Queen Elvanna

IBElise Zadaria's page

12 posts. Alias of increddibelly.


*spitting out teeth*

dragged dishonorably into the lab, Elise looks around. Only now she is coming to grips with just who she's up against.
Morpheus' old equipment is still here, and it proves your group's dedication to the cause. Her eyes rest for a moment on Arthepius the Alchemy Golem - he is also there, all finished up, standing there casually, waiting to be booted up, not minding being left alone.

I bet you totally forgot about the golem! You should probably use him. Did I tell you he shoots bombs? He does. It's awesome.

Zadaria shudders as she realises how naive she was - alas, it is now too late for such regrets. The penalty is due.

the huge bulk of Dostan raises his weapon triumphantly and releases an animal's scream.

Even though the Erinyes' whips hold her firmly in place, Elise grins wickedly.

"And the ape spanks the monk..."


Elise's confident smirk slowly fades. Her eyes suddenly betray that she realizes she's not only been tricked, but that she's stepped into a well-prepared trap.
She springs into action, calling a command out to her bodyguards.
"cover me while I prepare to freeze them all!"

she begins to cast a spell - and contrary to the expectations of our casters, she doesn't spin any threads of Evocation - instead, she prepares to teleport away, abandoning her crew!

"They're not dead?! We've been tricked! Quickly - to the caves! We can take them from there!"

Elisa and her traitors fire their spells and arrows at Sindran and Grumblejack, while running towards the cave mouth.

They don't get far, though - because Talon, Oret are awaiting them there, cracking their knuckles in anticipation of a good fight. If anyone was looking at them, the grim look on their face might say : 'So, they wanted to play dirty? Then let's play dirty...'

show em, boys!

Caladwhen wrote:
Making a point to seek out the Zadaria, the unearthly elf makes her status in Farholde clear to leader of the seventh. We are in charge, even when we are not physically present; to cross us is surely folly.

Annoyingly, Zadaria is all over the Baron. They are more than friendly - Zadaria is draped over his lap, laughing at all his mediocre jokes.

Defying your stare, she 'accidently' loses another strawberry in her cleavage. While the Baron noisily tries to sniff it out with his nose, Elise whispers to you with mock concern: "Honey, you simply look terrible. You shouldn't fret so much, it really ruins your face."

Disgusted by the vulgar display, you half expect the evening to end in either a proposal or an announcement of their engagement. Fortunately, it doesn't, so you are saved from having to congratulate the Baron with his bride.

The instant the Baron turns to leave you to your preparations, Elise's behavior changes from that of a fashionable accessory to a dangerous predator.
"Such a waste to see you leave. Think of how much better your talents could be used here, while another might do the dirty work in the wilderness. Alas."
Before you can answer, she turns on the spot and runs after her lover.

Zadaria's smug smile quickly fades and she abrubtly closes the book she had in front of her. "That is most excellent. You have... accomplished... much, in little time."

ye gods she is annoyed by your success..!

"Have you decided a base of operations yet? when you will move there? What is the shortest path there? Is the area secure? How do you guarantee your safety in the Horn? Have you found the Seal? What do you need to break it?"
She thinks but for a fraction of a moment and blurts out more questions.
"I recommend we use animal messengers for now to communicate at least once a day, to maintain a reliable line of communication, until requirements change. I assume you shall be staying there for some time - have you arranged food shipments? The barony of Mir might be helpful there."

Caladwhen wrote:
Can you direct me to your works on demonology?

"don't you mean Daemonology? *snicker*"

In the corner, an amused smile forms on Elise's lips as she looks up from the pile of books she's been going through.

"But no matter - you're welcome to join me. I do believe this Vetra-Kali Eats the Eyes is in fact a powerful and ancient leukodaemon,
a harbinger of pestilence and a high servant of the Pale Horseman. Previous interactions with these creatures have been documented and they suggest, that if such a daemon prince could be summoned to our material plane and somehow controlled, they would be bound to a single act of service. It could easily call forth a pestilence so virulent it will bring Andoran to its knees. In conjunction with the invasion of the bugbear horde of Sakkarot Fire-Axe, even a nation as strong and devout as
Andoran would have a hard time weathering these twin storms.

With some difficulty, Elise breaks off the staring contest with Caladwhen, but only because it would be improper of her status not to acknowledge a compliment from one ranked higher than herself - In this case, you.

sense motive dc15:
It only fuels her inner blizzard, though. She seems to think Sindran purposely used his higher rank to overrule her personal matter with Caladwhen and she appears to think that a frustratingly clever tactical move. However - she does give in to you, accepting her task and fully determined to excel at it.

well! glad to see you got off to a good start, then :) hehehe

I like how you instantly get on the good side of all the girls you meet in the adventure path, Cala ;D

After Cala's remarks, Elise instantly turns to face the *other* ice queen and her eyes turn to narrow slits.
"I plan to create for Farholde a serial killer. That serial killer - my knot, using their Iron Circlets, will begin to hunt down likely adventurers and explorers one by one. I will make these deaths look like accidents for as long as I can, but I'm sure the facade will eventually fail."

"When it does, the serial killer guise will allow me to terrorize anyone foolish enough to attempt to interfere with the Work of the Ninth. Farholde will bathe in blood. You would do wise not to doubt our ability to cover your backs, while you prance around in the forest."

The plan is indeed a very good one - you all realize the powerful potential. Tiadora would be delighted.

"When we have established a base of operations, we will contact you. For now, I propose we meet at the Baron's estate on a daily basis to report."

She has an answer for everything - but it does feel good to have fairly capable personnel working specifically for you.

The Seventh Knot does indeed arrive the next day - funny thing is, they too claim they’ve travelled here with Tiadora on board their vessel.

int DC 14:
and they too, have; Tiadora was teleporting between the two barges. This must be but a hint of the clever trickery the girl has in store.

Elise Zadaria has already received her orders from the Cardinal.

"It is my intention in the next few months to have spies set up in every inn, tavern and anywhere else adventurers and explorers might congregate. When you do find the Horn of Abaddon, contact me. For those groups I can’t personally dispatch, I’ll send a messenger to you, with any information I can gather."

The Seventh Knot consists of...

Elise Zadaria:
As beautiful as she is deadly, Elise is the leader of a group of adventurers from the mainland who were recruited to help with the destruction of Andoran. Calling themselves “The White Ravens” (named after Zadaria’s familiar – a rare albino raven), they hail from the land of the north men. They were recruited by Thorn after successfully raiding a paladin’s tomb. Zadaria is not a worshipper of Asmodeus, instead serving a mysterious entity she calls “The Endless Winter”. She is only too pleased to do her part in bringing down the followers of the sun god.

Dostan Alfson:
half-elf barbarian – Obviously fanatically dedicated to Elise, (for reasons he will not talk about,) this brooding hulk is rarely far from his greatsword. Dostan rarely has much to say and prefers to let others do the talking. However, he does love his mead.

Tallus 'Trak' Rackburn:
human ranger – Trak is the slightly older (by a minute) and taller of the two identical twins who serve in “The White Ravens”. His favorite prey is humans and he is a hunter of men both by profession and inclination. He served as a bounty hunter for a while before falling into the service of Zadaria. There is no doubt that his interest in her is far from professional. Only his loyalty to his brother, Trik, rivals his dedication to the witch.

Titus 'Trik' Rackburn:
human cleric – Trik is the younger twin and so friendly and approachable that he seems completely out of place in this wicked band. This is a false front. Titus is a psychopath, murderer and cultist of Asmodeus to the core.
Before joining the Ravens, he was a serial killer in Ghastenhall; he would lure victims to his home, poison their wine and then sacrifice them to Asmodeus on his hidden altar. His only regret
about joining “The White Ravens” is that he hasn’t gotten to perform a human sacrifice in some time.
Trak knows about Trik’s “little problem” and quietly condones it while urging caution.

sense motive DC20:
Elise does her best to put forward a friendly face but she is actually livid. She has been assigned to be an assistant. The ambitious witch is furious at this perceived slight - although she does not show it as best she can. She handles her assigned task as best she can, hoping to regain status with the Cardinal and receive a more important task in the future.

funny thing : best not do an image search for 'seventh knot' at work.