rorek55's Untitled Campaign

Game Master rorek55

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Female Elf Wizard 3

Hm... alright. Here are the spells I intend to prepare tomorrow... I don't write them in profile just yet, just in case anything happens tonight and I don't have eight hours of rest:

Cantrips: Light, Detect Magic, Open/Close (DC 15), Whisper
Level 1: Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Magic Missile, Grease
Level 2: 2xHideous Laughter (DC 17)

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Perhaps we can assume Roryx was delayed for some reason, so he was briefed after the others, and went out to meet them with a letter of introduction, or perhaps a messenger?

Female Elf Wizard 3

The wording was:

Sir Cedric Rose wrote:

(...) I mean no disrespect child, but you must prove to me that I won't be sending you to your deaths out there. After all, it is the small things child, that help to keep the darkness at bay. That being said, you have another member or two waiting for you in your teams main room, forgive an old mans mind I cannot recall properly, either way, my son will also be accompanying you. (...)

I think you might as well come with Cedric's son the other day... you might be a friend of his and you rather spend the evening doing a pub tour with him - you are chaotic after all.

(Reconsidering the above statement I think I overlooked something in my play. Narunith would have definitely been amused by a human referring to her as "child". I don't know whether he is actually human or how old he is, but it seems likely that Narunith is old enough to be his grand-grandmother assuming an average human generation timespan of about 25 years and it might even be physically possible for her to be his mother if he were elf and no older than 40.)

Female Elf Wizard 3

What confuses me a bit at the moment is... I thought that Maeron found the note and the rest of us doesn't even know about it yet.

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

I think we can assume Roryx is in the common room?

HP: 39/39 | AC: 20 T: 15 FF: 15 CMD: 20 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +4 | Init: +5(+7) Senses: Normal vision | Effects: none
Male Human Swashbuckler 3 [Inspired Blade]
Charmed Life 3/day, Deeds
Acro 10, Bluff 10, Climb 6, Diplo 10, EA 8, Intimidate 10, Know(local) 9, Know(nobility) 8, Know(religion) 5, Perception 8, Perf(string) 10, Prof(City Guide) 6, Ride 8, Sense Motive 8, SoH 8, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

@Narunith, sir cedric is actually an elf. So he can call you a child ;-)

Female Elf Wizard 3

Looks like there is quite a lot of things I messed up. I'll try to focus some more in future.

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

Lol, apparently Maeron is having a greater effect on Narunith than she realizes :)

Silver Crusade

Narunith Silvertree wrote:
What confuses me a bit at the moment is... I thought that Maeron found the note and the rest of us doesn't even know about it yet.

Sorry, I could have possibly made it clearer, it happened to everyone, not just maeron.

Also, Albion your character could be 1) In the room, 2) with dart (if your character likes fun, but a lot of trouble). Or 3) if you think of something else, feel free to do so, you all have a badge of sorts to show you are Knights of the order.

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Where would Dart be at the moment? I think I might be with him :D

Female Elf Wizard 3

I thought it was clear to our characters what the "main meeting room of the team" was and we'd simply go there. If it was unclear, Narunith would not have even considered taking the note seriously and have went right back to bed.

Anyways, Narunith does there if it is clear where she is supposed to go, as I said.

Silver Crusade

It is. Think of how a college dorm is built, places the meeting room at the center and then have the hallways branch off.

Silver Crusade

for reference, in case you missed it in the recruitment thread,

Daniel Proudmore rose- image

and of Dart- Sexy dart

Female Elf Wizard 3

I didn't realize that Dart is an elf as well. That's supposed to be an elf, not a half-elf?

Silver Crusade

He is a half elf, but when I saw the image it screamed 'dart' so much that his ears grew a bit longer. Daniel is also a half elf, but something feels, different about them. More regal.

Female Elf Wizard 3

I am done for that night, as far as I am concerned we may move on (not interrupt any ongoing conversation, though).

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

Unless something happens in the middle of the night, Maeron is ready for the break of dawn as well.

Silver Crusade

Sorry, I've been sick getting sicker since Saturday, going to the hospital today, I can't promise an update tonight.

HP: 39/39 | AC: 20 T: 15 FF: 15 CMD: 20 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +4 | Init: +5(+7) Senses: Normal vision | Effects: none
Male Human Swashbuckler 3 [Inspired Blade]
Charmed Life 3/day, Deeds
Acro 10, Bluff 10, Climb 6, Diplo 10, EA 8, Intimidate 10, Know(local) 9, Know(nobility) 8, Know(religion) 5, Perception 8, Perf(string) 10, Prof(City Guide) 6, Ride 8, Sense Motive 8, SoH 8, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Hmm, hope everything will be all right.
Don't worry about us, just focus on your health :)
We'll be here when you get back.

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

Ooh, hope you get some good rest and get healthy soon!

Silver Crusade

Yay. Flu...

Rockjaw, Dwarven Barbarian 4 42/42 hp, AC 22, T 11, FF 21, Fort 9, Ref 2, Will 5 (+5 against poison and spells) 90ft Darkvision, +11 Perception, +1 Init, +12 Sense Motive, -5/-5/-6 climb/swim/stealth

Ya... I seem to have gotten it too ©_©
I blame Rorik. Yup that makes most sense... Gotta be him ...
Grumble grumble

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Kinda feeling under the weather too - think it is just a cold though. I hope.

All the best to you guys, and shake it off quickly ;)

Female Elf Wizard 3

I don't suppose there is enough time for another eight hours of rest? (Well, I'll just have to use what spells I have prepared...)

Silver Crusade

The flu isnt even what is kicking my but. Its the durned sinus infection making my face feel like it's on fire. Constantly...

Anyway, you were scheduled 3 hours free time this morning for lunch and other things feel free to sleep in.

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20
Narunith Silvertree wrote:
I don't suppose there is enough time for another eight hours of rest? (Well, I'll just have to use what spells I have prepared...)

From reading about rest and arcane spells it sounds like you do not technically need to sleep 8 hours straight. An interruption adds to needed rest time, and you do need one uninterrupted hour right before preparation. Maeron pleads the case that Narunith should have enough rest to be able to refresh her spells.

Silver Crusade

I gave her permission, the interruption wasn't terribly late, and the option to sleep in 3 hours would be more than enough time to sleep, awaken, and prepare spells ;)

Female Elf Wizard 3

I have updated the spell selection in my profile.

Silver Crusade

Cool hope we are moving along well enough and that its failry interesting enough. No one wants to stab me with a pencil yet?

Female Elf Wizard 3

To quote old role-player's wisdom:
In this game we fight using a dice.

(Did I mention I own a metal dice set?)

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

And I own enough of them to be able to cast a Dice Swarm spell.

Rockjaw, Dwarven Barbarian 4 42/42 hp, AC 22, T 11, FF 21, Fort 9, Ref 2, Will 5 (+5 against poison and spells) 90ft Darkvision, +11 Perception, +1 Init, +12 Sense Motive, -5/-5/-6 climb/swim/stealth

Did paizo go down yesterday or something? I havnt been able to get on for quite some time :s

HP: 39/39 | AC: 20 T: 15 FF: 15 CMD: 20 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +4 | Init: +5(+7) Senses: Normal vision | Effects: none
Male Human Swashbuckler 3 [Inspired Blade]
Charmed Life 3/day, Deeds
Acro 10, Bluff 10, Climb 6, Diplo 10, EA 8, Intimidate 10, Know(local) 9, Know(nobility) 8, Know(religion) 5, Perception 8, Perf(string) 10, Prof(City Guide) 6, Ride 8, Sense Motive 8, SoH 8, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Had the same problem.

Seems to be working fine right now.

Silver Crusade

our game's possibility of escalating to a plot head was to awesome for the servers to handle, apparently.

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Guys, apologies for the absent posting - my youngest scared the shit out of me yesterday, and we ended up spending the day in the hospital. I swear I must have aged at least 10 years... Geeeez... Kids. She's bouncing back though.

Silver Crusade

Roryx wrote:
Guys, apologies for the absent posting - my youngest scared the s@%% out of me yesterday, and we ended up spending the day in the hospital. I swear I must have aged at least 10 years... Geeeez... Kids. She's bouncing back though.

its fine, site was down most of yesterday anyway! and glad to hear shes alright.

Female Elf Wizard 3

Sorry, I am in no condition to post tonight. Just coming home from my company's Christmas celebration, and I am way to drunk and too tired to write anything meaningful. But feel free to skip for now and go on... I'll post something within twelve hours or so.

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Mine is next week - we'll see how it goes ;)

And I have just realized I should have built a Skald instead of a Slayer :D

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

Christmas party tomorrow. Well, technically it'll be today now. Playing in a RL PFS Saturday, too. Looking forward to a fun weekend :).

Roryx wrote:

Mine is next week - we'll see how it goes ;)

And I have just realized I should have built a Skald instead of a Slayer :D

Why a Skald? I like the look of the Slayer, and may put one together for PFS for the next game I get into.

Female Elf Wizard 3

Just in case: You do remember that elves are immune to sleep effects and get +2 on saving throws versus enchantments?

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

The Skald will remain for a later experiment, but I think between the mixed spell lists from Skald and Bloodrager I would have most bases covered (as far as my character concept goes), and I like the added class powers ;)

Rockjaw, Dwarven Barbarian 4 42/42 hp, AC 22, T 11, FF 21, Fort 9, Ref 2, Will 5 (+5 against poison and spells) 90ft Darkvision, +11 Perception, +1 Init, +12 Sense Motive, -5/-5/-6 climb/swim/stealth

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Happy holidays :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Merry Christmas

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

Merry Christmas everyone!

Female Elf Wizard 3

Yes, merry Christmas!

Just to avoid misunderstandings: The next in initiative order is the golem, so I am waiting for his action.

Male Elf Paladin 3 | HP(30/30) Smite(1/1) LoH(3/3) | AC 19 / T 14 / FF 15 | F +6 / R +8 / W +7 | Perc +4 / Init +8 | BAB +3 / CMB +6 / CMD 20

And, in case someone wants to eat a shot for moving without surrendering, here's Maeron's (PBS (+1, +1), DA (-1, +2)) shot:

Ping!: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Remember the readied action is on the nicely dressed man, if any of the three moves without something akin to "I surrender" from the baddies.

Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:

Guys, I would like to apologize for my extended posting absence - the Christmas season has become quite family intensive, so my availability for posting got hit hard. As this weeks moves along, I will be having more time on my hands.


Current AC: 24 <> HP: 62/62 (Swiper: 31/31) <> Effects:


Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Im guessing we are just waiting

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