GM Weenerton Retrocon - Legend of the Stonelords (Inactive)

Game Master OG3

Map of Jormurdun

201 to 206 of 206 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | next > last >>
Scarab Sages

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-5 | Investigator 6| HP 51/51 | Init +1 | AC: 16 T:11 FF:18 | F: +4 (+4 vs Poison), R: +6 W: +7 (+1 Trans)|+1 Adam. Stinging Whip +7(1d3+2) | Perception +11 | Diplo +9 | UMD +13 | Sense Motive +14 | Spellcraft +10 |DD +12
Darkvision 6h, Barkskin 1h, Longstrider 1h

Okay, I'll copy Monkey Fish, Elemental Touch, and Spider Climb. Brings total gold down to 517.35

Gold spent is 4371

Silver Crusade

Male LG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Bloodrager 1 / Paladin 4 / Scar Seeker 3 | AC: 19 (T 12 / FF 18 ) CMD: 24 | F: +16 R: +8 W: +11 (Resist Acid / Cold / Electricity 5, Immune Fear & Disease) | HP: 84 / 84| Bloodrage 7/7, Hellfire 3/3, Smite Evil 2/2, Lay on Hands 8/8, Scar 5/5 | Active conditions: None

Did I miss a reference somewhere? It only costs money to copy spells from NPC spellcasters, not other characters, right?

Dark Archive

CN unknown Ru-Shi Dhampir Kensei 5
|AC 14, T 14, FF 11|HP: 42/42|F +5, R 0, W +4 (-1 vs sonic, +1 vs earth/acid, +2 vs MA/disease)|Init -1 Perc +2|CMB +7 CMD 16|5/5 Arcane, 2/2 Shard, 3/3 erase, 1/1 六, 5/5 Death Field, 1/1 Scholar, 1/1 Archivist, 1/1 Time

Transcription ITSELF costs - rare inks and such.

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |

there is a 25gp ink cost, i believe.

You can add those costs. It would be helpful if anyone who want edits or additions to their chronicle to sum them in a single post, preferably easy to copy/past as well. I'm out of the country on business and my time is kinda tight.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN unknown Ru-Shi Dhampir Kensei 5
|AC 14, T 14, FF 11|HP: 42/42|F +5, R 0, W +4 (-1 vs sonic, +1 vs earth/acid, +2 vs MA/disease)|Init -1 Perc +2|CMB +7 CMD 16|5/5 Arcane, 2/2 Shard, 3/3 erase, 1/1 六, 5/5 Death Field, 1/1 Scholar, 1/1 Archivist, 1/1 Time

I do all that myself, don't worry.

Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Oracle 10 | HP 73/73 | AC26 T15 FF24 | CMB +5, CMD 19 | F+4 R+5 W+8; +2 v fear/despair; +2 v lang effects/spells | Init+6 | Low-light vision | Perc+13, SM+1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 8/8; 2nd 7/7; 3rd 7/7; 4th 6/6; 5th 4/4 | arcane bond [_] | mnemonic vestment [_] | arcane mark [_], comprehend languages [_], message [_], read magic [_] | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Energy Body (rounds) 10/10 | Combat Healer [_] | Delay Affliction 2/2 | Eternal Hope [_] | Active conditions: None
GM Weenerton wrote:

there is a 25gp ink cost, i believe.

You can add those costs. It would be helpful if anyone who want edits or additions to their chronicle to sum them in a single post, preferably easy to copy/past as well. I'm out of the country on business and my time is kinda tight.

No, that's the cost of a 1st-level scroll.

Transcription costs are found here: -spellbook-69

Essentially 10 gp times spell-level squared (excepted for cantrips, 5gp). 10gp for 1st level, 40 gp for 2nd level, etc.

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