DM Mathpro |
Welcome everyone! The 6 of you selected represent a very very interesting party composition wise and aren't exactly the most balanced party but I chose you guys for your role play potential.
That being said lets start trying to formulate a group collective background so that we can reference it when the game is active. To help start the discussion I have a few questions you can ask yourselves if you think it will help:
1) What events have solidified you guys as an unbreakable team? Or has no such event happened(working together because it "works" for now but if something better comes along so be it)
2) Which of our two female characters(sorry I was wrong when I said there was only one yesterday) would have been the target of Alderns advances and how would the party have reacted/intervened?
3) Any other events that have happened that have bonded the party together beyond what happened in the first 3 books? Relationships with eachother, intimate moments, family crisis, ect.
Are you all pretty familiar with the AP or do you need one of the DM's(me or Megan) to post up summaries of all 3 books as to what major events have happened?
Megan feel free to post as you see fit and give input this is your game as well as mine so feel free to mold it as you see fit.
As usual any questions/concerns you can post them down below or PM me or Megan and they will be addressed as best as possible.
Cerenity |
Dotting in
1. Since i am first to the post. Simply being together seems a bit... "pick and match" we can come up with a more solid way i think to why we are here
2. No idea... that brings me to
3. I have no idea. This AP is very new to me. I think I played a small part of book 1... but not sure
Cerenity |
That would be very much appreciated =^^=
Ps. Did you get my pm reply?
Andulian Vogh |
Hi MathPro!
Thanks for the opportunity. Let's start trying to answer some questions with my suggestions and take!
1) My suggestion is that our dynamic grew as we adventured together, and now we have a sense of bond/loyalty towards one another. At least in the case of my character, it'd be a pleasure to be in a quest with the companions.
2) I will let the players respond as to who was the target of such advances. I don't know this part of the module, but if his advances were aggressive or inappropriate and the character in question didn't want such advances, Andulian would be incredibly uncomfortable with it. He wouldn't "take a stand to defend a female" because that's just ridiculous, they can probably defend themselves as well as himself, but he'd definitely be on her side if she wanted so.
3) Again I'll probably need a rundown of the books.
I played only the very beginning of RotRL before my live table switched to a different AP (because everybody was excited about it and it was just out - a certain Skulls and Shackles ;)). Anything you could give about the happenings would be great.
Alternatively, maybe my character worked with the rest of the party in other adventures and was now retired, but was called by them at this point in the module to help with something (which he'd love to, since he hate being retired). At least it'd explain why I don't know much about everything else that happened.
Andulian Vogh / Archlich / adsapiens
Cerenity |
By the way :
Will try to get my alias ready with all the crunchy bits tomorrow
Cerenity |
Cerenity wrote:Yes I did get your PM yesterday.That would be very much appreciated =^^=
Ps. Did you get my pm reply?
Just checking =^^=
DM Mathpro |
okay guys since two of you are newer to this AP I will be more than happy to throw up reviews of events from the various books but they will be slow coming. I have a crap ton of homework to do for classes and I'm starting a Jade Regent campaign this weekend so lots to do and little time to do it lol.
Book 1 Review should be up tomorrow since its like 80% done
Book 2 and 3 are going to take some time...might have them done Thursday.
Just so you know I will not be on at all most weekends unless I snag a few moments to post in the discussion thread while in the bathroom lol.
Horp |
Horp, aka Cuan, reporting
I'm still working on the crunch, as is quite obvious. One thing I'm still a bit torn on is weapon choice as I'll need to present my tome when casting spells, which takes up a hand, and while using the tome as an improvised weapon would be fun the thing is way to precious to Horp to hit people with it.
Erasmes al-Amin |
Cuan would you be able to give us the cliff notes of what an occultist does as well? I'll be in the mountains for a few days but should be able to check in to workshop a shared backstory.
I'm pretty familiar with the path, having GMd burnt offerings for more than one table and briefly ran a pbp. Erasmes is intentionally ignorant on all things Varisian to stop me meta gaming too heavily.
My suggestion is that we don't follow the events of the AP bit by bit and feign knowledge of events we haven't played through that we come up with a shared backstory that loosely follows the events of the path and pick up with the events of volume four (which should be enough to get us swept up in the events of the path). Fast and loose.
Something along the lines of linking several monster attacks across the countryside with a lamia death cult, harvesting (greedy) souls for a long dead wizard. We've fought with goblins, ghouls, doppelgängers and ogres along the way. Have I missed any big plot critical reveals in volume 3?
I think if we all post our characters appearance, personality and the like in the discussion that would be a lot of help. As well as a rough idea of their party role. I've also got to finish my gear. I've made note of the expensive purchases but wish to fill my bags of holding with exotic goods and various oddities.
I'll check back in with Erasmes' cliff notes shortly.
Valeria Windsong |
1) What events have solidified you guys as an unbreakable team? Or has no such event happened(working together because it "works" for now but if something better comes along so be it)
2) Which of our two female characters(sorry I was wrong when I said there was only one yesterday) would have been the target of Alderns advances and how would the party have reacted/intervened?
3) Any other events that have happened that have bonded the party together beyond what happened in the first 3 books? Relationships with eachother, intimate moments, family crisis, ect.
4) Are you all pretty familiar with the AP or do you need one of the DM's(me or Megan) to post up summaries of all 3 books as to what major events have happened?
1) For those who were present, I feel the initial defense of Sandpoint during the Swallowtail Festival is a good initial "group bonding" experience. Granted, not every one of the PC's may not have been present at such time, and I honestly think that some folks joining later would make the story more organic feeling. For my part, Valeria is a lifelong resident of Sandpoint.
2) I am perfectly fine as being the target of his creepy creepy. Valeria has dealt with being on the receiving end of people's attractions ever since she matured, but Aldern's would be the most creepy. As the true depth of his obsession become evident (by the random objects, hair, blood, etc. found in his lair, as well as the notes and such), she would grow to be more introverted during this time, as opposed to her naturally friendly/flirtatious self, and grow very dependent on her friends for protection.
3) Having been an orphan as well, raised in the Sandpoint Cathedral, Nualia's transformation and fall would have struck Valeria hard. It was likely another difficult time for her in the campaign. Regarding relationships and such, I am open to work out some background connections with anyone who is also a native of Sandpoint. If the relationships are of a romantic nature, they also could have developed after the events of the campaign started, so others can be included there too (NOTICE: I am, in fact, a male player here, and would prefer to keep such RP limited to a *wink wink nudge nudge* sort of "behind the curtain" referencing. Not interested in trying to generate some weird fanfic here, but if such connections help build the RP and story, I'm fine with it as long as we keep it at that level).
Regarding my opinion on the summaries, I think that would be a good idea, to let us have a confirmed, agreed upon series of events that would serve as canon for our particular group, including how we handled them, and who was badly hurt/emotionally scarred/killed at each part. I am very familiar with the first two books of the campaign, as I am currently GM for a PBP of this here as well. In my campaign, a PC's father was killed during the goblin raid, another PC bought the Glassworks, 2 PC's died in Thistletop to Nualia and Malfeshnakor (spelling?). We also had a very dramatic, near multi-death scene to a haunt in the Misgivings, where half the group jumped out the window towards the cliff, and a couple others dove out trying to save them. It was very cinematic. All these hardships helped mold the personalities of the group, turning what were once happy adventurers into somber, grounded warriors, with their own specific war stories to reference. So I think this would be an excellent idea for us to have as well.
I invite you all to scope out my current background, and let me know if you want to come up with connections!
Cerenity |
Still working on Cerenity. I have something so far, but nothing concrete yet.
The girls could meet up, maybe Cerenity needed to make a contact in the city, just someone she could "hang out" with to maintain a resemblance of a social life.
So during the days she would hang out at the Rusty Dragon and just talk and be friendly with the locals and the two struck up a friendship of some sort?
Horp |
Cuan would you be able to give us the cliff notes of what an occultist does as well?
It's rather difficult to give a short run down of the occultist as it highly depends on choices made.
Basically an Occultist gets implements and based on those implements he gets access to different schools of magic and different class abilities. In my case, as a Tome Eater, I only have a single implement that can have schools of magic added to it.
How that works is that if I pick a school I get 1 spell of every spell level on my list of known spells as soon as I'm high enough level to cast it. I can pick a school again to get one extra spell at each level. I also get the base power, resonant(scaling) power and some other focus powers of the schools I selected, if I pick a school a second time I only get an extra focus power of that school. At this point I have 4 school choices, of which I already know Transmutation will be one.
I also have a resource called Mental Focus, which is used to power the implement powers. Basically I put point of mental focus into a specific school at the start of the day and use those points to power the various abilities associated with that school. The resonant power scales with the amount of points invested at the start of the day and does not decrease as points are spent. In addition, as a Tome Eater, I can spend points 3/day to increase either the caster level or the DC of a spell by 1 by expending a point of MF from the matching school. I can also choose to not invest points but those are spent at double cost and can't be invested later.
As a Tome Eater, I can once per day eat scrolls and books to regain points of MF, which I can instantly invest.The amounts of points I get depends on what is consumed. In addition I can ready an action to consume a spell someone casts from a scroll, dispelling it, and, if I haven't eaten writing yet that day, the scroll with it. Sadly this won't be an immediate action until 16th level. Next level I'll also be able to spell turn the spell to the caster instead of eating the scroll.
Lastly, I'm also a master of the UMD skill and of any writing, being under the effect of a constant read magic and able to look at a book or other writing and figure out what's written inside and whether or not it contains magic. I'm also able to figure out what a magic item does, what it's command words are and who last used it by simply turning it over in my hands for a minute.
As for the meeting of the group, like I mentioned Horp would have joined during the raid on Sandpoint as that is when he found the first tome he ate as well as his current implement (which just so happens to be a priceless ledger used to keep inventory in Karzoug's home. Formerly priceless at least, it's now damaged beyond repair to it's historic value). He'd have gladly joined in the attacks on the goblins in order to take vengeance for the bullying he had to endure.
Cerenity |
So should rather invest the skills in UMD into something else?
Valeria Windsong |
Still working on Cerenity. I have something so far, but nothing concrete yet.
The girls could meet up, maybe Cerenity needed to make a contact in the city, just someone she could "hang out" with to maintain a resemblance of a social life.
So during the days she would hang out at the Rusty Dragon and just talk and be friendly with the locals and the two struck up a friendship of some sort?
Possibly. Do you or ally roam around in the mantis gear, though?
Megan Robertson |
I guess I'd better pop in... :)
For an overview, I have reviewed the first 3 volumes of the original (D&D) AP here: - whilst I tend to be quite vague when reviewing adventures, you ought to get a bit of an idea.
Cerenity |
Typed that previous post on my ipad while still in bed. Should read:
"Possibly. Do you always roam around in the mantis gear, though?"
Oh no. That's for jobs only. Heck, if she had her way, you guys won't even know she has the gear. =^^=
Okay. What i feel, she would have entered onto the scene round about book 3. Going after the leader of the ogres. So she helps the team to achieve that. Though. During the mission and infront of people's eyes, she would ware her "uniform" to hide who she is and not freak out potential people she has met at/in the town
That's my idea...
Valeria Windsong |
I assumed as much. I also figure you've let the depths you are willing to take things remain unknown? Otherwise, it would be difficult for a LE to befriend a LG.
In any regard, I'm willing to play the part of a sucker for the sake of RP. :-P
If you are not from the town of Sandpoint itself, and had been staying in the Rusty Dragon, you would definitely have had plenty of opportunities to converse with and befriend Valeria. Once we had underwent the trials of the first book, she'd likely have even invited you to save your coin and stay in her spare bedroom, no sense in BOTH of us suffering the lame pick-up lines of the boys in the tavern!
I've not found many physical descriptions of characters so far, so I'm going to copy and paste mine from my Alias here. It also includes a generated sketch of the character I made using heromachine (can't draw for the life of me), looks very cartoonish but I hope it gets the idea of her across.
Wt: 105 lbs
Age: 19
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Skin: White
Reference Image
Valeria has long, red hair that hangs to the middle of her shoulder blades. She is about 5'9" tall and has an athletic build. Her skin is tan, her eyes green. She is aware of the affects her looks has on others around her, and as such uses that to her advantage both socially and in combat. She wears clothes that are tasteful yet shows off her figure and probably more skin than the priests would prefer.
Edit: Just saw the edit you made to your post. So, if you didn't show up until just recently, and seem to be going for a "secret identity" vibe...
If you are just now showing up, then based on how Book 2 flows straight from Magnimar to the activity of Book 3, we have been away from Sandpoint for at least a week or so now, maybe more. So our lives in Sandpoint wouldn't have interacted with you until now. So the only way we WOULD know you is as a random Red Mantis Assassin who showed up and gave us a hand for a while.
Cerenity |
Still a work in progress.
The other thing is, she could have met you, and then from there started to learn and gather information on the ogre leader, and when the time was right, she went to find it. Surprised to meet you on the way there?
LE doesn't mean she is a bad person, she does things a bit differently. Like Dexter for instance.
The way i see her personality, and this i have in her story all ready: she was raised and trained. Assassination is merely a job. Like cooking or baking. It will not interfere with your way of life. You do your job, you go back home, hang out with friends, have drink, laugh and giggle over the silliness of the young boys etc
Valeria Windsong |
I get ya on the alignment thing. It's more of a guide than anything. But it is also a sign of how far you are willing to go to get the job done. At least that's how I look at it.
Edit: So, I guess what I'm getting at, is when exactly we were introduced to your character and their various personas?
Cerenity |
That could work, so the first was an alliance of convenience, the second is more of a "mind if i tag along, i enjoyed our last bout and would like to get to know you better"?
Cerenity |
Did we just both delete out posts? :P
DM Mathpro |
Excellent work guys on trying to figure all this out. I am happy how things are coming together. And thank you Megan for posting the link to the reviews. I think due to the time constraint I'm just going to copy and paste the adventure summaries out of the .PDF into spoilers for those of you who want some background information on what you have been through or what those of you who have been with the group from the start have been through.
I'm liking the idea of Cerenity joining the group late. It allows her persona of the assassin to be hidden if she so wishes rather easily because its not like you guys have known her for very long.
This rises a very interesting question. Was there a former group member that she's replacing that you guys have lost? I kind of like the level of drama this leads to roleplaying and your first couple of days in Sandpoint could actually shift to dealing with notifying the family, funeral arangements and so on.
Whats everyones take on this?
DM Mathpro |
The PCs attend the Swallowtail Festival (a ritual to consecrate Sandpoint’s new cathedral) and end up defending the town from a goblin raid. In the days to follow, the PCs come to terms with their growing local fame, making friends and contacts among Sandpoint’s
citizens. As rumors of massing goblin armies build, the disappearance of a local tavern owner leads the PCs to uncover treachery within The Sandpoint Glassworks and the existence of an ancient catacomb below the town. An investigation of these discoveries reveals two things: that monsters dwell below the city and that the goblin raid on the town was but the first the monsters have planned. In order to save Sandpoint, the PCs must travel to
Thistletop, the lair of the most powerful goblin tribe in the region, where they can confront the woman whose madness and wrath presents such a menace, yet who is herself the tip of a much larger conspiracy that will soon threaten all of Varisia.
The primary villain of this chapter is a bitter aasimar woman named Nualia. She was a foundling raised by Sandpoint’s previous religious leader, a man named Ezakien Tobyn, and her childhood was lonely and sad. Her unearthly beauty made the other children either jealous or shy, and many of them took to playing cruel jokes on her. The adults in town weren’t much better—many of the superstitious Varisians viewed Nualia as blessed by Desna, a sort of “reverse deformity.” Rumors that her touch or proximity could cure warts and rashes, that locks of her hair brewed into tea could increase fertility, and that her voice could drive out evil spirits led to a succession of awkward and humiliating requests over the years. Poor Nualia felt
more like a freak than a young girl by the time she came of age, so when Delek Viskanta, a local Varisian youth, began to court her, she practically fell into his arms in gratitude. Knowing her father wouldn’t approve of a relationship with a Varisian (he wanted her to remain pure so she could join a prestigious convent), they kept the affair secret. The couple met many times in hidden places, a favorite being an abandoned smuggler’s tunnel under town that Delek had discovered as a child. Before long, Nualia realized she was pregnant. When she told Delek, he revealed his true colors and, after calling her a slut and a harlot, fled Sandpoint rather than face her father’s wrath. Nualia’s shock quickly turned to rage, yet she had nowhere to vent her anger. She bottled it up, and when her father discovered her delicate condition, his reaction to her indiscretions only furthered her shame and anger. He forbade her to leave the church, lectured her nightly, and made her pray to Desna for forgiveness. In so doing, he unknowingly nurtured her growing hate. When the minor runewell in the Catacombs of Wrath below Sandpoint f lared to life, Nualia’s own anger was a magnet to its magic. The wrathful energies suffused her mind and she f lew into a frenzy. Seven months pregnant, she miscarried her child later that night, a child whose monstrously deformed shape she only glimpsed before blanching midwives stole it away to burn it in secret. As
the child had been conceived in the smuggler’s tunnels below town, in close proximity to a hidden shrine to Lamashtu (the goddess of monstrous births), the child itself was deformed and horrific. The double shock of losing a child and the realization she had been carrying a fiend in her belly for 7 months was too much. Nualia fell into a coma. As Nualia slept, she dreamed unhealthy dreams. Fueled by the wrath from below and the taint of Lamashtu, Nualia became further obsessed with the cruel demon goddess and the conviction that her wretched life was inf licted on her by those around her. She came to see her angelic heritage as a curse, and the demon-sent nightmares showed her how to expunge this taint from her body and soul, replacing it with chaos and cruelty. When she finally woke, Nualia was someone new, someone who didn’t flinch at what Lamashtu asked of her. She jammed her father’s door shut as he slept, lit the church on fire, and f led Sandpoint. The locals assumed Nualia had burned in the fire, a tragedy made all the worse by the death of Father Tobyn as well. Yet Nualia lived. She f led to Magnimar, where
she enlisted the aid of a group of Norgorber-worshiping killers known as the Skinsaw Cult. With their aid, she tracked down Delek and murdered him. Yet his death did not fill her need for revenge—it only quickened her need for more of the same, for Sandpoint and its hated citizens still lived. Seeing a kindred spirit in the tortured woman, the mysterious leader of the Skinsaw Cult gave Nualia a
medallion bearing a carving of a seven-pointed star called a “Sihedron medallion.” Nualia learned that she had a larger role to play, and that her dreams were a map to her destiny. Taking the advice to heart, Nualia returned to Sandpoint and found herself drawn to the brick wall in the smuggler’s tunnels where she and Delek had conceived her deformed child. Nualia bashed down the wall, and in so doing, discovered the Catacombs of Wrath and the quasit
Erylium, also a follower of Lamashtu. For many months, Nualia studied under Erylium’s tutelage. During this time, Nualia received another vision from Lamashtu—a vision of a monstrous goblin wolf imprisoned in an underground room. In Nualia’s dreams, she learned that this creature, a barghest named Malfeshnekor, was also one of Lamashtu’s chosen. If she could find him and free him, he would not only help her achieve her vengeance against the town of Sandpoint, but he would be the key in cleansing her body of what she had come to see as her “celestial taint.” Nualia wanted to be one of Lamashtu’s children now. She wanted to become a monster herself.
When a string of murders strikes Sandpoint, the PCs begin piecing together clues and soon realize the region may well face a plague of ghouls. After investigating murder scenes, interviewing victims, and perhaps running into some unexpected trouble along the way, the search for answers leads the PCs to Foxglove Manor. Arriving at Foxglove Manor, the PCs find the rumors about the mansion being haunted are entirely true. Eventually, they confront the murderer—a ghoulishly transformed Aldern Foxglove—only to discover he’s been
working for another group based in Magnimar. Retracing his steps, the PCs come to the largest city in western Varisia and uncover a sinister secret society, finally confronting its monstrous leader atop a teetering clock tower.
The PCs travel to Turtleback Ferry and discover that ogres have taken the fort. After rescuing the last three surviving members of the Black Arrows, the PCs mount a daring raid against Fort Rannick and defeat the ogres within, only to learn that greater dangers are afoot. Soon thereafter, unnatural rains flood Turtleback Ferry
and the PCs must explore the ruins of an ancient dam called Skull’s Crossing. After saving the town from disaster, the PCs learn the ogres of Hook Mountain were to blame for the strange weather. The PCs climb Hook Mountain to end the ogre menace once and for all, only to learn that the ogres might be the least of Varisia’s problems: the giants of the Storval Plateau are preparing for war.
Cerenity |
Haha. Well. This is why we have pre game discussion
Okay. Lets see if i have the correct stuff
She needs to learn and get information. So she camps in town.
Then when she has all the info she needed she headed out and then was a bit surprised to find you guys on the same mission as her. Even if it was because of seperate reasons
Valeria Windsong |
Ha. I was so confused until I realized you were talking to Mathpro. :-P
I think having lost some NPC member of the "Group" during the early trials definitely adds something to the RP. Just a matter of when and to who. Maybe someone died at the hands of Nualia, further spotlighting the depths she had fallen? Or maybe someone died trying to protect Valeria from Aldern's attacks during the trials of the Misgivings? Or, was someone eaten by Malfeshnekor!? There are plenty of places where an NPC could have went to the Boneyard in the early books, so whatever you think feels most suspenseful is fine by me!
DM Mathpro |
Just because I'm curious and the adventure is set up where it can happen in both places are you guys going to be based out of Sandpoint or Magnimar? I figure with Valeria's deep connections to Sandpoint she would stay there and thus the group would stay there. But because of the issues with the murders in sandpoint leading you to a death cult in Magnimar and then disbanding said cult through out the events of book 2 you could also base yourselves in Magnimar.
Valeria Windsong |
My background can be altered if it fits the group better. Besides...I could have a home in Sandpoint and still hang around Magnimar for extended periods. The world doesn't revolve around Valeria (though she may think so herself! lol).
I still have 1,000 gold to spend, so I could see about purchasing an "Apartment" in Magnimar to make that more viable. :-P
Or, I am willing to donate said gold towards a "group item" like another healing wand or some such.
Cerenity |
This is a fun part though. Working on how we know each other and how we met. Lvl11 is a high number. Soooo many things could have happened
Valeria Windsong |
Posting some random thoughts about each character so far, and how Valeria might view them, or questions to try to get a better feel for them to begin such talks.
I haven't seen Redshirt's character check in here yet at all...
Cerenity |
His last post was on monday...?
Horp |
If we lost a group member if we could turn him or her into a Wizard or Arcanist Horp would use that person's spellbook as his tome implement instead of the Thassilonian ledger.
As far as appearance goes, Horp would have started out more or less a typical goblin, just a lot scrawnier. He also has a very large mouth, even by goblin standards.
Later on he would have changed quite a bit. He'd generally look a lot healthier and actually have a bit of a belly now. He'd also is incredibly clean and has very high standards for personal hygiene. These high standards don't extend to his diet though and while he prefers high quality meals (or a good book) he'd just as easily eat an ogre-made stew.
Cerenity |
Appart from very acrobatic, no. Dont want to tip my hand in what she can do. She is well built and looks like some form of athlete though.
I know she doesnt have a very high bluff. Didnt have the money for a +2/+2 headband... so in her RMA garb, she will talk through the mask. So i hope that will muffle her voice a bit. Along with a bit of tone difference.
Cerenity |
Sorry to cut and run... haha...
Its almost 1030pm here. Terrible headache. And i have a feeling tomorrow might be very busy.
Good night to all. Will catch up in the morning
Twigs |
Reception out on the slopes is a little worse than I thought. My current backstory is a legacy of my previous game. My current thinking is that Erasmes was rescued by the group in magnimar, a greedy merchant and victim to the skinsaw cult. Perhaps he could replace the party wizard there? Although I'd like to share in the loss it seeks an organic place for our meeting. In the interim Erasmes could have invested in Sandpoints glassworks, ran afoul of the Sherrif over his pesh habit, and tithed heavily to tante churchg of Sarenrae.
As it stands my familiar is geared to use UMD, so that makes three of us.
Erasmes is of Kelish descent, smelling strongly of cumin, cardamom and pesh. Both he and his familiar are dressed in garish silks, sitting perched on his enchanted carpet, golden rods in each hand making him seem the very image of the Mage lords of Osirion.
Erasmes is primarily a blaster, with a pool of summoning and utility magic to fall back on when his dazing spells don't do the job. Anybody who can clean up groups of wounded does is going to make a good pair with him. His familiar can use wands, an option I've previously shied from buy utilised here, as I wanted a familiar that was both mechanically and through role play integral to my characters persona.
Sajjad can also be the party trapfinder the way I've distributed my skill points.
Erasmes al-Amin |
Oh yeah! A question I asked in my previous game. We essentially decided the command words were some variation of "ook" as there isn't anything stating that one needs to speak a language in the RAW. Essentially I'm grabbing evolved familiar in place of improved familiar as a monkey felt like the more stylistic choice and the feat investment is still a factor. (What with animals class skill list and naturally low charisma scores.) a ruling on that would be super.
We're very arcane caster heavy as is, if anybody has any input on his current spell load out i can adjust accordingly.
Valeria Windsong |
Valeria's spell list is as follows:
0: Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Mending
1 (7/7): Feather Fall, Cure Light Wounds, Alarm, Grease, Unseen Servant, Ear-Piercing Scream
2 (5/5): Cure Moderate Wounds, Mirror Image, Tongues, Sonic Scream, Gallant Inspiration
3 (5/5): Haste, See Invisibility, Major Image, Dispel Magic
4 (3/3): Greater Invisibility, Hold Monster, Dimension Door
She is designed to be support focused, playing the role of buffer and healer, with a smidge of combat support spells like hold monster, dispel magic, major image, and ear-piercing scream.
She also is more in tune with being a second-tier combatant, providing a flank buddy, caster harassment, and protector of our own casters if need be.
Cerenity |
Cerenity is a melee character. But low AC. She is a opportunist. So flank is important. 3 attacks around. Each with sneak attack. And extra bleed and to reduce AC etc. And MINOR arcane spells. Will mostly be self buffs
Not to mention being invisible most of the time
Horp |
I'm still trying to figure out how I'll play Horp. On the one hand I like the idea of going Catch Off-Guard and Improvised Weapon Mastery, hitting people with his book (what kind of damage dice would that be anyway? No idea whether it's 1h or 2h). The main reason for this is that while his spells don't require verbal or somatic components he does need to "display" his tome to cast them and he can't really hang it from a chain on his belt, considering the size of a goblin.
Another combat option would be going rapier and Fencing Grace so I can stab things while holding the book in my off hand (mostly because Slashing Grace doesn't allow that any more).
Ranged isn't really an option as that would require me to do something fancy with the tome as well as all ranged weapon that are actually worth it require 2 hands to use.
Beyond that, Horp will have quite a bit of knowledge, be sneaky, speak a ton of languages and a few other things. Not entirely sold on spell list.
DM Mathpro |
I want to apologize for the strange fit of the party I went with RP potential over min/maxing for combat. There will still be combats but I want this to be more about the story you guys collectively tell than about who has the highest damage output and so on.
I like that you guys are trying to coordinate the mess I've created though so keep up the talking.