HunterCyprus84 |
I am going to be out of town this weekend, starting tomorrow morning. I will be returning on Sunday. I am unsure if I will have Internet access.
Selia will continue to hang back, making sure she is a safe distance from any foes. If you need to control her, Ziltmilt, she will likely continue using her crossbow. If things get real hairy, she will use her summon monster spell.

ziltmilt |

No worries, Hunter. Thanks for letting me know. Part of me, however, thought it would be fun to reply with , 'Mwa ha ha ha ... don't worry, I'll take real good care of Selia.'
I'm looking over some of the character info in Herolab, just tidying up. Hakak, I think you've got 1 skill point left to spend.
Jubrayl, I don't think you can take 'Angelic Blood' as a feat with a CON of 12. You have to have 13+. Do you want to boost this ability and take a point from something else?
Selia, I'm showing you are overspent on Skill Points by 2. It looks like you've spent 7, but i only see 5 available points.
Since we haven't heard from Mervyn this week, I'm assuming we've lost this player. Anyone disagree?

ziltmilt |

Had an idea about the battlemats i thought I'd run by you all. Instead of me posting a printscreen, it would probably be more efficient if i did something very different for a play-by-post game.
Are you all familiar w/ Maptools? I could leave a session up and running, give you connection info, and after each post, you could connect to my session, look at the map, and then either move your token yourself OR describe your action and I'd adjust the tokens.
As we progress, the maps are going to get larger, and the hokey grid numbers I've provided on this first map aren't really viable anymore.
For this to work, you'd need Java version 6.something on your machine and you'd need to download Maptool from rptools.com. It's all freeware.
Is this something you'd be interested in doing?

Jubrayl Elhan |

I can't believe I missed that. I'll change something. I'm sure I can figure it out, if that's what you want to try, though I'm not sure how my computer will like it. By the end of September I'll be off to school and won't have my desktop with me so it'll just be my chromebook which is weird about downloading, but I'll check it out. And that's not gonna be an issue for another month anyway.

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Well, I'm glad I was only gone long enough for a single round to pass then, else who knows what may have happened to Selia!!
I will take a look at my character tonight. I double-checked her with HeroLab as well, but I may have missed something :D

ziltmilt |

Well, I'm glad I was only gone long enough for a single round to pass then, else who knows what may have happened to Selia!!
I will take a look at my character tonight. I double-checked her with HeroLab as well, but I may have missed something :D
Can you give me an action for the current round as well? thanks -

ziltmilt |

I need help. I've got a friend that's new to Paizo and is going to join the group here. He needs to create an alias for his account and then post as the alias in the Gameplay tab, right?
How do you add your character info to the Alias? I don't see a way to do that when i created a test alias for my account.

Ned Rodan |

Select the alias then click on the profile tab. There is a button on the top left called 'Edit My Profile'.
How you fill it out is a matter of personal (and GM) preference but if you take a look at someone else's alias that looks good you can enter it the same way. Note the 'how to format your text' 'Show' button at the bottom of the page. If you click on that it will give you all the formatting options.

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Can you give me an action for the current round as well? thanks -
I have Selia moving North (no specific grid number) at this point, is that what you need or am I doing a second action after that?

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I might be a little slow on posting for the next few months, my wife is pregnant with our 4th child due in October and this one is giving her a run for her money. We've already had multiple hospital visits and it's not looking like there going to end soon. Do to this I've had to take a few sick days from work to play Mr. Mom to our other 3 which leave little time for posting. If I have not posted for over a day and you would like to move the story along I give Ziltmilt my permission to post on my behalf.

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I took a look at my sheet and I think that I am at the correct number of skills.
I have put points into:
Know (Nature)
Know (Planes)
Use Magic Device
I receive points for:
Oracle Class - 4
Human - 1
Favored Class (Oracle) - 1
If I am in error here, please let me know so I can fix it!

Lleidr |

Hey, Zilt, I got a couple of questions. I read over the previous posts, but couldn't quite determine how initiative works. Am I supposed to roll myself or do you? Is it individual or group? Also, I tried to post my Second Goblin Battle Round 1 actions with attack and damage rolls. I used the formatting you and another player discussed (e.g. [dice=short bow]d20+5 vs flatfooted]), but it just posted the formula instead of generating results. Any idea where I went wrong? Thanks, and very sorry I'm not transitioning into the PBP thing as smoothing as I thought.

Ned Rodan |

I used the formatting you and another player discussed (e.g. [dice=short bow]d20+5 vs flatfooted])
Close but no cigar :-)
It won't make the roll for you unless you put in the closing statement. Here's what it should look like (with curly braces instead of square bracket); {dice=short bow}d20+5 {/dice} vs flatfooted
All the formatting can be seen by clicking on the "Show" button after "How to format your text" a the bottom of the page.

ziltmilt |

If you'd rather, i can just make the attack rolls on my end, as well.
For Initiative, I'm rolling each round for each PC and NPC. I"m not posting the Init. result, but I'll adjudicate the result in Init. order on my end, and then at the end of each round, you'll get a short description of what any visible opponents are moving towards/looking at/etc.

Lleidr |

Thanks for your help, Ned, and your encouragement, Jubrayl :)
Zilt, man, I know we've known each other for 30 years or so, but I don't know if I can trust you to make my attack rolls :D
Joking aside, I'll repost my actions with this formatting correction and hopefully you'll have results this time.

Lleidr |

Interesting note about Lleidr's background. A few years back, his hometown, Wartle, was visited by UFOs. The flying saucer landed, the little green men walked down the ramp, and in greeting to the citizens of Wartle, the aliens said, 'Take me to your Lleidr.'
You, sir, remain the king of the awful pun. Inexplicably, you take pride in that.

Jubrayl Elhan |

Interesting note about Lleidr's background. A few years back, his hometown, Wartle, was visited by UFOs. The flying saucer landed, the little green men walked down the ramp, and in greeting to the citizens of Wartle, the aliens said, 'Take me to your Lleidr.'
Oh, that is glorious.

ziltmilt |

I can't believe I missed that. I'll change something. I'm sure I can figure it out, if that's what you want to try, though I'm not sure how my computer will like it.
Have you had a chance to figure out what to change yet? I'd like to finalize our heros' stats, so I can set them up in Maptool and adjudicate combat faster.

Ned Rodan |

Hey Ned, I don't think Big Game Hunter is an available trait anymore for the Runelords AP, since it converted to the PF rules. Did you mean 'Giant Slayer' instead?
The trait is from page 13 of the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords Players Guide. If it's a problem I can easily take a different trait.

ziltmilt |

ziltmilt wrote:Hey Ned, I don't think Big Game Hunter is an available trait anymore for the Runelords AP, since it converted to the PF rules. Did you mean 'Giant Slayer' instead?The trait is from page 13 of the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords Players Guide. If it's a problem I can easily take a different trait.
From what I can tell, it's from the 3.5 version, or original version, of this AP. You'll want to reference the 'Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide'. I'm not sure how many traits were replaced or renamed, but on pg 4 of this doc are the traits that fit in the PF rules.

Ned Rodan |

From what I can tell, it's from the 3.5 version, or original version, of this AP. You'll want to reference the 'Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide'. I'm not sure how many traits were replaced or renamed, but on pg 4 of this doc are the traits that fit in the PF rules.
You're right, Big Game Hunter was from the pathfinder original AP. Giant Slayer would work but I think Monster Hunter matches his background better.

Ned Rodan |

The link the GM was referring to: Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords Players Guide.
I think the GM was referring to page 17 of the PDF, the section titled, "Sandpoint"? It's actually page 15 of the guide if your looking at the page numbers on the pages.

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I missed the point from your favored class. BTW, I'm showing that you're heavy encumbered, so it's affecting some of your skills and other stats.
Apologies for not posting the last couple of days, computer issues.
OK, thanks for double-checking the skill points!
Yes, some of my skills will be affected when I have my backpack. I will need to get in the habit of mentioning that I drop it when needed. I will not move any slower than the 20' move speed I already have due to the encumbrance though,through my Oracle curse.
Finally, I will get a post up when I can get a chance to read everything!