shoggothweightlifter's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master shoggothweightlifter

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I'm looking for four to six people interested in taking on the roles of Licktoad tribe members for a jaunt through the We Be Goblins! module. I don't plan on ending things after the module, either, so it will be a longer-term sort of campaign. What I'm looking for is a diverse and fun group that can work together at least moderately well, and for people who make more than one-sentence posts. I tend to post every other day or so as far as frequency, though sometimes I'll wait Friday/Saturday and post Sunday because everybody has crap to do on weekends, it's a thing. As for myself, I've been a DM for over 20 years, and have run RIFTs, Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, All the Flesh Must Be Eaten, Mutants and Masterminds, and a host of other games, but Pathfinder has to be one of my favorites. I very rarely get to be a player, because I usually DM.

Ideally, I'd like to see a decently fleshed-out background for a character application, but again, they're goblins, so it isn't as if they've been doing many epic things before this, even if they're supposed to be the cream of the Licktoad crop. All PCs will be goblins, and stats are a 22 point-buy for generation. Average starting gold for character class can be used for equipment, but no magical items can be purchased. Characters will be starting at 1st level. I'd like to get a party selected with relative quickness, so cut-off for applications will be on this Friday. I'll accept the following books as sources: Advanced Player's Guide, Core Rulebook, Goblins of Golarion, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic. Get ready to cut some dogs, eat some horses, and raise some tiny green Hell!

Scarab Sages

This sounds interesting. I'll make a character and join in on the fun.

I think I can flesh something out for this.

This is Mic Staby.

Back story.
"Me story, hmmm what is it... I guess it is staby and stab. Me was young me still am. Me hunt for Shinies and take them. If the shinies have peolpe attached to them, me stab them if they don't give me shinies." Staby takes out a small shiny gem and gets lost in it's beauty for a moment. He finally puts the gem back into his back.
"Before me was Staby, me was climber and seeer. Me watched for big folk and dogs. Fight and eats. Dog meat is good. Friendfolk need feed and drink. Drink was not me, me get dog." He scratches his rump.
Now, me go find shinies. They are no good for eats or drinks, but can get eats and drinks from big folk."

Grand Lodge

i'll Have to get something together today. I would love to play in this

I applied for a different goblin game with this char, so maybe he will have more luck in the second go round. I will update his stats, as current build is just 15pts.

Chat with Chief:
Chief want to know why Eggsucker needs to go? Eggsucker have strong juju, stronger juju than most longshanks. They use long words to make theirs work, but not Eggsucker. Eggsucker's juju comes from his blood and no mistake. No stupid books and no stupid robes to lose stuff in.

Just blood.

Eggsucker always small. Eggsucker always kicked around. Eggsucker always get angry and fight back, but other gobs say "Why you no stay dead. You born dead stay dead."

Eggsucker ask old lazy gobs and learn he born small and dead. Always small, but not stay dead. Eggsucker's blood make him open his eyes and bite and bite until he taste blood. Blood make Eggsucker strong. Just not big.

So Eggsucker use blood to stay alive. Gobs use wolves. Gobs use bombs. Gobs use fire. Eggsucker use blood. While stupid longshanks run around looking for yelling gobs to hit, Eggsucker will use blood to distract them with fireflies. When they look for gobs to shoot arrows at, Eggsucker will call fog to hide other gobs. Lastly when longshanks are distracted, Eggsucker can use blood hand to steal food. How you think Eggsucker get name? Stupid chickens no give me eggs when I ask, so I use magic blood hand.

So now Chief know why Eggsucker should go.

*steeples fingers* Excellent. Nice to see that people aren't averse to gobbos!

Cheeva want go on advencher!

Staby Staby Stab. Me ready.

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For the record, as I'm not a goblin myself, I'm more amenable to accepting a character whose backstory is in 3rd person than 1st. I realize they're goblins. I'll also say that a couple solid paragraphs of it really appeal to me, in case anyone was wondering.

Mic Staby's backstory has been told in 3rd person.

Mic Staby’s Backstory 3rd person:

When Mic was younger, he was a look out for the village. His station was the tall tree to the south, where he learned to be watchful and silent. He learned how to climb the trees and walk among them.

Later in his life, he was sent into mines to hunt for gems. While he was in those dark, dark caves, he learned to climb around the rocks and avoid pits. In those dark caves, he ran into darker things, where he had to fight dirty to win. He came out of those caves alive, but fed up with hard work.

He soon started to rob people traveling down the road to get his gems. While he was fighting on the roads, he saw some warriors using two weapons, so he started to mimic them. Next time he got enough gems, he got himself a second sword.

Now, he is back at the village, eating dog. One that he caught in his last gem raid.

Liberty's Edge

Lets see if I can get a Goblin in time to join

ill will dot for now would really love to play a goblin ^__^

are you allowing traits/drawbacks?

I should mention that Cheeva's familiar is a Squirrel as per the Animal Archive, I hope that's okay.

Thanks for the 3rd person background; it just gives me a much better read of the story (I nearly had a nervous breakdown reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy). As far as the questions have gone, I'm fine with traits but don't want to see drawbacks, and no problems with a Squirrel familiar.

I'd love to throw a goblin into the mix.

Curious, though, any particular reason why a 2 point buy?

this is Riuk's submission for the game, let me know what you think ^_^

Zapsey Styx


Zapsey was born in the Brinestump Marsh, to the Licktoad Tribe. His older brother was Scribbleface, who we all know was banished from the village for learning to write. Well Scribbleface also was teaching Zapsey to read and write before he was banished. Zapsey was able to hide his learning from the other goblins and when Scribbleface was banished Zapsey was able to find him and continue his studies eventually learning several languages. One of the books Scribbleface was able to scavenge was a spellbook, which Zapsey quickly pilfered for himself. Being self taught as an arcane user he was able to do many mysterious things such as zapping large bugs and then stabbing them repeatedly to death, earning the name Zapsey Styx. Now the Tribe is need of some heroes and Zapsey is ready to prove himself the best warrior ever.

sorry did not know if you want this in the post but here you go really hope to get in ^_^

Urzaag casually swatted at a dragonfly as he skulked through the tall grasses of the marsh, stepping lightly in the mud, pushing the reeds apart. He knew how to go about unnoticed in the wet terrain, but his quarry was less learned in the matter, it seemed, as their bootprints made obvious. He could smell them, too, though it was know tracking scent, merely the one left cloying there in his nostrils from when he had last seen them, a constant offense to this particular goblin. He quickened his pace, slipping this way and that through the rushes, stopping every now and then to listen. The buzz of mosquitoes and dragonflies and bullfrogs and crickets added a soft ambiance, a focusing theme for hunting. He heard them over the insect serenade after a short while, talking in their pompous tongue that the goblin had pained himself to learn. They complained of the deep mud and the stagnant water and the biting bugs and the goblins. The goblins most of all.

Urzaag crept closer, staying low in the reeds until he could see them again. They were young things, would-be slayers playing at heroes. No doubt they were seeking to avenge some wrong, perhaps even some slight perpetrated by Urzaag himself. He looked down at the string of brunt ears looped about his belt and smiled wickedly. Perhaps they had come looking for one of them. Regardless, they did not seem like they would be trouble, armed with their simple spears and hatchets and wearing no armor to speak of. They thought goblins would be easy prey, no doubt, but even Urzaag could not deny that many were. Urzaag was different, though; he was always hunter, never prey.

Soundlessly he held onto a wonderful concoction he learned of and mastered without too much trouble waiting for the humans to stop again, wiping sweat from their brows and swatting at mosquitoes. A crane called out from somewhere as the explosion took one of the two in the back. He cried out and fell into the mud while his comrade wheeled about, suddenly afraid, gripping his spear so that his knuckles were white. Urzaag throw a bomb at him too but only the concussion hit him, and he staggered, dropping his spear in surprise.

The goblin leap from the rushes then, two burning torches in hand, and swept up to the downed human, a menacing purpose in his stride. The second cried out “goblin!” and made attempts to locate his spear. Urzaag stood over the first human but did not take his eyes off of the second as he savagely beat the human setting his head ablaze with each strike. The human screamed as each blow stuck igniting his hair, making the skin blister and pop. The second had stopped looking for his spear and was staring, wide-eyed and shaking. Urzaag let the human suffer as held the torch on the humans head until he stopped thrashing and the smell of cooked meat was in the air.

“My marsh,” he said to the remaining intruder in the common tongue. He stared at the human, allowing him to back away slowly. He goblin grinned wickedly as he did so, finding much joy in knowing that these humans had come expecting to find some easy killing among his kind. The human turned to run as best as his injury would allow, and Urzaag let him go, undercooked.

Someone had to tell his people of Urzaag Firestick the torch burner, after all.

Urzaag is a goblin weaned on the stories of the would-be destroyers of the Licktoad tribe (as well as other human-killing expeditions) to the point of idolization. His hatred of humans has been ingrained within, bred into him as easily and naturally as speech. He always had found what he believed to be flaws in these stories of human-hunting, though. His people rarely had tact or focus, and though it pained him to do so, Urzaag had to admit that the humans did. And so he practiced these arts, of watching and studying and hunting, that he might become a source of underestimation. Humans would always be expecting certain things from goblins, he thought, so what better way to kill them than to go against those notions? First he had to teach himself to be brave and courageous, to stand and fight while others ran. His determination would throw humans off their guard, he theorized. He must not fear them, but rather make them fear him. Then he taught himself how to find them, to pursue them, to watch them without ever being seen. He studied him that he might kill them better than other goblins.

When he learned to speak their language, he found that human have a natural fear of fire so he would use it when fighting. That's how he earned his name Urzaag Firestick The Torch Burner.

Since mastering himself, he has always tried to teach others of the tribe what he has learned, though many have been very dismissive of him. Goblins will be goblins, after all, and even Urzaag cannot deny that.

Urzaag is a very stone-faced and solemn goblin who lives for little else save for how to study and kill the enemies of his goblin kin. He often thinks himself quite above other goblins, being focused and determined and clear-headed in most things.

How many goblins do we have here?

Eggsucker be one!

as right now

Urzaag the torch Burner Alchemist{Blazing Torchbearer/Fire bobmber} aka Riuk

Eggsucker Sorcerer aka Digger

Mic Staby Rouge aka Amsheagar.

Zapsey Styx Magus aka Choant

Cheeva Squirrelface Witch aka Threeshades.

ok I think im all done with my character ^_^ let me know what you think

im still trying to find a good pic to use for reference ...but I might draw one ^_^

Thanks for collating that, Riuk! As it seems, we're a little shy on martial gobbos, have a singular rogue-y one, and no clerical sorts either, unless you count Cheeva as a little bit of one, what with being a Witch and all.

As for why a 22 point buy, I wanted the goblins to be epic as far as their builds, but again, only epic as far as goblins go, which is why I docked a few points from the initial 25 I'd been considering. Also, I ran some sims as to what the buy could achieve for goblin chars over a 20 level progression and it worked out pretty well.

shoggothweightlifter wrote:

Thanks for collating that, Riuk! As it seems, we're a little shy on martial gobbos, have a singular rogue-y one, and no clerical sorts either, unless you count Cheeva as a little bit of one, what with being a Witch and all.

As for why a 22 point buy, I wanted the goblins to be epic as far as their builds, but again, only epic as far as goblins go, which is why I docked a few points from the initial 25 I'd been considering. Also, I ran some sims as to what the buy could achieve for goblin chars over a 20 level progression and it worked out pretty well.

I will work on making a ranger build when I get off work today to beef up the fighting ability.

Nuz started off as one of the many rank and file gobs of the Seven Tooth clan until he claimed a small training bow scavenged from a longshank's camp during an outing. Discovering he had a natural skill with it, proven mainly by not shooting other gobs when he hunted, he was allowed to later claim a longshank's short bow and became the designated "shoot it lots" gobbo.

Quickly learning that he could trade the spoils of his hunts to other gobs, Nuz was nearing becoming a threat to some of the Chieftan's chosen when it was agreed, meaning they told him do it or else, that he would become permanent goblin roamer between the clans acting as messenger. Taking this in stride, Nuz wasn't about to question the or else part, he quickly began making the rounds trading his meat and skins for arrows and salvaged arrow heads.

He also took to trailing human hunting parties, never stealing more than would be missed, and has mastered some fundamental words in common. Words like "goblin, kill it, who moved my cheese and similar". This has increased his utility to the Seven Tooth clan, but also increased the threat the other goblins perceive him as.

Nuz has no plans to make a play for positions of power as he enjoys being able to hunt/eat/sleep on his terms and without worrying that some goblin wants to play hide the knife in his ribcage. Thus far it has worked, but only time will tell how long he can fly under the notice of the older and more paranoid goblins.

Crunch to follow, but wanted to get the basic idea of Nuz out there.

Liberty's Edge

Bowing out, good luck!

So like Friday morning or Friday night?

I'm going on a trip to Germany for the weekend and I promised my wife no rollplay on our trip. so if I get in...hoping I do^_^ I want be able to look at the post till Monday

Friday night, let's call it midnight EST just for the sake of fairness. I'll keep the post up a few days extra so everyone can see it, since weekends can always be hectic.

Edit: And Nuz, change the references for Nuz's clan to Licktoad, since all the goblins are going to be members. Otherwise, the concept's solid, just need some crunch to go with that fluff when you've got the chance.

Will do. Basic stats are up, but I will pick traits and feats at lunch today.

Funny thing is.... For me it's already 7:30pm Friday night.

argg I wish I would find out before I went to the air I wont know until Monday...or Sunday night >>_<< fingers crossed

Just realized lots of CNs with a sprinkling of CE and NE. I wonder how long before the Es rat out the Ns for not being true goblin enough. :)

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Nuz the Cheesethief wrote:
Just realized lots of CNs with a sprinkling of CE and NE. I wonder how long before the Es rat out the Ns for not being true goblin enough. :)

goblins aren't evil...just free spirited

I agree. The whole mindset behind Nuz is that he realized very quickly the best way to live to be an old goblin was to stay out of the way of other goblins. :)

Mic Staby only stabs if the bigfolks don't give him shinnies.

Finished up most of the crunch, I will review again when I get home tonight. His gear is targeted at working in all environments and while I know it says trident, I really just picture it as a pitchfork that Nuz has acquired somehow and uses it for both fishing and fighting. Same with the machete and bow, both serving double duty for him.

my wife is awesome she just wanted the day that we are out and abut, to be free of games ^_^ totally cool if I post from the hotel love her.

anyway I was hoping if any one could give me some feedback back on my character, this is the first goblin I have a decent ^_^ any input would be much appreciated

Urzaag the Torch Burner wrote:


my wife is awesome she just wanted the day that we are out and abut, to be free of games ^_^ totally cool if I post from the hotel love her.

anyway I was hoping if any one could give me some feedback back on my character, this is the first goblin I have ever made ^_^ any input would be much appreciated

i have a question for all goblins here, i know you can use multiple archetypes at once so do these archetypes mix Blazing torchbearer with Fire Bomber and Beastmorph i manly want to use the fire bomber so a torch is a simple weapon instead of a improvised one. i am going for a goblin that has the power of a beast at later level like like having beast shape + alchemical bonus in the same round and going in with torches to burn all enemies ^_^

So are we expecting a decision?

I do hope we find out soon

Sorry things've taken so long, everybody. I ended up getting a hellacious case of the flu on Friday night and spent most of my time losing and re-gaining fluids for the past day and a half. This is the first time I've been back online, but I'm going to go through the submissions and make my choices! Should be posted later tonight. Thanks for the patience.

Yay! New suits!

The flu stinks... I have to watch out for my students giving it to me.

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sorry to hear about the flu glade to have you back ...

just typing out loud, GM said he would be taking at max 6 players and unless i missed one there is only 6 submissions

Urzaag the torch Burner Alchemist{Blazing Torchbearer/Fire bobmber} aka Riuk

Eggsucker Sorcerer/Nuz the cheesethief ranger aka Digger

Mic Staby Rouge aka Amsheagar.

Zapsey Styx Magus aka Choant

Cheeva Squirrelface Witch aka Threeshades.

hope im not being too forward...

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This case was super-potent, in terms of illnesses; I cannot recall having been so sick in a very, very long time. I'm still a bit achy, but far better than previous.

Other than two characters needing a slight adjustment up in age (Mic Stabby by about 10-12 years and Nuz by four or so, everyone who applied is accepted, since we have exactly six applications! You did not venture so far as to be too forward, Riuk. I'm working on getting some of my homework for a class done right now, but I should have the game boards up in a few hours, tomorrow morning at the latest. I'm excited to get to run this. I have a feeling it's going to be a blast.

My age isn't 2, it's 2.... something. in his 20's is what i was trying to go for. Also, we have 5 players and 6 characters.

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