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Hi folks,
I would like to run the evergreen scenario Emerald Spire, level 1. Not currently planning to do a full run of the dungeon but maybe the first couple levels. Depends on my bandwidth this year. Please apply below. I'll take the first 6. This is a Tier 1-2 scenario.
Player Name:
Character Name:
Anything hinky about your build:

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Player Name: Archmage of Entropy
Character Name: Rumple Dergskin
PFSID: 53482-6
Faction: Dark Archive
Anything hinky about your build: (oh yeah)
- Dwarf Sorcerer(2), Undead Bloodline
- This character has the Necromantic Affinity feat. That means damage caused by inflict spells heals me as if I were an undead creature, but I also take damage from cure spells.
- lots of alternate racial traits
- bloodline familiar (undead cockroach that lives in his beard)
- Many tabs on the inventory tracking spreadsheet

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Player Name: PDK
Character Name: Nel’setsya Feymantle
PFS ID: 4456-2
Faction: The Concordance
Anything hinky about your build: Ganzi Mesmerist hanky panky that lets her implant an image of herself in your brain which she can animate as an illusion later to flank with you when you get into combat.
Edit: one more hinky - quibble racial ability: she would trigger it to make a monster reroll its attack d20 if they roll north of nat 17... second roll must be used, even if better than 15 though.

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Agreed. All my hunks are occupied at the moment... :(
Edit: added one more hinkyness in first post above. Her quibble ability is once a day only and is basically triggered by the GM when he/she hits the 'preview' button. Once a day, if 'preview' button shows a high d20 roll vs one of the PCs, the baddie gets to reroll and take the second roll... which is hopefully worse. :P
Edit2: ok, forget what I said.... it actually works on anyone within 20 feet of her, so I'll use it on my turn to have one of the PCs reroll a failed save or failed attack or something... if I use it on the bad guys they get a Will save against it... so it's essentially a free reroll for the table.
Edit3: please PM me when you open Gameplay so that I don't drop out of Warp...

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Before you even worry about that...don't you first need someone who can GET the loot???
Player Name: I'm Hiding In Your Closet
Character Name: Sirius Sa'luk, AKA "The Lucky Dog", AKA "that thieving bastard", AKA "HOW MANY TIMES MUST I KILL YOU?!?", etc etc
PFS ID: #40025-27
Faction: The Exchange
Anything hinky about your build: I am an exceptional Thief...who doesn't Sneak Attack. Also, as a Breeze-Kissed Sylph, I enjoy an additional +2 racial bonus versus non-magical ranged attacks up until if/when I expend those defensive breezes on a 1/day offensive trick.
*waves knowingly at Rumple Dergskin* I look forward to seeing just what kind of monster I helped create...!

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Your suggestions were fantastic. Rumple has been a boat load of fun. Nothing special once the initiative dice are rolled, but still fun. I had an identity crisis when leveling up. I almost took a level in hunter (vermin hunter with a giant cockroach). Luckily, the community talked me out of it.

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I have a few options but looks like we need frontliners so applying with my warpriest. However, I have played the first few levels so can only play the first level, in case the GM wishes to continue.
Player Name: kuey
Character Name: Aragar Thodash
PFS ID# 215076-18
Faction: Silver Crusade
He's level 2 now (still need to update his character sheet). Nothing particularly hinky. Dual wields kukri half-orc for crit fishing.