Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Toodles or summat

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Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

After looking over others' character sheets I don't think we need another heavy damage dealer. So I decided to focus more on roguishness and a few combat maneuvers. That being said I've switched some stats around and made changes to Paimon's character sheet. I won't be doing it again and we can proceed as we were. Though if one of those swords could turn out to be a dagger that would be greeaaat ;).

current battle map:

strictly speaking, they're both daggers.

Ogren, I would like to see the earlier text before I make a ruling

Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

How did Zaul do on the locks?

current battle map:

I've adjusted my last post to include that result. I appreciate the reminder and your patience.

Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

I've adjusted my last post to make another suggestion.

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

This is the original text from the APG I got it off the PRD which hasn't been updated.


PRD wrote:
Brass Knuckles: These close combat weapons are designed to fit comfortably around the knuckles, narrowing the contact area and therefore magnifying the amount of force delivered by a punch. They allow you to deal lethal damage with unarmed attacks. You may hold, but not wield, a weapon or other object in a hand wearing brass knuckles. You may cast a spell with a somatic component while wearing brass knuckles if you make a concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you're casting). Monks are proficient with brass knuckles and can use their monk unarmed damage when fighting with them

This is the current text from the d20PFSRD updated in the Adventurer's Armory

d20PFSRD wrote:

Benefit: Brass knuckles allow you to deal lethal damage.

Drawback: You may hold, but not wield, a weapon or other object in a hand wearing brass knuckles. You may cast a spell with a somatic component while wearing brass knuckles if you make a concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you’re casting).

Note: Monks are proficient with brass knuckles.

The important part was bolded

Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

My two cents: The PRD takes priority in this case because adventurer's armory is from the Player Companion line, making it Golarion specific. In our case, I beleive BGGM mentioned that everything on the PRD was legal which I think excludes anything you may find in the player's companion series but includes what you'd find in the APG.

Dhampir Knight Captain Incorporeal | HP: 80/80 | HD 9/9 | Thirst 2/2 | Charm 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| Indomitable 0/1 | Inspiration
AC 20 | Str +7 Dex +0(+2) Con +6 Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +2 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 14, Darkvision

Even it wasn't in the prd, I think this was covered in a FAQ. Obviously it's the GM's call, but search the FAQ and double check the brawler description.


Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

I can't find it in the FAQ. It might be a post somewhere.

current battle map:

I'll allow brass knuckle damage to be dictated by your unarmed strike damage; however, I don't really see the point as you already do lethal damage without them, which is really the only benefit they offer characters without the improved unarmed strike feat.

Can Grumblejack get a perception check?

current battle map:

a very reasonable request

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1


Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

Ogren, it might be best if you don't meet them at the door and hold off until they round the corner. I say that because if you wait, we may be able to flank early.

Edit: I moved Eldros as per his request.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Diviner) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13/10/13 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | Perc +1 | Init +6


Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

Right, well, considering everyone's gotten to their places and I'm without any form of weapon, mutagen, potion, or anything else: I figure my time will be best spent unlocking Grumblejack's cage.

current battle map:

you do have bombs, and though I didn't make this clear earlier for you, despite not having a formulae book you remember the last extracts from before your incarceration and can duplicate them given fifteen minutes downtime.

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

How on earth do I have bombs? I've got absolutely no materials to work with in this prison.

current battle map:
Zaul, the Plague Doctor wrote:
How on earth do I have bombs? I've got absolutely no materials to work with in this prison.

your stuff

edit:at some point during an ellipses or lacuna Eldros drew the sack from the veil

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

The point of getting brass knuckles is to get magic enhancement cheaper than amulet of mighty fists

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

Greater Natural Weapon is a thing. People often underestimate the value of potions, really. Chances are I'll be making potions for the whole group eventually. Zaul likes to be prepared...

Though I do admit, I'm going to be looking deep into poisons.

Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

I would love to apply your poisons to my weapons. I think we have a lot of synergy Zaul!

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

Sorry I haven't had the chance to respond I work from 4PM-3AM most nights.

current battle map:
Ogren wrote:
The point of getting brass knuckles is to get magic enhancement cheaper than amulet of mighty fists

ahhhhhhhhhh... okay. anyway, as I said before, sure, they can scale.

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

Cool just wanted to check thanks.

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

I probably glossed over this, but do I remember all of my previously made spells? If so, my Extra Formulae per level kind of got wasted.

current battle map:

not really, that particular alternate preferred class bonus isn't even relevant to you until you're able to make level 2 extracts. meanwhile you're stuck with the usual bonus to either hp or skills.

in any event, even without your formula book you may recall and duplicate your last set of unused extracts from before your incarceration. once you've made those, and they're either quaffed or expired, you're SOL until you acquire a new formula book. you can always make bombs and mutagens, however, so long as you have access to the appropriate ingredients.

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

Hmm... from the sounds of that, I believe I'll just hold onto my potions until I get my hands on a formulae book: Which is literally any book I can get my hands on with pages... which is all of them.

I imagine this "Estate" or whatever we'll end up at eventually will likely have no small amount of books in it, and within this prison, I don't see much point in using my personal formulae, least of all on myself.

That said, I *do* have 5 bombs at my disposal that can do no less than 6 damage... So hooray, I technically deal the most damage among us right now.

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

I swear I'm going to get a new d20 at this rate.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Diviner) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13/10/13 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | Perc +1 | Init +6

Are we waiting on Zaul and Paimon? Or the DM?

current battle map:

the first two, they've got till the end of tomorrow before I GMPC their turn.

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

Oh I thought I made it clear I was abstaining from combat until it seemed necessary. I'm gonna be spending most of combat letting out Grumblejack and I thought I'd already done that.

current battle map:

fare enough

Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

I was waiting to see sone results. Sorry for holding up the game. I'll delay.

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

In that case is it the guards turn?

Dhampir Knight Captain Incorporeal | HP: 80/80 | HD 9/9 | Thirst 2/2 | Charm 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| Indomitable 0/1 | Inspiration
AC 20 | Str +7 Dex +0(+2) Con +6 Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +2 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 14, Darkvision

Is it the player's turn now?

Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

Of the guards on the map, which has the horn?

Male Tiefling Wizard (Diviner) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13/10/13 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | Perc +1 | Init +6

DM, I believe Keres had readied an action to charm the other guard if he had not dropped, at which point Carnadine's actions would take place.

Dhampir Knight Captain Incorporeal | HP: 80/80 | HD 9/9 | Thirst 2/2 | Charm 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| Indomitable 0/1 | Inspiration
AC 20 | Str +7 Dex +0(+2) Con +6 Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +2 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 14, Darkvision

I think the Gm saved the guard vs the charm person. Carnadine attacked but missed.

It might be good to summarize the round.

Dhampir Knight Captain Incorporeal | HP: 80/80 | HD 9/9 | Thirst 2/2 | Charm 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| Indomitable 0/1 | Inspiration
AC 20 | Str +7 Dex +0(+2) Con +6 Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +2 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 14, Darkvision

Thanks for the recap. It's much clearer now.

Potentially more work for the Gm, I prefer summarizing the IC actions, so it reads like a page of a story. As opposed to recap of game mechanics.


current battle map:

Carnadine, I think you'll find that I switch frequently between narration and mechanical blow by blow depending on the needs of the campaign as well as what I happen to be doing IRL at the time.

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

Has everyone gone in round 3?

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

Round 2 Sorry I counted the surprise.

Dhampir Knight Captain Incorporeal | HP: 80/80 | HD 9/9 | Thirst 2/2 | Charm 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| Indomitable 0/1 | Inspiration
AC 20 | Str +7 Dex +0(+2) Con +6 Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +2 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 14, Darkvision

OK I've been at a sleep-depriving conference since Sunday, so bear with me.

I'm confused. How can there be 3 initiative groups? If the two guards are acting together, it's us vs. them: two groups. Yes, your PC group 3 effectively lost a round, but them's the breaks.

Please simplify. I'm not trying to be difficult. The scene is delicate, because we don't want to lose the Charm Person, so everyone is effectively dancing on eggshells.

Need sleep now.


Male Half-Orc Ninja 1 HP 9/9 (2 NL) | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | CMD 18 | Fort + 3 | Ref + 8 | Will + 1 | Init + 4 | Perc + 3

Grumblejack has his own initiative group.

current battle map:

the naming of three groups is a pretty arbitrary decision that makes sense to me, denoting phases of combat as much as anything else. If you'd prefer I name them as group 1, enemy mob and group 2, that's just fine

Male Tiefling Wizard (Diviner) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13/10/13 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | Perc +1 | Init +6

The groupings seem fine, to me. Technically the group 3 PC's and group 1 PC's can intertwine their actions, but BGGM seems to be giving us a round summary, so I'm cool with how he's running it.

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Mutagenic Mauler) 1 (hp:13/13-8NL) | Initiative:6 | AC:14/14/10 | F:5 R:6 W:2 | Perception:4 {Darkvision 60'}

So with Keres unconscious what happens to our friend? Is the spell dismissed or is he now super mad at Bill?

Male Human Alchemist 1 HP: 11/11 AC: 13 Fort +5, Reflex +5 Will -1

Enchantment doesn't typically go away once the wizard dies as there's no concentration clause to it. That said, it most definitely doesn't go away, but at the same time I can't predict what the woman'll do.

Also, given the circumstances I'm tempted to throw one of my 5 bombs of the day into this melee, but they deal 6 damage even if they miss, so that's something to worry about, as I can't just toss them in the middle of everyone because, like I said, they'll hurt you too.

Dhampir Knight Captain Incorporeal | HP: 80/80 | HD 9/9 | Thirst 2/2 | Charm 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| Indomitable 0/1 | Inspiration
AC 20 | Str +7 Dex +0(+2) Con +6 Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +2 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 14, Darkvision

Take 5-Foot Step

You can move 5 feet in any round when you don't perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can't take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can't take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance.

You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.

You can only take a 5-foot-step if your movement isn't hampered by difficult terrain or darkness. Any creature with a speed of 5 feet or less can't take a 5-foot step, since moving even 5 feet requires a move action for such a slow creature.

You may not take a 5-foot step using a form of movement for which you do not have a listed speed.

You can combine a 5-foot step with any kind of move action (except actual movement), such as picking up an item. Otherwise, 5-foot step would just be a move action instead of something special.


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