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"Facts are facts. There is only one correct way to interpret them: as what they are. Perception does not change reality."
"High illusion notwithstanding," Lydia counters, somehow simultaneously glib and pedantic.
"I couldn't agree more with Galvanix. People think of 'Evil', and they always think of predators: Wolves, cats, sharks, serpents - but that isn't Evil, that's just power, nothing to be afraid of. You want to see EVIL? Look at the prey animals: Rats. Mice. Rabbits. Cattle. For my 2 guilders, there's nothing worse than a frightened mob, wallowing in powerlessness yet so arrogant as to think that it can do no wrong so long as it acts to preserve its own flabby hide..."
"As far as this Inquisitor goes, possession would probably be an improvement. Not to mention just desserts."

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Sense Motive=Auto-Pass
Kronis eyes the woman very carefully. "People are not animals. We are neither above nor beneath them, but we are certainly not them. We have no need to act as predator or prey. Prey does not build empires or wield magic. Nor do I believe these people are evil. They are afraid. Fear makes people do foolish things. And it might do well to remember just where you are. Those who live near the Worldwound have well earned their paranoia. It does not mean they have responded rationally, however." He sighs and finishes off his tea. "I am off to bed. I suppose you must go find your prey." He bows deeply before heading to his room.
Staying at the inn tonight. In summary, Kronis plans to visit the mayor in the morning, back to the beer gardens in the afternoon. I think I'll hit the games area in the evening. I don't think anyone has gone there yet.

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Dumpy does not like the outdoors, so the Tent City doesn't appeal very well.
Then again, he doesn't like crowds either, and given how crowded the inn appears to be, especially if there are only two rooms available, he suspects that would be even worse.
In the end, he decides to find a free tent to hole up in... preferably by himself.
In the morning, since he's already there, he will investigate the Tent City, and the accompanying beer garden... not that humans knew much about beer.

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Kinshasa will stay in the inn for the evening. When morning breaks he breaks his fast before heading into the street to mingle with the folk of the town. He speaks to everyone he sees, making small talk and learning about the town and hopefully Elrik.
Diplomacy, Gather Info: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

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"The line's nowhere near as absolute as you'd like to think. I thought they even taught you that up at Lepidstadt. I wonder if I can get a good meat pie with tomato sauce somewhere around here," Lydia grumps. "Add a dash of salt and pepper, hold the judgments...."

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Perception vs reality is actually a long-standing debate between the wizard and monk in my homebrew campaign and it's always an entertaining listen. I can just sit back and let them go back and forth forever. The fact that it requires no work on my part has nothingto do with it, I'm sure :P
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Kronis stops with one foot on the stairs and studies Lydia hard. What in the hells was that...? He strongly considers confronting her, but takes a deep breath. Cooperate. Cooperate, Kronis. The venture-captain trusts her. Trust in the venture-captain.
He takes another deep breath and heads to his room and locks the heck out of it lol.

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& since some of you are staying at the inn (remember you will have to share if more than two of you are doing so). One of your questions is answered.
It doesn't take a perception check to discover that one of those staying at the inn is the woman named Ekira. Ekira is short for a human and keeps her blond hair cut short. From the conversations she has in the common room it is obvious that she is driven, focused, and intense, both in kindness and in vengeance. If the party spends too long glancing her way she starts to notice and shifts he seat to keep an eye on them.
Eavesdropping on her is not hard in the crowded room. Ekira wears her wounded rage at the loss in Kenabres plainly on her face, expresses it in her voice, and inflicts it on perceived miscreants through her judgments. Considering her repoirt with the others eating at the inn, this comes across as quite matronly. Well before darkness settles she is the first to offer locals an escort home and returns shortly to visit and disparage at Pathfinders, demons, alike.
The whole town closes down tight as night falls. This close to the WorldWound, no one likes to be out at night.
In the morning, Kronis will head to the mayors Diplomacy check please..
Dumpy heads to the market for breakfast and soon finds himself discussing the virtues of dwarven beer, gnome ales, and human... cold teas. He is able to make considerable connections with each passing drink. Give me a Fortitude save or Diplomacy check, then 1d8 please.
Kolris & Kinsasha Hopefully the information above answers your questions, but if you want to meet/investigate/shadow her in the morning phase let me know. If not I will go with the 'about town' rumors (or other options if you would like to change what you mentioned above.
Lydia & Galvanax I didn't see a morning goal for either of you, please let me know if you have specifics (plus the roll) or I will put you with one of the others

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One more thing. At the end of the first day, each player can attempt a Bluff, Disguise, or Stealth check. This is to represent your being discrete about your investigations and not draw attention to your 'affiliation'.

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I put my wayfinder in my saddle bag, what more do i need to to to hide my affiliation? :p
Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

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I never meant to stay at the inn, if that's what you're thinking; I was just waiting for Kronis's last reply. Now, assuming I've got the time slicing right:
Lydia goes out to haunt the tent city, and tries to glean whatever she can from the general hubbub.
Linguistics, burst of insight: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
end-of-day Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Uh-oh.
Lydia spends the morning in the surrounding wilderness. Maybe there's something interesting there - at a minimum, the local hicks are not there, and isn't that just as worth it?
Survival, burst of insight: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

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Spending another Inspiration Point on the Disguise roll, since they're resetting in the morning anyway.
Disguise: 1d20 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (9) + (5) + 4 = 18
Not bad!
In the morning, after a horrifyingly bland breakfast of oatmeal and black tea, Kronis heads directly for the mayor.
Since they're refreshed, I'm also gonna spend an Inspiration Point on this one.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (7) + (4) + 5 = 16
Ooh, not great. Only 2 higher than Elris.

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The dwarf has lots to say about the state of Dawnton's beer, some of them are made from the local crops, which he states is an afront to beers everywhere!
"Who makes beer with a turnip!?" He can't quite get his, admittedly not the brightest, head around such a thing.
Of course, his prickly attitude soon draws the attention of locals, and before he knows what he's gotten himself into, a bit of a drinking competition has started!
Fort: 1d20 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 3 = 14
Hmm... what sort of crops do they grow here anyway? Can you make beer from a turnip?

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If you can, you probably shouldn't lol

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Kronis gets no closer to meeting the Sheriff.
Dumpy drinks several people under the table and when only one is left the old man says, "Well. I do. That's why they call me Turnip Tet." He pulls a gorgeous sample of the root from his basket of many gorgeous roots. Tet sells 1d8 ⇒ 2 varieties and he gladly shows them to the dwarf.
"I like you," he says pointing a well callused finger, "You's not like them other strangers. Murderers." he blows the moustache out of his mouth like he was spitting. "You know, I heard when the Pathfinders were arrested, the accused halfling had blood all over his hands and clothes."
Lydia leaves town passing even more folks heading in for the execution. Eventually the trail gets quieter and she is able to poke around in the forest. She sees a sable there and decides to follow it. Eventually she meets a young halfling who is following the same sable. "Farmer Otto will pay well for them," she says as she expertly takes the creature down with a sling. "They get into his chickens too often. I give him the skin, keep the meat, and he gives me eggs. I should be able to get 1d8 ⇒ 3 Want to come along?" she asks. "Not many people have been his way since he found that body out there. Oh you hadn't heard about that?" she asks then explains the tale.
Otto, a farmer who lives just outside Dawnton, found the body of the first victim the morning the accused Pathfinders arrived. He’s still going about his business as though nothing had happened. "You can still see the blood!"
"On the night of the first murder, two of the murderers were seen dancing in a devil’s circle in the woods outside of town." she adds confidently.
Galvanex, Kolris, Kinshasa: I need to know where you are going. If you have no preference, please aid one of the others.
Galvanex, Kolris, Dumpy: please also give me an end of day roll.

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Galvanix eyes the area...
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
As hard as Galvanix might want to eavesdrop on various conversations, his stern looks turn people off.
Galvanix will go and search the area known as Devil's Circle.
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

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Bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 15 To not be found to be a Pathfinder? Elris typically presents himself as a priest of Ragathiel over a Pathfinder so not sure when it would come up or if this is the appropriate roll.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Elris notices Ekira watching them with suspicious eyes throughout their time at the inn. Which he will share when they are out of their sight if no one else noticed.
I didn't make the morning decision as I wasn't quite sure what to do with it (did not show up in the update as choosing a place or having went to one). Not sure where I stand or what decision I need to make then.
Actually I haven't shown up on either of the updates.

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As I mentioned earlier, Kronis will return to the beer gardens for the afternoon and maybe try to disguise himself as a local to glean more info. In the evening he'll try the game area (is that the tent city? I wasn't sure from the Discussion post).
I assume Disguise is what I should add (+4) but if you want me to use Bluff, that's a +0. Either way, spending an Inspiration Point on it.
1d20 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + (4) = 20
What, if anything, do I need to roll for the game area in the evening?

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Nothing for evening yet Kronis, we are still in the Morning Phase. That is the time the 'devil's circle' rumor was uncovered. If you would like to go there to Otto's Farm in the afternoon, cool. I am going to do a bit of retcon and railroading. If I put Elris & Kinshasa with Kronis at the sheriff's I can move this part of the scene forward... This is assuming you both roll above a four on the aid check :) But please roll the check anyway :)
The mayor is not too surprised to see a do-gooder on his doorstep. After asking about the case and upcoming execution the party finds the mayor turns to his sheriff's hat. "I suppose it doesn't hurt for you to visit with them, so long as I am present." he invites the men in and asks them to check their weapons. Then, satisfied this is not a prison break, leads them down stone steps to the basement level which functions as the town prison.
The three condemned Pathfinders are Corwin Burke (M halfling), Torum Grunsch (M dwarf) and Dakota Spire (F dwarf). They are frightened but unharmed, and they look to any hope of rescue with abject optimism. Burke is a short, thin, quick redhead with a wry wit even in these dire straits. Grunch and Spire could be fraternal twins, though they’re not related. Both are taciturn, thicker than they are tall, and wear their black hair in long braids. Spire has a wide scar along the top of his right forearm.
The condemned know very little about the murders for which they were framed. "We arrived on a mission to investigate a Sarkorian ruin and were arrested in our beds on the second night in town." They didn’t fight and haven’t tried to escape, saying, "We don’t want to risk harming Luin or any other innocents." They are well-fed and haven’t been mistreated, though all three are worried about their impending executions. When asked about the evidence against them, each shakes their head. Well, we were in our rooms at the time of the second murder. Corwin Burke mentions, "I think we first became suspects after Tobias Luin received a letter identifying us as the culprits."
That should be enough to get a conversation going. :)

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Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Elris shakes his head at all the talk of perceptions and follows Kronis who seems to have a knack for this sort of thing.
"I will follow your lead...the best I can. Hah."
Just got to my lodging in the mountain. Getting my roll up then looking at flavor of posts.

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Luin is the mayor/sheriff, right? Also, is Dakota Spire male or female? You have them listed as "F" but called them "he" later in the post. Not a huge difference either way, mainly just for clarification.
Kronis watches their faces as they speak, looking for tell-tale physical signs of lies. He turns to the halfling. "What were the three of you doing on the night of the first murder?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

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"First murder?" asks Spire, the dwarven female who prefers the male pronouns.* "We had only just arrived in town. After receiving a letter, we were coming to investigate the discovery of a possible Sakorian site."
"It was evening, we headed strait to the inn," says Grunsch.
"The Heath and Harvest," supplies Burke.
"Right the Heath and Harvest," finishes Grunsch. "We started there and booked a room. We ate in the common room and hoped to learn the location of our contact, but we didn't expect to make any progress until the second day."
None of the voices shake, eye contact is normal, speech is slow and steady. The answers seem unrehearsed and in all other ways seem genuine.
I do not need it now, but please give me another Diplomacy roll as well.

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Diplomacy (Aid?): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
"Think hard if you are as innocent as you seem. People you spoke to or even that looked your way when you arrived. If you are innocent then the culprit must be out there and we need to find them before more murders take place." Elris adds to questions looking sympathetically to the Pathfinders and then to the Sheriff to drive the point home that they are only there to help.

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Spending an Inspiration Point on the (future) Diplomacy roll.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (16) + (1) + 4 = 21
Kronis rubs his chin thoughtfully. "What time did you arrive in town that day, and from what direction?"

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Diplo Aid at Sherrif's: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Kinshasa just stands, conveying a sense of calm and competence.

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"We came from Nerosyn, to the north. It was before dusk, but not by much." Strike answers.
Feel free to ask multiple lines of questioning, following a single line to its end, takes a lot of time in PbP. :) You're doing great all, keep at it.
Galvanax pulls out the orginal letter Jorciel Lauterbury received about the Sarkorian site. Something the Venture-Captain gave you in the initial breifing. It had been hiding in his pack the whole way over, as if everyone had forgotten it. In truth: your GM forgot it was given to you.

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Kronis inspects the letter for clues. Perhaps something in it will confirm or disprove the prisoners' statements, but he is beginning to doubt it will be the latter.

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"Hey guys...all this readin' is just a waste of time. We know that there is something strange going on at the old Sarkorian place. I mean even if there is no more clues...I am sure that we can find a few pieces of silver to ease our troubles."
Galvanix hopes that the rest of the group is as motivated by the lure of wealth as he is.
Seeing that the group is much less mercenary in their attitudes as he is, Galvanix relents.
"Hey, I know you all want to find clues and solve some big crime or something... but maybe we can just bribe the Sheriff to 'find some new evidence' and let them go."

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"I know no Sarkorian site. You say you found one?" Sheriff Tobias asks the Pathfinders. Just a reminder, the Sheriff doesn't know you are Pathfinders at the moment. At the mention of the letter (from you or the convicted) the sheriff, mentions he has a letter. "An anonymous letter from a concerned but frightened citizen identifying the Pathfinders as the murderers." the letter was delivered to Ekira.
"The murders began the night the Pathfinders came to town and ceased as soon as the Pathfinders were arrested,; which is our second evidence.
"At the scene of the second murder, Luin found a dagger belonging to Dakota Spire, one of the dwarven Pathfinders." The sheriff pauses briefly. "Finally all three Pathfinders were seen at Otto’s farm just hours before someone found the first victim there."
Perception or Linguistics checks?
Anything else for the Sheriff? For the accused? If not where next?

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Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
"With a loose definition of evidence like that no wonder there is danger in this town." Elris scoffs as it becomes obvious the sheriff could care less for actually getting to the bottom of it.
"Do you take all anonymous letters as evidence? Or are all of your legal matters handled on a whim? You invite the wrath of vengeful gods putting possibly innocent travelers to death. It looks like I will have to do your damn job myself since you could care less. I am heading to talk to the owner of the drugstore...or to find that balding newcomer." he questions the sheriff he has begun to view as pathetic and possibly crazed as the sheriff talks about himself in third person.

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Where did he talk in the 3rd person? I missed that bit.
Kronis shakes his head as Elris storms off. It was dangerously undiplomatic, but he couldn't particularly argue with him. The mayor does seem awfully apathetic toward the flimsiness of the evidence.
Free Inspiration on Linguistics!
Linguistics: 1d20 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (15) + (5) + 8 = 28

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Typo on my part. That the sheriff found the dagger is in the evidence sidebar. I couched it as spoken without changing to pronouns.
I do not like the idea that innocents will be punished, neither do I think they are innocent but this is the law which protects us in a chaotic land. Final judgement falls to the people in four (three?) days.

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Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
"Let's stop standing around gabbin'...let's at least go to the farm and see if there are any clues there... or something else."
The boredom of 'wizard-work' is starting to wear thin upon Galvanix... who generally likes action... whether it be wine, women, song or swordplay.

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Did the Linguistics check pick up anything?
Kronis nods to Galvanix. "One more question, then we can go. Checking out the farm is perhaps something all of us should be together for, in case it is dangerous. Perhaps this afternoon?"
AKA, maybe that can be the group's activity for the afternoon phase. Probably more productive than hitting the beer gardens again anyway.
He turns back to the Pathfinders, directing his gaze specifically at Dakota. "Can you explain how your weapon wound up at a murder scene?" He pauses, then turns to the mayor. "Also, did anyone perform an autopsy? Are we certain the victim was wounded by a dagger?"

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"He was stabbed, and with this knife," says Luin.
Dakota cannot explain how the dagger ended up there. "I noticed it was missing as we undressed for bed. I hadn't needed it all on the journey over, so I do not know when I lost it."
Unfortunately, the loss was 'discovered' after the murder so this is a thin defense.
Galvanax determines that the handwriting on the accusation is identical to that on the letter sent to the Pathfinder Society warning of the imminent executions. Kronis Linguistics confirms this. Admitting this in front of Luin is admitting that you are Pathfinders.

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I will answer any more questions of the prisoners or sheriff retcon. Fortunately making the mayor friendly reduces one of the trackers and the reconvened Pathfinders can move onto Otto's Farm.
Otto’s farm covers 10 acres of land that are presently unplanted with a farmhouse at the center of the fields. A line of trees along the west side of the house forms a windbreak. The property is five miles down the main road from Dawnton, and the Pathfinders can recognize it by its distinctive yellow hexagonal sign.
A powerfully built, clean-shaven man in his late thirties, calls out to the Pathfinders. "Oy! Trespassers, this is private land. You should leave."

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Kinshasa smiles down at the farmer from atop Kokina's back. Ho friend. Pay no mind to Kokina here. She is not interested in your chickens.
Opening the social door. Not sure I should just come out with "So seen any dead bodies lately" so maybe we team up and edge toward it?

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Kronis steps forward, palms out non-threateningly. "Apologies. My name is Kronis Umbrelor. I am in training for the Sleepless Agency in Lepidstadt. I have been looking into some... discrepencies in the case against the Pathfinders. I would have them sealed before the trial, if I can. If they are guilty, which certainly seems likely, all consciences would be put to rest knowing the case is ironclad. To that end, I and my compatriots would be most interested in taking a look at the scene of the crime, if we can. You would be doing me a great service."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Wow. That is the worst freaking timing for a natty 1 ever.

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Dumpy thinks visiting a farm a far better thing to do than hanging around a town full of people... so lumbers along with those heading out that way.
He stays back once they get there though, figuring an entire armed party of folks is more likely to look threatening than not.
Pretty sure even trying to assist on a 5 isn't going to help
What crops do these people farm anyway?

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Kinshasa dives in when the farmer seems to not take to Kronis too well.
We do not intend to intrude, just close out any loop holes and be on our way and out of your hair.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

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Kinshasa's words smooth the man's concerns. Though he gives a sideways glance at the brawler. "Better to get this business over and done with I say." He turns to the acreage behind him. "Come on then. Let you me show you."
As he walks the party around his property, he relates, "I had come out before dawn to feed the chickens. Then I spotted the victim," he coughs, "the a young man, hanged and swinging from a tree. Naked and hanging from a tree." Otto is very insistent about the man having been naked, though he clarifies a moment later. "Not simply without clothes. It had been skinned—skinned alive," according to Otto’s somewhat imaginative estimation.

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Survival: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Here, see these track. Kokina, move so they can see better. Oh, what's that? I button here in the grass.
I don't have the skills to roll the follow ups well. Perhaps thers can?

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For most of the trip to the farm Elris is quiet allowing the fire within to cool before he attempts more direct matters to free the Pathfinders.
When shown to the scene he immediately starts looking for signs of the struggle hoping there would be something simple enough to follow.
"Skinned? Why is that the first time we have heard that..." he shakes his head and looks closer.
Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
"Let's of tracks but nothing small. Here is at least some of that blood if they were actually skinned." he mentions while looking
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
He then bends down spotting a button near the blood stains.
"Time to find out who is missing a button it seems...should be easy to check against the clothes of the jailed."
Welp looks like there was another post while I worked on this one. Use the rolls for aids or other things if necessary. Or something.

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Sure, Kinshasa once those 'spoilers' are pointed out, others can make the check(s).