You Have What You Hold
Game Master
HP 50/50, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +12, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 8/6/4 (6 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 6.0
Serres "Fade" Vahl
Image CG Half-elf(wildborn) Tk 9 | HP: 141/120(NL dmg=27)| AC 25 T15/FF20, CMD:21, Fort:+15*, R+13*, Will:+7*, Init:+7, Percep:+26(30 vs sound) | Burn:3 | conditions: none | Active effects: Force Ward(21 temp HP),Fortification 15%, Air Cushion(featherfall)AirShroud(air bubble), TK Invis
hp 53/53; AC 20 14 17 (16 t14 f12); F 4, R 9, W 6; bab 5 +6 melee +10 range; cmb 6 cmd 19; init +8; wclw 45; wcmw 11; inspir 7/7 | halfling Vigilante(magical child)/7 | -7 * | image skills: acro 13, apprs 6, bluff 12(16), climb 5, diplo 12, disguise 12, escape 8, intim 11(15), kn arcana 6, perc 7, soh 8, splcrft 10, stealth 12, umd 7
The Eclipse
hp 53/53; AC 20 14 16 (16 t14 f12); F 4, R 9, W 6; bab 5 +6 melee +10 range; cmb 6 cmd 19; init +8; wclw 41; wcmw 10; inspir 7/7 | halfling Vigilante(magical child)/7 active: feather step, barkskin, skills: acro 13, apprs 6, bluff 12(16), climb 5, diplo 12, disguise 12, escape 8, intim 11(15), kn arcana 6, perc 7, soh 8, splcrft 10, stealth 12, umd 7
Night Hunter
hp 26/28; AC (18, 18t, 15ff); saves F 5 ref 7 will 8; bab 3 melee 6 ranged 7; cmb 7, cmd 20; init 3; wand clw 47; inspire 4/6; elem fist 4/4; ki pool 5/5 | Grippli drunken master of the four winds, sensei, quinggong monk / 4 | - 14 *| image
M Elf Necromancer wizard 4 | AC: 14/12/12 | HP: 26/26 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | Init +4 | Perc +5 | Command Undead 7/7 (DC 17 Will)