The Witch is Dead (Inactive)

Game Master Dave Chua

Campaign page for the one-page RPG The Witch is Dead.

Once upon a time there was a kind and wise and beautiful witch who lived in the woods with her familiars, and her life was peaceful and happy until a witch hunter dragged her out of her cottage and MURDERED her and now she's DEAD!

But if you get revenge and kill him and bring his eyes to her corpse within a week she'll come back to life. Or so you've heard. Even if it doesn't work, at least he's dead.

Am running the one-page RPG The Witch is Dead, written by Grant Howitt who did Goblin Quest and co-wrote the latest version of Paranoia. Looking for three to four players; posting rate should be once a day. Will just go on a first come first served basis. I hope to finish the game in a a month to six weeks.

Link to the RPG:

You play a cute woodland animal with four traits: Clever, Sly, Fierce, Quick with a flashy power.

More details at the link.
The animal and powers for every player should be unique.

Let me know if any questions.

Dotting! This seems pretty entertaining.

Animal: 1d10 ⇒ 10 Rat, C1 F0 S2 Q2
Magic: 1d10 ⇒ 6 Make Flame

So I'm a rat that can set things on fire. I like it.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds like fun! Lets give it a whirl! Do we have to roll, or can you just choose your animal and power?? (either is fine with me)


Something I have always wanted to play but have not yet had the chance to play is that of a songbird bard. A little twitterpater who flys around and sings.

Any chance I could be a bird instead of rolling? Please?

In case I have to roll, here are my rolls.
Are there any Anmimals in here?: 1d10 ⇒ 1 Nope. Just foxes in here >_>
Did dat Anmimal just...: 1d10 ⇒ 3 Speak?

So I would have a speaking fox who is clever and fierce ^_^
Sounds adorable.

Dark Archive

Dot for great interest, just looking over the link and such, this post is subject to edit.
I is animal: 1d10 ⇒ 3-*Ribbit*
Has much Powers: 1d10 ⇒ 4-Lock/Unlock, Open/Close.

*Ribbit* Best Excape Artist! *Ribbit* I is a sly theiving toad who can open doors and locks!

Liberty's Edge I might as well

Animal: 1d10 ⇒ 6 = Hare
Power: 1d10 ⇒ 1 = Unseen hand

Just call me fiver!!!

animal: 1d10 ⇒ 5 owl
power: 1d10 ⇒ 9 distract/confuse

A distracting owl. Who?

Great. Looks like we have enough players. Will cap it at five. Alex, Gobo, Daniel, William, Legit welcome to the game. Now for witch hunter hunting...

Recruiting is closed for now. Might run another game of this in the future.

This is the first PBP I'm GMing here. So if players post in the Discussion thread and then the gameplay thread they'll be subscribed yeah?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

sounds like a lot of fun, wish I'd seen this sooner... I hope you all enjoy!

@GM yeah posting subs you
EDIT: only in gameplay thread

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