Aubrey's 'On Skull Beach' - Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

The adventurers set sail to the Isles of Allam, the northernmost territory of the Inotian Empire.

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The Exchange

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Discussion thread for table 2.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

The gameplay thread for table 2 is HERE.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Walker Tair wrote:

Alrighty here is Tenro's submission.

I am still working on equipment and backstory. As far as backstory goes, I figure him to be a relatively normal human adventurer, Lawful Neutral, does jobs for the nation/authority that sends us on missions and is known to be pragmatic and generally trustworthy/dependable and non-evil. His alchemical exploits are largely known to be for healing purposes and explosive purposes. His experiments do not venture into mutations or anything crazy like that. He is an decent archer, a better bomb-lobber. Knowledge-focused and uses that to assist the party. His main flaw is that he loves to drink; however, this has not lost him his medical license yet.

OK, I've got no idea about this character and am slightly wondering what's wrong with the basic alchemist from Paizo, since you seem to be reinventing the wheel. However, since you insisted, we'll go with it. If you are Lawful Neutral you are unlikely to be a follower of the Tinker, who is Chaotic Neutral and therefore diametrically opposed. I suggest you stick to the Diktats, since they fit with your alignment and it is actually the dominant religion on the continent (i.e. it is unusual not to follow the Diktats). On the languages front, I'd consider Elvish as you are a scholar, and after that Dwarvish, Orcish, and/or Halfling.

A thought occurs that, as a scholar, you might want to swap Halfling for Draconic.

Just dotting the thread.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Table 2

mellowgoth's human warpriest (complete)
FS's elf mutagen fighter (complete)
PR's elf shifter (complete)
therealthom's human fighter/bard (more-or-less complete)
Tenro's human alchemist (complete)

Unexpected last minute shift on Aubrey's part. Hey Tenro and Pixie Rogue, nice to be playing with you again. Mellowgoth and Fumbles_suck, it's great to meet you.

Ujarak is a pretty conventional bard. In combat it'll be the usual inspire buff and hopefully ranged attacks. He's not really armored for melee. Out of combat he's got a wide selection of low level skills, a CLW wand, and good diplomacy skills.

Sweetest sycophantic tone Aubrey, great opening post, sir.

RE: instruments -- yeah probably a drum or maybe a flute is in his future. Musically he'll cleave to his roots. I'd been considering just running out his other levels in fighter, but looking at the group we might not need much damage from him at all.

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision

Placing my dot . . . s here.

Hello, everyone. Looking forward to sharing a virtual table with you!

M map Human Scholar 4 [HP 02/22]


hp17 of 27

Nice to meet everyone.

Cyriphrain is a heavy-armor front liner with some channeling to keep us all upright. This is my first warpriest, so please be patient with me while I figure things out.

I don't often play a healer, so please don't be shy about prompting me when someone is hurting, if I don't notice it myself.

M Humanborn

had issues logging in yesterday

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Yes, it was down for a while, it was quite frustrating. I managed to get my post in early UK time before leaving to work and then it was down for maintenance for a decent chunk of time later in the day.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Aubrey, per your suggestion, I'll fiddle with my gear to get a cloak of resistance. Then I'll flesh out the rest of my purchases. Top of the list warm clothing, even for a summer trip.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

What would you guys think about pooling cash for a couple potions of lesser restoration, and delay or neutralize poison.

Late response but I played Wultram so not the first time.

with 300gp a pop I don't think 2nd level spell potions are within our budget. Especially given we have a warpriest in the party. Scrolls might be an option though still a bit pricey. Those naturally have the downside of who can use them. If someone has crafting feats all the pricing stuff goes out the window. To keep the post constructive some possible alternatives/additions.

1) The CLW wand discussed earlier. 750gp for average of 275HP
2) Guard dogs, for nothing more than more 'eyes'. Would need basic competency in handle animal, price is 25gp a pop.
3) Horses might be handy but I don't think there is any reason to get them untill arrival to destination and even then not until we have a need. And push comes to shove we can always just walk.
4) Maps.

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision

I second the idea of a CLW wand. Happy to contribute.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Fumbles! Didn't know that Wultram was you. Nice to see you again.

Addressing your points in order:

The potions are expensive, but nice backup, that's why I was proposing a pool. I will admit I was still kind of thinking about table 1 where Ujarak was going to projected to provide at least 50% of party healing. Cyiryphrain certainly reduces the need.

1. I've already picked up 1 CLW wand. My gift to us all.

2. Good idea, but could annoy our two hosts, the captain and the governor. A few personal pets should be fine, but we shouldn't spring for a pack. Did anyone take handle animal? I did not.

3. I imagine in the islands, horses will be for the gentry, if there are any horses at all. If we need them maybe we can borrow from the governor?

4. I'll bet Aubrey would sell a couple cheap, but they wouldn't be terribly detailed.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

1) You seem to have that covered.

2) Well, it's a bit left field. Remember you are going to be on a ship for a couple of weeks. Not the best place for a large dog, nevermind more than one, but if you really want to you can have a go.

3) Ditto really with horses, only more so. Horse transports were a specific type of ship back in the day, you can assume that the Ocean Tern isn't one.

4) If you wish to fork out 50gp, a map of the Isles is available under the DC 20 Knowledge (Geography) spoiler in the first Gameplay post (note that you do not get access to the other spoilers by buying the map).

M map Human Scholar 4 [HP 02/22]

Walker will be looking for the following:

330lbs of barley (if priced as wheat, that is 3.3gp)
1 barrel to fit that barley (2gp)
large chest, false-bottomed (152 gp)
30lbs of cinnamon in chest (30gp)
30lbs of vanilla in chest (60gp)
60 flasks in false bottom of chest(1.8gp)
7.5 gallons of applejack in flasks (3gp)
120lbs of coffee beans (6gp)
another barrel to fit that coffee(2gp)
Good (DC 30) lock (80gp)

8 gp cold weather outfit
.5gp poncho
150gp in alchemical reagents and unguents to create stuff

1.4 gp left of his advance

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Please make up your minds what you want to bring.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Does Ujarak remember an endless day of summer from his childhood? DO the Allam's lie north of the artic circle?

Depending on the captain's answer, I might juggle possessions to afford a sextant.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Ujarak will remember something - to that extent he can read all of the Knowledge (Local) spoilers in the initial post on the Gameplay thread. The Allams are not north of the Arctic circle - they don't have permafrost, for example - though they are chilly. Think Faroes but with more trees and higher mountains.

Okay I figured most of the stuff for shopping. If something needs pitching in I got some money left over.

-Map (50)
-Whole lot of potions: (250)
-Endure elements
-Aunt haul
-Clarion Call (Essentially -15DC to hear you, good four sounding the alarm)
-Keep Watch (Allows you to stay up all night and count as rested)
-Serren's Swift Girding (Gets your armor on you for those times when you are in a hurry)
-Cold weather outfit (8)
-Adventurers sash (20)
-Traveler's Any-Tool (250)
- Total: 528

Now would it be possible to buy a phrasebook for the local language?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

On the last point, no - this isn't Lonely Planet.

hp17 of 27

Cyriphrain's shopping list:
acid (2),
alchemist's fire (2),
holy water,
oil (5),
vermin repellent[UE] (5);
area map[UE],
belt pouch,
cleric's vestments,
cold weather outfit,
explorer's outfit,
flint and steel,
holy text (Diktats)[UE],
large tent[APG],
signet ring,
silk rope (50 ft.),
silver holy symbol of DIktats,
spell component pouch,
winter blanket,
736 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp

He can also chip in 300 or so for a CLW wand.

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision

Brother-Captain, if you would cover 150 gp of the wand, that would leave us both with a little coin to work with. I will leave it in your capable hands since I cannot use it and I will deduct 600 gp from my cash.

I see two others have selected maps, so I will not throw more money at that particular idea.

Purchases include a cold-weather outfit and an adventurer's sash along with a few more potions.

Kaerishidlon is ready to go.

hp17 of 27

I will deduct 150gp and add a wand of Cure light to my inventory.


Init +3; Perception +5 , Sense Motive +10 // AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex) hp 35 (4 HD; 1d10+3d8+7) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2, +4 vs. Bardic Performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects

Carried Gear:
+1 chain shirt, +1 composite longbow (+2), masterwork silver dagger, masterwork scimitar, cloak of resistance +1, wand of cure light wounds, outfit, explorer's, holy symbol, wooden, arrows (20)

Additional Gear, not currently carried.

Longspear, reversible cloak, backpack,cold-weather gear, spear, waterskin

242 gp remain. I would have liked a sextant, but they're 500 gp. U is going to have to beg lessons and borrow equipment.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
therealthom wrote:
Do we want a team meeting a few days before embarking? And do we want to do that IC or OOC?
What are you, adventurers or project managers? Next thing, you'll be using Agile methodology.

Should fit nicely with use of acrobatics.

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision
Brother-Captain Cyriphrain wrote:

I will deduct 150gp and add a wand of Cure light to my inventory.


The future heals coming from your capable hands are the thanks I’m looking for, sir. Pleasure doing business with you.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Been a bit busy. Hope to post tonight.

Considering this and the start of the last game...I am noticing a pattern.

Note to self: Never get on a ship in Aubreys game :P

The Exchange

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No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I forgot about that - I'm getting predictable. I'll have to choose some other mode of transport next time. Though I have done an airship crash before as well...

Oh I am sure the lightning rail would have rammed into battletitan or something. We will just walk everywhere from now on. :P

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Suddenly your shoes EXPLODE!

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision

I know I rode a personal air transport into the ground courtesy of your game once - clipped a decorative gargoyle on the way down. I was queasy just reading the description, let alone trying to guide the damned machine to a landing.

(Spoiler: It wasn't a landing so much as a quick grinding stop.)

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Yeah, actually there have been a few transportation mishaps along the way over the last decade. There was the skycoach crash as well as the airship crash.

M Humanborn

hey, we safely arrived that one time the party was split because someone didnt want to listen to dragons! that was shocking

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

It's not much of an adventure if you arrive everywhere safely.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I hope Cyriphrain is packing breath water 'cause I don't think Aubrey's stashed any aqualungs aboard.

M map Human Scholar 4 [HP 02/22]

yeah it sucks i had enough ingredients to make 6 months worth of booze in the cargo hold. plus 2 months of already-made booze.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Sorry about the double post. I recreated it when the first one didn't show up right away.

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision
therealthom wrote:
Sorry about the double post. I recreated it when the first one didn't show up right away.

Mine never show up right away. I have to refresh the page to see it or come back later.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Yes, I've found that a bit of a problem but the posts show up eventually if you refresh a couple of times, like AG say.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Wow, a couple bad days at work and suddenly there's a mountain of posts to work through.

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision

Yeah, we were busy. Looking forward to being back out of spoilers.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Ok, so Daenan and Walker are out. Also, Cyriphrain hasn't posted for a while and I am assuming he is gone too. I propose we continue with Rish and Ujarak. It would be better with more players but it will be doable.

I think the criticisms aren't baseless but the intention was to try something a little different. And we are still setting up the situation. Slightly disappointed with the attitudes on display, like I've nevet DM'ed anything before, and the narrow views. But I guess they are entitled to play the game they want. As am I.

M Humanborn

I fully appreciate the honesty, and I hope you don't take my disdain for the situation as even a slight criticism of you or your game. I made a character that i thought would fit in with an expedition style game that turned into survival, and the situation basically would have hobbled the character and made him very un-fun to play. That, coupled with the slow pace of PbP, would have been a long slog. I also can't imagine the character being anything other than very disruptive with such unreasonable NPCs. I figured removing him would be the best course of action but I trusted Aubrey's decision on the matter and it appears he thought the same as I.

Good gaming all, thanks again for the chance. I just made a character that didnt really fit with what the campaign became (which was not what I thought, but that's on me).

Male Elf Shifter 4 Minor Aspect | AC 19, T 19, F15, CMD 25 | F 5 R 8 W 5, +2 vs enchantment | hp 16/33 | Init +4 | Perc +11 Stealth +11 Surv +12/13 | Minor aspect 7/8 | Major aspect 8/8 | Darkvision 60', Low-light vision
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Ok, so Daenan and Walker are out. Also, Cyriphrain hasn't posted for a while and I am assuming he is gone too. I propose we continue with Rish and Ujarak. It would be better with more players but it will be doable.

I will confess some trepidation at a two-character party, but I have always enjoyed the stories you provide and I will happily continue as I trust I will enjoy this one, as well.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Tenro, Fumbles, sorry to see you go. I've enjoyed playing with you both and look forward to seeing you around the boards.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

The guys are suggesting on the other table that we integrate tables 1 and 2. I'd need to think about how to do it (or maybe just ignore that fact there were two tables) if you would be open to that.

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