Zees |

If Kast didn't find the group, Zees will find him. Though disappointed not to have found any trace of goblins, Zees won't miss the opportunity to talk about his role in slaying the boar and what a shame it was Kast wasn't there to help poor Danaris.
"How was your day, Kast?

Kast Phaer |

Kast will fill in the group on his inability to find anything new on the goblins and no new clues on the body of the priest.
He will, however, mention that he has two more whistles and that he may have a hard time getting any additional whistles for when they start their deputyship tomorrow.
He will mostly omit any mention of his extra almost 'reward' and instead shift conversation to the boar hunt and demanding tales of Danaris' bravery and spearsmanship.

'Gar' Duncrick |

Gar was not in a very talkative mood, as the horse riding proved to be extremely uncomfortable.
At mention of the whistles, "I figure I can bellow loud enough without the whistle. Let me add a few choice words to the mix and everyone in town is likely to flush pink."

robin |
Danaris is up and at full hit points some minutes after arrivinh at the temple . Is not magic marvelous ?
The evening arrives and with it a messenger asking you to the town hall. when you arrive, you can see Kendra Deverin the mayor waiting for you . she greets you warmly
Hello , Danaris , I'm happy to see you better. Now , I wanted to see you before the council would. Here is how I see the situation . I'm all for Belor's plans but we are going to have some oppositions . I believe Titus Scarnetti will be against it since I'm for it . Given Kast's misadventures today , I also think we have lost Lonjiku Kaijutsu voice. that makes it all the more important to have Ethram Valdemar on our side . So I'm going to put Gar forward .Turning to Gar You have been a solid worker for the shipyard for some years now and the Valdemar family thinks well of you . I also believe it would better if Dorin stay silent . As a worker at the Rusty Dragon and given the relation of Lonjiku with her daughter , reminding Lonjiku of her existence at this point would irritate him .
Zees , your history of pranks is not conducive to trust . If you have something to say , please speak calmly .
to go back to Gar, it would be better for him to explain how you intend to proceed with the rota Belor has asked of you all . Might I have it now as a kind of rehearsal?. the council will be here in half a hour
Kast , given the size of the town , your exit of the store has certainly not been unobserved and certainly much talked about behind your back ... Also do you not like small town politics ?

Malcolm Cavendish |

I am confident that Gar will be able to speak elequently on our behalf. What say you friend, can you demonstrate to the Council our need for a strong defensive posture in light of recent events?

'Gar' Duncrick |

Gar tugs on one of his beard braids and looks a bit pink under the Mayor's gaze. "Well..um..thank you Mayor for your trust. This lot ain't a lost cause, and they fight well together." He bites his tongue thinking to Kast and Zees fighting each other.
"As to a plan, we have three here that swing a weapon fairly well, Malcolm, Kast, and me all have militia training. The other have their brand of magic, Danaris, Zees, and Dorin. I think three teams of two on shifts of guard duty, work or off duty activities but at ready, and sleep period. I can take on Zees, to see that he stays out of trouble and all that. What to you all think on that?"

Danaris Krupt |

Danaris is a bit confused about some of the intricacies of the conversation, specifically all of this talk of Kast touching Lonjiku Kaijutsu's daughter. Danaris is swift enough to put a few things together and he gives Kast a disappointed look, or two.
I'd be happy to work with Malcolm, though I am afraid I am not too good in a fight.

Dorin Zstel |

When Ameiko is mentioned, Dorin almost protests but is silenced by the mayor's tone. All this to make us deputies? the youth thinks. Kast's outburst startles Dorin. What happened to him while we were hunting? At the mention of partners and rotations, Dorin remembers his Dancing Lights would do better at night.

'Gar' Duncrick |

"Well, that leaves Dorin to keep Kast out of trouble." The last part comes out as a chuckle. "Is that acceptable you two?"
"Our rally point should be at the cathedral front steps for shift changes and messages. At an alarm, one should head there or else head toward the fighting and the fire if that is obvious."

Kast Phaer |

Kast looks a bit shocked by the insinuation. "What me? I would never cause problems while on duty. While. On. Duty." Kast makes sure the last words are very clear...both for himself and the others.
And it's true, Kast would never screw around while on duty.
I wonder if the daughter wants to see me again when I'm next off duty? Nah, I should probably quite while I'm behind.
"Gar, I'll do whatever you think is best. Now, who wants whistles?"

Kast Phaer |

Kast is a bit confused. "Why would Lonjiku stand against us? Surely, he doesn't think I had something to do with his son?"
Outside of that, Kast has no further questions.

Kast Phaer |

Kast blushes a bit at being called a 'seducer'. His entire life up to this point, 'seduction' had just been a dream, and so if others think that he is capable of seduction, that was fine with him...even if it was completely untrue. He could attempt to explain himself and his victim status in the affair, but for right now would just let others' thoughts be there own.
Sure guys, I 'seduced' someone. Me. As if any woman would want me and my weak, twisted leg....but one did. Kast smiles, as if he is laughing at himself in his head at some private and funny joke.

Dorin Zstel |

Dorin looks from the mayor to the limping fighter, as the last conversation just went sailing over his head.
(Playing the clueless male teenager. Are you guys going to make an issue of this, or brush it under the rug and let Dorin find out the next time someone in town accuses him of being part of 'that group'?)

Malcolm Cavendish |

Mayor, I am surprised that Kast would be regarded as such, and, more importantly, I am offended that our entire group would be lumped into such a disadvantageous position from a political standpoint considering the service that Danaris, Gar and myself have provided to Sandpoint even prior to the dangers that have just arisen. Having voiced my opinion on the subject, I am more than confident in your assement of the political landscape. I also think that Gar should be able to adequately diffuse such concerns.

'Gar' Duncrick |

"Anyone against this, I have half a mind to let them play paddycake with a few of the Goblin scum and see what it gets them...But..I know enough to bite my tongue when it is likely to make my job harder. Best play along so we can set out to protecting them."

Danaris Krupt |

I understand your feelings, Gar. But, the townsfolk will feel better knowing that there is a plan to protect them. That is, if they still trust us after the escapades of the last few days.
All this about Lonjiku Kaijustsu is new to me. Did I miss something? How old is this son? When did the seduction happen? I need knowledge local. Sigh . . . I suppose Dorin might be able to fill me in, working with Ameiko and all.

Dorin Zstel |

(Dorin does know, or at least has a +6 in Knowledge:Local and the Favored Son trait to help with town personalities. But robin's right - in this case, being acquainted with Ameiko is actually a negative with her father, the Kaijitsu patriarch. Let's wait for after this interview for the details, or robin can explain.)

Zees |

Zees sits quietly to the side. Fellow citizens. A great evil has turned its eye upon our town. The goblins were just the beginning. Our homes, our children, our very souls are in danger. We need to act now to root out this evil before all is lost. My companions and I will be your champions, but everyone must do their part.....Hmmm. Maybe too much or not enough. Wish I knew dancing lights and spark. Visual examples would be great. The light of souls being snuffed out...Guess I'll just speak from my heart when it's time.

Zees |

"What does Lonjiku Kaijutsu have to do with this?! I didn't even touch *his* daughter!" Kast asks.
To be clearer , having had an elf seduce his wife makes him think badly of all seducers and that's what Ven accuses you of
Picking up bits of conversation here and there while lost in his own thoughts (Knowledge local +9 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27--it helps not being stuck in a classroom). Zees' jaw drops open and his eyes pop open as he stares at Kast. And I thought I was the one who was going to have to gain people's trust.

Kast Phaer |

Kast just looks at Zee's face and shrugs.
He then laughs at himself yet again.
Life in a small town. Someday I'll be a big soldier in a big town and ain't none of this is going to matter.

robin |
I forgot some of you are young and that your parents might have wanted to shield you. To be brief , 21 years ago , Tsuto Kaijutsu was born an half elf. Since both of his official parents were human , you can guess what the good gossips of our town said. Tsuto left town 6 years ago after an altercation with his father during his mother's burial. Well should we go in and wiat for the councillors ?
A quarter hour goes by and the council trickle in . Sheriff Belor is also there . The council goes much as predicted . Titus Scarnetti insists that your appointment be only a temporary one but does not really put an opposition in fact . Lonjiku does bring up the fact that he is unconfortable with the maturity of the group but Ethram Valdemar express his confidence in Gar also pointing out that Malcolm and Danaris are well thought of in the town . finally the council votes and Titus Scarnetti , Kendra and Ethram are all for the plan.
The discussion goes nevertheless for a long time and you are going to be real late for Aldern's invitation ...
Once the council disbands , Sheriff Belor inducts you as deputees. He says to you that your group repartition is good but that you should separate in four hours shifts , once during the day and one at night Yes , Zees , you have a shiny badge now
Now that makes six shift 0-4 , 4-8 , 8-12 , 12-16 , 16-20 and 20-24 Who will be in each ?

'Gar' Duncrick |

"With good vision at night, I will volunteer for the midnight shift and the opposite afternoon shift. Beside Zees, that is when the Gobber's will try to be their sneakiest."

Dorin Zstel |

(Glad to know I'm just chopped liver to these guys. When I'm Level 15 I'm coming back and showing them some real power...)
Dorin will put the "badge" into one of his pouches on his belt. Now, Dorin's a spellcaster, and much like the Air National Guard in America, Dorin needs his sleep. As in a full 8 hours a night. But Dorin can cast Dancing Lights. So Dorin will argue for the 2000-0000 shift, as long as he can sleep until noon each day. Otherwise, Dorin will take the 1600-2000 shift, so he can sleep and get up at normal time.

Kast Phaer |

Volunteering with Dorin, "I will also take the evening shift 20-24. That work okay, Dorin?"
Kast puts his hand on Dorin's shoulder.
"I can show you how to patrol, Dorin. First we walk 100 paces that way..." Kast points that way and continues, "...then we aboutface, and go 100 paces this way." Kast points this way and continues, "You'll never guess what happens next? Yeah, we aboutface again, and go another 100 paces. It'll be great fun."
Kast attempts to keep a serious face.
Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
"Heck, yaknowwhat? This will be so much fun, I'll work with Dorin on the 16-20 shift as well."

Zees |

That leaves the remaining two shifts, 0-4 and 8-12 for Danaris and I. Does that sound correct?
I think the summary is:
0-4 - Gar and Zees
4-8 - Potentially Malcolm and Denaris
8-12 - Potentially Malcolm and Denaris
12-16 - Gar and Zees (I can sleep 8 hours from 4-12)
16-20 - Dorin and Kast
20-24 - Kast and ? (Dorin)?
Or to complicate things, Gar and I could be the overnight shift and it simplifies to below. I've worked this shift a lot in real life and it's just fine.
0-8 - Gar and Zees
8-16 - Malcolm and Denaris
16-24 - Dorin and Kast

Dorin Zstel |

This means long shifts and you will have a small malus to perception for the second shift to be realistic
I'm not sure how to resolve the shifts, other than making sure the spellcasters get their eight hours of sleep.
0000-0400: Gar and Zees
0400-0800: Malcolm and Danaris
0800-1200: Gar and Kast
1200-1600: Dorin and Malcolm
1600-2000: Zees and Danaris
2000-0000: Dorin and Kast
Split up the shifts to 4 hours with 8 hours inbetween. Gar and Malcolm are the unlucky ones here, being fighters. Oops, Malcolm is a paladin. Any special rules about them for sleep?
Don't worry, Kast, you still get the early evening hours for serenading adolescent girls. (Or the dead of night for appearing beneath their windows.)

'Gar' Duncrick |

I think people are over thinking it. If everyone takes a shift 12 hr apart. That will leave an 8hr break between shifts, one for sleeping and one for doing your day job.. No double shift needed. And my original proposal had a martial type with a caster type. And while I know Danaris has it in him, Gar hasn't seen it yet..no offense, I know you didn't have your bow :-) ...so the Zees and Danaris at night would trouble him.

Kast Phaer |

Kast readily agrees to the 8 hour 16 to 24 slot.
8 hours would be a short shift on the wall in Lastwall. When orcs attack, you're always on duty.
I'm also ready to move on. Just name the shifts Gar, if you want.

'Gar' Duncrick |

This was what I had in mind
0-4 - Gar and Zees
4-8 - Malcolm and Denaris
8-12 - Kast and Dorin
12-16 - Gar and Zees
16-20 - Malcolm and Denaris
20-24 - Kast and Dorin
Unless you guys are really set on the 8hr shifts with the lower perception checks in hours 5-8

'Gar' Duncrick |

I'm happy. And Gar, Danaris doesn't have it in him. He'll be happy when the current crisis is over and he can go back to just being a parish priest of Erastil. Leave the adventuring to the Paladins.
I have a bad feeling about that ;-)