Michael Johnson 66 |

I have two ideas, both From the British Isles: A fey Bard and a Celtish Druid. Any preferences which one I deep dive on?
Both ideas could be great additions. If a fey bard, you would likely already be acquainted with our sprite psychic investigator, Lord Perpireen, who is brother of famous sprite Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream...
Whether a fey bard or a Celtic druid (likely from Ireland, Wales, or the Scottish Highlands), you will likely have crossed the English Channel not long ago and made your way down through France, from whence you either went on through Spain to Portugal and came into the service of Prince Henry, who sent you to Morocco to seek out the Desert Jackals, or else from France, you crossed the Alps into Italy and came into the service of the Pope in Rome, who sends you along with the Crusaders of the Catacombs to aid the Desert Jackals in toppling the evil Emir of Marrakech, a slavelord who forces slave gladiators to fight to the death against monsters from throughout the known world in the infamous Arena of Death...

Michael Johnson 66 |

@GM are you checking both recruitment pages? Is one different than the other?
Until I've chosen another 3 or 4 submissions (bringing the total "raid party" to 12-13 Pcs, and we officially begin posting to gameplay on combined table 3, I will be checking and responding to all 3 threads lol... a bit of a juggling act for your ambitious multitasking GM, but I'm loving it, honestly. Never a dull moment in my day lol...

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Male gathlain bard 7 (Ultimate Wilderness 122)
CN Small fey
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 59 (7d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +7; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor)
Special Attacks bardic performance 26 rounds/day (move action; countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 17], inspire competence +3, inspire courage +2, suggestion [DC 17])
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +11)
. . 1/day—entangle (DC 15), feather step[APG] (DC 15)
Bard Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +11)
. . 3rd (2/day)—charm monster (DC 17), thundering drums[APG] (DC 17)
. . 2nd (4/day)—glitterdust (DC 16), heroism, invisibility, silence (DC 16)
. . 1st (5/day)—charm person (DC 15), cure light wounds, grease, hideous laughter (DC 15), remove fear
. . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 14), mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, summon instrument
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 19
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 19
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Expanded Arcana[APG], Extra Performance
Traits seeker, true name caller
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +7, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +19, Fly +8, Knowledge (geography) +11, Knowledge (history) +12, Knowledge (nature) +12, Knowledge (planes) +12 (+16 to discover the true name of an Outsider from plane of choice, halve the time required to learn the outsiders name as well.), Knowledge (religion) +12, Linguistics +13, Perception +13, Perform (percussion instruments) +16, Perform (sing) +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +14
Languages Arabic, Druidic, Elven, English, First Speech, German, Gnome, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish, Sylvan
SQ bardic knowledge +3, lore master 1/day, masterpieces (hymn of restorative harmonics), versatile performances (percussion, sing)
Other Gear bracers of armor +2, cracked dark blue rhomboid ioun stone, cracked mossy disk ioun stone, cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone, headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Cha), ioun torch ioun stone[APG], living garments[ARG], ring of protection +1, ring of resistance +1, bandolier[UE], bandolier[UE], blanket[APG], masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork Drum, 173 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +3 (Ex) Add +3 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (move action, 26 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Fly (40 feet, Poor) You can fly!
Hymn of Restorative Harmonics Allies in 30 ft resave vs. ongoing debilitating effects.
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Can take 10 on any trained knowledge checks. Activate to take 20 as a standard action.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Versatile Performance (Percussion Instruments) +16 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Percussion Instruments skill for Handle Animal or Intimidate checks
Versatile Performance (Singing) +14 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Sing skill for Bluff or Sense Motive checks
Standing (although he is rarely on the ground) a mighty 21" tall and weighing in at 15lbs, the pale blue skinned and strangly plant-life winged male paints a beautiful picture with his silver hair and green eyes.
Algoral is like many of his kind who have left the First World in order to see more of the planes. Curious and flighty yet with the patience of an unaging race. This current trip is just the latest of several in which he has traveled to many of the nations of Europe and Northern Africa and studied their traditions and most especially their people.
He has always entered the Second World from a mushroom circle in the highlands of Scotland, and has adopted that nation as his "homeland" in this plane. He spent much of his first trip studying, and carousing with, the Druids and Picts of that land, before crossing the chanel and finding the huge variety that is the continent. During his time on the continent, he has traveled with several groups of adventurers and has come to enjoy the feeling of exitement that comes from a team working together with their lives on the line.
He has also come to appreciate the finery of the empires of man and has begun his collection of Jewelery and fashion. He is almost never seen without his four ioun stones making their lazy away around him. He is usually also decked out in rings and bracers and fine robes of many colors.
His kind's natural affinity for language is at its extreme in his case. He picks up languages easily and has mastered ten from the Second World as well as his two native tongues.
He prefers to flutter about on his viney wings rather than walk, but will if he has too. Fluttering is also a good description of his vocal patterns as well, as he appreciates the sound of his own voice. Even when he stops talking he is often unconsciously keeping up a staccatto rhythm on his drum.
He has found a natural place for himself in the adventuring parties he has associated with: the squishy middle. Lightly armored and carrying no weapon, he does his best to stay of reach of enemy combatants. Choosing instead to bolster his allies and toss the occasional trickery at his foes.

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That sounds fine to me. I have actually not read that table yet (just finished table 1, only took me about 4-5 hours...). Given Algoral's nature she could pretty much be working for anyone or no-one.
Finding Lord Perpireen and joining him on his famous adventures (someone has to do a better job of singing about them after all!) sounds like a good way to spend a decade or two.

Michael Johnson 66 |

That sounds fine to me. I have actually not read that table yet (just finished table 1, only took me about 4-5 hours...). Given Algoral's nature she could pretty much be working for anyone or no-one.
Finding Lord Perpireen and joining him on his famous adventures (someone has to do a better job of singing about them after all!) sounds like a good way to spend a decade or two.
Excellent! THANK you for showing commitment by reading the whole thread of both tables. You will, I believe, be rewarded with a fun story and fuller understanding of your part in it for doing so!

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are gunslingers/guns allowed? I've got a lot of ideas, is there a way I can look over what is already in play by others and a place I can get an idea of how mixed the setting is? Is it historical with magic, or is it more magic, just set in our historical world geographically? (it seems even if the latter that cultures are seen as similar/same to ours)
Ideas I had just pop in my head-
a dhamphir inquisitor, working in the name of our lord.
an eastern monk on a self pilgrimage across the land.
A traveling intellectual that works both as an author and a cartographer. Likely unliked by most clergy due to his outrageous claims involving the stars and sun and his "treatment methods" of those suffering illness. Not counting his rather blunt attitude when dealing with those he deems "willfully ignorant". Not sure what class... possibly wizard or investigator/alchemist. Maybe even a mystic theurge or loremaster.. Haven't had the chance to play either of those yet. Starting to lean towards this concept as I write it haha. Save I'm still unsure of a class for him.

Michael Johnson 66 |

are gunslingers/guns allowed? I've got a lot of ideas, is there a way I can look over what is already in play by others and a place I can get an idea of how mixed the setting is? Is it historical with magic, or is it more magic, just set in our historical world geographically? (it seems even if the latter that cultures are seen as similar/same to ours)
Ideas I had just pop in my head-
a dhamphir inquisitor, working in the name of our lord.an eastern monk on a self pilgrimage across the land.
A traveling intellectual that works both as an author and a cartographer. Likely unliked by most clergy due to his outrageous claims involving the stars and sun and his "treatment methods" of those suffering illness. Not counting his rather blunt attitude when dealing with those he deems "willfully ignorant". Not sure what class... possibly wizard or investigator/alchemist. Maybe even a mystic theurge or loremaster.. Haven't had the chance to play either of those yet. Starting to lean towards this concept as I write it haha. Save I'm still unsure of a class for him.
No gunslinger please.
Yes and yes lol... The setting is very flexible and I encourage player co development. It's basically history as we know it with magic and fantasy elements that people of the time thought were real ARE real.

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I guess the next question would be, doth the players desire more arcane minded companions, or do they want more down to earth face bashers? I have a little knowledge of history during this time, though I know more about 1600s-1940s.
If there isn't any preference either way, I think I'll go for the arcane character.

Alexei Orlovsky |

Ummm... I’m not a cartographer but I do have most of the ‘intellectual’ skills covered (I have every knowledge at +13 or higher, iirc)... and, my wizard level have the exploiter archetype, so I’m pretty similar to an arcanist.
We might get a bit more variety if you went with alchemist or occultist (though I don’t know the occult classes very well)? Another option might be an empiricist investigator? They get extracts, and can make a handful of other skills Int based... there’s some traits that will do that too and you could be a smart guy with some face skills and trap removal?

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if there are alot of arcane types already, I've no real issue going something more martial.
On the other side, I was only really looking at the white mage archetype for arcanist, so going either alchemist or investigator would be fine. As for which, I'm still fleshing out the characters background atm so Can't say which. If alchemist, it would be either chirugeon or mindchemist.
occulist is a bit weird of a class, but think of it like an arcane inquisitor I suppose.

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Ok so I've made a few changes to his background and narrowed it down to either an occultist or empiricist investigator. He is a historian and an author and cartographer though mostly on the side. He has a fascination with knowledge, both about the past, and academic focused. I'm leaning towards an occultist as I've yet to actually get a proper chance to play one and I think this will be a good chance. I'll hopefully have made my choice and worked out a rough outline by tomorrow afternoon.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Ok, gonna be an occultist, I want to use the esoteric order occultist, however they are connected to the order of the palatine eye. What order would you say from your setting would be a good match for this order?
Order of the Dragon founded by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg? Or maybe Order of the Garter?

Storm Dragon |

Hey, you never know. Traits ARE technically an optional rule. =p
The first thing Hadid remembers is awakening in a small village, with no memory of who he was.
The second thing he recalls is a wrenching feeling of wrongness about this state.
As time passed, all he remembered were the vaguest clues of what his life had been like before he'd been found and taken in by a family in the village, who said they'd found him wandering the desert, and that he was "as a babe" when they found him, barely reacting to anything.
What he did know was that whatever had taken his memory was unnatural, and he deduced he had learned...something that someone did not wish him to. His connection to his past lives were disrupted, but not entirely gone, and within months he had regained a basic grasp over the abilities he had learned in his most recent life, but he was stuck with the unsettling feeling that he had once been much MORE than he was now.
Recovered. he set off to regain the truth of his past, not least of which the knowledge that he felt had been stripped from him in this life.
Rough backstory, but you get the gist. Was found somewhere in one of the Arabic states with no memories and a burning desire to get them back. He remains unsettled and sometimes distressed by his intermittent ability to contact his past lives (even more so than the almost complete erasure of the life he was currently living when he was stricken with amnesia), and the acquisition of knowledge and finding a way to restore himself is his main drive.
I'm not sure how he meets up with the current party, but it shouldn't be that hard to link up. Rome is a major city, and the Church is known to have large repositories of both public and secret knowledges. That much would get him there, and a general good-heartedness (and pointed visions or information from a cosmic source via Automatic Writing) would be enough to get him involved in fighting Nero.
I only really have one mechanical question before I'm good and ready to go: pre-game crafting yea or nay (for Scribe Scroll)?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hey, you never know. Traits ARE technically an optional rule. =p
** spoiler omitted **
Rough backstory, but you get the gist. Was found somewhere in one of the Arabic states with no memories and a burning desire to get them back. He remains unsettled and sometimes distressed by his intermittent ability to contact his past lives (even more so than the almost complete erasure of the life he was currently living when he was stricken with amnesia), and the acquisition of knowledge and finding a way to restore himself is his main drive.
I'm not sure how he meets up with the current party, but it shouldn't be that hard to link up. Rome is a major city, and the Church is known to have large repositories of both public and secret knowledges. That much would get him there, and a general good-heartedness (and pointed visions or information from a cosmic source via Automatic Writing) would be enough...
Very cool concept and I like the opportunities for development your backstory presents. I will think about how to tie your intriguing mystery into the campaign. Welcome aboard!

Storm Dragon |

It is a little crazy to me that in all these people we don't have any knights in shining armor. The shield and armor in that loot are awesome and no one who even wears heavy armor.
I thought about retooling Alphonse Veritas, Paladin of the Lord from the original game, but decided to do something different this time.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:It is a little crazy to me that in all these people we don't have any knights in shining armor. The shield and armor in that loot are awesome and no one who even wears heavy armor.I thought about retooling Alphonse Veritas, Paladin of the Lord from the original game, but decided to do something different this time.
Everyone, meet one of the original Lucky Fools, Alphonse Veritas the scythe-wielding aasimar paladin! :)