WhtKnt |
Trying this again, since the forums glitched and posted it three times last time, and I have added the name of the adventure to the title.
Time to address the elephant in the room. Since no one else seems to be interested in running it, I'm thinking of running the Mad Mage of Undermountain. This would be a 5e dungeon crawl for 5 players. Two things that are important to note:
1) My wife is mostly blind and I am her eyes. This means that I do all the driving, read and respond to her emails, and generally take up a lot of the slack around the house. As I am also fighting depression, my posting is not regular. Generally, I try to post as often as the players do, but sometimes it takes a little longer. Weekends are usually right out, as they are very busy for me. I will say that I am slow but steady. If the players are game, I will see it through to the end. My Skull & Shackles PbP has been going on for almost three years!
2) The maps will be hosted on Roll20 and all players will be expected to be able to access them. I try to be very descriptive, but Undermountain is very complex and the maps will help tremendously.
If you think that you can handle both of these issues, and would be interested, speak up. I don't know exactly when I will be ready, but it will probably be in the next few weeks.
WhtKnt |
Okay, six voices are enough for me to kick this off. Here are your character creation rules:
- Allowable Sources: The Player's Handbook, the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, the Dungeon Master's Guide, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Volo's Guide to Monsters, the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. However, see permitted races, below.
- Ability Scores: Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest in thread, assign as desired. If you do not get an overall modifier of +1 or more, you may reroll.
- Permitted Races: Aasimar, dragonborn, dwarf (any), elf (any), genasi (any), gnome (any), half-elf, halfling (any), half-orc, human, tiefling.
- Permitted Classes: Any from the above resources. Multi-classing is permitted.
- Starting Level: 5th. All characters begin with 500 + 1d10x25 gp. You may take the normal starting equipment in addition to this total.
- Hit Points: Maximum at 1st level. Roll thereafter, but if you don't get at least the average, then take the average.
- Alignments: Any alignment is permitted except chaotic evil. Played properly, a CE character is disruptive to party harmony. That said, I will be choosing characters with an eye for party balance and harmony, so if a NE rogue is selected, don't expect that your LG paladin will be as well.
- Decision: Characters will be chosen with an eye for party harmony and balance. Other factors will include personality and background. You may feel free to role-play in the discussion thread prior to game start. This will not have an effect on my decisions about who is chosen, but you can have fun with it if you wish.
- Setting: The campaign takes place in the Forgotten Realms, more specifically beneath the city of Waterdeep.
- Deadline: The deadline for submission is Friday, May 24 at 11:59 PM CDT. Characters submitted after this point will not be considered.
Steve Geddes |
Testing my luck with the dice gods:
First Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 1) = 12 -> 11
Second Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 3) = 13 -> 10
Third Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 1) = 10 -> 9
Fourth Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 6) = 18 -> 14
Fifth Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 1) = 5 -> 4
Sixth Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 3) = 14 -> 12
Okay - that's a -1 total modifier. I'm not averse to playing poor characters but that 4 is looking kind of ugly. I think I'll take the reroll!
Steve Geddes |
First Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 4) = 12 -> 11
Second Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 1) = 14 -> 13
Third Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 5) = 9 -> 8
Fourth Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 4) = 17 -> 14
Fifth Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 6) = 19 -> 18
Sixth Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 6) = 18 -> 15
Much stronger (too strong? Let me know if you want me to adjust something).
I'll come up with a full submission in a few days. I'm likely to be a human cleric, I think.
scranford |
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 1) = 17 16
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 3) = 15 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 1) = 4 3
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 2) = 10 8
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 3) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 2) = 12 11
And it looks like that 3 might send me into re-roll territory.
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 1) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 2) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 3) = 16 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 2) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 2) = 8 7
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 3) = 10 9
And that's crap as well... If another try is allowed...
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 1) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 2) = 5 4
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 4) = 10 9
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 3) = 16 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 1) = 9 8
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 1) = 18 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 5) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 3) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 6) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 1) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 2) = 10 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 3) = 14 12
Well... that gets me to the +1 so I guess I'll roll with that. Trying to put together a Wild Magic Sorcerer of some sort.
Sapiens |
Dot, although I'm waiting on a couple more recruitments before committing fully.
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 3) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 5 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 5) - 5 = 15
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 2) - 1 = 6
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 2) - 1 = 9
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 6) - 2 = 15
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 3) - 1 = 7
Total of +0, I'll take that reroll.
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 5) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 4) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 3) - 3 = 16
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 3) - 1 = 11
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 1) - 1 = 9
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 2) - 1 = 12
I'm thinking Gnome Illusionist Wizard, an old favorite.
Murph. |
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 6) = 16 -> 15
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 2) = 18 -> 16
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 5) = 12 -> 11
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 6) = 15 -> 14
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 3) = 18 -> 15
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 6) = 19 -> 16
Uh, I think I'll take it! Noodling on either a half-elf rogue or a half-orc big-(not-so-)dumb-fighter type?
Steve Geddes |
I'll come up with a full submission in a few days. I'm likely to be a human cleric, I think.
Definitely a human cleric (life domain). A neutral good healer.
I'll submit the character properly on Thursday.Stats: 18 15 14 13 11 8 -> After racial adjustment: 19 16 15 14 12 9
Hit Points: 8 + 4d8 ⇒ 8 + (3, 3, 5, 2) = 21 (minimum 26) = 26 hit points
Gold: 1d10 ⇒ 3 x 25 + 500 = 575 gold pieces
Dreaming Warforged |
Working on a human barbarian named Bad-Luck Baldek.
Change of heart, I feel the calling of the lore bard. Bad-Luck Baldek, formerly known as Baldek the Bard. We'll see if I can come up with a solid character concept.
HP: 8 + 4d8 ⇒ 8 + (2, 4, 1, 6) = 21 Avg is 26, so 26 hp
500+ Starting Gold: 1d10 ⇒ 1 x 25 = 525 gp
Critzible |
Mountian Dwarf Fighter[Champion]
Medium Humanoid(Dwarf) NG
Hgt.5” Wgt.225 Age: 60
Init:+1 Perception 15 Investigation 15 Insight 13
Armor: Splint Mail,[Splint Mail & 2 weapons,Splint mail and Shield]
AC:17 [AC:18(2 wpn), AC:19(S&B)]
Battle Axe +6 1d8+3(1d10+3)
War Pick +6 1d8+3
Warhammer +6 1d8+3
Hand Axes +6 1d6+3
Dagger +6 1d4+3
Heavy Crossbow+4
Str:16 Dex:13 Con:17 Int:9 Wis:11 Cha:6
Proficiency Bonus:+3
Saving Throws: Str+6 Dex+1 Con+6 Int-1 Wis+0 Cha-2
Acrobatic +1
Animal Handling +0
Athletics: +3
History: +2
Sleight of Hand:+1
Smithing Tools +3
Brewers’ Kit +3
]Tools: Smiths’ Tools, Brewers Supplies
Language: Common, Dwarven, Orc
PP: GP:131 SP: CP:
10 gp gem
Dual Wielder:
You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:
You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand.
You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren't light.
You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
Class Features:
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Dwarven Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Dwarven Combat Training: You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer.
Tool Proficiency: You gain proficiency with one of smith's tools, brewer's supplies, or mason's tools.
Stonecunning: Whenever you make a History check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish.
Mountain Dwarf Traits:
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2.
Dwarven Armor Training: You have proficiency with light and medium armor.
Racial Traits:
Size: Medium.
Speed: 25 feet.
Languages: Orc
-I like to talk at length about my profession
-I’m well know for my work , and I want to make sure everyone appreciates it. I am taken aback when nobody has heard of me.
-Generosity:My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world
-Aspirant:I work hard to be the best there is at my craft
-I will get revenge on the evil forces that destroyed my place of business and ruined my livelihood
-no one must ever know I once stole money from the guild coffers..
Background Feature: Respect of the Stout Folk
As well respected as clan crafters are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your compatriots) the finest accommodations and assistance.
Equipment:A set of artisan’s tools with which you are proficient, a maker’s mark chisel used to mark your handiwork with the symbol of the clan of crafters you learned your skill from, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a pouch containing 5 gp and a gem worth 10 gp
Brewers’ Supplies,6 Potions of Healing,Shield, Splint Mail, War Pick, Warhammer, Heavy Crossbow, Bolts, Bedroll,Bolt case, Tankard, Miners’ Pick,Soap, Dungeoneer's’ Pack.
Class Features:
Fighting Style:
Two Weapon Fighting:When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Second Wind:1d10+5
You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Action Surge:
Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.
Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.
Improved Critical:Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Kevin O'Rourke 440 |
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 4) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 2) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 2) = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 3) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 6) = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4, 5) = 18
13, 13, 10, 9, 10,15 ...four odd numbers. Human is tempting!
Steve Gedes-Human Cleric (Life Domain)
Scranford-Wild Magic Sorceror
Human Warforged-Human Barbarian
Sapiens-Gnome Illussionist
Murph-Half Elf Rogue(? Possibly a fighter)
Critzible-Dwarf Fighter (Champion)
Dreaming Warforged |
[dice=Stats]4d613, 13, 10, 9, 10,15 ...four odd numbers. Human is tempting!
Steve Gedes-Human Cleric (Life Domain)
Scranford-Wild Magic Sorceror
Human Warforged-Human Barbarian
Sapiens-Gnome Illussionist
Murph-Half Elf Rogue(? Possibly a fighter)
Critzible-Dwarf Fighter (Champion)
No longer going the barbarian route. Going lore bard.
For now ;)
Kertak |
Here is the submission from Steve Geddes.
Kertack - Neutral Good Human Cleric of Ilmater (life domain cleric).
The rest of the information is in his profile - I haven't added Spell descriptions yet, but I've made an indicative daily selection.
(I've reused an alias previously submitted, so he has half a dozen posts prior to this one. I trust that doesn't matter?)
WhtKnt |
Pre-existing aliases matter not to me. And if anyone doesn't want to actually build an alias until being chosen, that's fine as well.
Thus far I'm seeing:
Kertak (Steve Gedes) - Human cleric
Fornitado (Scranford) - Half-elf sorcerer
Bad-luck Baldek (Dreaming Warforged) - Human bard
Unnamed (Murph) - Half-elf rogue
Ulgat Alegranite (Critzible) - Shield dwarf fighter
Unnamed (Spaiens) - Gnome wizard (illusionist)
Have I missed anyone who has submitted at least an idea? Still a week to go on recruitment, just getting my thoughts together.
The KGB |
Oh, I'd love to try the Undermountain.
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 5) = 22 17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 5) = 17 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4, 4) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 3) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 5) = 21 17
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 3) = 13 12
Oh snap, nice. Thinking human paladin for sure. I'll start putting something together this weekend.
Buckshot Bob |
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 5) = 16 13 +1
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 4) = 16 12 +1
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 1) = 5 4 -3
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 5) = 12 10 0
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 4) = 9 8 -1
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 6) = 15 14 +2
-1 over all, re-due
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6, 4) = 20 16 +3
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 6) = 17 15 +2
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 4) = 12 11 0
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 5) = 11 10 0
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 4) = 14 13 +1
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 1) = 10 9 -1
over all +5
Buckshot Bob |
Here is my Human Ranger.
Just needs a back story, and a little tweaking.
Starting Gold: 500 + 25d10 ⇒ 500 + (2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 7, 5, 5, 10, 2, 6, 5, 9, 10, 9, 7, 8, 10, 2, 6, 10, 10, 2, 2, 1) = 634
Hit Points: 11 + 4d10 + 4 ⇒ 11 + (3, 5, 6, 4) + 4 = 33
Varis Matrel |
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 1) = 12 -> 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 6) = 12 -> 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 1) = 5 -> 4
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 6) = 15 -> 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 2) = 12 -> 10
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 2) = 12 -> 10
Yikes those are terrible. Pretty sure that warrants a re-roll.
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 4) = 15 -> 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 4) = 13 -> 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 6) = 14 -> 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 6) = 16 -> 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 2) = 13 -> 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 6) = 21 -> 17
1 - 8
2 - 1d8 ⇒ 5
3 - 1d8 ⇒ 6
4 - 1d8 ⇒ 3 - 4
5 - 1d8 ⇒ 4
Total = 27 + 8*2 = [b]43[/]
Varis spent most of his young life in Suzail. He more knew of his parents rather then knowing them. Varis was the illegitimate child of Thallen Matrel an Elven diplomat who traveled and fathered children across the realm. His mother was a Vistani named Lavinia who would be in his life one day and gone the next. She could be gone for weeks or years Varis would never know. He loved his mother very much despite her bizarre absences. He felt close to her when they were together. When Varis' father was around Varis was introduced to the nobles of Suzail and spent a good amount of time in the court of Dutchess Morwin. Varis quickly became addicted to the life lead by the social elite. His father was making efforts to improve Varis' status in Suzail however it was never fast enough. He began to lie and disguise his way into social gatherings. At first he would disguise himself as the help or even the entertainment playing his bagpipes to the delight of guests. He got tired of having to sneak food and drinks or eating the leftover scraps from the party guests and he decided to find a way to accelerate his father's plans. He didn't dare offend his father or risk offending the Dutchess, who seemed quite fond of Varis. Instead he chose to travel and eventually learned the ways of forgery eventually forging documents and identification for Leighton Redmond, an imaginary duke from Harrowdale. He was able to use this identification in several cities and easily infiltrate the inner circles of the social elite. Eventually Varis returned to Suzail in the hopes of starting an adventuring company to find riches this world had to offer. He hoped to not only impress the Dutchess and his father but use the treasure they find to fund his ascension to the upper echelon of Suzail. Shortly after returning to Suzail Veris had to flee the city. He discovered a Lord Edward Gilgard from Harrowdale had a bounty on his head. Lord Gilard had discovered Varis was claiming to be Lord from his city, using his estate and family as his false identity. Varis traveled west as far as he good, finally feeling secure in the city of Waterdeep. He hopes one day to be free of the feeling that someone is always hunting him.
Torilgrey |
Ok lets see what happens:
1.4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 2) - 2 = 8
2.4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 3) - 3 = 15
3.4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 1) - 1 = 5
4.4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 2) - 2 = 8
5.4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 6) - 2 = 16
6.4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 1) - 1 = 16
Well, that's a thing... Perhaps an elven thief (arcane trickster)
Hp 8 + 4d8 ⇒ 8 + (6, 8, 1, 2) = 25 The 1 and 2 turn into 5s with the average taken so... 32
Elise Wardyn |
KGB here with my human paladin submission.
Though she appears quite attractive and youthful, there is worldliness about her that suggests wisdom beyond her years. Her demeanor is can be described as kind, yet stern and determined when necessary.
Elise is of Illuskan descent, and has piercing blue eyes and light blond hair as a result of that heritage. She keeps her hair groomed and cut to mid length, though she keeps her hair tied back in a pony tail for practical purposes.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter: INFP
During adolescence, Elise showed an affinity for the divine healing. Seeing it as a sign of blessing, one older Priestess named Sister Carel took Elise under her wing in Waterdeep. Elise learned to heal both with divine grace granted through helm, and to stitch up wounds and injuries using more mundane tools of the trade. In time, Elise mastered her skills, at which point Sister Carel suggested to Elise that she was ready to leave the temple orphanage and strike out on her own.
Taking her trade to the Waterdeep, Elise joined the City Watch and raised the ranks quickly. She was known as an honest broker, and able combatant due to inherent athleticism, and a gifted healer. Whether it was injured colleagues in the City Watch or citizens at large, Elise was known to be a reliable officer to have around... and a mean card player at the table.
Hit Points: 10 + 4d10 ⇒ 10 + (5, 1, 7, 9) = 32 37 with low rolls brought to average.