Valynce Group Golarion (Inactive)

Game Master Varrian Lunari

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Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Greetings Nick, glad to meet you. I promise to take it easy on everyone, it's been awhile and I like to get to know people before I make things "complicated". My background does have some holes in it, I like to give the GM some wiggle room with my toons. I find completely structured toons to be one dimensional.

I am glad that I choose not to play a "shadow" character (winks at Karl) this time around.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

By "shadow" character I mean not letting the other players know the true class

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

I just wanted to say that's a really detailed character concept, George. Nice job! Usually it's something more along the lines of "This my character. Him name Ugh. Ugh have club. Smash Ugh, smash!" Jensdattir seems much more 3 dimensional.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Yes great job George on Helga!

I like the background.

Karl please go ahead and re-roll one of your 8's until it is at least a 10 or above.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I don't have a start time yet. I want to wait and see if Braden is going to play.

Wow you guys have Summoner, Cleric, and Bard... This should be interesting lol. Maybe Braden with play Ugh the smashy smashy :-)

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

Is Branden someone I haven't met yet? Is he a friend of yours, Scoot?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Thank you Gentlemen. I think a good background adds a layer of flavor and depth that can make "downtime" more fun, and/or make character interactions interesting. I do not like a lot of drama, but a bit of friction or tension in the party can be a good thing depending on the other players.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

I used the Pathfinder Wiki to create my background, since I do not have any of the books... yet. I do own all of the original AD&D books, and the 3.0 Player's Handbook. I did not think any of the material in those books are relevant.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Ha HA funny. I was typing fast. Branden not Braden...

So I don't spell everyones names right :-P I'm working on it.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

No worries as we say back home: To err is human, to really foul things up requires a computer :) lol

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

George if you wouldn't mind I would like you to place the descriptions of the feats (benefits) in your profile for easy access. Thanks.

Everyone please copy Geroges profile for character setup on your profile page. I am going be going off of those for the game. Thanks!

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Also George please place how times per day you can use your special abilities or domain powers somewhere in the profile. :-) Thanks.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Will do

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Description of feats are posted as well as the uses per day for abilities. I left the calculation in just in case I get affected by a disease, poison, spell that affects my Wisdom or Charisma which would then affect my uses per day.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Some info for your characters:

Suspicion and superstition are rampant in Ustalav, and summoners often face the worst of both. Seen as cavorting with strange and evil forces (not to mention their often bestial eidolons), summoners typically have a difficult time existing within Ustalavic society. Those few summoners who do live in the region are often hermits living alone in the wilderness or cloistered academics who rarely venture from their libraries into public. Given the nation’s varied, unspoiled wildernesses and nearness to the even denser wilds of the north, many summoners in this region tap into the weird powers of the First World, calling forth never-before-seen feylike creatures from that infinite potentiality. Alternatively, strange dreamers reach out across the gulfs of space and the planes to command unnameable beings, garnering their service, but perhaps also the scrutiny of other unknown entities.
Professor Lorrimor was known to hold a number of summoners in high regard, men and women he consulted on planar matters, and who in turn approached him with particularly vexing questions of their own.
Recommendations: Summoners with eidolons of all shapes and sizes will function well in the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, though roughly humanoid eidolons will blend in better in social or urban situations. Summoners are likely to receive the most benefit from ranks in Knowledge
(arcana), Linguistics, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Much of Ustalav’s countryside consists of rural farms and tiny
villages, but it also contains some of the largest urban centers on Lake
Encarthan. The antiquarian archives in Ardis; noble courts and aristocratic intrigue in Caliphas; Karcau’s worldfamous
opera; and other academies of theater, dance, comedy, and song all draw
bards from across the Inner Sea region. But even in rural areas, wandering performers, swindlers, and storytellers are common, and no Sczarni caravan is complete without someone to distract a mark while the rest of the crew lightens his purse. In his travels abroad, Professor Lorrimor often sought out lorekeepers when conducting research, and had bardic contacts in nearly every city in the Inner
Sea on the off chance he needed a social introduction while in town.
Recommendations: Bards are incredibly versatile and can fill a number of campaign roles. Those who focus entirely on enchantment or mind-affecting effects may f ind some portions of the Adventure Path challenging; at least passing skill in combat or the ability
to magically enhance allies will come in handy. Good class archetypes include Archivist, Detective, and Magician. Suggested skills include Acrobatics, Bluff, Sense Motive, and Stealth.

Nomadic Varisians worship Desna almost exclusively, while most common Ustalavs respect her but pay their truest homage to Pharasma. The Lady of Graves’ faith is particularly strong throughout the nation and has taken on an insular, fatalistic bent seen few other places. Many of her followers believe that they are fated to experience bad things and that their role is to endure and thus to achieve a fair judgment by their goddess upon their death. Professor Lorrimor was himself more interested
in the pursuit of knowledge than matters of faith, but frequently met with religious scholars throughout the Inner Sea, and always took a healer or two on his many archeological expeditions. Recommendations: While clerics of any faith may find themselves summoned to Ravengro, priests of Desna, Iomedae, and Pharasma may find they have the closest ties to the events of the Adventure Path. Clerics who specialize in commanding, destroying, or communicating with undead will be particularly effective. Suggested domains include Death, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Repose, Rune, Sun, and Travel. Suggested skills include Knowledge (religion), Sense Motive, and Spellcraft.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

If you would like to revamp some of your skills and feats please do.

I am posting information directly related to the campaign. So use it wisely.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

LOL, I was thinking of either Knowledge or Sun as my second domain to healing. Karl talked me out of it when I was posting my toon.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Looks like I am doing some research as I eat my homemade chicken marsala, yes I like to cook.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Ustalav isn’t home to any notable gnome settlements, and the inhabitants’ general superstition makes them wary of gnomes living among them. That said, Ustalav is a strange place, and gnomes from around the world often travel there to see its bizarre sights and sometimes even more bizarre citizens. Particularly charismatic gnomes
have been known to embed themselves with a traveling caravan of Sczarni, performing an agreed-upon task in exchange for being led throughout the countryside to see the inspiring sights and experiences within. Similarly, some gnomes find themselves accompanying altogether
different caravans: traveling circuses. In these cases, their freakish companions often provide enough inspiration to stave off the Bleaching, while the gnomes themselves occasionally exploit their people’s rarity by going on display for gawking rubes willing to pay to see a “freak”
or “captured fairy.”

Humans dominate Ustalav’s population, and among them most are ethnic Varisians whose ancestors also called the land home. Whether nobles clinging to the few drops of blood that grant them a claim—albeit a distant one—to the Ustalavic aristocracy, or stoic peasants struggling to make ends meet in the unforgiving countryside, heritage and history are incredibly important to Ustalavs. All modern Ustalavs feel directly connected through familial ties to the centuries of torment at the Whispering Tyrant’s hands and share an inherited acceptance of a life of struggle and suffering. Among the populace’s Varisian ethnicity are
communities of nomads who travel as far as the Varisian coast, and the wandering Sczarni, who are scorned even by many fellow Varisians for their stereotypical unscrupulous ways. Both unsettled groups are typically considered backward and dangerous, and are thus treated as secondclass citizens. In addition, those humans of Kellid decent are treated with contempt, especially in the north, where they are negatively associated with the barbarian tribes of Numeria, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, and the fallen realm of Sarkoris. Despite their relegation to second-class citizenship, Kellids are nevertheless common throughout Ustalav, and the monolithic remnants of their shamanistic
society from before the arrival of the Varisians can still be found throughout the region.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Please look through these traits and pick at least one of them as your two traits.

You may take the other one out of the APG.

Campaign Traits

Character traits are essentially half-feats that help customize a PC’s background and tie her to the themes and events of a particular adventure. Each character should begin play with two traits, one of which may be selected from the Carrion Crown campaign traits below.
For general traits, see the Advanced Player’s Guide or the Character Traits Web Enhancement, a free pdf download available at Additionally, most Pathf inder Player Companion supplements contain racial, regional, and faith traits unique to Golarion and suitable for use by Carrion Crown PCs. Campaign traits are tailored to a specific Adventure Path and give your character a built-in reason to begin the first adventure in a new campaign. Campaign traits assume a lot more about your character’s backstory than
do normal traits, and they are meant to help serve as inspiration for a player working to create a detailed and interesting history for her character. You have a certain amount of leeway in adjusting a campaign trait’s expected backstory once you’ve selected the trait that’s right for you; just be sure to get your GM’s approval before you run
with a modified history. All of the following traits revolve around ways characters may know the late Professor Petros Lorrimor, whose
funeral draws them to Ravengro, and whose final will and testament launches the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. You can take a look at these traits to get a general, spoilerfree idea of the types of foes and challenges your character might encounter over the course of the Adventure Path. Knowing that there are going to be elements of horrortainted landscapes, secret societies, foul plots, ancient
magic, politics, and the like should help you build a character that fits more organically into the campaign you’re about to join.

Chance Savior:
Fate smiled on you and Professor Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the late scholar’s life and did so. His gratitude was effusive, and he promised that he would never forget you. You are unsure of the nature of the summons in his will, but believe he may have listed you as a possible heir in thanks for saving him from an untimely demise.
Your ability to think quickly on your feet has stayed with you, and you quite often feel that you’re in the right place at the right time. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Subject of Study:
Professor Lorrimor approached you as part of his studies, as he had heard that you had survived a recent encounter with a strange monster or had another fateful encounter. Interested in the conditions of the runin and the means by which you avoided death or injury, he met with you and maintained frequent correspondence until several months ago. The scars of your experience and his continual reminders of the encounter prompted you to hone your skills lest you someday face the same type of creature again. The professor assisted you in this
endeavor, providing you with insight into the anatomy and defenses of the creature that attacked you. Years of study have improved your combat effectiveness against your chosen foe. Choose a non-humanoid creature type (and subtype if outsider). You gain a +1 bonus on
damage rolls against creatures of this type. See the ranger favored enemy suggestions for a list of creature types most likely to appear in this campaign.

Inspired by Greatness:
Whether you knew Professor Lorrimor well or only in passing, as a colleague or competitor, his career and lifetime of discovery inspired
you to be better at what you do. As you honed your craft, you and the professor corresponded, and he was delighted to hear that he had directly or indirectly motivated you to strive for your full potential. Saddened by the news of his death, you feel that you should honor his memory by fulfilling his final wishes and attending his funeral, and
by ever striving to attain greater heights and someday match the inf luence and impact of your idol. Choose one spell you can cast. From now on, you always cast this spell at +1 caster level.

Making Good on Promises:
At some point in the past, Professor Lorrimor did you a favor under the condition that he would someday call on you to repay it. After he came
to your aid, however, you never saw nor heard from him again, leaving you with a sense of unending anticipation that each day might be the day you were asked to return the favor. Yet that day never came, and your fears and anxiety about what the professor would call on you to do
abated. Assuming the old man had either forgotten about you or died, you eventually assumed you’d never have to follow through on your end of the bargain. When you received word of the professor’s death, and that he had named you specifically in his will, your dread of what he
could possibly want from you has grown throughout your entire journey to Ravengro. Years of living with the fear and uncertainty of the
unclaimed debt to Professor Lorrimor have inured you to extreme anxiety. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against fear effects.

On the Payroll:
Whether he needed a bodyguard in a rough neighborhood, a guide to an isolated archeological dig, or information on a specialized topic, Professor Lorrimor was never shy about hiring professionals to
help him attain his goals. Over the course of his long career, thousands of people throughout the world served his needs and benefited from his generous wages (usually covered by his academic benefactor at the time). He had contacts in most areas of expertise in every corner of the known world, a knack for recognizing talent, and a desire
to be surrounded by the best and brightest at all times. Whatever job the professor originally hired you for, your performance captured his attention, and he hired you many times throughout your career, sometimes even for jobs away from your home, always paying your expenses
and compensating you well for your time. In your area of expertise, you are among the best. Your years of hard work have paid off, granting you an additional 150 gp in starting wealth.

Teacher’s Pet:
Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in locations as far-f lung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speaking before standing-room-only lecture halls on topics as widely ranging as military strategy, planar anomalies, theology, and agriculture, Lorrimor’s time was highly valued
among those ambitious to benefit from his expertise. Despite this, he still managed to provide one-on-one assistance to the most promising of his acolytes. When he saw the potential for greatness in one of his charges, he took it upon himself to nurture their spark. You were
such a student. Over the course of several months, you and the late professor spent hours debating the finer points of your topic of interest, and the intellectual doors he opened for you continue to flavor your outlook on the world. You gain a +2 trait bonus to one Knowledge skill of your choosing and consider it a class skill.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Additional Reading for Players:

Players interested in further immersing themselves in the world of Golarion and adding campaign-specific details relevant to the Carrion Crown Adventure Path to their PCs’ background may wish to investigate the following Pathfinder Player Companions. Adventurer’s Armory: Filled with new and exotic equipment and options for all manner of weapon users; players seeking to better or more appropriately arm themselves for their adventures should look herein. Inner Sea Primer: Although not specifically about Ustalav, this crash course on the continents of Avistan and Garund provides regional traits and background suggestions for PCs from over 40 nations, any of which make a great home for characters beginning the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. In addition to these sourcebooks, the Pathfinder Tales novel Prince of Wolves by Dave Gross takes place in Ustalav and provides a gripping, spoiler-free preview of the sort of adventures characters may face over the course of the campaign. These books and yet more Pathfinder resources are
available at your local book or hobby store or online at

Just for anyone interested.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Looks like Helga is not as complete as I thought :/.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

lol It is just some things to look at and traits are a new thing in Pathfinder. Never had traits in D&D.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Scott are you putting any restrictions on traits? The way that I made my character (I am trying) my traits are easily: Birthmark and either Child of the Temple or Scarred Touch.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

sorry sacred touch, not scarred touch. Wife distracted me.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I have posted some information on Ustalav on the gameplay page. Feel free to read it to get a better idea about the campaign. Thanks!

Please do not post there yet.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I am asking that one of the traits comes from the traits I posted above as a campaign trait. The other trait can be anything you choose from the APG.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

understood. thank you.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Ok, I am going to take the Chance Savior trait: +2 initiative, the Birthmark trait: birthmark functions as holy symbol, and switch out the Fire domain for the Sun domain.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Anyone may be from the town of Ravengro if they wish but it is not a requirement.

I would also like everyone to incorporate their campaign trait into there backstory in some way.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I am fine with that George. Just make sure your character profile and abilites are updated on your profile. :-)

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Just updated the profile, working on incorporating the Campaign Trait into my backstory....

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

You are on a roll. Thanks for working hard at your character! :-)

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

It's been a fun challenge. Thank you.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Also remember your feat. I think you channeling should be 8 times a day. 3 + 3 for Cha and then 2 more for the feat.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

LOL yeah I forgot to add the bonus due to feat. I updated my background, see if its appropriate when you have a minute.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

I goofed, sorry Scott, posted under the wrong tab.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

I deleted the post.

I was saying that I have been using to help me transition to the new realm and help with my backstory.

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

I'll take the Chance Savior trait. Can't beat +2 to Initiative...

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

I can't believe that I can't post in a fixed character width font. It totally muddles up my whole text character sheet.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

A level one character with +2 equipment?

The [spoiler.=Reveal] text [/spoiler.] is really nice to clean up the character sheet

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

Where does he have +2 equipment?

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

Ah, I see. The +2 is from his Dexterity. He'll get that on attack rolls. It's a standard rapier.

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

I agree it is a bit chaotic, but I laid it out in columns carefully then realized that the formatting got massacred because there is no preformatted or fixed-width font rendering on the Paizo message boards. I will go through and put the spoiler tags in though. I see what you mean.

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

Any issues with the sheet, GM? I'm thinking that you may rule that the two traits don't stack and you may want to see my daily performance count... But other than that, I think it's good, right?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Sorry for the confusion. Not use to the layout

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

To be honest, it's my first crack at writing up a text character sheet, I can see how that could look really confusing. It made much better sense when all that data came out in columns.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I am going to ask everyone to tweak their character sheets. I know this sounds like a pain but in wanting to run this campaign fluidly, I would like standardized sheets. I know I am anal about this but it will help me in the long run. I am going to start with George's character sheet first. Once I have his set up the way I would like them all to be set up I ask that everyone copy his format exactly, description, pluses, everything. I will get back to it today at some point George and let you know. Thank you everyone for understanding!

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

No worries, back in the day DM/GM is god and I learned from my (younger) brother's mistake not to aggrovate the GM. One of his characters' souls was sent to the Second level of Hell and I had to go and rescue it. I got a nice +3 longsword that did 3d10 damage (a copy of Sif's sword minus the vorpal bonus).
Just tell me what you want done and it shall be. FYI I work from 2:30 eastern till 11pm the next four nights.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Lol I always work those hours! I am lucky to have access to the internet though. :-)

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