DM Kor |
I'll have a brief description of the notable buildings and important people of Haldors Spring posted tomorrow. You can look at the town map either by clicking "Battle Map" under my name, or from the Campaign Info tab.
DM Kor |
Sorry, no time to put together a town summary tonight. I should have it up tomorrow.
Just waiting on our last player to post in the Gameplay thread, and we should be ready to go by Sunday at the latest.
DM Kor |
I'll get us started tomorrow. Eve feel free to join in when you are connected to the net again.
Jennis Silgerk |
So out of character here...
Some descriptions that have been provided (along with the campaign theme) suggest the wolves are some of the new undead.
So I have a few thoughts for the GM to consider. (Obviously I'm not looking for answers as I expect that Jennis will learn some of this if he survives long enough.)
Are these zombies going to be something different from the typical pathfinder undead? (which generally can't create spawn themselves)
Is this new strain affecting animals as well as humanoids? (hence the undead wolves)
If it is, is it only affecting certain species of animals? (like wolves only, or dogs, etc)
If not, is there a minimum creature mass? (like not affecting rats and mice, or birds)
Because if this zombie outbreak will affect any living creature like rats and mice I'll just quite now, the world is doomed. Not in weeks, but in days.
DM Kor |
These foes will be "modified" zombie type creatures.
Since these types of creatures have not existed for 1000 years, and many people don't think they ever existed, no one has any "common knowledge" of these.
Now, if your character would have had exposure to 1000 year old tomes, or would have been part of an organization (church) which continues to pass down rituals and rites related to them, then you could have a chance at knowing something about them. So essentially, a Wizard or Cleric could make a Knowledge (religion) check (DC 25) to gain some insight into these creatures. The only organization currently that formally keeps up to date knowledge of these creatures is the Protectorate, so should you ever meet one of their members, their Knowledge (religion) check would be DC 15.
DM Kor |
Now that we have someone injured, I am reminded that I forgot to include my healing house rule in the list of rules. I have now added this to the Campaign Info tab.
Olfwei |
![Ostog the Unslain](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9219-Ostog.jpg)
Another way of looking at it: He may also be the first one that "gets back up" :)
If I die and return, do I get to play my zombie self?
...sneaking off to look for a good avatar for undead Olfwei...
DM Kor |
So I take it Wolf 8 made his save?
Good call. For some reason I thought you had to enter/move in the area to have to make the save.
DM Kor |
Hi all, it's been a busy day for me, and I suspect a few others as well. I will catch us up when I am back from work tomorrow.
Still waiting for Jennis and Baern to post -- I'll npc their actions tomorrow if they have not had a chance to post by then.
DM Kor |
Sorry all. No time to update right now. I will get us caught up when I get back from work tomorrow... provided it wasn't a day from hell like today was :)
DM Kor |
Hi all, sorry for the delay again tonight. It was another "fun" day at work, and I just spent the last few hours preparing a resume and cover letter for a promotion opportunity -- because apparently I feel I need more responsibility at work :)
Anyways, I'll get things updated in a few minutes.
DM Kor |
Note: In the event Group 4 can finish off the zombie (AC 12 with 14 hp), you can all level up to 2nd.
Jennis Silgerk |
so fast exp track then?
Soo, if we have any crafters...
No See Me Cloak
Aura faint abjuration CL 1
Slot Shoulders; Price 2,000 GP; Weight 1 lb
This mottled grey cloak of rough woven cotton has bits of bone woven through its material. Undead cannot see, hear, or smell the wearer. Even extraordinary or supernatural sensory capabilities, such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense, cannot detect or locate the wearer. Non-intelligent undead creatures (such as skeletons or zombies) are automatically affected and act as though the wearer is not there. An intelligent undead creature gets a single Will saving throw (DC 15). If it fails, the subject can't see the wearer. If it has reason to believe an unseen opponent is present, however, it can attempt to find or strike them. If the wielder attempts to channel positive energy, turn or command undead, touches an undead creature, or attacks any creature (even with a spell), the spell effect ends and can be restarted as a standard action.
Craft Wondrous Item, Hide from undead; Cost 1000 GP
DM Kor |
Hi all, busy weekend here (as usual). I will update later tonight. The guard will be killing the last wounded zombie, so go ahead and level up to 2nd. Please post HD rolls here.
House Rule as posted in the Recruitment Thread:
HP's: After 1st, take the better of either a hit die roll, or half +1 of your hit die (or half +2 if your hit die is a d10 or d12).
Eve Valeria Abia |
House Rule as posted in the Recruitment Thread:
HP's: After 1st, take the better of either a hit die roll, or half +1 of your hit die (or half +2 if your hit die is a d10 or d12).
So if we roll say 1d10 ⇒ 4, we can still take half + (1 or 2)
if the result is at or below half the value of the die.![](/WebObjects/Frameworks/Ajax.framework/WebServerResources/wait30.gif)
Jennis Silgerk |
HP d6: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Well, that worked out either way...
+3 HP, +1 favored class:wizard.
+1 Craft: alchemy, +1 Know:Arcana, +1 Know:History, +1 Perception, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Stealth
Spells: Mage Armor and Burning Hands
Bradford Fredrickson |
![Sandpoint Cleric](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Sandpoint-Cleric---CUT.jpg)
HD: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 (+1 con, +1 favored class bonus)
Skill Ranks: Heal+1, Know Religion+1, Perception+1 (totals are 9,4,9 respectively)
And Eric toughness gives you a flat 3 health at level 1 and then after you gain your 4th hit die it gives you a +1 to health when leveling. It is just for a level 1 health boost. level 1: +3, level 2: +0, level 3: +0, level 4+: +1.
EDIT: Waiting on what health total to take. Whether it is take which ever would be higher or live with the roll.
Baern Shieldcutter |
1d8 ⇒ 6+3 CON, +1 favored class, health goes from 12 to 22.
Skills Ranks: +1 to Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Survival.
+1 BAB, +1 all saves.
Monk Bonus feat: Snake Fang