World's Most Interesting First Steps (001) [PFS Standard] (Inactive)

Game Master Great Green God

Map and Handout Folio

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The man who is staring at you critically.

The characters find themselves 'escorted' to the office of Ambrus Valsin, the venture-captain in charge of daily operations in and around the Grand Lodge. The imposing chamberlain greets them--curtly, and motions for them to sit in a cluster of rather severe straight-back chairs. He strides back and forth before them once before diving in.

“All right, prospective pathfinders! Listen up!" The venture -captain takes a moment to make sure he has everyone's attention. "I know you recruits are eager to make names for yourselves in the organization, but hanging out all night in taverns isn't going to help either of us. It's sloppy and suggestive of a decadent borderline depraved mind! So before you sully the name of Pathfinder we need to make sure you are all up to snuff! I have a number of small assignments for you--things I could have any lodge page attend to were they not on retreat. It would be best for your prospective career futures if you could finish them before the day’s end...."

“Every day we get some doe-eyed hopeful or some sniveling bootlicker willing to do anything to join up with the Pathfinders. Some of them are good kids, but not all of them have the salt to make it in the Society. It’s rough out there, and I’m not just talking about the ruins, tombs, and wilderness Pathfinders find themselves in on missions. We’ve got people who look down their noses at us, folks who think we squander our time, and agents who want to take everything we have collected for their own selfish needs." He looks pointedly at each member of the party.

"This wealth of knowledge and these items of lore make us the most powerful organization on the planet. That said, since we are widespread, it’s difficult for that power to light on anything for too long. For every friend of the Society, there are two enemies."

“Your first mission, to test your mettle and loyalties, sends you to meet a few people important to the Society living here in Absalom. These are other venture-captains or close allies of our organization, so--let me be clear--you follow their orders as you would mine. Understood" He waits for a positive reply, given in a sufficiently enthusiastic manner.

"I’ve prepared a list of things I want you to do." He snatches a large, official envelope off his desk. "They’re not arranged in any particular order of importance, but I want them all completed as quickly as possible. Only report to me once you complete them all. Not a moment before.... Included in the envelope is the list, complete with the name of your contact, and directions to the meeting location.”

"Ten-shun! ...Questions?"

Note there is a link to the 'list' at the top of the thread, and at the end of the The World's Most Interesting GM's tagline--just click on 'First Steps'. Both links lead to the same place. There isn't much there now but all the maps and other hands will eventually be revealed there.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

A soldierly woman wearing a red and white tabard with an obviously well-made longsword on her hip salutes Valsin. "No questions, sir." Jeanne takes the envelope and reads over the list before offering it to the others. "A number of errands, it seems. I would move for Dame Zadrian's request first, medicine for orphans would seem most urgent. I shudder to think what one of those Chelish devil-worshippers could have borrowed."

The man who is staring at you critically.

"As I recall, there is some mention of 'temperate action' amid the oaths one swears to the Inheritor, when she joins her paladins, or am I mistaken?"

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

Jeanne stiffens. "I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae's perfection. No mistake, sir."

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

Having made it into the room he remained in the back a bit, casual but paying attention. When the Chelish devil-worshippers were mentioned he coughed for a moment as if there was something dry in the air or something he was allergic to. Going over the list he nodded just once before he returned his attention to Valsin and the rest of his companions. "Works for me, ready to go..."

The man who is staring at you critically.

"Have you got a cold recruit? Your voice sounds funny. I have a well-known aversion to 'funny'."

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

Looking up to Valsin he blinked for a moment and then shook his head. "Nope, all fine... just a cough..."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (1)/Bloodrager 1 Init +1 HP 19/19 AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will+2 spd 30 Per+4 Inspired Rage 13/13

A man with a wild, blonde mane, and even wilder blue eyes, waits till he can get a look to the list.

He's wearing a leather lamellar, and a big, dark blade by his side

He looks quite upset by the "mission" , drumming nervously on the nearest furniture.

A bunch of errands? What, I'll have to do your laundry too next time? How am I supposed to worship Gorum, if we are just sent as spineless, worthless lackeys? I will find a way, believe me. No day shall end without conflict. The only glory comes on the battlefield, amidst the shouts of horror, the moans of pain, and the blood shared by allies and foes alike.

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

A tiny woman with wild brown hair enters the room with a large tiger next to her. Her clothing is adorned in clippings of plants and small strips of animal pelts. She listens to the captain's orders and replies with a "Yes, Venture-Captain" Though these types of formalities were rare for her, she figured back sass would get her nowhere with this man.

Ilenna looks at the wild looking man with a look of mild shock and confusion. While he is talking about battle; she walks over to him, snatches the list from his hand, and says under her breath to him "Anything beats being cooped up in the Grand Lodge cleaning." Figuring the man didn't hear her during his tirade, she begins reading and taking mental notes of who they were meeting and where they were going.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

Jeanne turns to the warrior and shrugs. "Moderation, friend. Do you awake driving a sword into your bed? These people we are doing errands for are influential in the Society."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (1)/Bloodrager 1 Init +1 HP 19/19 AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will+2 spd 30 Per+4 Inspired Rage 13/13

the blonde wild man looks surprised, and speaks to the big, martial woman

My first mission for the Pathfinders was to clean up a flooded library! But we had to fight some feys, at least! Now I got to run around the city, and deliver messages? Ah,I hope we can test our blades and might! The quicker we finish this mission, the quicker we can be sent on something more Dangerous! If everyone's ready, I propose we go now!

He paces back and forth, visibly agitated.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

The young dwarf arrives. Immaculate as always. His black beard is combed and his red and purple robes are finely pressed
. His dire flail at his side and his holy symbol, the head of a serpent, is prominently displayed.

As he walks in at the tale end of th conversation What is this about Cheliah devil worshippers lasses and laddy bucks?

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

Anomander regarded the new arrivals with some milde interest. Seemed like this was going to be one that would go in the books as... Interesting. He didn't comment on anyone out there so far, just a hint of amusement was seen as the corner of his lips curled up for the briefest seconds. Taking a step back he seemed to embrace the shadows a bit more. For now, the casual observer, one thing he was pretty good at.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

The dwarf's holy symbol isn't one that Jeanne recognises off-hand, but she raises a hand in greeting all the same. "It was nothing, I spoke without thinking. Regardless of my personal distaste, they are still allies. Are we still waiting on one more?"

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Tiger (Druid Animal Companion) 1 | HP: 13/13 | AC: 14 (Tch: 13; FF: 11) | CMB: +2; CMD: 14 | F: +4; R: +6; W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +2 | | Speed 40 ft | Active Conditions: none |

As Ilenna breaks off to grab the letter from the large blonde man, Nora stalks the back of room. The orange and black of her fur is rippling above her massive shoulders, and her head hangs low. As the tiger moves through the room, she looks at each of the members of the assembled group one at a time. Her eyes seemingly linger on the coughing man in the back. She turns around and moves towards the entrance of the room, still prowling the back watching the newcomers. Finding a spot near the door, she circles it a few times. Then the large tiger lies down on the floor in a place she can both see Ilenna and watch the room.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

Words have power, lass remarks the dwarf as he orders a glass of water If you are going to waste them on foolishness, well then the Inheritor might be shamed by your actions, and heavens know that she is not one to be shamed. he says as he takes a drink.

Scarab Sages

Male Keleshite Occultist 1 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMD 15 | HP 10 | F +3 R +2 W +2 | Spd 20' | Init +4 | Perc +4, SensM +0 | Focus 4 (Transmutation, +2 Str)

A middle-aged man arrives a a few minutes after Keandre, sligthly disturbed by the fact that he seems to be late at the briefing. If his face might seems severe at the first look, with this huge black beard, his ridiculous turban and that humorous spark in his eyes quickly reassure. What a shame... And that is your first mission... This is what you get when you spend all your night the nose burried in books.

"Venture-Captain, it is an honor to... My my! That is a very big tiger." He readjust his huge turban, and starts again, embarassed: "Like I said, Venture-Captain Valsin, fellow initiates, it is an honor. My name is Abu Rhazim Ibn Al-Akharim, at your service. And this is Ibn Zûl." At that same time, you can see that a sandy tiny elemental's head seems to extend from the turban.

He then joins the company, looking at all of them, amused and happy. This is going to be marvelous. So many cultures, faiths! The begining of an adventure in every way!

Obviously, he has no idea that the epic quest is a list of errands.

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

Ilenna steps up to Abu Rhazim and hands him the note with the list of errands. Her jaw drops slightly upon seeing the thing in Abu's turban. The serious image she was trying to cultivate in front of the venture-captain slips at the sight of the elemental. What is that?! Can I... can I touch it? She asks as her hand reaches up to point at it.

The man who is staring at you critically.
Abu Rhazim wrote:

A middle-aged man arrives a a few minutes after Keandre, sligthly disturbed by the fact that he seems to be late at the briefing. If his face might seems severe at the first look, with this huge black beard, his ridiculous turban and that humorous spark in his eyes quickly reassure. What a shame... And that is your first mission... This is what you get when you spend all your night the nose burried in books.

"Venture-Captain, it is an honor to...

The Chamberlain cuts the new arrival off with a gesture, and calls for the guards that escorted him. "Guardsmen! Where was this man?!"

After much stammering and a public dressing down the guardsmen leave returning just before the party is about to embark on their errands with a basket full of laundry which they present to Lars.

"Do not forget to fold, and press them before you return them to me later today. I like nice, clean, knife-edge creases. And I'll know if so much as a button is missing, understand?" Says the Chamberlain.


Lars gains 15 lbs of equipment (wicker hamper of dirty clothes). Folio updated.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

Shall we go to the Chelaxian part of our task first? asks the dwarf.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

Jeanne shrugs. "I've given my opinion already, I'll go where we go."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (1)/Bloodrager 1 Init +1 HP 19/19 AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will+2 spd 30 Per+4 Inspired Rage 13/13

Nice trick, didn't saw that one coming.^^

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

He listened for a moment right up to the moment Lars got his new assignment. He nodded to the Venture-Captain and then made his way out of the room. A quick glance was given to the new furrball addition of the team and the elemental. Once outside he nodded. "Cheliax is my home country, so I am more then happy to go there first..." He turned his head to Jeanne and gave her a grimace to indicate to her that he had heard the devil worshipping comment.

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

Off to the Ivy District then! Ilenna said excitedly. She hadn't been able to do much exploring of the city since her arroval.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

As they make their way to the Ivy District the dwarf will inquire of the druid Tell me lass, is the large cat friendly. I was finishing some business last evening and was not privy to that conversation.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

The party finishes their morning preparations and moves out.

Marching order

Updated pages 1-4 of the handout folio.

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

Anomander will be in position 3 or 4

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

I can go 2nd or 3rd. Probably 2nd would be best

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

Yes she is friendly. She tends to get a little anxious around cages, but as long as I am around and we are friendly, she'll do you no harm. She answers the dwarf.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

I'll take first, I suppose.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

He can go behind the rogue.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Marching order
1. Jeanne d'Eon
2. Ilenna / Nora
4. Anomander Rake
5. Keandre Glasmiter

The party arrives at the Paracountess's magnificent three story gothic townhouse set amid a neighborhood of many such opulent estates. After traversing the rather intimidating tree-lined grounds, with its myriad of servants, its hedge maze, gardens, statuary and fountains, they arrive at the broad front porch with its ebon-lacquered double doors wrought with gleaming silver fixtures. A prickly brass cone hanging from a chain seems to serve as the door's chime.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (1)/Bloodrager 1 Init +1 HP 19/19 AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will+2 spd 30 Per+4 Inspired Rage 13/13

Before they left the VC quarters, Lars defiantly puts the basket of laundry down in the entrance, before following the team.

Lars will go on 3

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Lars Ullrich wrote:

Before they left the VC quarters, Lars defiantly puts the basket of laundry down in the entrance, before following the team.

That'll show him! It's the principle of the thing.

Marching Order
1. Jeanne d'Eon
2. Ilenna / Nora
3. Lars Ullrich
4. Anomander Rake
5. Keandre Glasmiter
6. Abu Rhazim
Lemme know if everyone is good with that. And now back to our story.

The party arrives at the Paracountess's magnificent three story gothic townhouse set amid a neighborhood of many such opulent estates. After traversing the rather intimidating tree-lined grounds, with its myriad of servants, its hedge maze, gardens, statuary and fountains, they arrive at the broad front porch with its ebon-lacquered double doors wrought with gleaming silver fixtures. A prickly brass cone* hanging from a chain seems to serve as the door's chime.

* Not really dangerous at all, it just looks like the business end of a flail.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

Shall we make our presence known?? asks the dwarf.

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

Making his way together with his companions a quick eye regarded his surroundings. It was impressive for sure, there was something about the townhouse that made him miss Cheliax. A sigh slipped from his lips as he was pulled back to the curren time by Kaendre. "Yes, I am sure Jeanne would be more then willing to let the Paracountess know of our presence."

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

"Nora, ulale." Ilenna says pointing to a spot at the bottom of the steps to the porch.


Nora, lie down.

She mounts the steps up the porch and moves to the door. After a short pause, she thinks Maybe I am not the best one to be knocking on this woman's door... . At that she hesitates and stays behind Jeanne.

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

The dwarf moves to knock on the door.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

Jeanne shakes her head. "She's your countrywoman. Probably best I stay quiet during this." She nervously picks some lint from her tabard. So much for a good first impression. Had to open your mouth…

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

Chuckeling for a moment he moved past Jeanne and whispered to her softly enough "Us chelaxians don't bite, and maybe the inheretor willing would let you explore the options of getting to know Chelaxians better?" He gave her a wink before he knocked on the door.

While waiting for someone to enter a small symbol would be placed somewhere visible on his clothing to indicate his allegiance to the archives. When someone would open he would give said person a quick bow. "Greetings, we are sent here to meet with the honorable Paracountess, could you see if she has time to meet with us?"

Insufferable Male Human Friend of the Raimi Brothers
Anomander Rake wrote:

Chuckeling for a moment he moved past Jeanne and whispered to her softly enough "Us chelaxians don't bite, and maybe the inheretor willing would let you explore the options of getting to know Chelaxians better?" He gave her a wink before he knocked on the door.

While waiting for someone to enter a small symbol would be placed somewhere visible on his clothing to indicate his allegiance to the archives. When someone would open he would give said person a quick bow. "Greetings, we are-"

The door flies open revealing a tall, broad-shouldered, red-faced man. "ARE YOU INSANE!? WHAT IN THE NAMES OF ALL NINE CIRCLES ARE YOU DOING!? THE DOOR IS LACQUERED!" He shouts at Anomander and Keandre, before turning to inspect, and then buff the door with his handkerchief, ignoring the party.

After repeatedly steaming the knocked upon area with his breath, and then buffing furiously, he regains his composure, tucks his hanky away, and turns to address the party. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asks gravely and holds up the tall finger of his left hand. "Well?"

Dark Archive

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 trait) hp 18 (2d8+5) Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison Defensive Abilities defensive training; SR 6, magic resistant

We would speak with the Mistress of the house he says simply but with an authority unshown before.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

Jeanne leans over to Anomander and whispers, "Is this what your countrymen are all like?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (1)/Bloodrager 1 Init +1 HP 19/19 AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will+2 spd 30 Per+4 Inspired Rage 13/13

Lars tries to keep is temper in check, but he's still fuming about Valsin's attitude.

We've been sent by our captain, and asked to see the Paracountess. She has something to give back to our captain.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Dark Archive

Male Human Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 | hp: 17/17 | AC/T/F 19/15/14 | CMB +3; CMD 18/13fl | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Perception +5, Disguise +0, Sense Motive +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Disable Device +9, Acrobatics +9

He turned his head briefly to Jeanne and gave her a light wink "Some people are born to be like that, others, not so much..." He paused for a moment and continued. "Just some advice, the Paracountess, she is special..." He winked once more at her. Turning his head to the wanna-be butler. "Even though you do a fine job cleaning the door, and I am sure that it is something you can keep doing, please announce the Paracountess we are here..."

Insufferable Male Human Friend of the Raimi Brothers

Like a patient teacher still probing for an answer ungiven the asks again. "Fingers. How many?"

Silver Crusade

Female Human Sword of Valor 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18, FF 17, T 11 | F +4, R +1, W +3 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +5 | Smite Evil 0/1, light 0/1

Jeanne raises an eyebrow. "Uh, one? This seems like an unusual greeting, was Mistress Dralneen told to expect us?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (1)/Bloodrager 1 Init +1 HP 19/19 AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will+2 spd 30 Per+4 Inspired Rage 13/13

Growling in his beard, his hand on the handle of his sword

It could very quickly become one less...

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Insufferable Male Human Friend of the Raimi Brothers
Jeanne d'Eon wrote:
Jeanne raises an eyebrow. "Uh, one? This seems like an unusual greeting, was Mistress Dralneen told to expect us?"

"Correct. So it is not poor eyesight, but ignorant barbarity that drives you thus." He says sadly.

sense motive DC 15:
He's not sad at all. He's just a prick.

Lars Ullrich wrote:

Growling in his beard, his hand on the handle of his sword

It could very quickly become one less...

"Please. Now I ask you: What doorkeeper would let a group of uncouth, savages into the home of his liege lady? Hmm? Right. Now this is a door chime, and rung thus." He demonstrates and a chime can be heard in the hall behind him. "In civilized society it is used to announce one's arrival at the beautifully lacquered front door of their soon-to-be gracious, would-be host. A person with common sense presented with a door chime will use it, demonstrating to the owner of the chime and all of the house's staff that they are a person of breeding, and refinement--someone worthy of entering the property by the main door and not a mean scullery maid or smelly goat-herd. Now we'll try this again." He closes the door on the party.

Grand Lodge

| NG Female Human Druid 1 | | HP: 12/12 | AC: 14 (Tch: 12; FF: 12) | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | F: +3; R: +2; W: +5 | Init: +6 | Speed 30 ft | Perc: +7 KnN: +6 SensM: +3 |Active Conditions: none

Sense Motive on Butler: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Ilenna giggles at the absurdity of this man as she goes to reach for the chime. Let's try that again! She clangs the chime back and forth and awaits a response.

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