Nehowshgen Min's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Nehowshgen Min

The darkness that gripped me became thrown from my eyes. A greeting from an antique of a ceiling welcomes me. Where am I? What is this place? I recognize none of it; all of it feels abnormal... I hear footsteps? I raise to my knees to find a woman walking through the hallway towards me. "Another stranger means to visit us it seems. Pray tell, What is your name passerby?" She leans down, trying to look at my face. How full of concern it must be. I'm sure I seemed unsettled, disturbed, questioning, even to this a question to which I should readily know the answer. I searched for the words but none met my lips. "Hmm, don't worry about the name. Sometimes I forget myself; no one arrives here with a full mind. But you'll remember it in due time, every player does. Well now, Up Up! Come with me, we have much to discuss about your stay here... however long that will be, that is..."

This is a thought I've been throwing around forever now and I thought I'd present it to the community to see how much of a response it gets before throwing it into full throttle as an actual campaign. (And yes, this is a modified, borrowed idea from another source. Good luck finding it.)

The setting is of a structure overhanging a nigh endless cosmos of nothingness. This building inhabits a place between time and space that lies within the cleanly hands of its multiple servants that provide "players" with the services they require, enabling them a chance at escaping the boundaries they now do so find themselves entrapped in.
The building itself is a hub at which it's "players" gather upon their untimely, unnatural demise. All of these "players" are given a chance at revivification by progressing through the many dungeon portals that litter the hub and, by way of this, accumulate points for which they can buy equipment, items, services, and much later, their life.

As the pc's would progress through the game, all the Dungeons will increase in difficulty as well as options that were previously unavailable becoming available. There will (most likely) be random events and hazards that befall each dungeon as well as quests that some of the servants issue for special rewards at the end. The campaign itself will be Combat Heavy but that's not to say that story purposes would be neglected. I hope to create unique backstories for every Servant of the house as well as one for the mysterious owner of it who will be continually though slowly revealed as to whom this person is and why they aren't out and about the house like the other servants.

Feel free to ask questions. I hope that people find this interesting and please DOT if you are.

I am interested on your rules for character generation, allowed classes and races, stuff like that.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am curious. I'd like to see this exact concept, but with a roleplaying-heavy focus.

TheWaskally wrote:
I am interested on your rules for character generation, allowed classes and races, stuff like that.

I ideally, when and if this gets a bit of attention or I want to turn it into something regardless, Would be doing the popular 1-for-1 point buy system with 20 points available.

All pathfinder races and classes would be allowed with 3rd-party being subject to presentation (maybe yes, maybe no).
Money would be handled by me because of the system I have in mind.
Starting level would be something like level 3.
Otherwise, the works: 2 traits with the option of a 3rd w/ drawback, level 1 feat, yadda yadda yadda...

Tarondor wrote:
I am curious. I'd like to see this exact concept, but with a roleplaying-heavy focus.

Well, that was just sort of what I thought would be the angle of the game. Now that I'm reflecting on it (now that its not 1:43 AM!) it would really be decided by the Players. Since every combat opportunity is right there lying in some portals in the house, the PC's would have the ability to wave off every single story arc or plot device I throw at them and just level all the way to revivification. So regarding the roleplaying aspects of the house, they will be there its just rather dependent on the party how much of it will be drawn into with depth.

Hmm. Interested!

Sounds intriguing. I'm game.

Silver Crusade

Sounds cool, I would like to try an oradin

Hm... Slowly but surely people are coming by...

Ok, I will start planning on specifics and fine tune/dust the story, setting, character creation set-up, "Game Rules", ect.

I may have something up in a week or two, less if more people drop by. Not to say I'm greedy for interest or attention but much more just moral boosts that will keep me going at a faster and studious pace.

I could do this. Sounds like fun.

Silver Crusade

I got a character semi-ready

Tywynn wrote:
I got a character semi-ready

Well, again. Character creation, as well as the game, isn't really refurbished yet. Though I like and enjoy your forwardness and enthusiasm with already having a semi-character done, please hold off as I'm developing how to develop your character.

This sounds like it could be interesting. will wait to see what the finalized creation rules and such are but I shall be watching.

I'm interested in this if there are player slots remaining.

Are you a fan of Tower of God by any chance?

How would the place affect Divine Casters and their connection to their Divine Patrons? And Witches for that matter?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm interested.

Mighty Glacier wrote:

I'm interested in this if there are player slots remaining.

Are you a fan of Tower of God by any chance?

I am still creating the ACTUAL game and will pm everyone that has posted here about it as well as upload a final post here relating where the actual recruitment page is once I'm done.

And I actually have no idea what Tower of God is. I may need to look it up sometime...

Gars DarkLover wrote:
How would the place affect Divine Casters and their connection to their Divine Patrons? And Witches for that matter?

In Long hand, Without giving out precise information on how the dimension functions or its true purpose, I can say that Divine Casters will still feel their connection to their deity but pretty much anything that requires communication to your deity will be worded differently as their will be no "Direct" communication. Not being too keen with the number of things that correlate with a divine caster's "connection" to their Patron, I'm going to try to keep everything in the wording that "Your patron cannot directly interfere or help in any situation though any powers, benefits, or effects will be upheld.

In Short hand, communication is extremely limited though your connection is still upheld to it's fullest extent. As for witches, it is pretty much the same. Whether your all too familiar or ignorant of your patron, either way communication will be limited and mysterious at times but anything pertaining to them will still be upheld within game to the fullest extent.

As well, I will have something up in a week for ACTUAL Recruitment. Things have been sorta hectic at work and some RL stuff at the hospital but no worries, I'm still cracking away and trying to get something tangible to bring come post day.

Nehowshgen Min wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
How would the place affect Divine Casters and their connection to their Divine Patrons? And Witches for that matter?

In Long hand, Without giving out precise information on how the dimension functions or its true purpose, I can say that Divine Casters will still feel their connection to their deity but pretty much anything that requires communication to your deity will be worded differently as their will be no "Direct" communication. Not being too keen with the number of things that correlate with a divine caster's "connection" to their Patron, I'm going to try to keep everything in the wording that "Your patron cannot directly interfere or help in any situation though any powers, benefits, or effects will be upheld.

In Short hand, communication is extremely limited though your connection is still upheld to it's fullest extent. As for witches, it is pretty much the same. Whether your all too familiar or ignorant of your patron, either way communication will be limited and mysterious at times but anything pertaining to them will still be upheld within game to the fullest extent.

As well, I will have something up in a week for ACTUAL Recruitment. Things have been sorta hectic at work and some RL stuff at the hospital but no worries, I'm still cracking away and trying to get something tangible to bring come post day.

Is the Master of the place an entity that could grant Divine/Witch spells?

Does He/She/It/They "possess"/mind control/body jack/etc people at times (to communicate with other people)?

Gars DarkLover wrote:

Is the Master of the place an entity that could grant Divine/Witch spells?

Does He/She/It/They "possess"/mind control/body jack/etc people at times (to communicate with other people)?

Hmm... Hmm... Hmmm...

1) As of this moment, no but I may feel compelled to crack those spell lists out given enough time. My only concern is "Does it fit within the scheme of things?". So if I can make it fit, I'll have it up in the ACTUAL recruitment post.

2) The being, "Creator of the Manse" (or whatever else I'm going to call him), has placed upon himself his own 'ground rules' and can only bid his servants/housekeepers orders and commands, in secret I might add. In doing so and among everything else he can have them do, he can have them relay his words or instructions if he so feels like intervening, though many of his servants do not even know who the man is nor if he is man. And to this point, again, he loves the idea of 'ground rules' or 'restrictions' and won't at any time claim every housekeeper in his domain just to TPK the party, even if he feels threatened; That's just a poor response when being 'taunted at' in his own 'game'.

Nehowshgen Min wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:

Is the Master of the place an entity that could grant Divine/Witch spells?

Does He/She/It/They "possess"/mind control/body jack/etc people at times (to communicate with other people)?

Hmm... Hmm... Hmmm...

1) As of this moment, no but I may feel compelled to crack those spell lists out given enough time. My only concern is "Does it fit within the scheme of things?". So if I can make it fit, I'll have it up in the ACTUAL recruitment post.

2) The being, "Creator of the Manse" (or whatever else I'm going to call him), has placed upon himself his own 'ground rules' and can only bid his servants/housekeepers orders and commands, in secret I might add. In doing so and among everything else he can have them do, he can have them relay his words or instructions if he so feels like intervening, though many of his servants do not even know who the man is nor if he is man. And to this point, again, he loves the idea of 'ground rules' or 'restrictions' and won't at any time claim every housekeeper in his domain just to TPK the party, even if he feels threatened; That's just a poor response when being 'taunted at' in his own 'game'.


*Takes notes*

I think I might have a character in mind. Just need the official recruitment for implementation.

Heya everybody!

Its been awhile, I know. But I'm still fervently cracking away at character creation and trying to build the large... quite large, manse/building/structure/bleh that will be the main area of the game; a nexus if you will.

In the meantime, depending upon how much stuff i'll be implementing to add-on to character creation, I thought it'd be best to present something for everyone to start thinking about for OFFICIAL RECRUITMENT so it won't take too overwhelming. So without further ado...

Your Grey Piece and You!: Because of the nature of the place you have been brought to, all characters for recruitment will make a Grey Piece item.


1) Choose your Grey Piece's Shape; It should be no bigger than something that can fit in your hand or be slipped into a shirt pocket.

2) Choose your Grey Piece's Material. I don't care what it's made of as it doesn't matter. Any special benefits confered from that material are lost and hp and hardness are all the same. More on this later

3) Choose a single Cantrip/Orison. This will be endowed as a part of your piece and usable. More on this later

4) Choose a non-benefical aspect. Anything from "it glows green" to "it encircles it's bearers hand when held". This Aspect may BECOME beneficial depending on the situation... so choose wisely... but none of that "it sings when people lie" crap.

5) Take a little time to write your pieces backstory. It should be distinguishably seperate but can be included within your characters backstory. Have fun with it. I'm looking for something between 2 sentences to a paragraph... more if you feel like it.

6) Name it. (Optional)

7) Choose it to be a Wondrous Item or a Slotted Item. This has the following effects:
A) Throughout the game, you will get a chance to improve your GreyPiece. Its "Upgrade Tree" will depend upon what slotted item it is, or if it is only a wondrous item.
B) Slotted Item Selection will allow players to spend the necessary amount of GP's for creating a slotted item, to instead add it on to your GreyPiece. This allows you to have many boots or many amulets or many rings all within a single one; your GreyPiece. More on this later
C) Wondrous Item Selection will allow players to spend the necessary amount of GP's to add spells to their GreyPiece. This works as though making Potions, Wands, Scrolls, or Staves. The deciding factor for how much you'll have to spend or if the spell placed on your Greypiece fades after use depends entirely on the spell. More on this later

I'll continue working and will have OFFICIAL RECRUITMENT up in just a few days.

SO SO SORRY for anyone still checking up on this.
Some RL has hit me recently and between work and that I have been completely unfocused and sort of looking at paizo with dead-tired eyes.

I will have the Official Recruitment up post haste...

Life happens.

Nehowshgen Min wrote:
4) Choose a non-benefical aspect. Anything from "it glows green" to "it encircles it's bearers hand when held". This Aspect may BECOME beneficial depending on the situation... so choose wisely... but none of that "it sings when people lie" crap.

the "it sings when people lie" can be twisted, the range at which it can detect people lying is rather big, so the benefices are... not consistant.

Gars DarkLover wrote:
Nehowshgen Min wrote:
4) Choose a non-benefical aspect. Anything from "it glows green" to "it encircles it's bearers hand when held". This Aspect may BECOME beneficial depending on the situation... so choose wisely... but none of that "it sings when people lie" crap.
the "it sings when people lie" can be twisted, the range at which it can detect people lying is rather big, so the benefices are... not consistant.

I was sort of assuming within discernible ear range with that, but I get your point.

Hello Everyone!

... That is, Official recruitment is finally up!
You may find it Here.

I will start pm'ing people here who haven't checked in tomarrow...

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