
Lord Perpireen GM bot's page

9 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Flying in quietly, Lord Perpireen is nearly guaranteed to go unheard by the sleeping dragon... He oggles the dragon's hoard with greedy little eyes...

Begora, look at all that gold... he whispers very faintly to himself...

HUZZUH!! WELL DONE, FOXY!! Right! ... Into the portal you go, Sleeping Beauty!

The tiny Lord somehow manages to loop the hoop-like fairy-portal over the unconscious bandersnatch in a feat of transformation that defies the other's eyes and minds!

In all of six seconds, the deadly desert bandersnatch is safely transported into the First World!

Oh, blast it all!! Alphonse's been struck blarmy by its bloody eyes! Snap out of it, me boyo!!

Fluttering over to Johann again, he taps the bloodied Dire Bear with his curative wand... healing Johann for 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 5) + 3 = 11 hit points of damage...

There, big lad, go to it!

Well... This is getting... sticky...

The little fey Lord buzzes over to Ihrin and taps her with his healing wand...

Cure moderate wounds on Ihrin restores 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3) + 3 = 9 hit points...

Lord Perpireen squints at Cassiel, annoyed. I had it well in hand, good Archangel Cassiel! There was no need for ye to butt in--er, lend thine aid, as it were...

Producing a satchel from the bundle he carries between his wings, Lord Perpireen retrieves a silver and cold iron torc, ring-shaped neck ornament of the Celts and the Seely Folk... He begins to spin it, causing it to expand slowly but surely until the open space in the center is as big around as the front portals of a cathedral... Within can be seen another land, a wilder, brighter land...

WHAT!? No way.

Lord Perpireen buzzes down to poke at the limp bandersnatch with a tiny sprite-forged rapier... *doink-doink!*

Is it really trying to play opossum?? HAHAHAHAHAA!! O, bandersnatch, me boyo! That's rich! HOHOHOHOHO!! Now why don't ye be a good beasty, and jump through this wee portal to a happier place I'm about to open for ye. Aye? Wiggle your ears if ye agree!

Trying to keep Johann healthy as he pierces himself with the bandersnatch's quills, Lord Perpireen taps his big companion on the snout with his wand again... Cure moderate wounds heals Johann of 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (6, 7) + 3 = 16 hit points of damage...

Haha! Make him eat gravel, Johann! That's it!!

Lord Perpireen buzzes around near Bear's snout and lands on it, touching him with his wand of cure moderate wounds...

Johann is healed of 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 2) + 3 = 7 hit points of damage...

That's the way, Johann! Crush him under your immense girth! Heehee!!

Eek... crap rolls lol...

Seeing that Mwikali intends to cast a touch spell on the bandersnatch, Lord P becomes visible and swoops down in front of the monster's snout to distract it...

Aid another distracting attack 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 vs touch AC... succeeds, granting +2 to Mwikali's touch attack...