GM Ietsuna |

For nearly 500 years, Imperial Lung Wa united and ruled an immense portion of Tian Xia. With the death of Aroden, the empire fractured into the competing Successor States, with Lingshen, Po Li, and Quain at the shattered empire’s heart. So far, none of the three have managed to recapture the fallen empire’s glory and influence, resulting in a tense stalemate. Agents from each nation keep an eye out for anything they might use as a symbol of legitimacy as the empire’s worthiest successor.
Lingshen has the strongest military of all the Successor States. Shortly after Lung Wa’s fall, it annexed the fertile land to the east (now known as Shokuro) and compelled the peasants to labor on Lingshen’s behalf. Over several decades, Lingshen turned its attention elsewhere, convinced that the subjected territory would serve without complaint. When a Minkaian samurai named Toriaka witnessed the cruel serfdom, however, he rallied the peasants and helped the territory secede as an independent nation. With a well-trained militia and an equitable trading policy with Lingshen that placates the larger nation’s need for food imports, Shokuro enjoys some stability in this post-imperial age. Even so, the Sun Shogun Shokuro Toriaka recognizes that to the three stronger Successor States, Shokuro remains a prospective chess piece in their future ambitions. For the nation to gain the standing to fend off expansionist neighbors, it must acquire some of the same political currency—namely, symbols of old imperial authority. One of the first rebels to answer Toriaka’s call was Mai Chun, then a young woman who had lost several friends and family in a Lingshenese invasion to root out prospective dissidents.
After serving in Toriaka’s new government for several years, Mai stepped down, returned to her rural community as a folk hero, and set herself to chronicling Shokuro’s new statehood. Now 40 years later, Mai Chun is a tough grandmother who’s still strong enough to knock out a bandit. She keeps an eye out for historical treasures. When word arrived of an imperial ruin in the nearby hills, she tasked a few locals to check it out. They returned with their tails between the legs, citing a vicious bear in the region. Reluctant to trudge through the wilderness without better information, Mai Chun reached out to Venture- Captain Amara Li of the Pathfinder Society for assistance.

GM Ietsuna |

The screen door opens on an unassuming house tucked in the small town of Ashima. Filling the doorway is an elderly woman of regal bearing who wears a lopsided smile. Long white hair meets her waist over colorful robes that would not be out of place in the salons of Tian Xia’s largest cities. The grandmotherly woman speaks with a deep, rich voice.
What fates and fickle winds bring blooming lilies to our forest island. With such winds does history ebb and flow. Having introduced herself with this couplet, she bows and adds, Yes, yes you’ll do perfectly. I hope you’re fond of bears. She grins and steps aside, raising a welcoming arm. Quickly, come in. And off with your shoes!
couplets as a form of communication that highly educated people use in many parts of Tian Xia, particularly in regions like Shokuro that have experienced Minkaian influence. Such couplets are often meant to be complemented with an equally poetic reply.
Inside, Mai Chun’s house is delightfully cluttered. Papers and parchments are stacked perilously high, piles of books lean against disorderly shelves, and swords and shields are displayed on every wall. Mai Chun is a writer of some renown in the region; she has chronicled the history she helped forge in a series of articles, books, and even poems about the fall of Lung Wa and the revolution that created Shokuro. Drafts of her own texts clutter her tables. Out of place amid the chaos is an orderly circle of concentrically arranged cushions around a chalkboard. Mai Chun has converted this part of her home into a classroom. For her, securing Shokuro’s future includes passing her talents on to the next generation.
Sit, sit. I would speak to you all of what I wish from you she bustles you along into the ‘classroom. I would ask you to enter the nearby Li Sho forest and explore a ruined estate. I believe it was an estate for housing military officers some time ago, during the days of imperial Lung Wa. Being so old I am hoping that it contains a relic or two, or even information that can strengthen us among the Successor States. She draws you a map on the chalkboard, and although the forest is dense the directions are clear.

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Ikari wears his human form. His appearance is much as it was in Absalom, save that his spear is new - fashioned of darkwood - and he has his wayfinder.
He leaves his weapons and his shoes at the door.
"Honoured Grandmother" he greets Mai Chun with a bow, addressing her in Tien. "Bears are little trouble compared to minotaurs. My name is Ikari. Our venture-captain has asked us to provide you with aid. Can you say what manner of relics you seek from the ruins? Whose estate was it?"

GM Ietsuna |

Sadly I can’t give specifics, as I don’t know exactly what’s there. Shizuru curse any looters that may have already gotten to it. But, if anything remains, I’m looking specifically for documents. Maps, letters, scrolls, things of that sort. Other than that, any treasure could be significant. If it’s shiny and not bolted down, pick it up. If it is bolted down, I have pliers.
I believe the estate belonged to a general. It could be one of a number of generals from the time. General Zhen, General Zhou, General Bai, General Xuan or even General Qing.

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knowledge history: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
A white furred kitsune, with a crab sticking out of one of its pouches, speaks up after hearing the poem, "History flows towards marching future. You say, history has fickleness of wind, changed by perceiving it."
Both her poem and mine have 27 syllables.
"The ruins sound interesting. Perhaps I'll find some information on magical contracts." If I'm ever to break free of my patron's contract, I'll have to do some research on if its even possible.

GM Ietsuna |

Mai Chun smiles warmly at Takabe, clearly impressed by his quick wit and artful phrasing.

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Hiiragi enters in her kitsune form; her vulpine face bears an unmistakable smile, eyes curved up in half-circles. Her tail swishes slowly behind her hakama, careful to avoid knocking anything over.
She seems pleased to be back east, even if not quite in her homeland. She offers a quick bow, leaving her shoes and weapons at the door—save for her bow sans arrows, giving the string a quick, pleasant-sounding twang as she enters.
”Pleased to meet you, Mai Chun,” greets Hiiragi, finding a cushion for a seat. ”Shizuru? If we find any of her tears at the estate, would you like us to retrieve them for you?”

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On the trip to Tian Xia...Juzo was in interesting spirits.
"So they have decided to keep us together? Interesting but they would not listen when I told them I knew little of my birthplace. Alas, the houses of Taldor will not scoff at the possibility of more connections even so far away...so they have authorized it." he says with a sigh as if he feels tossed away.
Were they just trying to get rid of me? No matter. Nobles of any land should prove pliable.
Juzo enters and gracefully follows the lead of the Tian members of the part being used to the odd rituals of different cultures that he has interacted with.
He takes off his shoes which ultimately reveals his kitsune form so he takes of his mask as well.
"Ah, the briefing gave some backstory on this land and it seems game of politics still continues. These documents could hold significant historical context to bolster this lands claim of sovereignty. I say the more players the better so I look forward to helping." he says in reply to her request.
As he ponders what question to ask he plays with his pet spider on the sleeves of his robes.
"Yes, this group can handle themselves in battle against all manner of beasts but are bandits the only...humanoid...threats we should expect? Or do others know the significance of what we seek?" he asks with a smile.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

GM Ietsuna |

Tears could be of interest also. Please bring them if you find them.
The villages I initially sent reported a dire bear in the courtyard and noting else. No bandits of aggressive humanoids at all.

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Onna was happy all her friends were back together. She points to a thrush on her shoulder. "And this is my new friend, Melody. I think Shelyn sent her to me as a gift. Isn't that cool?"
=====HERE AND NOW=====
"Dire bears! Oh my. Still, Ikari is right. How much more trouble can a bear be?"


Kenta greets the mostly familiar faces when he arrives, this time just on foot. He is quite excited, "I got a new sword and armor! Hopefully this set is Minotaur horn proof, the salesman said it would stop a bull's horns for sure."
While traveling to their destination he keeps a close eye out for threats, feeling quite assured that his duty is to protect his allies while they do their research and missions.
He steps into the house of Mai Chun and gives her a formal half-bow, "Madam, pleased to meet you."
Not finding an easy place to sit with all his gear and weapons, he looks at the other barefooted foxes and grits his teeth a bit, is that the custom? Or do they just not want to wear their shoes? Oh well, too late now and the host doesn't look annoyed.
When the discussion turns to bears, "most bears will just run away, at least that's what I've been told but I've never seen one."

GM Ietsuna |

Well, if there are no more questions I will have to send you on your way. I have students coming soon and I need to prepare.
The Li Sho Forest is a surprisingly dense forest that thwarts easy travel. Mai Chun’s directions lead to a narrow path that was once a wide road. The forest has reclaimed most of it, with only a few paving stones peeking up from the soil. The landmarks that Mai Chun mentioned are easy to spot: corroded lantern poles overgrown with ivy, an empty hunter’s shack, and finally an old military watchtower.
Climbing the watchtower could give a suitably impressive view of the surrounding area, should one be the type that enjoys look-outs and the like.

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Kenta checks through the hunter's shack, one never knows what could be hiding in there. He does the same with the military watchtower, taking a moment to try to get a bead on their destination and look for oddities.

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Ikari resumes his kitsune form once away from the town.
At the hut, he helps Kenta search. perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Does the watchtower have a staircase or ladder?

GM Ietsuna |

Watchtower had a ladder, but it s long gone. A DC10 climb check is needed to reach the top

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Juzo grumbles as they have to climb and wind through the overgrown path but breathes a sigh of relief as it gives way to some structures at least.
He looks up at the watchtower and shakes his head.
"I cannot climb like my little pet but I can help check the old shack with you, Kenta." he adds pulling out his rapier.

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Takabe tries his hand at climbing up the tower, "I'll let you know if I see anything interesting I guess."
He then begins straining to pull himself up.
climb: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18 but, occasionally, his fur stretches out and grabs onto the walls and ledges to help pull him up.

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The confident Kenta, at least when climbing, scales the tower. ”I used to climb everything when I was a pup, ah this brings back the few good memories I had as a kid. It has been a long time since I’ve been so high up. Look at that view!”
Climb take 10: 10 + 2 = 12

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Hiiragi follows the group, a little disappointed that Mai Chun did not leave her an offering for Daikitsu. Still, it would be impolite to ask.
She walks behind the group, her bow in one hand.
”I did not know there were so many grays in our group!” she teases as the two make their way up the ladder.
Nature Fact! Gray foxes are the only canine known to be able to climb trees.

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How did... Where in the...? Oh no, not these morons again.
Itami clears his throat, drawing attention to himself for the first time in many days. "First tower for miles. Naturally, scaling it is the only rational response," he mutters before chuckling a little at Hiiragi's jest. If only she knew. And I'm not even the one who can climb! While the others risk life and limb, he contentedly waits at the bottom. Just in case.

GM Ietsuna |

At the top of the tower you find a small cache of items in a chest in the corner. Inside is a longbow, a quiver with 10 arrows, and an old letter from a child to the soldier who stood guard here decades ago.

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"I am not much of a climber. I prefer my feet on the ground."
Ikari looks up at the tower top. "Find anything, besides a view?"

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Takabe tosses the longbow and arrows down for someone to catch below while he holds the note up for his fur to grab onto, keeping his hands free. He then climbs back down and, with his fur extending, shows the note around, "I found a note up there that seems historical, but on a more personal level."

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Hiiragi smiles at Itami. ”There is something to be said for gaining a bird’s-eye view of the route you’re traveling,” she points out. ”Although it seems little to gain against the risk of falling to the ground.”
She ponders the note as the newer member of their band shows it. ”I do not think this will strengthen Shokuro’s claim, but it’s a good find. There is something melancholy about a heartfelt letter as old as this, though,” she says, shifting uncomfortably.
She considers the bow a moment. ”If no one will use this, I’ll keep the arrows. The Pathfinders are so stingy about making sure you turn over everything you don’t use, it’s actually somewhat unfair... so I’d rather use their arrows first.”

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Kenta climbs back down and shrugs, "Everything is a risk, a Gru could come out and eat you while you stay safely down on the ground." He waves a hand up towards the tower, "that was a very low risk and quite enjoyable, plus we gathered up some useful items and had a great view."
He points to the note, "We should give that to the nice lady who sent us, she might be able to find the family."

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"That bow may be old, but it looks superior to my own. I'll take it. I have a supply of arrows. I prefer the spear, but sometimes the quarry is too distant."

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Hiiragi smiles, passing Ikari five of the arrows. ”We may as well split them, then. Besides,” she says, pointing to what appears to be a quiver of fletched javelins on her back, ”I might decide to use these instead.”

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"I would rather move unseen on the ground than expose myself in the air," Itami mentions with a shrug. "We all choose our own poison. Shall we continue?" There is much space out here and we are on a different continent. This might be the place to enjoy my true form for a while...

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"Yes, let us continue. The bugs keep pestering me and I keep expecting a bear to try and get a bite next. I doubt a bunch of dead foxes will be helping the countries claim." Juzo says snidely swatting away flies.

GM Ietsuna |

Continuing along the route that you were given the trees begin to thin and you come to the estate. Gaps in the forest canopy allow shafts of light to fall on the ruins of a once opulent manor. The manor’s facade is covered in leafy vines, and the once-neatly manicured shrubberies of the courtyard now wildly over spill their bounds. An acrid stench assaults the senses as corpses of humanoids and beasts alike litter the grounds.
Slide 2 of the maps.

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Upon seeing the dead bodies, Takabe surrounds himself in a layer of force, expecting the dead to rise at any moment. He then casts another spell, causing his white fur to glow slightly purple. "I don't like the look of this. The dead smelling awful might be the least of our problems."
Casting mage armor then touch of fatigue and holding the charge.

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Hiiragi, who definitely totally remembered to prepare her spells before this point, and in fact cast Lucky Number on herself at the beginning of the day (that lucky number of course being 1d20 ⇒ 16), makes sure that her bow is at the ready, her large quiver in her other hand, ready to drop.

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"I am no druid, but I am fairly certain that bears are not carrion beasts. This feels wrong."
Ikari readies his spear, and hands a scroll case to Hiiragi: "Healing spells. In case I should fall."
Ikari gives Hiiragi a scroll of Cure Light Wounds with 6 castings.

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Itami frowns at the butchered corpses. What fresh hell is this? Looks like the work of an uncivilized brute."Wait here. I'll find it. Prepare for anything," is all he says before walking ahead and disappearing entirely from view.
My Vanishing ability gives me 6 rounds of invisibility (30 seconds). I will use all 6 rounds to quickly scout as much as I can! Taking 10 on my stealth check gives me a 39 while moving.

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Finally, a scout that isn’t likely to die!
Hiiragi accepts the scroll, stowing it in her robes. ”I pray it won’t come to that,” she says, ”but if there was not a risk, they would not have sent us.”
She ponders the bodies around them. ”Hopefully they stay on the ground.”

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Kenta stays to the front of the group and is about to ask if anyone is sneaky (since there is a new face to the group) when Itami disappears into the compound. "Huh, didn't know he could do that."
His ears flick and aim towards the area the old man snuck into, listening for sounds of distress. He pulls his Greatsword and holds it ready.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

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"I don't usually try to be sneaky, but it's not like I try to be loud either. My crab might be pretty sneaky, although an unusual site in these lands." Takabe says as his crab pokes its face out of its pouch to look at Kenta.

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Juzo gags slightly when the smell and vision of the rotting corpses comes into sight.
"I don't believe this is natural either." he agrees with Ikari.
When the old man disappears he tilts his head to the side and wonders what other tricks he has been hiding. While waiting he pulls out his hand crossbow in his other hand.

GM Ietsuna |

The grounds of the ruined estate contain a few crumbled statues, overgrown hedges, and an empty pool that is now little more than a pit filled with decades of leaves, sticks, and mud. Bones litter the grounds, evidence of the past meals of the estate’s only living occupant.

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"Hmm, you don't think the bear got the old man? Do you?" Juzo asks the others rather morbidly.

GM Ietsuna |

I have added the bear to the map. I figured if Itami is scouting he'd see it so no point hiding it.

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The aged man appears as suddenly as he left. "Inside is ruined. More of this," Itami says, gesturing to the carnage around them. "Also a bear. Ready?" As if to answer his own question, he pulls out a wand.
No worries! The bear wasn't in the description, so I didn't know if it was a mistake on the map or not. Wand of Magic Missile in hand.

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Kenta takes a deep breath, places his sword in front of him and mutters a prayer, "Lady Taramyth, grant me the courage to face my fears and the wisdom to handle this beast."
He turns to his allies, "knock it out, right? It's just an animal, no need to kill?"
Turning, he walks forwards, wary of the beast he was warned about, it's harder knowing when you are walking into a fight then to just react to a battle. The Minotaur was an easy decision, especially since it was an evil monster. This is probably just a confused animal.
He moves up to where he can see the animal. (Standard going Total Defense, Move to Move. Current AC 20/12/18)

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"The branched spear is not well-suited to subduing a quarry. Neither the bow. Nor the rapier. If this beast is mad enough to kill and eat people, it ought not be left to continue its predations."
Ikari moves up with Kenta, spear at the ready.

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Hiiragi nods. "Once the wolf has preyed upon sheep, the shepherd cannot simply hope to scare it off," she advises.
She moves into position and sets up her quiver once more as she comes into sight of it.

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"I'd prefer not to kill the creature if we don't have to, but it seems many of us are not prepared with the gear to do so. If we can avoid it, lets do so, if we cannot, we must defend ourselves and hope to bandage it up afterwards. That's the most we can hope for." Takabe says as he flexes his fur 5ft around him and follows Itami.

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Kenta sighs, "neither is a greatsword, but that won't stop me from trying. I am not against killing a creature, but this creature appears to be doing nothing but protecting its territory. Until I know more I will not kill without a good reason."
He pulls out his sap, "if anyone wishes to use this, they are welcome to. I will use the flat of my blade."
I'm not arguing with the group, I'm just arguing as Kenta, FYI. Trying to be a bit more LG.

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"I might be able to put the beast to sleep. It might not be as susceptible as my two legged targets but I can try...it would only give us a short time though." Juzo offers.
"However I have no qualms for dispatching it. Look at this place...I am no expert in animals but this does not look...natural." he adds with a shrug.

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Onna addresses Takabe earnestly, "If it has decided that this is now it's den, it will only return after we have left, placing others at risk. We may have no other option."
Sorry, bit of a difficult weekend. Should be back now.