Way of the Wicked - a Tale of the Fall of Talingarde (Inactive)

Game Master Mark Sweetman

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Male Human Wizard Thassilonian Sin Magic Specialist (Gluttony) 6

Cruxcarr nods at the tactical conversation;

"Indeed... perhaps a bonfire of Treant or noisy ritual sacrifice of our elven guest will attract his brethren and spirit kin into the jaws of our trap?"

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Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

"Very good. Just remember, I want the Lamia alive. It won't be much of a sacrifice if it's already dead."

Okay, so drag whatever's left of the treant to the entrance, strap the elf to it, and have the boggards do terrible things to it while we lay in wait. Mi'Dre will help the others find good hiding spots if possible.

Male Human Wizard Thassilonian Sin Magic Specialist (Gluttony) 6

The corpulent wizard nods sagely wearing an expression of mock indignation;

"Mi'Dre! Of course it shall survive... I have a number of necrotic incantations prepared that will mute its senses, limit its threat and cause it immense suffering... without taking its life..."

Minor Crab-beast


Can I get a provisional ok?
The boggard can be positioned as you wish, the grid is 10ft squares, and the rocks in the entrance provide cover (so you can hunker down behind them relatively out of sight easily).
The extreme of the map to the South, West and East is the start of the tree cover.
If you want to move just let me know.
Also Shendalyn - is Gurthock out or not?

Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Assuming he can take 20 on a stealth roll (giving him a 35), Mi'Dre will hide himself in the underbrush or up in the trees opposite the cave (bottom of the map) to add to the surprise and give him a position behind or amongst the elves. Otherwise looks okay to me. If Gurthok's there then I'd suggest he also join Mi'Dre to provide another flanker if nothing else.

Minor Crab-beast

Stealth vs Perception is opposed, so no taking 20 on it.

Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Uhh, so is there no advantage to having an entire day or at least several hours to pick the perfect spot to hide?

Minor Crab-beast

If I thought like that you probably wouldn't have found that elf you got to torture :P
No taking of 20, but you could look for a spot that gives you cover / total cover from lines of approach, yet still allows sight into the clearing; that sort of thing.

Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Hmph, sif, Mi'Dre is much more pro than punie elves. I'll take the total cover then I suppose *grumbles*

Male Human Wizard Thassilonian Sin Magic Specialist (Gluttony) 6

Map looks good to me DMVoV - Crux spells prepared as per standard (unless advised otherwise)

The corpulent mage hunkers down behind rubble, his lips pursed and readied to speak the fell enchantments that may bring his Blackhearts greater prizes...

Oh to flay the hallowed skin of this Lillend... to taste its flesh... succulent... Will its purity be bitter upon my tongue I wonder? Or will it be a sensation of organismic properties...

Cruxcarr stifles a moan and licks the air involuntarily.

Patience. Yess... the best dishes are those prepared over time and enjoyed at leisure...

Shifting his bulk he awaits signs that their guests have arrived...

Minor Crab-beast

The malevolent crew settle in for a long wait after Jethryk urging the boggards to remain in clear view around the treant's corpse. Within the shadowed maw of the Horn's caverns most of you need only deal with tedium and boredom... while Jethryk also needs fend off the forward attentions on his willing and horrifically disguisting harem. The treant is set to burn and after an ungainly span of minutes where the boggard stand around suspiciously... they begin to play a game that involves pitching rocks at the elven captive. It's hard to follow but it seems that they are scoring themselves by how loudly they can force it to scream and their accuracy to tender places.

Fickle Hand:
1d5 ⇒ 2 and 2d20 ⇒ (19, 12) = 31

Only a couple of hours pass before you are rewarded. A boggard draws back his arm with stone in hand... before he is transfixed by a barbed arrow through his throat. It's scream of pain is only a gargle as the stone falls and he drops to the ground.

Perception checks please :)

Male Half-Elf Tattooed Sorceror (Harrow Bloodline) (HP 8/8) (AC 9/9/9) (CMD 8) (Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +3) (Init -1) (Perception +13)

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18.

Jethryk continues to remain oblivious, distracted by trying to fend off his 'harem'...


Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Mi'Dre crouches in his ambush position as the boggards play their game, impatiently waiting for something to happen and doing his best to stay limber and alert. The anticipation of the rewards is sufficient to keep his resolve strong however, and provide him some modicum of patience.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Should I roll stealth too?

Arcanist 8 | HP: 30 | AC: 15 (14 Touch, 12 Flatfooted) | CMD: 16 | Fort: +3, Reflex: +6, Will: +8| Init: +9 | Perception: +3, Sense Motive: +1

No Gurthock.

1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 Perception

Male Human Wizard Thassilonian Sin Magic Specialist (Gluttony) 6

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Minor Crab-beast

You catch the streak of the arrow as it passes you, and though you are able to trace it back from there you cannot see the shooter due to the cover you are lurking within.

You know which direction and guess that due to the foilage it would need to be quite near to where you are. If you choose to attack - then please give me a stealth roll (you are currently still hidden).

The boggards begin to gibber among themselves in their throaty tongue, clearly the abrupt nature of the assault has them nervous. None of you within the clearing are able to ken from which direction the arrow was shot, or spy any assaulting parties.

Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Mi'Dre squints in the direction the arrow came from, only now realizing the inconvenience of his current location. He grits his teeth, moving out from cover so he can get a better look at the assailant, but treads on something small that moves under his feet. He staggers a few steps, thrown off balance and quickly peers around, looking for the elf he knows must be nearby.

Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18

So assuming he's given away his position there. If the person who shot is within 10 feet (as far as he can move at half speed for stealth, walking on the ground) he will fall upon him and grapple to keep him quiet, otherwise he will attempt to intimidate
Grapple(+14)/Intimidate(+10): 1d20 ⇒ 18

Well at least that should be successful :p

Minor Crab-beast

Mi'Dre falls from the bough and his squinted eye identifies his target, an elf near to his claws...

Fickle Hand:
1d20 ⇒ 9

...but his mark's eyes widen with surprise as he sees the lesser devil drop. The elf is garbed similarly to the one that you surprised earlier, and is currently the only one you see.

Due to the rest of the party not being a party to this, I'm going with an elf v devil surprise round - then will bring in the rest of you.
Mi'Dre can keep his 18 roll to use on his first action.
Map later - but you're 15ft from your target, charge lane is open if you wish to.

Fickler Hand:
Elf: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Mi'Dre: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Surprise Round: Mi'Dre, Elf

Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Uhhh, alright. If Mi'Dre is within 100 feet of one of the party members he will send a telepathic message. He would have informed everyone of roughly where his spot was.

<<One elf behind me. Been spotted. Engaging.>> he sends out a mental message as he moves up quickly but queitly to the pointy eared humanoid and claws.

Stealth (full speed): 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 15 - 5 = 19
Grapple with previous roll for a 32, trying to choke elf or otherwise gag him from giving away he's been caught.

Minor Crab-beast

Surprise round = single standard action. You can't move and grapple, you could charge and strike, or just move.

Male Gaav (52/52 hitpoints) Inquisitor

Oh didn't realize this was counted as a surprise round. Charge then.

Damage: 1d4 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

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