The Ogon Fox |

Ogon Fox sucks in air at the sides of his mouth as he shakes his hand, smarting from those piercing quills. "That hurt."
I'm at 64/120 hp.

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

Alphonse lays hands on Fox and himself once they are no longer sickened by stench.
For Fox: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 1, 2, 2) = 17
For Alphonse: 6d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 1, 4, 4) + 12 = 33
For Fox Again: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 1, 5, 3) = 20
Fox heal 27.

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90/160 HP.
"Do you have any of that power left, paladin?"
Johann turns a critical eye across the room, trying to pinpoint the valuables.
percep: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

Alphonse slaps Johann with some god-juice.
Healz: 6d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3) = 23
And once more.
Healz: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 3) = 22
Heal 45 Johann.
"Should we press on more today, or rest and meditate on all we've experienced?"

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135/160 hp
"Thanks to your healing, paladin, I am fit as a gummy bear in the sticky green swamps. Let us proceed. I can scout ahead, if no one minds."
Johann transforms into his snake form, and slithers out the bandersnatch's room.

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Johann is exceptionally quiet as a snake. He slithers forward, tongue darting out and sniffing the air, and moves slightly down the passage that had the dragon-esque sent before.
stealth: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (16) + 24 = 40
percep, with scent: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
if there is a strong consensus to rest he will pull back. otherwise, moving the game forward.

Mwikali |

I still have plenty of spells left though I prefer to have a full arsenal at my disposal as well as my hexes. She says as she stands there no spear in hand waiting for the others to make a decision.

The Ogon Fox |

"We can keep going. Look, Johann is already on his way," says the Fox. "Besides, I don't want to sleep here," he finishes, gesturing around the bandersnatch's nasty lair.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin nods and heads that way seeking to follow the now serpentine Johann shaking her head.
Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33
perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

Michael Johnson 66 |

Cobra Johann leads the others into the alternate tunnel at the fork, toward a cavern that has a dry, reptilian scent to the shapeshifter's forked tongue...
Eerie globes of lightning drift about near the cavern ceiling, dancing amid the stalactites like will-o-wisps and casting a flickering blue glow that illuminates the cavern with dim blue light...
Blue light that reflects and sparkles off a handsome hoard of coins, gems. jewelry, art objects, arms and armor, wands, scrolls, potions, rings, and sundry wondrous items!

Azulamortiss, young adult blue |

Coiled around the top of the heap of treasure is a blue-scaled, winged dragon, its scales the blue of a desert sky... The dragon slumbers in post-feasting torpor, judging by the blood and bones scattered around the hoard...
Perception while sleeping 1d20 ⇒ 13 fails to beat the Stealth rolls of Cobra Johann or Ihrin...

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The nose knows. Unsurprised to see a dragon, Johann slithers back to everyone to tell what he saw. He transforms back to a human-thing. “Dragon... a blue one. Electricity motes sparkle and flash in there. If we can’t protect ourselves from his breath, we could be in serious trouble.”

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin waits while Johann reports. She readies her self to flee if necessary back wince she came.

Mwikali |

"Dragons are often connected to the loins of Mother Africa" She says looking at the others as she smiles."Also I can speak Dragon"

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"Dragons are more likely to breathe first and ask questions later, especially if it decides we are hear for its treasure. Ihrin and I can sneak behind it, perhaps, and stay out of sight until our diplomacy goes south..."
I do think we need electric resistance or not attempt this. Perhaps we rest first?

Azulamortiss, young adult blue |

In its lair, Azulamortiss, young adult male blue dragon, slumber in a post-feast torpor, having consumed several wildebeests on the African plain a few days ago... The sky-blue dragon snores and occasionally twitches as it dreams of wealth, storms, and conquest...
*ZZZZZZZ....ZZZZZZ....ZZZZZZZ....ZZZZZ...* gold...*ZZZZZZ....ZZZZZ...* power...

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As Alphonse indicates he could cast a spell if rest comes first, Johann gestures that the party should leave the place for the time being.
that is my vote; let's rest up and get resist electric. I think Johann has fought 3 dragons now? Maybe more. He knows about breath weapons.

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

I'll go ahead and cast my vote that way as well. I always feel bad resting early in the day, but dragons are no joke without prep.
"I say we leave the mines for now, and return in the morning. It may feel as though we've made little progress, but we have some time yet before we must rush back homeward; it would not do to get overly confident when facing creatures such as dragons."

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin eventually returns to the group and looks about them."Are we seeking rest or we heading further into the dungeon." She asks pulling out a ration and eating it.

Mwikali |

"Rest yes, then we can prepare for this confrontation. A Dragon is no small opponent." She says as she looks at Kiku and nods.
"We should head back to the entrance where we can rest."

Michael Johnson 66 |

Quietly withdrawing from the dragon's lair, the seasoned adventurers make camp under the African stars and plan their next foray into a desert dragon's lair...
Shooting stars fall across the twilight dome, crossing Orion's belt, and a crackling fire throws sparks up from the charred baobob wood...

Guardian tiger |

At around two in the morning, an old familiar face emerges from two glowing eyes reflecting firelight...
The awakened guardian tiger from the old Sheiks harem gardens creeps up to your camp and presents himself, begging for a meal he doesn't have to catch and kill himself...
gggrrrroooowwwwrrr... The Portuguese "missionaries" are little different from the Arab slave traders at what they are starting to call the port of Casablanca... White houses...

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The tiger is a new encounter for Johann, who looks at the white tiger in surprise but not concern as it shows little aggression.
"Ho now! Greetings, cat. You are probably the cutest thing I have seen since last watching the gummy bears frolic in the root beer falls. You are such a cutie wootie kitty-witty!"
Suddenly realizing he just said that outloud, Johann coughs and says too loudly, "MY NAME IS JOHANN. DO THESE MISSIONARIES CAUSE YOU TROUBLE?"

Mwikali |

"Do these missionaries seek to entrap and ensnare my people once more? Are they telling lies to get my people to comply? What are they seeking My old friend?" She asks walking over and running her hand across the head of the majestic beast.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin shrugs as she begins to flick out a dagger and begin to clean her nails.
"Hmmm So a King went back on his word, it sounds familiar!"

The Ogon Fox |

"Greetings to you, Shaka," the Fox says with a bow. "You have traveled far--you say that the Portuguese are taking African slaves?"

Mwikali |

"Yes Shaka was freed from the Emir, our friend here was starved and left to be a mere trophy for the vile leader, kept complacent via the lack of food. Shaka is my friend." she says scratching the tiger behind the ears, before running her hands across its fur in contemplation.
"As for the King to recant and turn these Christians you all are apart of into slavers is not good. through your actions, I know you to be noble and take the teachings at the heart and not the letter. I will say if this is true then my people will need to have a strong leader, to force out not only the Arabs but these Portuguese. My task is getting grander, but I shall not waver. I will still accompany you all to Rome, defeat this...Antichrist and come back with wealth and money to fight these foes and free Africa from the Tyranny of outsiders, let us rule how we wish and trade peaceable with our neighbors!"She spouts as she then goes quite looking at the flame they started to keep predators at bay.

Guardian tiger |

Shaka rubs his furry snout and head on Mwikali in affection, and makes a deep grumbling purr...
Would that all humans were so noble as you, My Lady. Alas, the Navigator Prince has disappointed our hopes and dreams for Anfa... The lure of gold has made him... somewhat contradictory with his "Christian mercy"...

Guardian tiger |

Shaka marks each of the heroes with his scent, rubbing affectionately against them (except Lord Perpireen, who would be crushed by such an attempt). Be careful, friends! I dare not follow you into those dark bowels of the Earth... but I shall return to Anfa and do what I may to help those resisting the cruelties of the conquerors!

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At daybreak Johann gathers the team together to discuss battle plans. He talks in a quieter voice than normal, recognizing the danger in front of them.
"It is a blue dragon, so clearly we will need your spell girding us against electricity, Alphonse. Any spell you can give making us more powerful will be welcome, Mwikali. We also need to split up once in his lair, so he cannot hit all of us at once. But here is a good question. Do we hit him hard without warning, or do we attempt to talk to him?"

Mwikali |

"I shall return when my promise is kept to my friends as their threat is dire to all the world not just Mother Africa. But when I return I shall make this King either beg to leave our lands or die for his hubris and lies!"Mwikali says to her tiger friend scratching his head and kissing him on the forehead.

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

Okie doke, back in it. Yesterday was INSANELY busy.
Alphonse claps his hands together once they're in the room next to where they saw the dragon and prays.
"God grant us protection from this dragon if it cannot be made to see reason. By the light of your love, amen."
Communal Resist Energy (Electricity), everybody gets 10-ish minutes (80/however many dudes we have) of Resist Energy 20.

Mwikali |

Mwikali will bless Johann, Fox, Alphonse and Ihrin with Heroism
+2 on all Attack,Saves and Skill Checks for 110 minutes

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin draws a Katana and A Wakizashi as she looks to snake Johann and nods hoping the pair can get the drop on the Dragon.

The Ogon Fox |

"Amen," says the Fox as Alphonse concludes his prayer. "Thank you, Mwikali," he nods to the witch. He crouches into a fighting stance and makes a couple practice punches.
"It only seems right to parley with the dragon first, though I suspect he will demand too high a price for allowing us safe passage through his chamber."

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Johann nods, not speaking of course, to indicate he understands the Fox's intentions. Still, he slithers ahead with the plan to hide on the side, in the shadows, until he is needed.
[buffs: heroism, resist energy 20]
stealth: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (3) + 24 = 27

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin slips into her stealth mode as well.
Stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25

Azulamortiss, young adult blue |

Perception with -10 penalty for sleeping vs PCs' Stealth checks 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17...
Cobra Johann slithers like a silent shadow into the dragon's lair, followed by the nearly invisible and quiet-as-a-vampire Lady Dracula....
They see the blue dragon, huge as a barn, coiled upon the glittering hoard... snoring... ZZZZZ....ZZZZZ....gold...