MendedWall12 |

Hello Paizo Boarders...
This is a feeler for players who fit into circumstances very much like my own.
I'm an experienced DM who currently has a rather cushy job that provides me ample down time during the work week. I'm looking for people who's schedules would allow them to spend at least a couple hours a day, Monday through Friday (8-4 M, W, F and 8-12 T, Th), playing D&D using the 5e rules via a Discord server. I have a fairly "fantasy cookie cutter" homebrew setting that I like to run all of my games from because it makes history and lore knowledge easy to remember and adapt.
Characters would be created using the dice roll method (with some minor modifications), using all the core books and Xanathar's Guide (again with a few modifications, mostly available races).
Right now just wanted to check interest and, obviously, similar schedule availability.
If this sounds like a game you could and would want to participate in, pop in and let me know. If I get enough interested parties, I might start the recruitment/character creation thread today already. :)