Gibbering Mouther

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Death in my Google Hangouts game by the sleeper enemy of the module!

Draigo Raizen - 2nd level aasimar witch hunter (Rogue Genius Games class) was crushed to death outside of area E7 by three pernicious ghouls who caused the loose wall trap to collapse on him and the party Slayer, who nimbly escaped with minor cuts and bruises. This party has sailed relatively unscathed through multiple battles, only to have a fellow PC bleed out ten feet away from them under some rocks while they fought off the ghouls. RIP Draigo, we'd literally just found out your name.

I'm running Ch. 1 this weekend and I'm really concerned about

a certain NPC:
Aggra "Bag Lady" Loomis
killing some over-confident players in my party.

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This case was super-potent, in terms of illnesses; I cannot recall having been so sick in a very, very long time. I'm still a bit achy, but far better than previous.

Other than two characters needing a slight adjustment up in age (Mic Stabby by about 10-12 years and Nuz by four or so, everyone who applied is accepted, since we have exactly six applications! You did not venture so far as to be too forward, Riuk. I'm working on getting some of my homework for a class done right now, but I should have the game boards up in a few hours, tomorrow morning at the latest. I'm excited to get to run this. I have a feeling it's going to be a blast.

Sorry things've taken so long, everybody. I ended up getting a hellacious case of the flu on Friday night and spent most of my time losing and re-gaining fluids for the past day and a half. This is the first time I've been back online, but I'm going to go through the submissions and make my choices! Should be posted later tonight. Thanks for the patience.

Friday night, let's call it midnight EST just for the sake of fairness. I'll keep the post up a few days extra so everyone can see it, since weekends can always be hectic.

Edit: And Nuz, change the references for Nuz's clan to Licktoad, since all the goblins are going to be members. Otherwise, the concept's solid, just need some crunch to go with that fluff when you've got the chance.

Thanks for collating that, Riuk! As it seems, we're a little shy on martial gobbos, have a singular rogue-y one, and no clerical sorts either, unless you count Cheeva as a little bit of one, what with being a Witch and all.

As for why a 22 point buy, I wanted the goblins to be epic as far as their builds, but again, only epic as far as goblins go, which is why I docked a few points from the initial 25 I'd been considering. Also, I ran some sims as to what the buy could achieve for goblin chars over a 20 level progression and it worked out pretty well.

Thanks for the 3rd person background; it just gives me a much better read of the story (I nearly had a nervous breakdown reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy). As far as the questions have gone, I'm fine with traits but don't want to see drawbacks, and no problems with a Squirrel familiar.

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For the record, as I'm not a goblin myself, I'm more amenable to accepting a character whose backstory is in 3rd person than 1st. I realize they're goblins. I'll also say that a couple solid paragraphs of it really appeal to me, in case anyone was wondering.

*steeples fingers* Excellent. Nice to see that people aren't averse to gobbos!

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I'm looking for four to six people interested in taking on the roles of Licktoad tribe members for a jaunt through the We Be Goblins! module. I don't plan on ending things after the module, either, so it will be a longer-term sort of campaign. What I'm looking for is a diverse and fun group that can work together at least moderately well, and for people who make more than one-sentence posts. I tend to post every other day or so as far as frequency, though sometimes I'll wait Friday/Saturday and post Sunday because everybody has crap to do on weekends, it's a thing. As for myself, I've been a DM for over 20 years, and have run RIFTs, Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, All the Flesh Must Be Eaten, Mutants and Masterminds, and a host of other games, but Pathfinder has to be one of my favorites. I very rarely get to be a player, because I usually DM.

Ideally, I'd like to see a decently fleshed-out background for a character application, but again, they're goblins, so it isn't as if they've been doing many epic things before this, even if they're supposed to be the cream of the Licktoad crop. All PCs will be goblins, and stats are a 22 point-buy for generation. Average starting gold for character class can be used for equipment, but no magical items can be purchased. Characters will be starting at 1st level. I'd like to get a party selected with relative quickness, so cut-off for applications will be on this Friday. I'll accept the following books as sources: Advanced Player's Guide, Core Rulebook, Goblins of Golarion, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic. Get ready to cut some dogs, eat some horses, and raise some tiny green Hell!