Tomb of the Emperor Gods -- PbP

Game Master Tarren Dei

This PbP started with Entombed with the Pharaohs and continues with The Pact Stone Pyramid. Many of the characters travelled to Osirion after completing a PbP based on River into Darkness.

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Those characters who left Bloodcove on 'The Harsh Mistress' are about to arrive in Kortos.

Throughout the duration of your journey on The Harsh Mistress the crew have been busily rebranding goods, forging bills of lading, and in other ways making illegally acquired goods look plausibly legal. Despite this, the ship still docks in Diobel not Absalom.

Ronnot Twistback catches the attention of the heroes and says, "Stay close to me. Don't panic."

The wharf here is much less busy than any of those in Absalom would be. A man with a large dagger skins and guts fish dumping the waste in the harbour.

Profession (sailor) DC 15; Profession (chef) DC 10; or Perception DC 20:

He's good with a dagger but is throwing away far too much of the fish. He has no idea how to skin a fish.

A pair of men are haggling over the price of several cages full of mangleclaws.

Sense Motive DC 14:

This is obviousl a charade. They seem to be confused as to which one of them is supposed to be the fisherman and which is the merchant.

A few other men watch the boat dock with anticipation.

Perception: 1d20+13=14
Sense Motive: 1d20+4=5 Wow, two 1's in a row.

Sykala's face betrays that she is once again completely out of her element. She looks toward the noisy bustling docks with trepidation and glances back longingly toward the open ocean. Wrinkling her nose, 'Civilization' always smelled so bad. Heeding Ronnot's words she follows him closely until she comes alongside the mangleclaw cage. She hesitates, some internal conflict seemingly going on beneath the surface.

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

"Its better than Bloodcove." Ixius says to Sykala, sensing her discomfort. "At least its not as hot."

Perception: 1d20+9=10

3 1s in a row

Sense Motive: 1d20=10

"Not so fast," says Ronnot. It isn't clear whether he is speaking to Sykala who is about to leave the ship or Ixius who thinks this place is 'better than Bloodcove.'

The men haggling over prices, the man cutting fish, and the bored looking fishermen on the wharf leap into action drawing daggers and swords and storming towards the ship.

"To me," says Ronnot.

Initiative :1d20+2=9

Giving Ixius a sidelong glance, "Oh...yes, is better. Not off boat. Try kill already."

Ronnot pulls a leather folder and unfolds it to wave a piece of paper at the armed men leaping on the boat, "Remember, I get the figurehead. Do what you want with the rest but the figurehead is mine. Oh, and these ones here are with me."

Seeing one of the armed men moving towards Ixius dagger drawn, Ronnot says, "No. He's with me. Back off."

There are a few brief skirmishes but the crew of the boat are soon overwhelmed by the customs officers.

Ronnot points to the figurehead of manacled man and gagged with bloody red gashes across his back. "Could you give me a hand removing that? Gotta get it back to the lodge. Sorry I could let you in on this sooner ... didn't want to rouse suspicions."

Once he has a hold on the figurehead Sykala intones a prayer and woodshapes the sculpture free, "You get men to carry?" Clearly indicating the former fishermen and merchants who assaulted the ship. She wanders down the dock to the mangleclaw cages.

If the mangleclaw cages are now abandoned by anyone who seems to care she will free the lil beasties back into the ocean. Warping the wood if need be.

Sykala wrote:

Once he has a hold on the figurehead Sykala intones a prayer and woodshapes the sculpture free, "You get men to carry?" Clearly indicating the former fishermen and merchants who assaulted the ship. She wanders down the dock to the mangleclaw cages.

** spoiler omitted **

Sykala releases the mangleclaws into the water. Most of them had been out of the water for so long that they wouldn't have been purchased at any market anyhow. They were simply here for the ruse.

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

Ixius nods and moves to help Rotnot carry the figurehead.

"Where's the lodge?"

Ixius wrote:

Ixius nods and moves to help Rotnot carry the figurehead.

"Where's the lodge?"

"Absalom," he winks. "Don't worry. I've got a boat waiting."

Ronnot leads you to a large fishing vessel named the Nothing Much. When you descend the stairs to the lower deck, the worn and faded paint of the outside gives way to polished brass and lovingly stained wood. You ride to Absalom in luxiury but, all the world sees is a working man's boat.

Once in Absalom, Ronnot invites you to an inn near the Pathfinder's Lodge. He promises to return for you by afternoon but returns sooner than that.

"Good times, my friends! Good times! Strange weather in Osirion is making for some very interesting opportunities! Would you like to pay a visit to Sothis? My friend Jalden Krenshar needs some adventurous sorts to go on a little expedition!"

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

"Hear that Sykala? We are going to Absalom! There is so much to see and do there; I will show you all the best places!"

Rotnot wrote:
"Good times, my friends! Good times! Strange weather in Osirion is making for some very interesting opportunities! Would you like to pay a visit to Sothis? My friend Jalden Krenshar needs some adventurous sorts to go on a little expedition!"

"Yes, I'm up for it."

Ixius's enthusiasm sobers a little. "I can't linger in Absalom for too long. Someone might recognize me."

Ixius wrote:

"Hear that Sykala? We are going to Absalom! There is so much to see and do there; I will show you all the best places!"

Rotnot wrote:
"Good times, my friends! Good times! Strange weather in Osirion is making for some very interesting opportunities! Would you like to pay a visit to Sothis? My friend Jalden Krenshar needs some adventurous sorts to go on a little expedition!"

"Yes, I'm up for it."

Ixius's enthusiasm sobers a little. "I can't linger in Absalom for too long. Someone might recognize me."

"Well, the Nothing Much can make the journey. I can take you tomorrow ... If you all agree!"

She tilts her face up towards the sun, listens to the breezes swirling about her, and nods, "Yes......this not right place yet."

Sykala wrote:
She tilts her face up towards the sun, listens to the breezes swirling about her, and nods, "Yes......this not right place yet."

"Absalom? Absalom is wonderful. Biggest city in the world! Still, ... I think a worshipper of Gozreh might be able to appreciate the unusual weather Osirion has experienced. Some in our organization say the weather alone merits investigation ..."

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"Absalom? Absalom is wonderful. Biggest city in the world! Still, ... I think a worshipper of Gozreh might be able to appreciate the unusual weather Osirion has experienced. Some in our organization say the weather alone merits investigation ..."

The mention of "The Biggest City in the World" brings a frown to her face but it is quickly replaced with interest at his comments on weather, "Why weather un-us-ual?"

Sykala wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"Absalom? Absalom is wonderful. Biggest city in the world! Still, ... I think a worshipper of Gozreh might be able to appreciate the unusual weather Osirion has experienced. Some in our organization say the weather alone merits investigation ..."
The mention of "The Biggest City in the World" brings a frown to her face but it is quickly replaced with interest at his comments on weather, "Why weather un-us-ual?"

"Exactly! Excellent question! 'Why?' indeed! While I yet to visit, word from the Sothis is that the elementals went beserk this year making the khamsin unnaturally intense. Perhaps the answers lie within the tombs that the khamsins unearthed?"

Sense Motive DC 10:

Ronnot doesn't seem to really believe this last bit. He's only putting it out there to entice Sykala.

Sense Motive: 1d20+4=24

A surge of excitement at his mention of elemental forces at work goes through her body. This is a definite sign of Gozreh's hand. So intriguing is it that Ronnot's weak attempt to connect it to some worthless lost tomb doesn't seem to faze her in the least, "We go now". As far as she seems to be concerned the decision has been made and the sooner we leave the better.

"Wonderful! So, it's decided then? You will join one of our Osirion Pathfinders in an investigation of the legendary pyramid complex 'The Four Pharoahs of Ascension'? Newly unearthed for the first time in decades! Lost but now found! The Four Pharoahs of Ascension!! Indeed! I wish I were going with you but, unfortunately, I promised the Ruby Prince Khemet III that I would never set foot on Osirion soil again. I can take you to Sothis but will have to leave you there."

Ronnot's friend, Osirion Venture Captain Jalden Krenshar, gives you instructions about where to meet some others in Sothis -- our other PCs. Jalden further explains that these others in Sothis should know how to contact a mysterious Pathfinder who goes by the name of 'The Mithral Scarab'. The Mithral Scarab is the one who sent word to Krenshar that 'The Four Pharoahs of Ascension' had been unearthed.

Finally, Venture Captain Krenshar agrees to pay the necessary bribes, fees, taxes, and duties required to get permission for to enter any known ruins in Osirion. In return, you must agree to give 10% of your finds to the Pathfinder Society. He also requests that you provide a journal of your accounts. This, he suggests, will be required if you wish to apply for membership at a later date.

Sykala rolls her eyes as he goes on about this 'tomb'. She walks away leaving Ixius to face his jabbering alone.

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

Ixius tries as best he can to follow and remember what the Venture Captain is saying. At the end, when he mentions membership of the Pathfinder Society, he perks up a little bit.

"What benefits would membership of the Society grant us?" he asks the Venture Captain.

Ixius wrote:

Ixius tries as best he can to follow and remember what the Venture Captain is saying. At the end, when he mentions membership of the Pathfinder Society, he perks up a little bit.

"What benefits would membership of the Society grant us?" he asks the Venture Captain.

"The benefits of membership? Information. Access. Connections. Safehouses. Access to the libraries in our lodges alone are worth the 10%. However, most Pathfinders are members because they have a drive to preserve knowledge and learn lost secrets. You don't need to decide immediately. Consider it. Meet some of our Pathfinders in Osirion."

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

"That sounds good to me! When do we leave?"

Ixius wrote:
"That sounds good to me! When do we leave?"

Three weeks ago ...

After a short journey in the secretly luxurious Nothing Much, you arrive at Sothis. Ronnot refuses to get off the boat, for reasons he prefers not to explain, but deals from the deck with officials, making payments and bribes as necessary. Soon you find yourself carrying papers that allow you to explore known 'sites of interest' and heavily taxed first plunder rights over newly discovered 'cultural heritage sites'.

A quiet but efficient guide hired by Ronnot takes you to the doorsteps of what he assures you is the Pathfinder lodge. A single emblem over the door frame assures you this rather nondescript stone building does, indeed, belong to the Pathfinders.

A confused looking dwarf is currently being refused entry by a plain looking woman at the doors.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

Suddenly the doors open behind the woman and a very young looking man, almost more a boy it seems really, wrapped in cool and comfortable looking white desert garb and obviously Keleshite in origin, steps out. Glancing up he notices the Dwarf and breaks into a big genuine smile "Orivid! By the Gods I never thought I'd have the pleasure of seeing your ugly mug again! What brings you to Sothis?" The lad speaks quickly and not waiting for an answer, he answers himself "Or, perhaps maybe I can guess?" he says with a sly wink.

Bending to speak quickly and quietly to the woman for a moment, he then stands as says, opening his arms welcomingly, "Come my friend! What say you to a glass of fine wine, or" as he makes a face "Or even that swill called ale you seem to prefer, to wash the desert sand out of your throat? Come come! You are welcome here my friend!"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Korian Allande wrote:

Suddenly the doors open behind the woman and a very young looking man, almost more a boy it seems really, wrapped in cool and comfortable looking white desert garb and obviously Keleshite in origin, steps out. Glancing up he notices the Dwarf and breaks into a big genuine smile "Ovirid! By the Gods I never thought I'd have the pleasure of seeing your ugly mug again! What brings you to Sothis?" The lad speaks quickly and not waiting for an answer, he answers himself "Or, perhaps maybe I can guess?" he says with a sly wink.

Bending to speak quickly and quietly to the woman for a moment, he then stands as says, opening his arms welcomingly, "Come my friend! What say you to a glass of fine wine, or" as he makes a face "Or even that swill called ale you seem to prefer, to wash the desert sand out of your throat? Come come! You are welcome here my friend!"

The dwarf is obviously startled by the sudden appearance of the robed man. "Ah, ye shouldn' be fer jumpin' out at a dwarf like that, son. Dinna yer time wit' me 'n the 'alflings teach ye anythin'?" As he nods as in thanks to the woman, he says quietly to Korian, "'n what name 'r ye goin' by this week, lad?" More loudly, "If'n ye c'n find somethin' decently resemblin' ale, Ah'd be only too 'appy to verify its worth fer ye. M' throat 'asn't been this parched fer ... Well, Ah'm not fer bein' sure it's ever been this parched."

At a loss of what to make of the dwarven speech she waits for Ixius to make introductions while studying the short person curiously from afar.

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

"My name is Ixius and the lady here is Sykala." Ixius ays to Korian. "We come from Absalom and are supposed to meet some fellow adventurers who are supposed to introduce us to our contact within the Society."

He looks at the dwarf. "I could also use a drink. Is this place not a lodge? I think they should have ale in there somewhere."

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Ixius wrote:

"My name is Ixius and the lady here is Sykala." Ixius says to Korian. "We come from Absalom and are supposed to meet some fellow adventurers who are supposed to introduce us to our contact within the Society."

He looks at the dwarf. "I could also use a drink. Is this place not a lodge? I think they should have ale in there somewhere."

The dwarf sticks out a meaty hand. "Ovirid. Pleased t' be fer meetin' ye. If there be ale wit'in, yon woman seems t' be determined t' be sure Ah'm not seein' it, but m' ol' friend 'ere 'as arranged my entry. Ah'm sure 'e can be fer gettin' ye in, as well. 'e probably knows yer contact, fer that matter."

"Oh, 'n 'ello t' Lady Sykala," with that, he waves to the woman, completely overlooking the strange look she's giving him.

I think I was remiss with describing our representative from the stonefolk:

Ovirid is broadly built, even for a dwarf, and wears leather armor. On his back is a shield covered with a bird of prey motif grasping arrows in either claw. He has at least two, no three, axes on his belt or shoulder harness.

The woman blocking the door fades away like a good low level functionary.

The woman that approaches Ovirid is half a foot taller than five feet. Her tanned skin speaks of many hours out under the suns fiery gaze. The green scales that make up the armor she wears shimmer and give off an iridescent glow in the sunlight. Her faintly crouched posture gives off an air of constant wariness in this environ. Upon hearing her name from the otherwise indecipherable dwarf her piercing sky blue eyes meet his unflinchingly. As she approaches him her dark hair swirls about her head as if a playful wind sprite is sitting amongst the unkempt nest. Many of the bottles and vials made out of bone, gourds, and animal hides about her person sway with her walk but make very little sound as their fur wrappings serve to deaden it. She circles and crouches down behind him by placing the butt end of her spear in the ground to steady herself. Lightly tracing the shape of the bird on his shield with her fingertips, "Is eagle?"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sykala wrote:
Lightly tracing the shape of the bird on his shield with her fingertips, "Is eagle?"

With surprising grace for one of his bulk, the dwarf shrugs out of the shield so they can both look at it. "Aye, lassie, Ah like t' think so. 'tis a fine piece o' work 'n 'as saved more than one life with it's protections. Ye know a bit 'bout eagles, Ah reckon?"

Able to catch most of his meaning she smiles and nods. Shifting her attention from the shield to Ovirid she studies his face and beard closely. Recalling several crude jokes the sailors on her journey had told about "the only things dwarves were good for" that had to be explained to her in great detail for her to understand she touches his beard. The beard was soft and not good for scrubbing decks at all! Of course, these explanations were another favorite pastime for the mariners as they took bets on whether or not she would 'get it'. She then asks, "You...dwarf?"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sykala wrote:

A little taken aback by this stranger touching his beard, it's his turn to not understand for a moment, "Wha..? Oh, heh, aye, lassie, Ah'm a dwarf. Never seen a stonefolk afore, 'ave you?"

With one big paw, he reaches up and gently removes her hand from his beard and, patting it just as gently with the other hand, he says, "Ah should be fer tellin' ye, most dwarves don't take kindly t' some'un touchin' their beard wit'out askin'. Ye might be fine, but yer better t' be fer askin' first. D' ye understand me?"

Assuming he gets her assent, he lifts his beard up so she can examine at the many beads and braids it's been decorated with. "'is one 'ere is from m' father's father. Notice the fine workmanship? 'e could work stone like no one Ah've seen since. 'n this one is from 'n ol' friend - older than 'is fellow 'ere by decades. Enchanted it fer me once, but th' magic's worn off now. Ah jes' keep it fer memories. See 'ow 'is braid and 'is one 'r different? M' family was 'ealers, 'n 'at braid was 'eir sign, Ah guess. Ah wear the braid in 'eir memory..." At that, his eyes get a little sad and you can tell that he's thinking back, perhaps a long way back.

Furrowing her brow while concentrating on what he is saying she shakes her head and then slowly nods as she is able to infer most of his meaning from his body language. She curiously examines each of the beads, stones and braids as they are proffered to her. When he becomes sad she in turn shows the colorful feathers adorning where the head of her spear and shaft meet, "This find nest that fall.....this jungle bird.....this eagle one mine. I lose when rabbit I hunt make big fight." She laughs recalling that hunt.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sykala wrote:
"This find nest that fall.....this jungle bird.....this eagle one mine. I lose when rabbit I hunt make big fight." She laughs recalling that hunt.

Ovirid snaps visibly back to the present. this eagle one mine??? Then, with a laugh, "Oho! Lass, would ye be one o' those droods? Can change int' animals and such? Ah've ne'er 'ad the pleasure! Ah guess we're both fer bein' unusual, eh?" He chuckles for a moment before leaning in to study her spear's decorations closely. Seriously, he says, "Those 'r fine totems, lass. Where were ye and yer friend Icksus headed t'?"

After Ovirid repeats himself because of the initial blank look receives, "Path-find-er place. Here." She points to the building. "You Path-find-er, yes?"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sykala wrote:
After Ovirid repeats himself because of the initial blank look receives, "Path-find-er place. Here." She points to the building. "You Path-find-er, yes?"

"Me? No, Ovirid is no Pathfinder, but ye're at the right place. Me friend Korian here, 'e's th' Pathfinder. Ah've not gotten through th' door yet. Shall we be fer goin' in? 'ow about you, Icksus?"

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

Having followed with a smile the curious and amusing discussion between his Dwarven friend and the wild-looking woman, Korian takes his cue and introduces himself, answering both the man calling himself Ixsus and the woman Sykala at the same time.
"Indeed I am a member of the glorious Pathfinder Society and, if you be the people I think you to be, then I am likely that contact you were here to meet. But please, the day is hot and you have yet to wash the dust of travel off of you. I would be most remiss as host if I did not address those concerns immediately."

Opening the door with one hand and spreading his other wide in invitation Korian says grandly "Please, I beg you come within. You shall find shelter, shade and water here. You are my guests and we have many exciting things to discuss" and he lowers his voice to reach their ears only as he adds "and there are far too many curious ears outside for us to discuss our business privately."

Once all have entered, Korian will task one of the servants to bring food, refreshingly cool wet towels and everyone's drink of choice as he leads his guests to a comfortable room where they can rest, relax and converse in private. Catching hold of the woman from outside before she can disappear completely he indicates to her that he is expecting at least two more guests. Giving their names and description to the best of his ability, he instructs her to lead them to the room he shall be in the moment they arrive.

Male Halfling Ranger 1/Cleric 4

It should be noted that traveling with Ixius and Sykala is a halfling. His hair has been bleached blonde from sun, and he wears comfortable traveling clothing that looks a little too warm for the southern climate, yet he doesn't seem to be sweating or hot. He has been quite distracted by the wonders of the busy new city that is Sothis, but he finally realizes things are happening and he steps forward to introduce himself.

Greetings, my name Fippin. I'm a follower of Desra and an avid explorer. Your hospitality is much appreciated.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

"Ah! I hadn't realized that you were with the others! My apologies. Yes yes come inside as well, you are most welcome friend Fippin. You too are my guest and I offer you shelter, shade and water."

Korian amends to the woman that now he is only expecting one more guest.

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

Ixius enjoys the exchange between Sykala and Korvid, amused that she has never seen a dwarf before.

He then takes a seat in the room in the lounge and sips an ale while he awaits the last member of the party.

Sykala pauses with obvious trepidation before entering the building. Once Fippen and Ixius join her she is able to overcome her misgivings and enter with them. Approaching Korian inside she says, "You tell about trouble elementals? Un-us-ual weather? Ron-not tell me ask you." She looks at him expectantly.

Sykala wrote:
Sykala pauses with obvious trepidation before entering the building. Once Fippen and Ixius join her she is able to overcome her misgivings and enter with them. Approaching Korian inside she says, "You tell about trouble elementals? Un-us-ual weather? Ron-not tell me ask you." She looks at him expectantly.



The hot, dry, dusty wind called khamsin (or khamaseen, as your tribe pronounces it) are caused by battles between elemental forces. This year they were unusually strong. The shifting of the sands that resulted unearthed several pyramids not seen for years (some lost for 10 years, some lost for 500). One complex, called the Four Pharoahs of Ascension has not been seen in 40 years. The Pathfinders are interested in it because the khamsin seem localized on it.

Male Halfling Ranger 1/Cleric 4

wasn't Hurg a dwarf

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Fippin wrote:
wasn't Hurg a dwarf

Wasn't he bald as a melon, though? Ovirid is a traditionally hirsute fellow, so I'm sure there's a bit of difference in their appearance.

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Fippin wrote:
wasn't Hurg a dwarf
Wasn't he bald as a melon, though? Ovirid is a traditionally hirsute fellow, so I'm sure there's a bit of difference in their appearance.

Hurg was a dwarf but he was hairless and his speech only took a Scottish bent when he was complaining, "She canna take any more, captain. She's gonna blow!"

lol, yep. Sykala always thought of him as a short fat human. She still doesn't realize he was a dwarf.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

Korian turns to answer Sykala, and as he begins to speak, his eyes light up in obvious excitement at the subject matter "Yes, it would be my pleasure to explain! I had hoped to have all of you I had been expecting present at once to go over the reason for your summons but I suppose our missing member can be caught up to speed later. If you are indeed a Druid as my friend Orovid surmises lovely Sykala, than surely you have some awareness of the many elemental forces of our world. What most foreigners are unaware of though is that the hot, dry, dusty Khamaseen winds our deserts are famous for are actually caused by battles between the very elemental forces themselves. This year the winds have been unusually strong. The shifting of the sands that has resulted from this has unearthed several pyramids, many of which have not been seen for ages, even as long as 500 years ago!"

Korian's enthusiasm seems to peak as he leans forward and finishes "One complex in particular, called the 'Four Pharoahs of Ascension', has not been seen in 40 years and The Pathfinders are interested in it because the Khamsin, and therefore the elementals, seem localized on it. If you accept, as I hope you do, our task shall be to investigate this complex, discover the reason the elementals have focused their attention on it and, most importantly, rescue whatever ancient relics of power may yet be there before other...less scrupulous parties...beat us to it."

The young man then leans back, his avid, intelligent eyes searching for the faces of all of his guests for their various reactions.

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