "I think that's the statues positions. Does anyone disagree with the placement? Otherwise I'll ring the bell."

Jiggo nods along with Thevenin. "I've heard hair is just tiny pieces of skin. It does keep my head warm when it snows!"

Envoy's Alliance

| Female Gnome Witch 3 | HP 29/29 | AC 18 (+1 AC Shield) | F +6 R +7 W +8 | Perc +6 (low-light vision) | Default Exploration: Scout | Speed 25ft | hero points 1 | Active Conditions: None

"I think what you are suggesting Jiggo sounds reasonable..."

Jortix looks again at the statues and placks

Radiant Oath

Half-elf LG Champion 4 (Paladin/fighter dedication) AC 23; HP 52; Fort 9••, Ref 9•, Will 9••; Spd 30 ft., Perception +7•, low-light vision; Char. sheet

"You have already figured this out and ready to ring the bell? I'm impressed and agree with placement."

Vigilant Seal

kindly female gnome kineticist 4 HP 56/56 | AC 18 | F +12 R +9 W +9 | Perc +7 | Loremaster +9 speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Ring away!" Cindy replies, with gusto.

Vigilant Seal

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1

The half elf waits to see if they are right with the placement.

Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

Jiggo rings the bell and hopes for 4 echoes.

Horizon Hunters

open | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 20 (21) | HP 52/52 | P +8, F +8, R +8, W +10 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (3/3) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

Thevenin is happy to let others ring the bell while they continue remarking how weird hair is.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Jiggo rings the bell...


You hear...

bong bong bong bong

As the remaining echo dies down, Jiggo finds a silver incense box sitting in the shrine, its intricately carved lid featuring a stunning image of an imperial dragon.

You also notice that the Donkey head reverts back to an iruxi head and the landscape appears to return to its perfectly manicured state.

Nicely done!

You proceed to the next landmark.

Deep within the hedge maze, a small clearing holds a ring of eight standing stones. Each stone is five feet tall, three to four feet wide, and arranged in a perfect circle with a diameter of 20 feet. The stones are rough and weathered, covered in ancient symbols that pulse with a faint green light. From the center of the circle, a green mist emanates, swirling and dancing above the grass. You remember that Forest King Narven created the standing stones in the maze as a focal point for his druidic powers, drawing power from the First World and lending protection to the maze.

DC 17 Perception:
You notice that in addition to the walls and lawn being overgrown, there are also colorful mushrooms growing on the lawn, which is unusual in the otherwise well-manicured maze.

DC 15 Society / Engineering Lore:
You notice that no modern tools have been used to work the stones, and they’ve probably been in the maze for the last 200 years.

Detect Magic:
The symbols on the stones are magical

DC 13 Nature:
You understand the runes are protective in nature, but it is obvious some runes have been added recently.


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