Cerenity |
And we will. But GM input also welcome =^^=
DM Mathpro |
So I have a question for the group. Correct me if I'm wrong but Cerenity's position with in the Red Mantis's is being kept secret from the group at this point. Is anyone going to try to figure out where she disappears to or how she always has extra money compared to the group? Or are you guys just going to give her the benefit of the doubt as your friend?
Cerenity |
"I got it off of the internet"
Thats my story. And im sticking to it!
Cerenity |
You got the reference! Points to you!
Well. Time for bed. Good day people. Will catch up in morning
Horp |
I could see Horp figuring it out. The guy is very curious and loves to snoop. He wouldn't see the point in telling the rest though, not caring too much and frankly not knowing what the Red Mantis are. His interests are in books, food and ancient history, not secretive assassin orders.
DM Mathpro |
Game thread is up for those of you who want to jump in. And Horp on your question I kind of like the flavor of you beating people with your book but I also think your smart enough to realize this is a really bad idea to do with your spell book, so I think the rapier is the best bet. Not that I see you getting up in combat all that often but we'll see.
Andulian Vogh |
Do we know about Cerenity's affiliation?
Andulian Vogh |
Andulian is more practical, but he probably wouldn't be comfortable with the assassin around if he knew of it. As for the good people in the party, they most definitely wouldn't like it at all - and we're in a certain level that is quite hard hiding some things. I am not sure we'd all work as a party in the long term - just my two cents. Sorry to rain in anyone's parade, but... I'm not sure Red Mantis are the best for this specific AP, unless we were a more... Evil?... Party, somehow... (??)
Valeria Windsong |
Well, most of the group appears to be Neutralish. And as Cerenity said, alignments are just a label, there are plenty of evil people roaming around the world that act perfectly civil. So, sure there may come a time we clash on things, but as long as she isn't walking around slicing throats for fun, we likely won't even know it.
Andulian Vogh |
I'm not sure if this would apply to a member of a criminal organization of assassins (it's not like a civil/neutral type of thing), but...
Horp |
Oh it's not really a spellbook as in the thing that contains my spells, but it is my main implement which I need in order to actually cast them and I need access to it at the start of the day to be able to use my abilities. I can bond a new one but that takes a 24 hour ritual. I am sure to grab Catch Off-Guard no matter which way I go, a surprise whack with the book should always be an option.
I won't need the Greater Magic Weapon due to my Legacy Weapon ability:
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a weapon to grant it an enhancement bonus. The bonus is equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 occultist levels you possess (to a maximum of +4 at 18th level). Enhancement bonuses gained by this ability stack with those of the weapon, to a maximum of +5.
You can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to your maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the appropriate amount. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from legacy weapon) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute.
I'd still need to know what damage it would do, besides being bludgeoning. That and whether or not I could enchant it as a weapon or otherwise.
The rapier is the safer way to go. As for getting up in combat, that's basically what the Occultist is designed to do. I mean, I'm a 6 level caster with 3/4 BAB so martial combat really is part of what I do.
As for the Red Mantis, do keep in mind that they are only "semi" criminal. Most leaders don't mind them as they don't assassinate the rightful leaders. Even the gods of good aren't truly opposed to their god, though they aren't fond of him either. If anything they are the setting's most widely accepted necessary evil. They also are very strict on who and what they kill so I'd say they are quite civil as far as assassins go.
EDIT: As far as devotion goes, Horp isn't very pious. He does have a fondness for Sivanah.
Cerenity |
If it counts as an improvised weapon its going to be 1d4
Horp |
If it counts as an improvised weapon its going to be 1d4
Not necessarily, there is no golden standard for it. All the rules say is find a comparable real weapon and use that. That in turn leads to questions about size and material to determine how many hands would be needed to swing it and determine how hard it would hit.
Cerenity |
Then 1 handed 1d4 and 2 handed 1d6? Since you are small sized?
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Horp |
I'm moving some things around when it comes to Horp. I got stuck trying to make mechanics fit the fantasy I had of the character so now I'm switching it around and making my life a lot easier.
Instead of still using the spellbook of our deceased Wizard/Magus/Arcanist/Alchemist/Investigator as an implement he would have accidentally eaten the book during a moment of grief over his lost friend. He then got himself a new tome made in Magnimar that is more to his size, allowing it to actually hang from a chain on his belt, and that has taken precautions to prevent himself from eating the book again. The outside of the book is covered in copper plating and embossed with brass details but most importantly, the book is almost empty, only having the name of the lost friend printed on the first page.
Cerenity |
You are GM. Lets see how it turns out.
If it goes south, I'll make a new character ;)
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Cerenity |
Too easy.... nope. Not biting. =^^=
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Erasmes al-Amin |
I probably should have specified! I dimly recall Madame mvashti being Sandpoints highest level spellcaster, and probably our only source of divination.
Erasmes al-Amin |
Oh, brilliant!
Rules are here!. Time for the first of what I'm sure will be many spells I've never gotten to see in play. Woohoo!
DM Mathpro |
You guys will also need something that belongs to your target which I am assuming would be Teraktinus. Shalelu has volunteered to get you an object though so you guys might be set. She is going to be gone about 2-3 days so you have that time to set up other traps/make other preperations if you want. Bane arrows were a splendid idea if I do say so myself. You can either craft them yourself or they will be about 1000 gp to purchase(1000 to craft as well, they ususally sell for 2000 but you get a 50% discount on magic items in sandpoint if they carry them.)
Cerenity |
Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32 +2 for traps
Dark Vision. LLV. Deathwatch. And See Invisibility
Cerenity |
Goodnight people. Long day ahead of me. Have to be up by 5am. Then a 250km drive... uhg.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Cerenity |
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41
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Cerenity |
Oh dear, poor thing. Heavenly Father, pour out your healing grace on Thron's father and comfort Thron and all those who love him as they worry about his wellbeing. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Amen. May the Holy Spirit fill them with Comfort and reassurance
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