Shalm's Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master JankInTheTank

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I have to say, I’m incredibly excited by these submissions so far, and I can’t wait to start this adventure! Even so, applications remain open for about another week! Submissions will close at 11:59pm EST on Monday, February 18.

Garran Oakthorn, Human Cleric of Iomedae
Doctor Gii, Aasimar Inquisitor (Living Grimoire)
Therric Morant, Human Bloodrager
Linge Hagebak, Human Arctic Druid
Darmok of Averaka, Half-orc Fighter
Viktor Rusnak, Human Paladin (Sacred Shield)
Sigrun Barstad, Human Magus (Skirnir)
Anina, Aasimar Witch (Winter Witch)
Ellie, Elf Rogue (Counterfeit Mage)
Lanyssa, Half-orc Arcanist
Adula Osherri, Human Witch (Hedge Witch)
Egil Forkbeard, Human Skald (Fated Champion)
Solace, Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
Zemstra Oririe, Half-elf Summoner
Glim Murnig, Svirfneblin Alchemist
Aakif al-Sahba, Human Ranger
Arvanya Pertovi, Human Hunter
Honsul, Halfling Spiritualist (Fractured Mind)

And here are the characters that have submitted either a stat block or a background:

Nippy, Kobold Hydrokineticist - missing a background

Shalm, I’m kicking around a couple of ideas and wanted your input/feedback.

I know you mentioned Standard and Uncommon Races are allowed, albeit with the accompanying social repercussions for playing something weird. What are your thoughts on a Vine Leshy (Thr Leshy is a Russian myth, after all!) perhaps altered to something more suitable to the climate, like a Pine Leshy Shaman?

I ask because I’m not sure which race category they fit into, but think that could be a really fun character.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
I know you mentioned Standard and Uncommon Races are allowed, albeit with the accompanying social repercussions for playing something weird. What are your thoughts on a Vine Leshy (Thr Leshy is a Russian myth, after all!) perhaps altered to something more suitable to the climate, like a Pine Leshy Shaman?

Vine leshy is fine, and I really like the idea of adapting it to be a pine leshy, which would alter Plantspeech and Change Shape.

ill have a background soon. last week has been keeping me a bit occupied

Arriving to this thread a little late, but this looks great! My initial idea is for the Changeling daughter of a Winter Hag.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
rutaskadis wrote:

Arriving to this thread a little late, but this looks great! My initial idea is for the Changeling daughter of a Winter Hag.

Still plenty of time! Submissions are closing at the end of the day on Monday. Welcome!

rutaskadis here; here's my submission for a Changeling Bloodrager with the Hag-Riven archetype. I had a lot of fun building this character!

Also want to stress that, despite her reasons for not wanting to return to the North, she won't resist the call to action, although she'll probably have a lot of internal conflict about it.

Build in profile, and here is her backstory for ease of access:


Before the Call, Halleva lived quite a normal life. She was the daughter of Ulfen farmers; she lived happily among hardy people in a quiet village, and never really wanted anything more. The winters in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings were long and harsh, but Halleva loved the cold. She often pushed back her hood and opened her furs to let the Northern air caress her skin. She couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

At midwinter on Halleva’s eighteenth year, a voice as soft and familiar as a fresh snowfall came to her in her dreams; it seemed winter itself was calling to her. She rose from her warm bed in a dreamlike trance, and stepped barefoot into the knee-deep drifts of snow outside.

She flitted through the village, dancing with the wind and the ice that blew against her bare skin until her lips and fingers turned blue. The strange display attracted a well-meaning guard, who gripped her frozen shoulders and started to ask if she was okay.

Still under winter’s spell, she flew into an icy rage at the one who dared to interrupt her! Her eyes and hair turned stark white, her fingernails became wickedly pointed icicles, and she howled as she tore at his flesh.

It was now that she awoke completely, with ghastly claws deep in a man’s stomach, and hot blood pooling in her hands. She’d grown up with cautionary tales about the Witches to the east; she saw what she was, and knew she had to get away.

She fled south, south, south, as far from winter’s grasp as she can get; even the deserts of Qadira will hardly be far enough. Taldor is just another stop along the way.

Personality and Appearance:

Halleva is an ordinary girl trying to come to terms with what has happened to her. She still feels the call of the North, and is constantly torn between resisting the fate that surely awaits her there, giving in, or even exacting revenge on the creature that caused all this.

She is haunted by the violence she committed just before she fled her home, and both wracked with grief and furious at the evil that drove her to it. Truthfully, she doesn’t even know for certain that she killed a man, as she ran away without checking, which has left her with an uncomfortable mix of curiosity and guilt.

Underneath it all though, she’s still just an Ulfen farm girl; simple and sweet with an adventurous streak.

She looks like an Ulfen farm girl, too: long blonde hair, blue eyes, high cheekbones, pale skin. She’s attractive, certainly, but in a friendly way; the skin on her palms, knees, and elbows is rough and has clearly seen a life of hard work.

When her emotions sweep her away, though, she becomes much more frightening. Her fingernails grow into grotesque icicles, her hair turns stark white and whips around in a nonexistent wind, and her eyes become white and cold.

This is Gale Barrett, my gunslinger. Originally from Absalom, recently from wherever the beer and coin are good.

Stat Block:

Gale Barrett
Human gunslinger (musket master) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 61 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +0 (1d4-1/19–20)
Ranged musket +4 (1d12/x4)
Special Attacks grit (2)
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Dodge, Gunsmithing, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload (Musket)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Craft (alchemy) +4, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (local) +1, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +4, Survival +6
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ deeds (deadeye, quick clear, steady aim), gunsmith
Gear Leather armor, battered musket, dagger, 30 bullets, bandolier, deck of marked cards, explorer's outfit, gunslinger's kit, leather hat, 92 gp, 5 sp


Life in the Coins is a rough, unforgiving thing. As Gale likes to tell it, growing up in the center of the world taught him that to be free means always following just one rule: do something before someone else does something to you. And yes, the Coins is the center of the world, no matter what the fancy archpriests in the Ascendant Court say. Nobody eats and sleeps there 'cept the clerics; in other words, nobody lives there. Gale, on the other hand, was raised the best way a boy can - in a tavern, earning honest coin by cleaning mugs and tables, hearing tales 'bout folk from Jalmeray to the Steaming Sea.

But the Coins wasn't to be the end of Gale's story, as well as it's beginning. He still recalls the look of the Alkenstari Shieldmarshal as he walked into his tavern, with his broad hat, worn leathers, and long, gleaming musket, laid in the weapons' rack by the door. Less crystal clear is his memory of the three or so weeks spent learning the way of the gun from the man, after he had pestered him enough. Whether or not that had to do with the several hard falls direct on the noggin is up for debate, but once Gale had saved up enough to craft his own gun, he went off to spread the good word of the Drunken Hero, and do some of his good deeds.


Gale is a happy-go-lucky individual, who believes in the ultimate good of life, and that a life un-enjoyed is a life wasted. He worships Cayden Cailean, though it more veneration of a model and personal hero than typical obedience. He loves the adventure of life, and doesn't like being tied down at all, though his willingness to linger in one location is modified by the quality of the local spirits. However, all the freedom he craves for himself he freely grants to others, and will stand up for the put-upon and the bullied. Finally, he is never without his lucky hat, a parting gift from the departing Shieldmarshal. How does he know the non-magical hat is lucky? He ain't never died while wearing it.

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"Who needs a bard or a lucky rabbits foot when you have friendly, loveable and most importantly lucky, Paldo!"

Character Sheet

Unbeknownst to Paldo, his real parents were Noland Bandits. Both his mother and father had been exiled from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings for crimes of theivery. Paldo was not born in any city, but at an unknown location in the Nolands. Most of his first year of life was spent wrapped close to his mothers chest, as his tribe was always roaming and pillaging. One day before his first birthday his parents were foraging near the base of the Kodar Mountains when they were beset upon by a group of frost witches that had ventured down from the icy mountain peaks. His parents were slain and Paldo was taken deep into a system of caves from which the gods thought he might never return.

Paldo was blessed a few days later however when a small group of Northern rangers and barbarians that had been tracking the witches discovered their lair. The witches had began a sacrificial ceremony of great power for which Paldo was the center of. The witches foul magic had already crept into Paldo's body when the Northern warriors sprung a surprise assault on the witches. The witches were not prepared and were quickly dispatched. A young female warrior stood over Paldo pondering what to with the child. He looked so much smaller and frailer than the child she had birthed months before. Still, she was inexplicably drawn to the child. She wrapped Paldo up and took him north the bitter cold province of Irrisen to her home in a small town called Waldsby in Hoarwood forrest. She decided then to raise him as her own. Paldo grew up with his now adopted mother Hertha and her natural born son Grimthar whom was a few months younger than Paldo. Hertha explained to Paldo that there was an aura of evil magic about him and she worried that one day more witches would come looking for him and as such she would restrict him from venturing outside or would have him bundled up in an attempt to hide his identity.

Paldo and Grimthar were very close growing up and other than their quite obvious difference in size they loved each other like real brothers. Grimthar towered over Paldo and was naturally very protective of him. Paldo always felt unmotivated to do much in the cold weather and as such he was always convincing others to either help him or outright do things for him, even if it meant having to stretch the truth to get it done. He would often encourage and inspire others to do better in the hopes that he could benefit as well.

Paldo never liked the cold. It easily penetrated his thin frame reaching his bones. He had never been exposed to such bitter cold. In an effort to protect himself his body and spirit tapped into fey magic residing deep within him. It allowed him to harness ancient magic to help him adapt and survive. Tapping into this magic drove him to find more ways to battle the bitter cold and soon he found himself studying the arcane arts and focusing on anything that would generate heat. He was often scolded as a child when he was caught burning things inside their house.

As Paldo and Grimthar grew older Paldo felt drawn to go south to warmer climates. He begged Grimthar to come with him. Grimthar was hesitant to leave their mother, but Hertha assured them both it was the right thing to do, it was time they went and explored and found their path in life. And so off they went, packing whatever they could carry, which for Paldo wasn't much. Every city they came to Paldo pushed to go father and father south. Eventually they reached southern Taldor until they reached a small village, not unlike the one they left so far north, called Heldren. It was a quiet little town, which they were used to. The citizens were very nice and welcoming to both Paldo and Grimthar, although most raised an eyebrow when they said they were bothers. The brothers never let on that they were not related by blood and instead either made them wonder or Paldo would come up with some elaborate lie. Although the town seems quiet and peaceful an unrest is coming that Paldo did not see coming…

Personality and Appearance:
Paldo, being a halfling, stands only 3'3" tall. He is lightly built and light on his stubby hairy halfling feet. Most of the hair on his body is longer than most as Paldo grew it out to combat the cold. His light brown hair comes to his shoulders while is beard is of medium length but well groomed. Paldo is very sociable and is always in a positive mood trying to bring up the spirits of others. (Festive) His words and happy spirit are often for self gain as Paldo is quite unmotivated to do things himself.(Shiftless) He will often lie, cheat and steal to get others to help him help if it means he can avoid doing things himself or take the path of least resistance. Paldo is generally trusting of others however the stories and paranoia of his mother regarding witches has made Paldo very skeptical of those that practice Witchcraft

Character Portrait

eagerly waiting


I, as well, feel great anticipation.

We are getting rather down to it, one more day.

Wow... talk about last minute. Glad I stumbled onto this when I did.

I'd like to dot in to this, but I guess I'll have to get something whipped together ASAP.

My immediate thought is to play a character concept that I've been messing with for a while now.

Henric DrakeHuman Occultist specializing in Evocation magic (but probably dipping into at least one or two others).

Stat block is currently in the profile. Need to write up a background for him and adjust his traits to allow for the Campaign Trait.

I just added a really basic background to the profile. Definitely not my best work, but it'll do in a pinch.

Also added a basic personality description.

Good luck everyone! :)

I'm on the edge of my seat as well...

Definitely looking forward to seeing who is chosen.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

A little more than 12 hours left! Here's what I have - let me know if I've missed anyone!

Garran Oakthorn, Human Cleric of Iomedae
Doctor Gii, Aasimar Inquisitor (Living Grimoire)
Therric Morant, Human Bloodrager
Linge Hagebak, Human Arctic Druid
Darmok of Averaka, Half-orc Fighter
Viktor Rusnak, Human Paladin (Sacred Shield)
Sigrun Barstad, Human Magus (Skirnir)
Anina, Aasimar Witch (Winter Witch)
Ellie, Elf Rogue (Counterfeit Mage)
Lanyssa, Half-orc Arcanist
Adula Osherri, Human Witch (Hedge Witch)
Egil Forkbeard, Human Skald (Fated Champion)
Solace, Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
Zemstra Oririe, Half-elf Summoner
Glim Murnig, Svirfneblin Alchemist
Aakif al-Sahba, Human Ranger
Arvanya Pertovi, Human Hunter
Honsul, Halfling Spiritualist (Fractured Mind)
Halleva, Changling Bloodrager (Hag-Riven)
Gale Barrett, Human Gunslinger (Musketmaster)
Paldo Greenspan, Halfling Arcanist (Elemental Master)
Henric Drake, Human Occultist

And here are the characters that have submitted either a stat block or a background:

Nippy, Kobold Hydrokineticist - missing a background

There's a lot of good submissions! Looking forward to seeing the results.

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Eagerly chomping at the bit

Shes finally finished Kirpi

Just a note- with just a few tweaks (or even just choices made on level up), Adula could easily fill the role of either arcane or 'divine' caster, whichever the party needs ;).

Looking forward to seeing who gets in. Stiff competition!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks all for a great set of submissions. I will try to be quick about my decision, but I want to give each application its due. Here's the final set:

Garran Oakthorn, Human Cleric of Iomedae
Doctor Gii, Aasimar Inquisitor (Living Grimoire)
Therric Morant, Human Bloodrager
Linge Hagebak, Human Arctic Druid
Darmok of Averaka, Half-orc Fighter
Viktor Rusnak, Human Paladin (Sacred Shield)
Sigrun Barstad, Human Magus (Skirnir)
Anina, Aasimar Witch (Winter Witch)
Ellie, Elf Rogue (Counterfeit Mage)
Lanyssa, Half-orc Arcanist
Adula Osherri, Human Witch (Hedge Witch)
Egil Forkbeard, Human Skald (Fated Champion)
Solace, Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist)
Zemstra Oririe, Half-elf Summoner
Glim Murnig, Svirfneblin Alchemist
Aakif al-Sahba, Human Ranger
Arvanya Pertovi, Human Hunter
Honsul, Halfling Spiritualist (Fractured Mind)
Halleva, Changling Bloodrager (Hag-Riven)
Gale Barrett, Human Gunslinger (Musketmaster)
Paldo Greenspan, Halfling Arcanist (Elemental Master)
Henric Drake, Human Occultist
Kirpi, Tiefling Shifter

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Best of luck all!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I’m so excited to see who gets picked! I know that whoever gets picked will be able to kick some evil butt!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks again everyone for so many great submissions! Will the following people please check in on the Discussion tab? I ended up choosing seven PCs, and you can see an explanation for why I did that in the first Discussion post.

Garran Oakthorn, Human Cleric of Iomedae
Linge Hagebak, Human Arctic Druid
Sigrun Barstad, Human Magus (Skirnir)
Glim Murnig, Svirfneblin Alchemist
Honsul, Halfling Spiritualist (Fractured Mind)
Halleva, Changling Bloodrager (Hag-Riven)
Paldo Greenspan, Halfling Arcanist (Elemental Master)

Gratz to the winners. Have fun!

Congrats to those who made it, have fun!

Dark Archive

Best of luck to those who were chosen.

Have fun, everyone.

Here's to a great campaign for all of you!

Hello all!

this campaign needs one more player! we are a little more than halfway through the first book of the AP and we lost one of our players due to real life concerns.

the current party is:
human cleric
human magus
halfling arcanist
human druid with a bear

as you can see we have magic pretty well covered with 2 each divine and arcane casters. the character we are losing is a ranger, but you do not have to choose ranger as your class if you don't want to. a ranged character is the biggest missing piece right now, but i will entertain any applications.

build your PC to level 3 with standard WBL. ignore the charcater creation rules at the beginning of this thread, as this campaign was started by a different GM entirely. we will be using pretty standard rules and I will allow any paizo source books.

the biggest thing i will be looking for is someone who can commit to posting consistently. we have been having some trouble keeping players in this game for some reason, including the original GM. if you're going to apply for this game please be willing to stick it out!

I will leave applications open through Friday and will choose someone by the end of the day on Monday the 29th.

good luck!

GM My Black Midnight wrote:

Hello all!

this campaign needs one more player! we are a little more than halfway through the first book of the AP and we lost one of our players due to real life concerns.

the current party is:
human cleric
human magus
halfling arcanist
human druid with a bear

as you can see we have magic pretty well covered with 2 each divine and arcane casters. the character we are losing is a ranger, but you do not have to choose ranger as your class if you don't want to. a ranged character is the biggest missing piece right now, but i will entertain any applications.

build your PC to level 3 with standard WBL. ignore the charcater creation rules at the beginning of this thread, as this campaign was started by a different GM entirely. we will be using pretty standard rules and I will allow any paizo source books.

the biggest thing i will be looking for is someone who can commit to posting consistently. we have been having some trouble keeping players in this game for some reason, including the original GM. if you're going to apply for this game please be willing to stick it out!

I will leave applications open through Friday and will choose someone by the end of the day on Monday the 29th.

good luck!

would a samsaran slayer be legal?

I'm thinking of making an alchemist. I see that some help in the skills department wouldn't go amiss as well and bombs or perhaps a grenadier with a bow could fill in the ranged needs nicely.

If we can ignore the rules from the first part of the book, what rules are we supposed to use? What races can we use? If goblin is available I could consider firebomber, otherwise I'll probably go with tiefling or half-orc.

Dotting - thinking on submitting a kineticist or zen archer monk. Are these fair game? :)

I might have a guy. Let me look...

Edit: When you say 'ignore', what does that mean for 'Automatic Bonus Progression' and 'Background skills'? Are those in or out?

And is it still a 20 point buy or something else entirely?

Hmm... thinking of a gunslinger type. How do you feel about firearms?

So what exactzly do you want at this point? A fully fleshed out Lvl 3 character?

What else do you expect?

I will be submitting a Ranger as this my favorite class anyway.

Hi GM! Here's Timm Tones, Gnome Pyrokineticist, for your review :) He's a pyromaniac cook who has some screws off his head. He can also help with finding and disabling (non-magic) traps if needed.

Here is Borgas Longstrider an Ranger who works as a guide.

He is a ranged character with a distrust for Magic users due to his family history.

As for myself I am a very ctive player. I am typically checking the board multiple times a day and participate very active in my games.

Ranger is my favorite Class but I am not yet playing one in my PbP Career, so I would very much like to give it a go.

it will be a 20 point buy. you can use either the average HP for your levels or you can roll HP in this thread.

no Automatic Bonus Progression or background skills.

Zen Archer or kineticist are fine, as is gunslinger

it is up to you whether you build out a full character now or just give me details on what you're planning on building. I get the pain of alias bloat, so if you would rather give me a rundown of your character instead that's fine. the more details you give the more likely you'll be to get the spot.

Well Borgas need to get rid of the Background skills but I think I will do that when selected.

I've got this guy: Droguk

He was in a Winter game a time back. We made it to 4th level before it died. And obviously he is not ranged by any means but I figured what the hey. I like this AP so I figure I might as well at least give it a shot.

His mechanics aren't up to par but I can get that done over the weekend.

Here is my submission. Eladorn is a ranged-build Hunter with a powerful celestial animal companion. Currently a bear, but may switch that to a stag instead. No equipment yet; I’ll make purchases is selected.

The plan is to move into the Evangelist prestige class at level 6; Eladorn is a disciple of Erastil working against the witches of Irrisen.


Eladorn Moonbeam
Male human (Ulfen) hunter (divine hunter, feykiller) 3
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +8
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 21 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3 (-1 penalty vs. [emotion] spells unless they're [fear] spells as well)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee or

Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
5/day—predator’s grace
Hunter (Divine Hunter, Feykiller) Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)—aspect of the falcon[APG], deadeye's lore[UC], gravity bow[APG], keep watch, magic fang[D], summon nature's ally I
0 (at will)—create water, guidance, know direction, light, purify food and drink (DC 12), stabilize
Domain Fur
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Deific Obedience, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits deadeye bowman, weapon training, winter warrior (irrisen)
Skills Climb +6, Handle Animal +4, Heal +6, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +8, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +10, Survival +8, Swim +6
Languages Common, Skald, Sylvan
SQ animal companion (celestial bear (apex species) named Reign Companion), animal focus (3 minutes/day), domain (fur), iron talons, nature training, righteous indignation, track +1
Other Gear 3,000 gp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion (animal companion (celestial bear (apex species) named Reign Companion)) (Ex) If no current companion, summon nature's ally spells last 1 min/level but only 1 at a time.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Animal Focus (3 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s). If no companion, +1 slots.
Predator’s Grace (Su) +10 ft to speed and low-light vision for 1 round
Deific Obedience Purify yourself daily to prove devotion to a deity and gain benefits.
Hunter (Divine Hunter, Feykiller) Domain (Community) Granted Powers: Your touch can heal wounds, and your presence instills unity and strengthens emotional bonds.
Iron Talons (Ex) One of you animal companion's attack natural is treated as cold iron for purposes of overcoming DR.
Nature Training (Ex) Hunter levels count as druid/ranger levels for feats, traits, and options to improve animal companions.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Righteous Indignation (DC 13) Must take any AoO provoked by enemy (Will neg). -1 to Will saves vs. non-fear emotion effects.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.

Shae (companion):

Reign Companion CR –
Celestial bear (apex species) (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary)
N Small animal
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2; +1 to deal with cold hazards.
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; SR 8
Speed 40 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +6 (1d2+3 nonlethal) or
bite +6 (1d4+3), 2 claws +6 (1d3+3)
Special Attacks smite evil
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 18 (22 vs. trip)
Feats Hefty Brute, Power Attack
Tricks Attack, Attack Any Target, Defend, Demolish, Flank, Quiet Watch, Sneak
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 to jump), Climb +7, Perception +6, Stealth +11, Swim +7
SQ animal focus, attack any target, defend, demolish, favored terrain (cold +1), flank, native environment, quiet watch, sneak
Special Abilities
Animal Focus (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s).
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Defend [Trick] The animal will defend you.
Demolish [Trick] Can be commaned to attack and damage objects and structures.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Falcon +4 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed competence bonus to Perception.
Favored Terrain (Cold +1) (Ex) +1 to rolls when in cold terrain.
Flank [Trick] Attempts to attack and flank indicated enemy.
Hefty Brute Count as one size larger for CMB, CMD, carrying capacity, and size-based special attacks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Native Environment +1 (Cold) (Ex) In cold terrain, +1 on checks and saves to deal with environmental hazards.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quiet Watch [Trick] The animal stands watch and alerts master quietly, if able.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +0 to hit, +3 to damage when used.
Sneak [Trick] Creature stays hidden.
Spell Resistance (8) You have Spell Resistance.

slayer HP: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 3) = 10

Hello! Allow me to introduce Casey Davenport. She's a curious and excitable scholar who failed miserably as a winter witch apprentice and instead took up gunsmithing to unravel the mundane secrets of black powder. A bit morally dubious, but good to have around in a pinch.

Mechanically she's a half-elf fighter specializing in the dragon pistol, a dedicated ranged combatant and stealthy scout who can also provide a bit of utility through alchemy and engineering.

GM, let me know if you have any questions or concerns! I'm excited for the prospect of this game, if chosen I'd definitely be committed to a frequent posting schedule. I'm not in any other games right now so this would have my full attention. Anyway, here's Casey's backstory — her statblock is in the profile.

Even as a child Casey knew precisely what she was put on this earth to do. She was wrong, of course. That's not how anything works.

Casey was the daughter of a blacksmith in a surprisingly quiet, secluded village on the outskirts of Irrisen. Growing up, she was intensely curious about the world beyond their shabby walls — not just what was out there, but how it all fit together. Her interests were broad, but what fascinated her most was magic: tales of witches who unraveled the secrets of the universe and made it bend to their will. That was the life Casey was meant for, she was certain. But she saw it only in glimpses, through half-decayed tomes lifted from traveling merchants. She immersed herself in those snippets with a childish wonder that lasted well into her teenage years: learning the lore, memorizing reagants, sounding out syllables in otherworldly tongues.

Rumors travel quickly in a small town, and soon whispers began to spread about this strange young woman who moved in a blur and spoke in a blur and read books about witchcraft. When Casey was nineteen, these whispers reached the ear of a coven of winter witches passing through the region. They paid her a visit on a whim and were mildly impressed by her dedication, eventually inviting her to go with them as an apprentice. No power in existence could have stopped Casey from answering yes. After saying farewell to worried family and friends she left, intent on returning triumphantly once she'd learned enough magic that the world finally made sense.

Yeah, there were a couple problems with that. First was the witches themselves, who had a cruel streak that quickly became apparent. But Casey could overlook that easily enough — morality had never been her focus when there were exciting new answers to be had.

What she couldn't overlook was her talent for magic. Which was, in a word, nonexistent.

After two years of training with the best, Casey could cast nothing. Not one. single. cantrip. When the coven sent her away she couldn't even blame them, she had room for frustration and humiliation and that was about it. She couldn't go home, couldn't face returning to that life as if everything was normal — besides, she would be lucky to survive the journey alone across the frigid wastes. Instead she ended up in the trenches at a nearby border outpost, earning coppers as a soldier in the never-ending raids back and forth between Irrisen and Hagreach. She found she could handle a crossbow with remarkable aim, which would have been great if she cared at all about the fighting. Mostly she focused on staying alive.

But over time, that original Casey started to shine through once again. A new mystery caught her eye, stories of a strange type of weapon with strings of fire and bolts of lead. In the days and weaks between battles she started studying alchemy and metalworking with all the zeal she'd once had for the arcane. This time, though, Casey's efforts actually paid off. It took months of trial and error, plus a few second-degree burns, but she was able to piece together several unfinished blueprints to build her very own gun.

Emboldened by this success, she started training to use her new weapon with lightning speed. Where mind had failed her matter would have to suffice. So she practiced, and practiced, and practiced some more.

All this did not go unnoticed: a few higher-ups started poking around, and Casey was quickly able to build and sell off a few more guns. I mean, sure, it's a bit of war profiteering that makes her even more complicit in this pointless bloodshed, but —hey, wait, did you see the new firing mechanism on the latest version? It's extraordinarily precise and — sorry, what were we talking about?

Anyway, Casey left soon afterwards, bundling up for a long trek through the snow. She had no intention staying stuck in that miserable place, not now that she had the funds to equip herself for a journey and the means to defend herself on the way. There was so much exciting world to explore, to learn about, to understand. And maybe to shoot. Hopefully not to shoot, but you never know. Her latest fixation has brought her far to the south, following some very peculiar rumors...

I believe Droguk is pretty much done.

Going to go with Eladorn/Zin this time around. thanks for the greta submissions everyone!

I am currently running 3 tables of RoW, and we do occasionally need new players on any given table. if you want to be considered for future openings (knowing that it could be a while before you're needed) send me a PM and let me know, and I will contact you ahead of opening up a new recruiting thread for one of those games.

Eladorn, please go ahead and finish out any building you need for your character and dot into the discussion thread for the game. once we are out of the current combat we'll bring you in

Thanks for the selection!

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