GM WhtKnt's The Mad Mage of Undermountain (Inactive)

Game Master WhtKnt

Undermountain, a gargantuan dungeon complex beneath the jewel of the Realms, Waterdeep! It is a place of adventure, danger, mystery, and according to at least one well-known sage, "the largest mass grave in Faerun." Can you survive the secrets and mysteries of Undermountain? Or will you become another forgotten victim of the Mad Mage Halaster? Only time will tell.

Ulgat Alegranite: HP 46/46, AC 18/19, Init +1, Percep +5 (15) darkvision
Kertak: HP 18/36, AC 18, Init +1, Percep +7 (17) || -1 Str
Fornitado: HP 15/22, AC 12 (15 w/mage armor), Init +2, Percep +0 (10) darkvision
Varis Matrel: HP 43/43, AC 14, Init +3, Percep +10 (20) darkvision
Elise Wardyn: HP 57/57, AC 20, Init +1, Percep +5 (15)

Current XP: 6500

Current Characters

Previous Characters

Steve Geddes

(16,463 posts)
Ancient Solar Dragon
Dark Archive WhtKnt

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles
(7,230 posts)
Heir Apparent
Elise Wardyn

♀ Human Human Paladin [Devotion] 5 of Helm, AC 20, HP 57/57, Init +1, Saves S+3, D+1, C+4, Int +1, W+5, C+8, Spell 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 Appearance

played by The KGB (54 posts)

Male, Darkvision 60'; Sell Slots: (1) 4/3, (2) 3/2; (3) 2/2; Sorcery Points 5/5 (Careful Spell/Quickened spell) Half-Elf Sorcerer (Wild Magic) / 5: AC 12(15); HP 22/18; S-1,D+2,C+3,I+2, W+0, C+6; Init +2; PP-10; PI-15

played by scranford (95 posts)

Male Human Cleric (5) of Ilmater AC - 18 (1 Str Dmg) HP 18 (36) Init +1 Saves: +3Str +1Dex +2Con -1Int +7Wis +5Cha Spell Slots - 1st Level 3/4 2nd Level 2/3 3rd Level 2/2

played by Steve Geddes (60 posts)
Paldo Greenspan

Male NG Halfling Arcanist (Elemental Master - Fire) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 T 14 FF 11 | CMB -2, CMD 11 | F: +3, R: +5, W: +5 | Init: +7 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Arcane Reservoir: 2/6| Spells: 1st 1/5 | Active conditions: None.

played by Adhanadel (295 posts)
Pahmet Monk
Ulgat Alegranite

Dwarf Male Dwarf Male N Fighter[Champion] 5th HP 46/46, AC 18/19, Init +1, Percep +5 (15) darkvision S:+6 D:+1C:+6 I:-1 W:+0 Ch:-2

played by Critzible (50 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Varis Matrel

Male N Half-Elf Bard 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 13 | Init: +9 | Pass Perc: 12 | Saves: STR +-1 DEX +4 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +0 CHA +6 | Speed 30ft | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2 Active conditions: None.

played by Adhanadel (174 posts)