Undying Light

Game Master Warriorking9001

A campaign loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's World of Light, warriors from many worlds have come to a friendly combat tournament, only to find that a devil has hidden among them, and it's even worse than the literal devil among them..

Just as the title says, as there has been a LOT of discussion in the recruitment page.

Male Human Teacher (Adults) 1

Hello all.

I'd say, retaking the thing where we left it, that the experiment should be compared to whichever expectation you've got about the game. If you feel a particular rule/race/option is difficult for you to control, then it's a bad idea. If you feel comfortable GMing, then it's probably fine. Of course, it will also depend on the players and how you connect with them (and they with you), but you know.

As an advice: Games like this one (gestalt, race building, 3PP rules and the like) usually attract players who like to take their builds as close to perfection as possible (me being one of them if only I had the time to read enough about rules), so it's usually advisable to set a more or less structured bunch of rules beforehand, rather than leaving everything too open. We are dangerous xD (though I promise I will try not to, I'm even going to play a human probably even though the setting I spoke of has very distinct and cool races).

Ah, I guess that that is somewhat true Jereru. I just ended up with the 3pp and race building stuff because of what the original idea was (again it being based on World Of Light and that idea of a number of really strange characters from different worlds meet, wherein a cute talking head and an anime swordsman both fit in the same party).. Though there is that issue of it being power gamer bait.

Edit: Okay I kinda lied about 3pp being just because of that idea. I just personally really prefer Spherecasting over Vancian, and think that for a game where fighters would have a ton of different distinct play styles when using the same basic parts that the extra freedom of design would help represent a ton of different styles, like using actual smashers as an example I could easily see someone like Bowser being a Brute based character, using shoves, overruns, claw attacks with feral training, and etc. to bully and beat people up.

Also admittedly ended up with another campaign idea that... I wouldn't call it less ambitious but it is somewhat more within the simpler realm of what PF normally can handle

Male Human Teacher (Adults) 1

Lots of us are hoping you keep the Spheres thing, whatever you finally decide to run :)

Male Human Expert 3

GMing is hard. Don't feel bad asking for advice or even deciding you want some practice with something simpler before committing to something as wild and open as this.

If you *do* run it, though, I'll probably be asking about a lot of third-party content. :D Maybe I could do my snarky shapeshifting cat character at last...

1: I'd use Spheres for pretty much everything.
2: I wouldn't toss out undying light completely, just put it on the backburner until I have the skills or backup needed to make it as good as I think it could be, and if yall would like to join in on that we could probably start that soon (though I don't know how to make campaigns without making a recruitment forum first)

Again 'd love to run something else with y'all in the meantime.

Male Human Expert 3

Are you wanting suggestions? Because I have a list... XD

Well I'll take suggestions, especially if you have ideas for starting adventures since I can think of plenty.. Though still how do I make a 'campaign' in the paizo site without throwing a public recruitment page out

Silver Crusade

Male Bookmouse
Warriorking9001 wrote:
Well I'll take suggestions, especially if you have ideas for starting adventures since I can think of plenty.. Though still how do I make a 'campaign' in the paizo site without throwing a public recruitment page out

I’ve seen people put up a recruitment thread with [INVITE ONLY] or [Private] or something in the title

Male Human Expert 3

I think creating a thread in the discussion or play-by-post thread also gives you the header asking if you want to create a campaign.

For just getting used to GMing on the forums and testing out builds, it might be easiest to use a short published module of some sort.

Well I'll just be planning things out then and reading modules

Also for a particular idea of a module choice.. I'd want to recommend it but I also can't because I cannot foot the bill to get it right now, but I'd mention Wizard's Academy. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/199524/Wizards-Academy

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So I finally set up that 'let's do something simpler' campaign thread

And so that it doesn't seem like Undying light is totally dead... Wanna maybe discuss some world building on it?

Male Human Expert 3

Hmmm... world-building for each of our characters' home worlds? I could think on that, certainly...

Mhm, especially considering the whole inspiration that I keep yapping about (the smash one) I think that figuring out what all of those different worlds y'all would be traveling through (and where your characters come from) could be fun... And remember, feel free to be kinda silly, we're designing alternate universe smash after all.

I'll start us off with an idea for a world in this.

Pathfinder itself making an appearance, essentially being to this setting as Fire Emblem is to Smash. Makes things simple for a potential world in it seeing as it's just Goralion. Granted as GM I don't really have a particular player character but I'll use this as a few spoilers as to who I imagine would show up in the campaign.

Seltyiel as a fighter mage similar to Robin.
Amiri as the big heavy swordswoman

Male Human Expert 3

Honestly, I was thinking of running my shapeshifting cat in this campaign. :D So an Awakened cat with the Shifter class from Spheres of Power, more or less. I'm still debating on the kind of world he'll come from... something on the more steampunk side of things sounds interesting for some reason. I'll have to mull it over.

I like the idea. However... You'll need to find a good way to make those rules work because I'm not sure where to begin (and with the "game" inspirations that I keep shoving down peoples' tell us what role he/she might have in the original story they take place in).

Thought I'd say hello and see how things are going.. And apologize that this campaign kinda died. I do really hope to get back to it sometime, just between life pulling me away and my paranoia about not really knowing where to start and wanting this to be perfect, I haven't gotten the chance to put it together.

Male Human Expert 3

It's fine. A campaign is a lot of work, so I can understand being apprehensive about it.

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