The Walking Dead of Golarion, by GM Fiendish

Game Master Fiendish Zen

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Hp 45/45 :: L1 spells 5/5:L2 spells 2/2: Perf rounds 12/12 Hum/Chlx Bard(archvst)4 Rog 3
Conc+6; longsword +8 (1d8+2/19-20)/ sling +7 (1d4+1) /init+2/F3-R9-W5

"If I might have your attention, everyone," Valex calls to the village. He finds some bit of debris to stand on, and settles into to his public speaking, letting his voice carry through the compound.

"This night must be, for all of you, disturbing, upsetting, frightening, maddening...a night of chaos and blood and fear. We have no wish to bring any more chaos or fear.

My friends and I have been striving, just like you, to survive in our grim new world. Since the Harvest, we have fought, lost, and suffered, just like you.

But our goal, always, was to fight the Whspering Way and their horde of undead. to retain our essential...He nearly says 'humanity', but his gaze travels over Lilith and Flynn"...personhood. When the long night is over, we hope, at the dawn, to be able to look into the mirror and live with what we see.

We have encountered the cultists of the way. Worse, we have found them infiltrating the few safe places that we have found, working to destroy or corrupt the last few free people that they find. And we will ALWAYS oppose them, where we find them. Will will oppose those that would debase, enslave, corrupt those of us that remain. Whatever race , nation, or creed, our slim hope rests on uniting - on not becoming worse than the monsters.

And so we intervened this night. The horrors here must not be allowed to continue. The one that lead you to them is gone. The being she called the Master was NOT her master - it was her servant. This Summoner lead you astray - and I would not be surprised to learn if she had ties to our Enemy. No matter - that day is over.

Now, my friends and I are preparing to take the fight to the Whispering Way. This world, after the Harvest, we shall no longer abide. Join us. There is yet hope.

Join us."

And now, turning over the effort of that wall of text to the cruel, cruel dice gods...

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23


As Lenneth listens to Valex's words, she begins to feel some measure of her old spirit starting to return.

That's right...we have to live with what we do, or don't do. And you couldn't have lived with yourself if you'd let Feldus or anyone else be eaten without trying to stop it.

After his speech is finished, Lenneth furrows her brow for a moment before opening her mouth to speak as well. "There are also lands beyond here that aren't blighted, despite what others might have said. Some of us have traveled far and seen much, but the land and the water still live even if little else does. We want to preserve that and, Gods be willing if they're still listening, maybe even heal this patch of land. There's one among us who is knowledgeable in the ways of nature and might be able to offer insight as to what's happened here."

Please let some of this sink in. Please...

"And like my companion said, we don't want to fight any of you. But...eating flesh..." she shakes her head. "It's like what I said earlier - do that and the only difference between you and the groaners is that you've still got a pulse. We're all better than that."

Diplomacy (Aid Another; Valex): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

As crazy as it sounds given how rare and powerful that mace is, none of us can really use it. Valex or Feldus are probably best placed

Flynn stays silent during the speeches. And whilst he holds his lance point up, he can feel the tension in Skyfall beneath him.

He scans the crowd, looking for any sign of aggression or anything out of the ordinary.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Witches are proficient in simple weapons like a mace. Lenneth can use it.

Lilith, aware of how the people of this place might perceive, her stands back near the fence, gazing not at the village but at the path one previously in her group took leaving her. She says nothing.

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Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

As the rest of the party looks to him to add a few words of support, Feldus finds himself at a loss for words, despite his earlier promise to speak to these villagers...the ones who wanted to eat him!

As he stares out at the villagers he clenches his hands visibly before taking a long breath.

Well, here goes...

"Look, I am not one for speeches, so I'll just say this quick. If it weren't for these folks, I would be in your stewpot. So I have the most reason here to hate your guts! Still...if these guys are willing to forgive you then I can do the same. I don't want to stick your hearts on a skewer anymore..." His voice trails off...

At least not yet! These bastards never gave me a chance!

Diplomancy (Aid another, Valex): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

I'll take the ring, But i really don't think i'll get a lot of use out of it only outside of wildshape.

Melo steps forward looking out at the crowed. "I just want to finish off by saying that we want to help! We came here to help, we will find the cause of this blight and cure it, this is your redemption. I still have a link to nature please trust us.

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Flynn's scanning of the crowd reveals no hidden threats, they really do just seem to be a throng of malnourished villagers.

Valex's call for attention brings a few folk from the doorways of the huts, and as he continues speaking, more file out to better hear his words.

Suspicion turns to caution, and they seem to be following the speech along. Caution even gives way to a sense of hope in their eyes as Valex speaks of joining together, of fighting back even.

As Lenneth adds her voice to Valex's, talking of replenishing the land, a small group of grimy children even step forward, their gaunt faces looking earnestly at you all, the shining heroes in their own personal tales. As Melo and Feldus speak, one boy steps forward towards the druid, visibly trembling as his peers look on with fear in their eyes.

Is there any food please?

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

Melo stares down at the small boy torn at his plight. He kneels getting down to the boys level. "I'm Melo." He smiles at the boy offering his hand, while calling Cyn over. "Don't be afraid, this is Cyn my friend she's big but she's very soft and kind when you get to know her." Cyn slumps down in front of Melo and the boy accepting their affection.

"We don't have food to feed you all now, but I promise you if we all work together you will be going to bed each night with a full stomach. Cyn and I will protect you and make sure you have food but it will take time." He looks on at the boy hoping promise of change will help him.

Friendish i assume we don't have any food either, But if so Melo will go without if we do.

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

Feldus turns and walks away from the villagers, as he is barely able to control his tongue here.

NO! Keep a hold of yerself here! You NEED KNOW you do! You cannot do this on yer own anymore...Let them help you...

The voice bubbling up from his consciousness surprises him and also scared him too. He had not heard from her for a long while...not since... that you?"

Melo: You have as much food as the party is currently carrying in their packs. Pentos had some trail rations (2) in his satchel, Mallis advises what remains of the Solace group has 3 trail rations total. You are all hungry, but at least you have eaten today already.

Lilith: Pentos' gear includes a satchel with several scrolls in: Endure elements (communal), knock, twilight knife also searing light, holy smite

The hope in the boy's eyes, and those of the children around him, dies even aas the words spill from Melo's mouth. His shoulders slump and he flashes a nervous smile, before dejectedly walking back to his group. The groups of people start to murmur among themselves and for the most part they return to their huts, though a few stay out, possibly just to keep an eye on what you are doing.

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Without saying another word, Flynn finds an empty hut, unsaddles Skyfall and the pair roost together, at least warm in eachothers company even if both have empty stomachs.

I'm pretty sure Flynn has 0 food


Yeah, if I remember right most of us had terrible luck trying to forage earlier and all we ended up with was the rotten/diseased fish...

Lenneth feels her heart sink as the children walk away dejected and hungry, but says nothing. She turns to the others. "It's been...been a day, and it's late. Let's set watches and get what sleep we can; there's not much else we can do tonight. In the morning we can start figuring out where to go from here."

She does give the gaping hole in the wall a worried look, but there's little that can be done about it now. At least the pit and the bear traps are there; if any groaners wander up in the night she knows that one or the other will surely get them.

And at least we've got some shelter from the elements tonight.

OK if no-one has anything else to say we'll move things on, I'll presume you're on your standard watches, and that you all sleep in the same spare hut as Flynn and Skyfall have just claimed.

With your stomachs finally settled from their earlier discomfort, the night passes. When dawn comes however, you feel like you have only just closed your eyes, and sleep is hard to shake off, you feel dog tired.

Special note: you do NOT regain any hit points or attribute damage overnight

The rest of the village is also slow to rise, as you exit your hut several people are just standing in the middle of the village square talking in hushed tones. As you appear they glance over and start talking animatedly once more.

As you wake, it is as if you are struggling to surface from a swim underwater, lungs burning, limbs aching, the air scant inches from you, yet you can't... quite... reach...

...then a slim hand grasps your wrist and pulls you with otherwordly strength, dragging you upwards and into an explosion of light, warmth... and air.

Breathing heavily, and now fully awake, your first instinct is to check Aura is ok. Only she isn't. She isn't next to you at all...

...instead you see a young girl, maybe six or seven summers old... dark hair... darker eyes... she's staring at you in wonder.

There is a scream and an old woman runs out of one of the huts near the edge of the village, clutching her face. Even from this distance it's obvious she has blood on her.

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

Melo is quick to his feet the night bringing very little sleep. "Wake up!" He shouts grabbing a club, calling Cyn then running towards the woman. "Whats happened?!"

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Just one night.... just one night of peace... Flynn thinks, his eyes still closed though he is very much roused from sleep by the screams.

Come on Skyfall, up, up! he coaxes, grabbing his lance.

He had long since stopped removing his armor to sleep so simply snataches up Sender and quickly saddles Skyfall. After a few moments he leaves the hut to see what the commotion is about.

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

"Lauri...NOOOO....STOP..." Feldus thrashes and moans as the nightmare grips him once again. Her dying screams fill his ears before he suddenly realizes he is now awake and hearing another's screams.

Dragging himself to his feet he reaches down to grab his pack and weapons from the corner of the hut he claimed earlier and moves slowly to the clearing following his rescuers.

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Feldus, did you rest in the same hut as the rest of us? I.e. did I just hear that outburst?

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

Yeah Feldus would have rested in the same hut with you guys...assuming you all can stand his BO he he. Feel free to react to his outbursts if you wish :)


Also assuming we don't regain any spells but what about Lenn's hex uses?

Lenneth heard the screams even through the veil of sleep and dreams; two different voices, one slightly familiar, but both oddly muffled and distorted, as though she were hearing them from underwater. But somehow, she couldn't wake no matter how hard she struggled. Lungs burning and entire body aching, she felt as if she were drowning...but then she felt a hand close on her wrist and pull mightily...

With a mighty gasp, Lenneth's eyes snap open and she looks around the small hut almost in a panic. Even though her eyes register the others scrambling to their feet and her ears the panicked screams coming from somewhere outside, she instinctively turns to check on Aura. And stops, her eyes wide.

"Who...wh...?" she stammers, staring at the little girl with surprise and confusion.

Lenneth and other spell users: spells are recovered as usual, none of you have had a chance to do your hour's morning study as yet. Lenneth... your hexes have not recovered, in fact the connection to your powers feels... exhausted. Where there are normally whispers and feelings just below the surface of your mind, this day there is nothing but silence.

Melo, Flynn and Feldus approach the woman, and are there in moments. It's clear to see the indented teeth marks and torn flesh of her cheek, she's been bitten... she continues to hold her cheek, appearing to be in deep shock.

Inside the dark recesses of the hut she came running from, there is silence.


Lenneth stares at the girl, who stares back calmly. At the witch's confused murmurings, the girl reaches out and lays a hand on her cheek

It's ok... mother...

She smiles and sits up. Glancing down at the goosebumps covering her skin with surprise, she pulls a blanket around herself and glances back up to meet Lenneth's gaze again.

If it's not too much trouble, I'd quite like some clothes please.

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

She's been bitten. Flynn says. Get her away from the others! I'll check the hut.

Skyfall hops quickly over to the open hut. Not able to use his lance in there effectively, Flynn instead opts for his longsword and pulls it free of it's scabbard.

He cranes his neck, and peers inside.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

Feldus sees the bite on the woman and utters a vicious curse. Knowing his rapier is useless against the zombie that could be lurking in the hut, he draws his handaxe.

Wait, it could be just a groaner...but what if...

As Flynn approaches the hut Feldus places a hand on his shoulder. Placing a finger to his lips, he mouths to the halfling, Hold up. Allow me.... He then mutters some arcane syllables under his breath and his eyes glow with an eerie pale light.

Cast Detect Undead and moves behind Feldus and scans the inside of the hut.

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Flynn nods and shifts the grip on his sword's hilt, betraying his tension


As the girl lays her hand on Lenneth's cheek, she stares back into the pair of dark eyes that regard her calmly. "Aura?" she whispers. "How...?"

What's happened? Indigo? I feel...weak...

Though her thoughts are jumbled, she blinks as the girl points out her lack of clothing. "Oh! Um, right..." she mumbles as she looks around hastily for something to cover the girl with. For lack of anything better, she settles on some of the clothing recovered from the slain individuals from the night before. "I know they're big, but they'll do for now until we can see about altering them to fit better," she chatters as she does her best to tuck sleeves and roll pant legs. Some part of her realizes that under the circumstances she really should be asking a lot more questions but after everything that's happened lately, what's one more unexplained phenomena?

Maybe I'm going crazy. This is how people try to convince themselves that they're not going crazy, right?


As his mistress sets about clothing the young girl, Indigo approaches the child cautiously and gives her a sniff.

Is this Aura? A human child...or something else?

Sense Motive (Little Girl): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Flynn can hear the telltale sounds of something... feeding...

Feldus' enhanced senses blaze with surety... inside the hut is the faint aura of something undead.


Indigo: she smells... like Aura, only without the kitten smell...

Aura holds up a hand to stop Lenneth as she approaches holding the bloodstained and torn rags, eyeing them with equal parts fear and distaste. She scoots across the floor away from Lenneth as she offers the garments. Pulling the blanket closer around her shoulders she stares at the floor.

Never mind, I'm fine

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Flynn doesn't need to hear the sounds of snuffling and tearing flesh to know something is wrong in the Hut. Feldus look says all that, a look the halfling has seen all too many times.

He encourages Sky into the Hut, looking for what he knows must be in there.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

Melo bares his teeth at the woman. "Down on your knees, you've been bitten we might be able to save you but you have to stay here!" He looks into the hut and shouts. "Shout if you need me!" He then stands over the woman making sure no one other village goes in or anything gets out.


Strange...but not a danger. Not right now.

As Aura wraps the blanket tighter around herself, Indigo gives the child a soft head bunt and then calmly turns to look at Lenneth.


As Aura shrinks away from the offered clothing, Lenneth silently chastises herself. Though she'd been in close proximity to a number of horrors in her short life, until this morning she'd been too young to really understand or register very much of it. But now it was different and many of the things that Lenneth had grown to take for granted, such as making use of any and everything available, were new to Aura.

"Right...of course you wouldn't want to wear something like this," she sighs quietly. "I'm sorry. Maybe this will be better, until we can find something else," she continues, taking off her worn but serviceable wolf-fur coat. As she works at trying bundle Aura up, a shout from outside grabs her attention; Melo's voice.

Damn! There's something happening out there!

"Stay right here, okay?" she whispers. "I'm going to have a look outside and see what's happening. Don't worry, I won't leave you and Indigo is right here with you too." As she speaks she draws her dagger and moves to stand in the doorway to the hut, trying to see what's going on outside.

Hp 45/45 :: L1 spells 5/5:L2 spells 2/2: Perf rounds 12/12 Hum/Chlx Bard(archvst)4 Rog 3
Conc+6; longsword +8 (1d8+2/19-20)/ sling +7 (1d4+1) /init+2/F3-R9-W5

"Da#$N!" Valex mutters. He dart toward the hut into which Flynn is entering.

As Flynn's eyes adjust to the dim light inside the hut, his nostrils flare at the stink of ripped open corpses. There is a lone zombie knelt down by the corpses, busily chewing away. It has yet to notice the ranger. Valex joins Flynn in the doorway and sees the zombie continuing to eat.

Your eyes are drawn to a small wound on the zombie, a puncture mark in its throat. The half-dozen people in this tent didn't just randomly turn, someone killed one of them and let the result take care of the rest.

As Melo tries to console the old woman, she just sits on the floor moaning and holding her bleeding cheek.

Aura smiles brightly at Indigo and then strokes him contentedly. She looks up with gratitude to Lenneth and accepts the wolf-fur coat, buckling it across her it is somewhat oversize, but she somehow makes it fit like a long cloak. She nods as Lenneth moves to the door of the hut and watches the commotion outside.

More of the villagers have come out of their huts and are looking across with concern, but none have yet summoned the courage to approach you.

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Without hesitation, Flynn steps forward and tries to drive his short blade into the skull of the zombie. He sees the puncture wound on it’s neck but he knows he has to deal with the most immediate problem.

Mswk Longsword, PA, FE: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Damage: 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Valex, Feldus. This Walker didn’t turn on it’s own. Someone killed him and let him turn to kill the others! We have to deal with them now before they rise or this could spread quickly. he lowers his voice to barely a whisper then. The same goes for the old woman outside. he says grimly, his voice tinged with sadness and resignation. We don’t want another situation like Ashleigh’s...

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

As Flynn mentions the walker's origins to him, he pales and reflexively grip the haft of his axe.

A sleeper! It is the only way...the Cult has agents everywhere...

Once Flynn disappears inside the hut Feldus fingers the heavy sap in his other hand as he glares at the other villagers before staring at the old woman grimly.

Her fat is sealed but we need to know who started this.

He leans forward into her face heedless of her sobs. "Who did this to you? Who killed the walker?"

While he waits for a reply from the woman, he barks to Flynn. "Try to find the blade that killed it."

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Assuming Flynn killed the zombie...

The halfling moves among the bodies systematically, putting his blade through the skull of each before they have a chance to rise.

The blade? Why, what difference might that make, Feldus? he remembered the man's anguished cries in his sleep and seeing his pallor blanch, wonders if he is still feeling the effects of whatever nightmare took him.


From the doorway to their hut, Lenneth watches as Melo tries to console the old woman while at the same time Feldus attempts to get some information out of her. Clearly in all the ruckus of whatever had been going on out here, no one else had noticed the change that had come over Aura. Throwing what she hoped was a reassuring smile over her shoulder, she slowly moves outside and over to Valex and the others.

Keep an eye on her Indigo.

"What's happening? Was it a groaner?" she whispers, nodding towards the bleeding woman. "I wouldn't have thought any would have been able to make their way past the pit and those bear traps outside!"

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

Melo stands his ground not wanting anyone else in the village to get involved or get hurt. "Please stay back, we don't want anyone else to get hurt. We'll get to the bottom of this and find out what's going on." He then looks back at the woman and Feldus. "I tried to charm her down hoping we could get some information out of her. Is it bad in there?"

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

"You are missing the point! WHO killed the groaner, that is the question we need to ask!" Feldus hisses in anger...and yet there is an undercurrent of fear as well

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

Melo bares his teeth at Feldus outburst and Cyn instantly copies his behavior, getting low to the ground ready to pounce. "We don't need to start panicking! That's what they want, sowing fear among us all. We have to show the others that while we live in hard times we can't fear the dark things we'll get to the bottom of this. He then pats Cyn.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Lilith slept fitfully thought the short night and its obvious to others in the hut that her dreams were not pleasant. At one point she called out the name Hawk!?! loud enough to wake those light sleepers near her.

By rote she wakes with the sun and is sitting cross legged in the entryway of the cabin, a spellbook in her lap when the woman comes running out holding her cheek. It takes Lilith a long moment to react. But eventually she stands and looking about as if seeing the village for the first time says to no one in particular This is hopeless. Its all hopeless. How can we help these people. Look what they do to themselves. She just stands there unable to make herself move to the threat.

Flynn, it was defenseless and preoccupied, such things can be disposed of in the narrative without rolling never fear :)

The zombie ceases eating, and moving at all, as Flynn's blade slides free. It slowly collapses across the corpse it was feasting on.

As Feldus shouts at the old woman, she blusters in fear as her eyes go wide

I don't know! I only just went in there to wake them!

As Flynn moves through the rest of the hut taking care of things, he easily finds a small, bloodstained dagger tucked under one of the corpses.

You recognise the colored scrap of cloth tied around the pommel... that's one of Turrey's daggers...

The rest of the village continues to keep its distance, though several look on in concern as Feldus shouts at the old woman, none of them come to her rescue.

Lance +12 | Favored Enemy: Undead +4 Human +2
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15, HP 55/59, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 vs. fear| Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 | Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Acrobatics -1, Handle Animal +12, Kn Nat +4, Perception +15, Ride +12, Stealth +13, Survival +11

Flynn closes the door carefully behind him and offers Feldus the dagger, it's presence explanation enough as to what has happened.

Dark Archive

Female Elven Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights

Recognizing the colored scrap of cloth tied around the pommel of the blade Lilith seems to snap Lilith out of her daze and she says That blade... Turry carried such a blade. How did it come to be here?

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

Feldus takes the blade and runs his fingers along the edge of it, noting the fresh blood on it. On hearing the news from Lilith, he whips around to face the elf wizard, the old woman completely forgotten.

"You...knew the owner? Turry you said?" His eyes dart around nervously as if expecting the unknown assailant to plunge another blade into his back. "When was the last time you saw him?" He asks, a not of urgency in his voice.


"She's right..." Lenneth breathes, a mixture of surprise and fear on her face. "Definitely Turrey's." How long had it been since Sandpoint? Weeks, maybe a month or two at the most but it felt like a lifetime ago. She hadn't had much chance to get to know the halfling before...

"He was killed," she says, speaking the last part out loud. She raises her eyes to meet Feldus'. "In Sandpoint. We...there was a battle with groaners and we lost track of him. Only a few minutes, but long enough." She takes a deep breath. "When we went back inside the building we'd been inspecting, we found his body. Neck snapped. And one of our other companions was missing, a hobgoblin named Shomari. I don't know for sure if he was the one that murdered Turrey, but...I can't think of many other alternatives that make much sense."

Has Shomari been here? He knew something of living off the land, didn't he?

"You knew Turrey? He told us he was once a priest of Desna, before the Harvest."

Hp 45/45 :: L1 spells 5/5:L2 spells 2/2: Perf rounds 12/12 Hum/Chlx Bard(archvst)4 Rog 3
Conc+6; longsword +8 (1d8+2/19-20)/ sling +7 (1d4+1) /init+2/F3-R9-W5

"That was right around the time We met the lot of you...Euron and I, that is..."

Valex trails off, remembering those lost since then.

Active Conditions: HP 33/33 HP; AC 17, t14, ff 15 ; Init +2; F+2, R +5, W +8; Perc +11; Stealth +12 | Low-light; Scent | Not hungry

Feldus ignores Valex, instead concentrating on Lenneth's words. He runs his fingers along the side of the dagger blade unheeding the blood that is now drying on his fingers.

"Turrey....halfling....dead? Could he have faked his death?...Possible...keep that in mind....Shomari...hobgoblin?...Cult? It is way to see any other possibility...but....BUT we are speaking of the Cult! Anything is possible with them!"

Seeing the others staring at his outburst brings him back to the present. He addresses Lenneth, "No, I did not know Turrey or Shomari for that matter. Never been to Sandpoint. Still I don't think the presence of your old companion's blade here is a coincidence, do you?" He asks in a biting tone.

Male Human Druid 7 | HP 66 | AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 | Fort+7,Ref+3,Will+7 | Init+1 | Perc+12

Melo continues to keep his eyes on Feldus his small outburst surprising the druid.

"This Shomari, do you know why he would have killed Turrey? As Feldus said this all seems a little too coincidental. Has anyone seen a hobgoblin in the village? "

Flynn never knew these men, Turrey and Shomari.

Why would they follow you here? Why attack now? he asks, mostly keeping his eye on the gathering crowd and moving closer to Lenneth.

Can anything be done for the old woman? he whispers, fearing he already knows the answer


Lenneth lowers her voice, largely to try and keep some semblance of peace and avoid scaring these villagers any more than they already were. "Nothing more than what we were trying to do for Ashleigh," she whispers quietly. "And we've already found how well that plan works with stress from travel and tainted food. Consider her age, too."

"And I don't know if anyone followed us or if we somehow managed to follow them," she adds, trying to avoid dwelling on the old woman's likely fate. "Turrey looked dead to me and Polo saw to it himself that he wouldn't rise again. If Turrey or Shomari or someone else somehow faked that, well...they're really good actors is all I can say."

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