Valynce Group Golarion (Inactive)

Game Master Varrian Lunari

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Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Just from looking at the circle the party realizes that it can fit all members at once in the ten foot diameter circle.

All of you. Now hurry time is not to be wasted. You must be in Ravengro within the week.

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

Raziel steps into the circle and carefully intones "Klattu Verata Nicto".

Grand Lodge

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Jim wanders into the circle and mumbles
Klaatu Barada N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nickel... It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word! Klaatu... Barada... N...
Jim coughs and then pauses to look around...
Okay then... that's it!

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Paladin (Undead Scourge) 1

Klattu Verta Nicto.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Cleric 1

Klattu Verta Nicto.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

All of a sudden and blinding light appears and a feeling of weightlessness is felt by the adventurers. After a few seconds the sensation stops and the party's vision begins to clear. They hear a low gravely voice and start to see the silhouette of a man.

Welcome to Chastel. I have been awaiting you. Me name is Earl and Lady Sharae has asked me to supply you with the means to get to Ravengro. Follow me and I will show you a map of were you must go.

The old man walks out not waiting for the party to ask any questions. As the group stumbles there way after him their vision begins to clear and they can make him out better. Earl looks to be in his late 80's and has very thin grey hair. He wears commoner clothing and walks with a cane.

After getting to the room Earl mostions for the party to sit around a square table.

Please sit.

He unrolls a map and points to Chastel and then draws his finger to Ravengro.

This be your route. Either by land or by boat. Both are astride with danger although the river will get you there quicker.

[IMG] 20CAMPAIGN/RoutetoRavengro.jpg[/IMG]

The Yellow route is by land and the Purple route is by river.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Me took a boat out 'da womb. Take da boat say I! Jim declares decisively.

Dark Archive

Male Human Bard 1

Raziel arches an eyebrow and looks to Helga and Halvor for support.

I have no experience on the water. I'd prefer to face troubles on solid ground myself.

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